Lines Matching defs:_PROCESS_DATABASE
152 typedef struct _PROCESS_DATABASE { struct
153 DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5)
154 DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process
155 DWORD un1; // 08h
156 DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???)
157 DWORD TerminationStatus; // 10h Returned by GetExitCodeProcess
158 DWORD un2; // 14h
159 DWORD DefaultHeap; // 18h Address of the process heap
160 DWORD MemoryContext; // 1Ch pointer to the process's context
161 DWORD flags; // 20h
185 struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ParentPDB; // 48h Parent process database argument
197 struct _PROCESS_DATABASE *ProcessGroup; // 94h argument
198 DWORD pExeMODREF; // 98h pointer to EXE's MODREF
199 DWORD TopExcFilter; // 9Ch Top Exception Filter?
200 DWORD BasePriority; // A0h Base scheduling priority for process
201 DWORD HeapOwnList; // A4h Head of the list of process heaps
202 DWORD HeapHandleBlockList;// A8h Pointer to head of heap handle block list
203 DWORD pSomeHeapPtr; // ACh normally zero, but can a pointer to a
205 DWORD pConsoleProvider; // B0h Process that owns the console we're using?
206 WORD EnvironSelector; // B4h Selector containing process environment
207 WORD ErrorMode; // B6H SetErrorMode value (also thunks to Win16)
208 DWORD pevtLoadFinished; // B8h Pointer to event LoadFinished?
209 WORD UTState; // BCh