Refs #i112383# and #i117960#. backporting to AOO41X . Can't cherry-pick due to file changes. Original commit messages and links follow: Found-by: andrew Patch-by: Damja
Refs #i112383# and #i117960#. backporting to AOO41X . Can't cherry-pick due to file changes. Original commit messages and links follow: Found-by: andrew Patch-by: Damjan Jovanovic i92642 added the ability to use certain keywords as variable names (eg. name = 1, line = 'hi'), but also caused a regression where "Line Input" is broken in single-line If statements. This patch fixes that by allowing Then and Else to also be the start-of-line tokens expected to immediately preceed the 'Line' token in order for that 'Line' token to be recognized a keyword instead of a variable name. Also added FVT spreadsheet tests for 'Line' as both a variable name and as 'Line Input'. Patch by: Damjan Jovanovic
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