aoo-ant.xml (8cb913c4) aoo-ant.xml (a622bb93)
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

--- 107 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

116 target="${java.baseline.version}"
117 debug="${main.debug}"
118 debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
119 deprecation="${main.deprecation}"
120 classpathref="main.classpath"
121 includeantruntime="false"/>
122 </target>
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 *
4 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
6 * distributed with this work for additional information
7 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
8 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

--- 107 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

116 target="${java.baseline.version}"
117 debug="${main.debug}"
118 debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
119 deprecation="${main.deprecation}"
120 classpathref="main.classpath"
121 includeantruntime="false"/>
122 </target>
124 <target name="test-check">
125 <local name="tests.present"/>
126 <available type="dir" file="${test.src.dir}" property="tests.present"/>
127 <echo message="No tests" unless:set="tests.present"/>
124 <macrodef name="check-test">
125 <sequential>
126 <local name="tests.present"/>
127 <available type="dir" file="${test.src.dir}" property="tests.present"/>
128 <echo message="No tests" unless:set="tests.present"/>
129 <local name="only.junit.absent"/>
130 <condition property="only.junit.absent">
131 <and>
132 <isset property="tests.present"/>
133 <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
134 </and>
135 </condition>
136 <echo message="No junit, skipping tests" if:set="only.junit.absent"/>
130 <local name="only.junit.absent"/>
131 <condition property="only.junit.absent">
132 <and>
133 <isset property="tests.present"/>
134 <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
135 </and>
136 </condition>
137 <echo message="No junit, skipping tests" if:set="only.junit.absent"/>
138 <condition property="test.skip">
139 <or>
140 <not><isset property="test.present"/></not>
141 <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
142 </or>
143 </condition>
144 </target>
139 <condition property="test.skip">
140 <or>
141 <not><isset property="test.present"/></not>
142 <not><isset property="OOO_JUNIT_JAR"/></not>
143 </or>
144 </condition>
145 </sequential>
146 </macrodef>
146 <target name="test-compile" depends="compile,idl,test-check">
148 <target name="test-compile" depends="compile,idl">
149 <check-test/>
147 <mkdir dir="${}" unless:set="test.skip"/>
148 <javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
149 destdir="${}"
150 source="${java.baseline.version}"
151 target="${java.baseline.version}"
152 debug="${test.debug}"
153 debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
154 deprecation="${test.deprecation}"

--- 56 unchanged lines hidden ---
150 <mkdir dir="${}" unless:set="test.skip"/>
151 <javac srcdir="${test.src.dir}"
152 destdir="${}"
153 source="${java.baseline.version}"
154 target="${java.baseline.version}"
155 debug="${test.debug}"
156 debuglevel="lines,vars,source"
157 deprecation="${test.deprecation}"

--- 56 unchanged lines hidden ---