unoapploader.c (599cc5b4) unoapploader.c (2e9bc605)
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 58 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

67 */
68int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
69 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
71 const char* ENVVARNAME = "PATH";
72 const char* PATHSEPARATOR = ";";
74 char const* path = NULL;
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 58 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

67 */
68int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
69 LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
71 const char* ENVVARNAME = "PATH";
72 const char* PATHSEPARATOR = ";";
74 char const* path = NULL;
75 char path2[MAX_PATH];
76 char* value = NULL;
77 char* envstr = NULL;
78 char* cmdline = NULL;
79 int size;
80 STARTUPINFO startup_info;
81 PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info;
75 char* value = NULL;
76 char* envstr = NULL;
77 char* cmdline = NULL;
78 int size;
79 STARTUPINFO startup_info;
80 PROCESS_INFORMATION process_info;
82 BOOL bCreate;
81 BOOL bCreate;
84 (void) hInstance; /* unused */
85 (void) hPrevInstance; /* unused */
86 (void) nCmdShow; /* unused */
88 /* get the path of the UNO installation */
89 path = getPath();
83 (void) hInstance; /* unused */
84 (void) hPrevInstance; /* unused */
85 (void) nCmdShow; /* unused */
87 /* get the path of the UNO installation */
88 path = getPath();
91 if ( path != NULL )
92 {
90 if ( path != NULL )
91 {
93 wchar_t cmd[
94 MY_LENGTH(L"\"") + MAX_PATH +
95 MY_LENGTH(L"\\unoinfo.exe\" c++")];
96 /* hopefully does not overflow */
97 int pathsize;
99 HANDLE temp;
100 HANDLE stdoutRead;
101 HANDLE stdoutWrite;
102 STARTUPINFOW startinfo;
104 int ret;
105 cmd[0] = L'"';
106 pathsize = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, cmd + 1, MAX_PATH);
107 if (pathsize == 0) {
108 writeError("Error: MultiByteToWideChar failed!\n");
109 closeErrorFile();
110 return 1;
111 }
112 if (wcschr(cmd + 1, L'"') != NULL) {
113 writeError("Error: bad characters in UNO installation path!\n");
114 closeErrorFile();
115 return 1;
116 }
117 wcscpy(
118 cmd + pathsize,
119 (L"\\unoinfo.exe\" c++" +
120 (pathsize == 1 || cmd[pathsize - 1] != L'\\' ? 0 : 1)));
121 sec.nLength = sizeof (SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
122 sec.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
123 sec.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
124 if (CreatePipe(&temp, &stdoutWrite, &sec, 0) == 0 ||
125 DuplicateHandle(
126 GetCurrentProcess(), temp, GetCurrentProcess(), &stdoutRead, 0,
128 {
129 writeError("Error: CreatePipe/DuplicateHandle failed!\n");
130 closeErrorFile();
131 return 1;
132 }
133 memset(&startinfo, 0, sizeof (STARTUPINFOW));
134 startinfo.cb = sizeof (STARTUPINFOW);
135 startinfo.lpDesktop = L"";
136 startinfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
137 startinfo.hStdOutput = stdoutWrite;
138 ret = CreateProcessW(
139 NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &startinfo, &procinfo);
140 if (ret != 0) {
141 char * buf = NULL;
142 size_t n = 1000;
143 size_t k = 0;
144 DWORD exitcode;
145 int path2size;
146 CloseHandle(stdoutWrite);
147 CloseHandle(procinfo.hThread);
148 for (;;) {
149 DWORD m;
150 buf = realloc(buf, n);
151 if (buf == NULL) {
152 writeError(
153 "Error: out of memory reading unoinfo output!\n");
154 closeErrorFile();
155 return 1;
156 }
157 if (!ReadFile(stdoutRead, buf + k, n - k, &m, NULL))
158 {
159 DWORD err = GetLastError();
160 if (err == ERROR_HANDLE_EOF || err == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) {
161 break;
162 }
163 writeError("Error: cannot read unoinfo output!\n");
164 closeErrorFile();
165 return 1;
166 }
167 if (m == 0) {
168 break;
169 }
170 k += m;
171 if (k >= n) {
172 if (n >= SAL_MAX_SIZE / 2) {
173 writeError(
174 "Error: out of memory reading unoinfo output!\n");
175 closeErrorFile();
176 return 1;
177 }
178 n *= 2;
179 }
180 }
181 if ((k & 1) == 1) {
182 writeError("Error: bad unoinfo output!\n");
183 closeErrorFile();
184 return 1;
185 }
186 CloseHandle(stdoutRead);
187 if (!GetExitCodeProcess(procinfo.hProcess, &exitcode) ||
188 exitcode != 0)
189 {
190 writeError("Error: executing unoinfo failed!\n");
191 closeErrorFile();
192 return 1;
193 }
194 if (k == 0) {
195 path2size = 0;
196 } else {
197 path2size = WideCharToMultiByte(
198 CP_ACP, 0, (wchar_t *) buf, k / 2, path2, MAX_PATH - 1,
199 NULL, NULL);
200 if (path2size == 0) {
201 writeError("Error: converting unoinfo output failed!\n");
202 closeErrorFile();
203 return 1;
204 }
205 }
206 path2[path2size] = '\0';
207 path = path2;
208 } else {
209 if (GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) {
210 writeError("Error: calling unoinfo failed!\n");
211 closeErrorFile();
212 return 1;
213 }
214 CloseHandle(stdoutRead);
215 CloseHandle(stdoutWrite);
216 }
92 /* The former code to call unoinfo first is removed because we can use the office path
93 from the registry or from the UNO_PATH variable directly.
94 Further cleanup can remove unoinfo from the installation when all places where it is
95 used are checked.
96 */
218 /* get the value of the PATH environment variable */
219 value = getenv( ENVVARNAME );
221 /*
222 * add the UNO installation path to the PATH environment variable;
223 * note that this only affects the environment variable of the current
224 * process, the command processor's environment is not changed
225 */

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275 * Gets the path of a UNO installation.
276 *
277 * @return the installation path or NULL, if no installation was specified or
278 * found, or if an error occured
279 */
280char const* getPath()
282 char const* path = cppuhelper_detail_findSofficePath();
98 /* get the value of the PATH environment variable */
99 value = getenv( ENVVARNAME );
101 /*
102 * add the UNO installation path to the PATH environment variable;
103 * note that this only affects the environment variable of the current
104 * process, the command processor's environment is not changed
105 */

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155 * Gets the path of a UNO installation.
156 *
157 * @return the installation path or NULL, if no installation was specified or
158 * found, or if an error occured
159 */
160char const* getPath()
162 char const* path = cppuhelper_detail_findSofficePath();
284 if ( path == NULL )
285 writeError( "Warning: getting path from Windows Registry failed!\n" );
287 return path;
291 * Creates the command line for the application process including the absolute

--- 128 unchanged lines hidden ---
164 if ( path == NULL )
165 writeError( "Warning: getting path from Windows Registry failed!\n" );
167 return path;
171 * Creates the command line for the application process including the absolute

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