Lines Matching refs:arguments

106 …ing	RID_BASIC_START	SbERR_NO_NAMED_ARGS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK			0	ps	Named arguments are not supporte…
110 …ASIC_START SbERR_WRONG_ARGS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ps Invalid number of arguments. 20181231 09:…
118 …RT SbERR_BAD_NUMBER_OF_ARGS & ERRCODE_RES_MASK 0 ps Invalid number of arguments. 20181231 09:…
1599 … tried to set an illegal argument. Please have a look at '#1' for valid arguments. 20181231 09:…
9794 …N_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_NBW 5 0 ps Value 1, value 2,... are 1 to 30 arguments representing pay…
9891 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_AND 1 0 ps Returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE. 201…
9894 …DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_XOR 1 0 ps Returns TRUE if exactly one of the arguments is TRUE. 2018…
9909 …SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM 1 0 ps Returns the sum of all arguments. 20181231 09:…
9911 …ESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments whose total is t…
9912 …PTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_SQ 1 0 ps Returns the sum of the squares of the arguments. 20181231 09:…
9914 …CRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_SQ 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2,... are 1 to 30 arguments for which the su…
9915 …RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_PRODUCT 1 0 ps Multiplies the arguments. 20181231 09:…
9917 …IPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_PRODUCT 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments to be multiplied…
9918 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_IF 1 0 ps Totals the arguments that meet the co…
9925 …ID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_AVERAGE_IF 1 0 ps Averages the arguments that meet the co…
9951 …ng RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_COUNT_IF 1 0 ps Counts the arguments which meet the s…
10143 …DUCT 1 0 ps (Inner products) Returns the sum of the products of array arguments. 20181231 09:…
10145 …DE_SUM_PRODUCT 3 0 ps Array 1, array 2, ... are up to 30 arrays whose arguments are to be multip…
10148 …TIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_X2MY2 3 0 ps First array where the square of the arguments are totalled. …
10150 …IONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_X2MY2 5 0 ps Second array where the square of the arguments is to be subtrac…
10153 …TIONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_X2DY2 3 0 ps First array where the square of the arguments are totalled. …
10155 …IONS1.SC_OPCODE_SUM_X2DY2 5 0 ps Second array where the square of the arguments is to be totalle…
10202 …NS2.SC_OPCODE_COUNT 1 0 ps Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments. 20181231 09:…
10204 …ESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_COUNT 3 0 ps Value 1, value 2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments containing diffe…
10205 …S2.SC_OPCODE_COUNT_2 1 0 ps Counts how many values are in the list of arguments. 20181231 09:…
10207 …CRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_COUNT_2 3 0 ps Value 1, value 2, ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing the…
10208 …RIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MAX 1 0 ps Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments. 20181231 09:…
10210 …S2.SC_OPCODE_MAX 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments for which the la…
10211 …PTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MAX_A 1 0 ps Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments. Text is evaluat…
10213 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MAX_A 3 0 ps Value 1, value 2, are 1 to 30 arguments whose largest va…
10214 …RIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MIN 1 0 ps Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments. 20181231 09:…
10216 …S2.SC_OPCODE_MIN 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments for which the sm…
10217 …TIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MIN_A 1 0 ps Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments. Text is evaluat…
10219 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_MIN_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2;... are 1 to 30 arguments whose smallest n…
10222 …S2.SC_OPCODE_VAR 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10225 …ESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VAR_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2; ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing a s…
10228 ….SC_OPCODE_VAR_P 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which represent …
10231 …SCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_VAR_P_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2;... are 1 to 30 arguments representing a p…
10234 …SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10237 …RIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2; ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing a s…
10240 …_OPCODE_ST_DEV_P 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10243 …IPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_ST_DEV_P_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2;... are 1 to 30 arguments corresponding to…
10246 …S2.SC_OPCODE_AVERAGE 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2;...are 1 to 30 numeric arguments representing a p…
10249 …IPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_AVERAGE_A 3 0 ps Value 1; value 2; ... are 1 to 30 arguments representing a s…
10252 …SC_OPCODE_DEV_SQ 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10255 ….SC_OPCODE_AVE_DEV 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2;...are 1 to 30 numerical arguments representing a s…
10258 …C_OPCODE_SCHIEFE 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments portraying a sam…
10261 …2.SC_OPCODE_KURT 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments, representing a …
10264 …_OPCODE_GEO_MEAN 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10267 …_OPCODE_HAR_MEAN 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10270 …CODE_MODAL_VALUE 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10273 …SC_OPCODE_MEDIAN 3 0 ps Number 1, number 2, ... are 1 to 30 numerical arguments which portray a …
10357 …ring RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_KRIT_BINOM 1 0 ps Border arguments of the binomial …
10634 ….SC_OPCODE_CHOSE 1 0 ps Selects a value from a list of up to 30 value arguments. 20181231 09:…
10638 …DESCRIPTIONS2.SC_OPCODE_CHOSE 5 0 ps Value 1, value 2,... The list of arguments from which a val…
22262 …RY_INVALID_BETWEEN 0 ps The query can not be executed. The 'BETWEEN' arguments are not correct.…
24302 …145609 7 0 ps \<emph\>Argument list:\</emph\> A list of any number of arguments that are separat…
24475 …eparate section. Functions differ from operators in that functions pass arguments and return a res…
24643 … readability and reduces the error-proneness. A sub possibly takes some arguments as parameters bu…
25030 ….xhp 0 help par_id3150282 93 0 ps \<variable id=\"err446\"\>446 Named arguments are not supporte…
25034 …par_id3154399 97 0 ps \<variable id=\"err450\"\>450 Invalid number of arguments\</variable\> …
25071 …ar_id31455983 0 ps \<variable id=\"err1003\"\>1003 Invalid number of arguments\</variable\> …
25509 … 0 ps You can insert the Tab function, enclosed by semicolons, between arguments to indent the ou…
26774 …rOut = B And A REM returns 8 due to the bitwise AND combination of both arguments 20181231 09:5…
26825 …lp par_id3154347 8 0 ps Result = MyFunction("Here", 1, "There") ' all arguments are passed. 2…
27599 …p 0 help par_id3149234 2 0 ps Returns a selected value from a list of arguments. 20181231 09:…
27761 … additional file names that match the path, call Dir again, but with no arguments. 20181231 09:…
28164 …c\shared\03090410.xhp 0 help par_id3148522 2 0 ps Evaluates a list of arguments, consisting of a…
28261 …159414 8 0 ps \<emph\>Argument list:\</emph\> A list of any number of arguments that are separat…
28944 …1 0 ps \<emph\>Argumentlist:\</emph\> List of parameters representing arguments that are passed …
32106 … name of the field, a logical condition and a value or a combination of arguments. 20181231 09:…
32108 …id=\"DBACCESS_LISTBOX_DLG_FILTERCRIT_LB_WHERECOND3\"\>For the following arguments, you can choose …
35641 …mark_value\>parameters;command line\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>arguments in command line\…
47329 … "fact {a over b}") but is oriented using the baseline or center of the arguments. 20181231 09:…
53810 …48 0 ps The conversion is done for single arguments only, as in =A1+A2, or ="1E2"+1. Cell range…
54633 …ith less than 1 argument\<br/\>VAR with less than 2 arguments\<br/\>STDEV with less than 2 argumen…
55306 …elp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ANZAHL\"\>Counts how many numbers are in the list of arguments.\</ahelp\> Text …
55315 …elp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ANZAHL2\"\>Counts how many values are in the list of arguments.\</ahelp\> Text …
55318 … 26 0 ps \<emph\>Value1; Value2, ...\</emph\> are 1 to 30 arguments representing the…
55568arguments in the function, the result is calculated. This preview informs you if the calculation c…
55569 …\text\scalc\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3148700 23 0 ps The required arguments are indicated by…
55573 …REF\"\>The number of visible text fields depends on the function. Enter arguments either directly …
55593 …resentation of the current function.\</ahelp\> You can hide or show the arguments by a click on th…
55594 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3148886 63 0 ps Blue dots denote correctly entered arguments. Red dots indica…
55599 …ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MAX\"\>Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments.\</ahelp\> 20…
55609 …s \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MAXA\"\>Returns the maximum value in a list of arguments. In opposite to …
55628 …ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MIN\"\>Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments.\</ahelp\> 20…
55637 …s \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MINA\"\>Returns the minimum value in a list of arguments. Here you can al…
55655 … 0 ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MITTELWERT\"\>Returns the average of the arguments.\</ahelp\> 20…
55663 … 0 ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_MITTELWERTA\"\>Returns the average of the arguments. The value of a …
55789 …c_today.xhp 0 help par_id3154741 33 0 ps TODAY is a function without arguments. 20181231 09:…
56417 …s \<emph\>Number1, Number2,...Number30\</emph\> are numeric arguments or ranges that r…
57558 … matrix formula, delivers the result of three SIN calculations with the arguments 1, 2, and 3. …
57594 …DUCT, SUMX2MY2, SUMX2PY2, SUMXMY2, TTEST. If you use area references as arguments when you call on…
57867 …417 182 0 ps \<emph\>ArrayX\</emph\> represents the first array whose arguments are to be square…
58555 …5167 62 0 ps \<emph\>Number1,Number2,...Number30\</emph\> are numeric arguments or ranges repres…
58954 …\> Returns the factorial of the sum of the arguments divided by the product of the factorials of t…
58983 …s \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_PRODUKT\"\>Multiplies all the numbers given as arguments and returns the …
58986 …lp par_id3144460 365 0 ps \<emph\>Number1 to 30\</emph\> are up to 30 arguments whose product is…
58992 …te the sum of the squares of numbers (totaling up of the squares of the arguments), enter these in…
58995 …lp par_id3160415 373 0 ps \<emph\>Number1 to 30\</emph\> are up to 30 arguments the sum of whose…
59003 …text\scalc\01\04060106.xhp 0 help par_id3158321 391 0 ps For integer arguments this function re…
59004 …T(Dividend/Divisor)\</item\> , and this formula gives the result if the arguments are not integer.…
59086 …d3163671 432 0 ps \<emph\>Number 1 to Number 30\</emph\> are up to 30 arguments whose sum is to …
60036 …g, for example, field names, using a combination of logical expressions arguments. 20181231 09:…
60521 …\01\func_now.xhp 0 help par_id4598529 0 ps NOW is a function without arguments. 20181231 09:…
61134 …r_id3153959 65 0 ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_UND\"\>Returns TRUE if all arguments are TRUE.\</ahel…
61135 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060105.xhp 0 help par_id3146100 66 0 ps The arguments are eit…
61147 …alue is set to TRUE.\</ahelp\> The TRUE() function does not require any arguments, and always retu…
61157 …ogical value FALSE.\</ahelp\> The FALSE() function does not require any arguments, and always retu…
61184 …nt is TRUE.\</ahelp\> This function returns the value FALSE, if all the arguments have the logical…
61185 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060105.xhp 0 help par_id3148771 62 0 ps The arguments are eit…
61197 …0K 0 ps \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_ODER\"\>Returns the exclusive "or" of arguments.\</ahelp\> 20…
61198 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\01\04060105.xhp 0 help par_id3148771K 62 0 ps The arguments are ei…
72671 …string STR_INVALID_NUMBER_ARGS 0 ps Invalid number of initialization arguments. Expected 1. …
72672 …TR_NO_DATABASE 0 ps No database document found in the initialization arguments. 20181231 09:…