118 typedef struct _ENVIRONMENT_DATABASE { struct
119 PSTR pszEnvironment; // 00h Pointer to Environment
120 DWORD un1; // 04h
121 PSTR pszCmdLine; // 08h Pointer to command line
122 PSTR pszCurrDirectory; // 0Ch Pointer to current directory
123 LPSTARTUPINFOA pStartupInfo;// 10h Pointer to STARTUPINFOA struct
124 HANDLE hStdIn; // 14h Standard Input
125 HANDLE hStdOut; // 18h Standard Output
126 HANDLE hStdErr; // 1Ch Standard Error
127 DWORD un2; // 20h
128 DWORD InheritConsole; // 24h
129 DWORD BreakType; // 28h
130 DWORD BreakSem; // 2Ch
131 DWORD BreakEvent; // 30h
132 DWORD BreakThreadID; // 34h
133 DWORD BreakHandlers; // 38h