History log of /trunk/ (Results 76 - 100 of 8532)
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ec1247ae23-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Finish Vector -> ArrayList conversion. Other minor fixes.

Patch by: me

b338ff5923-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Some modernization. Use ArrayList instead of Vector, String.split() instead of StringTokenizer.

Patch by: me

939b47ec23-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Fix the bad spacing in the Java files.

Patch by: me

83f0ba4123-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Make some helper method private and/or static.

Patch by: me

3bede71e22-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

We no longer get files from the class path.

Patch by: me

69dd60af22-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Further fixes.

Patch by: me

8173165822-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Preliminary compiling port of type detection test to junit.

Patch by: me

19ee18fd19-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Port the main/test module to gbuild and Ant. Also make it use Google Test instead of cppunit,
and delete the unoexceptionprotector library which was cppunit-specific and completely unused.

Port the main/test module to gbuild and Ant. Also make it use Google Test instead of cppunit,
and delete the unoexceptionprotector library which was cppunit-specific and completely unused.

Patch by: me

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c944cacc18-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up sot complex tests.

Patch by: me

a427578218-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up reportdesign complex tests.

Patch by: me

5971bc3518-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up the sc complex tests.

Patch by: me

64ded1b718-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up sfx2 complex tests.

Patch by: me

2e1a4f9318-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up forms complex tests.

Patch by: me

8b4dc8f118-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up the complex tests in the filter module.

Patch by: me

02a76d9118-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

dbaccess complex tests cleanup.

Patch by: me

d096138d17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Make the exception message more descriptive: if possible, describe why the
document could not be loaded.

Patch by: me

2062e9d717-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up the comphelper complex tests.

Patch by: me

100f033117-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up the bean complex tests.

Patch by: me

60509b5a17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Add package's complex tests to the build, and update them to use JUnit.

Patch by: me

9e73885b17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up ucb complex tests.

Patch by: me

5f34406617-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Clean up unotools complex tests.

Patch by: me

48d1b9e117-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Add vcl's persistent_window_states complex test to the build, which was also
left out during the gbuild port, and clean it up a bit.

Patch by: me

5c06146f17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Add vcl's memCheck complex test to the build, which was left out by Oracle/Sun
when they ported it to gbuild. Also fix some errors and get it fully working
without the qaooDev helper classes.

Add vcl's memCheck complex test to the build, which was left out by Oracle/Sun
when they ported it to gbuild. Also fix some errors and get it fully working
without the qaooDev helper classes. Pass the documents path from the Makefile
as the one from the code will be wrong for gbuild.

Patch by: me

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f107c74e17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Port sw's LoadSaveTest to JUnit, and fix the paths, and add it to
the list of other complex tests.

Patch by: me

3855178b17-Jun-2024 Damjan Jovanovic

Run the test in debug mode too, it no longer seems to crash.

Patch by: me
