Lines Matching refs:a

18 #  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
691 …ith this name already exists. Cancel the installation and try installing to a different location. …
755 …0 LngText OOO_ERROR_90 0 zh-CN The path [2] is not valid. Please specify a valid path. 20200…
759 …LngText OOO_ERROR_94 0 zh-CN The folder [2] does not exist. Please enter a path to an existing …
1014 …N Enter the network location or click Change to browse to a location. Click Install to create a se…
1236 …ws\msi_languages\Control.ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_306 0 zh-CN To select a different version, c…
1237 …ws\msi_languages\Control.ulf 0 LngText OOO_CONTROL_307 0 zh-CN To select a different folder, cl…
1610 … this readme file, see <a href="">https://www.openof…
1612a community member. As a new user, you can check out the ${PRODUCTNAME} community site with helpfu…
1615 …gether with ${PRODUCTNAME} or <a href="">https://www.openof…
1618a href="">…
1620 …NAME} requires a recent version of JAVA for full functionality; JAVA can be downloaded from <a hre…
1636a, you need to make sure that the file msvcr100.dll is installed on the system. This file is requi…
1672 …nations) not used by the operating system can be used in ${PRODUCTNAME}. If a key combination in $…
1678a document via 'File - Send - Document as E-mail' or 'Document as PDF Attachment' problems might o…
1680 …ty features in ${PRODUCTNAME}, see <a href="">https://www.openof…
1682a href=""></a> offers various possib…
1683 …the FAQ section at <a href="">https://wiki.openo…
1685 …rtbugs1 0 zh-CN The ${PRODUCTNAME} Web site hosts <a href="">BugZilla<…
1688a user, you are already a valuable part of the suite's development process and we would like to en…
1692a few of the ${PRODUCTNAME} mailing lists to which you can subscribe at <a href="https://openoffic…
1698a href="">…
2824 …numvalueset.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5 0 zh-CN 小写字母 a) b) c) 20200411 1…
2825 …umvalueset.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6 0 zh-CN 小写字母 (a) (b) (c) 20200411…
4785 …TR_TRGR_END_VALUE HID_PPROPERTYPANEL_AREA_MTR_TRGR_EVALUE 0 zh-CN - Enter a transparency value f…
5058 …ROWARN FI_DESCR2 0 zh-CN Macros may contain viruses. Disabling macros for a document is always s…
5346 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 3 0 zh-CN a, b, c, ... …
5350 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 7 0 zh-CN a, .., aa, .., …
8868 …_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_TYPE 1 0 zh-CN Returns the data type of a value (1 = number, 2…
8901 …c 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 1 0 zh-CN 返回 a^b,即底数 a 的 b 次幂。 20200…
8903 …src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 3 0 zh-CN a^b 乘幂的底数 a。 20200411 15…
8905 sc source\ui\src\scfuncs.src 0 string RID_SC_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTIONS1.SC_OPCODE_POWER 5 0 zh-CN a^b…
12515 … 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.ToolBars.ToolBar.Entries.a.Normal Text 0 zh-C…
12520 …lue ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.ToolBars.NotesToolBar.Entries.a.Normal Text 0 zh-C…
12524 ….xcu 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.HelpView.HelpStrings.a Left 0 zh-CN 单击鼠标左…
12525 ….xcu 0 value ..PresenterScreen.PresenterScreenSettings.HelpView.HelpStrings.a Right 0 zh-CN 下一张幻…
17628 desktop win32\source\setup\setup.ulf 0 LngText %USAGE% 0 zh-CN 用法:\n /?: 显示此对话框。\n /a :执行管理…
18676 sd source\ui\app\strings.src 0 string STR_REMOVE_LINK 175 zh-CN This graphic is linked to a docu…
20959 …0 zh-CN %PRODUCTNAME could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your desktop prefer…
21044 …c 0 infobox MSG_CANT_CLOSE 0 zh-CN The document cannot be closed because a\nprint job is being …
21051 …2 zh-CN %PRODUCTNAME could not find a web browser on your system. Please check your desktop prefer…
21429 …ME requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) to perform this task. The selected JRE is defective. …
21849 filter source\pdf\impdialog.src 0 checkbox CB_PDFA_1B_SELECT 158 zh-CN P~DF/A-1a 20200411 15:…
21977 … user interface '%s1' is already used by the XML filter '%s2'. Please enter a different name. 2…
23403 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\main0650.xhp 0 help par_id9116183 0 zh-CN Before you can use a J…
23404a virtual machine for the Java platform) already has been started. After modifications to the Clas…
23426a Proxy, check the %PRODUCTNAME Proxy settings in \<switchinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline sele…
23790 …hp 0 help par_id3154272 2 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FRAME_TOOLBOX\"\>When a frame is selected, t…
23831 … menu to open and edit the symbol catalog, or import an external formula as a data file or via cli…
23849 …213 13 0 zh-CN 如果您比较熟悉 $[officename] Math 语言,也可以直接输入一个公式:在文本文档中写入公式说明,例如 "a sup 2 + b sup 2 = c …
23879 …\03104300.xhp 0 help par_id3154939 10 0 zh-CN DimArray( 2, 2, 4 ) 等同于 DIM a( 2, 2, 4 ) 202004…
23913 …red\03020104.xhp 0 help par_id3148455 47 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a new line of text" …
24619 …100100.xhp 0 help par_id3155132 14 0 zh-CN sText = InputBox("Please enter a short sentence:") …
24991 …red\03020202.xhp 0 help par_id3150321 21 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
25503 …red\03020405.xhp 0 help par_id3155607 29 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
26178 …20306.xhp 0 help par_id3153189 18 0 zh-CN sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
26232 …red\03020103.xhp 0 help par_id3154705 22 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
26466 …20307.xhp 0 help par_id3159252 16 0 zh-CN sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
26573 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104500.xhp 0 help par_idN10638 0 zh-CN ' Instantiate a
26578 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03104500.xhp 0 help par_idN10649 0 zh-CN ' Instantiate a
26581 …r_idN10653 0 zh-CN MsgBox bIsStruct ' Displays True because aProperty is a struct 20200411 1…
26699 ….xhp 0 help par_id3145787 12 0 zh-CN For i% = 1 to 10 REM This results in a run-time error 20…
26850 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3145750 14 0 zh-CN Dim a as Doub…
26853 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3148616 17 0 zh-CN a=Exp( Log(b1…
26854 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3149262 18 0 zh-CN MsgBox "" & a
27000 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3151212 11 0 zh-CN Dim a(3) 2…
27002 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3156214 14 0 zh-CN a(0) = "ABCDE…
27003 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3154217 15 0 zh-CN a(1) = 42 …
27004 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3145173 16 0 zh-CN a(2) = "MN" …
27005 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3153104 17 0 zh-CN a(3) = "X Y Z…
27014 …t\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3145748 26 0 zh-CN Join1 = Join(a(), "abc") 2020041…
27017 …t\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3146119 28 0 zh-CN Join2 = Join(a(), ",") 20200411 …
27020 …t\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3149377 31 0 zh-CN Join3 = Join(a()) 20200411 15:09…
27935 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3156016 97 0 zh-CN a 20200411…
27936 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3157983 98 0 zh-CN 此处可以输入字符 a 到 …
27940 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3151304 102 0 zh-CN 此处可以输入字符 a 到…
28277 …red\03030205.xhp 0 help par_id3155600 25 0 zh-CN MsgBox dDate,64,"Time as a number" 20200411 …
28423 …0 help par_id3155411 28 0 zh-CN 在格式代码中,希望显示为文字字符而必须在前面加反斜杠的字符包括日期、时间格式化字符(a、c、d、h、m、n、p、q、s、t、w、…
28614 …0.xhp 0 help par_idN1062B 0 zh-CN fName = FileOpenDialog ("Please select a file") 20200411 1…
28646 …red\03050500.xhp 0 help par_id3153876 52 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
28797 …48797 5 0 zh-CN 变量名称最多可以含有 255 个字符。变量名称的第一个字符\<emph\>必须\</emph\>是字母 A-Z 或 a-z。变量名称中可以使用数字,但不能使用除…
28818 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150090 19 0 zh-CN DIM a$ 202…
28819 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150982 132 0 zh-CN 将变量 "a" 声明为字…
28820 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3149531 20 0 zh-CN DIM a As Stri…
28821 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150343 133 0 zh-CN 将变量 "a" 声明为字…
28822 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3149036 21 0 zh-CN DIM a$, b As …
28827 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3152985 24 0 zh-CN DIM a$ 202…
28828 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3154527 134 0 zh-CN 将变量 "a" 声明为字…
28829 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3148599 25 0 zh-CN a="TestString…
28830 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3153064 135 0 zh-CN 缺少类型声明:"a$="…
28990 …20303.xhp 0 help par_id3150448 15 0 zh-CN sInput = InputBox("Please input a date in the internat…
29143 …2.xhp 0 help par_id3153764 31 0 zh-CN REM LinSearch searches a TextArray: sList() for a TextEntr…
29212 …hared\03020201.xhp 0 help par_id3155938 33 0 zh-CN Put #iNumber,,"This is a new text" 2020041…
29457 …ovides the standard editing functions you are familiar with when working in a text document. It su…
29497 …red\03020203.xhp 0 help par_id3147124 18 0 zh-CN Print #iNumber, "This is a line of text" 202…
29523 …basic\shared\03090203.xhp 0 help par_id3155306 11 0 zh-CN sText ="This is a short text" 20200…
31132 …Specifies the vertical alignment for text or graphics content which used on a control.\</ahelp\> …
31177 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150829 98 0 zh-CN 可以输入字符 a-z 和 A-Z。…
31181 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3148873 102 0 zh-CN 可以输入字符 a-z、A-Z 和…
32912 …ext. A decimal number string can have digits 0-9, thousands separators, and a decimal separator. T…
32914 …57 24 0 en-US \<ahelp hid=\"SC:LISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_ASCII:LB_TYPE1\"\>Choose a column in the previe…
33455 …ar_id3146321 37 0 zh-CN 字母间隔相等是用于字距调整的英文名称。对此可理解为缩小或扩大两个字母或字符之间的间距(例如 W 和 a 之间),来取得对字体图像一种视觉上的均衡…
33887 …chinline select=\"sys\"\>\<caseinline select=\"WIN\"\>c:\\a \</caseinline\>\<defaultinline\>~/a\</…
34407 …e database fields in the selected table or query.\</ahelp\> Click to select a field or press the S…
34875 …e database fields in the selected table or query.\</ahelp\> Click to select a field or hold down t…
34890 …\<link href=\"text/shared/autopi/01090200.xhp\" name=\"Form Wizard - Set up a subform\"\>窗体向导 - 设置…
35831 …uide\ms_import_export_limitations.xhp 0 help par_id3150439 30 0 zh-CN For a detailed overview ab…
36112 … 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\".\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>The Open icon presents a file open dialog.\</…
36113 …lp par_id082020080310500 0 zh-CN The \<emph\>Open\</emph\> icon presents a \<link href=\"text/s…
36161 …ons\</emph\>\</link\> to open the \<emph\>Options\</emph\> dialog to change a variety of settings …
36164 …/01010900.xhp\"\>\<emph\>Tools - Options - Print\</emph\>\</link\> contains a number of print cust…
36312 … 5 0 zh-CN Choose \<emph\>Help - About $[officename]\</emph\>. This opens a dialog containing in…
37266a database column into the text document, you insert a field. If you hold down Shift+\<switchinlin…
40310 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3153666 36 0 zh-CN Match a word boun…
40321 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3156293 174 0 zh-CN [a-e] 2020041…
40322 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3149167 175 0 zh-CN 代表 a 到 e 之间的任意字符…
40324 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3155994 176 0 zh-CN [a-eh-x] 2020…
40325 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3148676 177 0 zh-CN 表示 a-e 和 h-x 之间的…
40326 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3145318 178 0 zh-CN [^a-s] 202004…
40327 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3153351 179 0 zh-CN 代表非 a 到 s 之间的任意字…
40343 …\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id2367931 0 zh-CN 可以用 () 组合某些字母或词,例如,"a(bc)?d" 可以找到 "ad" 或 "…
40349 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3150010 217 0 zh-CN Represents a dec…
40457 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\04060000.xhp 0 help par_id3153124 5 0 zh-CN To insert a scanne…
41899a template, the template will be stored in your user template directory. When you open a document …
41960 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3154749 66 0 zh-CN a,b,c,... 2020…
41968 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3147620 102 0 zh-CN a,...aa,,.…
42024 … 16 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Select a language for the thesaurus.\</ahelp\> You can install la…
42289 … used at the corners of the line. In case of a small angle between lines, a mitered shape is repla…
43875 …h the labels or business cards are ordered. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
43878 …h the labels or business cards are ordered. If you are defining a custom format, enter a value her…
44405 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\ref_pdf_export.xhp 0 help hd_id2796411 0 zh-CN PDF/A-1a 20…
44406 …df_export.xhp 0 help par_id5016327 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>转换为 PDF/A-1a 格式。该格式被定义为电子文档文件格式,以…
44427 …, the original %PRODUCTNAME document can be edited back without the need of a PDF editing applicat…
44618 …d3157959 3 0 zh-CN To stop applying a direct format, such as underlining, while you type new tex…
44972 …t\shared\01\packagemanager.xhp 0 help par_id7857905 0 zh-CN You can find a collection of extens…
45573 …abase\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3155810 167 0 zh-CN 确定表格中记录的数目。空字段可以计算在内 (a),也可以不计算在内 (b)。 20…
45574 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3151333 197 0 zh-CN a
45686 …shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3149995 93 0 zh-CN IN (a; b; c...) 2020041…
45688 …shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3159085 94 0 zh-CN IN (a, b, c...) 2020041…
45689 …\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154809 95 0 zh-CN 含有 a, b, c... 20200411…
45690 … 0 help par_id3148399 96 0 zh-CN ... 该数据字段含有指定表达式 a, b, c,... 中的一个。可以指定许多任意的表达,通过“或”链接来获取查询结果。表达…
45691 …\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154112 97 0 zh-CN NICHT IN (a; b; c...) 2020041…
45692 …ed\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3153544 98 0 zh-CN NOT IN (a, b, c...) 2020041…
45693 …shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3150679 99 0 zh-CN 不包含 a, b, c... 20200411…
45694 …r\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3158439 100 0 zh-CN ...该数据字段不含指定的表达式 a, b, c,...。 202004…
46183 …Wiki page about Base\</link\> for some more help regarding the functions in a report. 20200411 …
46435 …\"\>\</link\> and shows a list of available ex…
47159 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\limits.xhp 0 help par_id9004486 0 zh-CN int from{a} to{b} f…
47170 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3083280 7 0 zh-CN {a + c} over 2 =…
47172 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3150297 5 0 zh-CN m = {a + c} over…
47188 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\comment.xhp 0 help par_idN105D3 0 zh-CN a^2+b^2=c^2 %% Pyth…
47195 …ext\smath\guide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153246 7 0 zh-CN a+a+a+{} newline {}{}{}{}{}a+a+a+a 2…
47197 …ide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153809 6 0 zh-CN "A further example." newline a+b newline ""c-d 2…
47219 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3143231 6 0 zh-CN a + b 20200…
47220 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3153810 5 0 zh-CN nitalic a + bo…
47221 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3149872 4 0 zh-CN 在第二个公式中,a 不是斜体…
47398 …正确是必不可少的。 尤其是当您用数值代替占位符时,例如,在“非常大于”关系中输入 \<emph\>10 gg 1\</emph\> 或 \<emph\>a gg b\</emph\>。 20…
47415 …p par_id3146320 63 0 zh-CN 尖括号之间加上一条垂直线的用法在物理学中相当普遍:"langle a mline b rangle" 或 "langle a mline …
47419a over b )",并且其中的括号大小根据 a 和 b 进行调整,则必须插入 "left" 和 "right"。输入 "left(a over b right)" 会进行相应的大小调整。但是,…
47440 … 35 0 zh-CN 将组彼此进行嵌套,相对而言不容易出现问题。对于公式 hat "{a + b}",其中的 "hat" 会显示在 "{a + b}" 中央的正上方。此外,"color re…
47441 …影响的属性略有不同。这是字体属性通常具有的情况。例如,在 "color yellow color red (a + color green b)" 中,b 是什么颜色,或者在 "size *4 (
47442 …合运算的公式示例:"size 12 color red font sans size -5 (a + size 8 b)" 类似于 "{size 12{color red{font sans{si…
47444 …id3150994 39 0 zh-CN 组合操作并不作用于其上一层的组合,而只是针对其下层的组合和表达式,其中也包括它们的括号和上/下标,参见 "a + size *2 (b * size …
47447 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3146934 42 0 zh-CN "size *2 size -5 a
47448 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3149297 43 0 zh-CN "font sans ( a + f…
47449 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3155174 44 0 zh-CN "size *2 ( a + siz…
47450 …小不会被修改,因此比使用 "size n" 更好。如果您只使用 "size *" 和 "size /"(例如,"size *1.24 a" 或 "size /0.86 a"),则比例保持完整。 …
47528 …zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XWIDESLASHY\"\>在\<emph\>命令\</emph\>窗口输入 \<emph\>a widebslash b\</emph\…
47529 …h-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XWIDEBSLASHY\"\>在\<emph\>命令\</emph\>窗口输入 \<emph\>a widebslash b\</emph\…
47530 …ub\</emph\> 和 \<emph\>sup\</emph\> 可以用来在您公式中的字符上加上\<emph\>根指数和幂\</emph\>,例如 a sub 2。 20200411 1…
47531 …h\>关闭\<emph\>符号\</emph\>对话框。现在您可以通过在“命令”窗口中输入新符号的名称而使用它(在本例中为冒号)。例如:\<emph\>a %divide b = c\</emph…
47532 …命令”窗口中手动输入时应注意,对于很多运算符而言,空格符是对保证结构的正确必不可少的。尤其是当您用数值代替占位符时,例如,建立除式 4 div 3 或 a div b 时。 20200411…
47651 …1400.xhp 0 help par_id3156316 3 0 zh-CN 阶乘符号不按比例变化(例如:"fact stack{a#b}" 和 "fact {a over b}"),而是自…
47652 …p par_id3150756 4 0 zh-CN 原则上括号也是有固定大小的。这适用于所有用作括号的符号。比较 "(((a)))"、"( stack{a#b#c})"、"(a over b)…
47653 …t" 或 "right" 带出的括号始终随自变量的大小变化,比较 "left(left(left(a right)right)right)"、"left(stack{a#b#c}right)"、"…
47772 ….uno:ImportFormula\" visibility=\"visible\"\>This command opens a dialog for importing a formula.\…
47773 … Use the \<emph\>Insert\</emph\> dialog to load, edit and display a formula saved as a file in the…
47774 …ML files created by other applications as well. The MathML source must have a \<item type=\"code\"…
47780 …919 0 zh-CN This command handles only MathML content. If you have copied a %PRODUCTNAME Math fo…
47909 …0 help par_id3147101 36 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_LRBRACEX\"\>Inserts a placeholder within b…
47959 …N 当在括号命令之前输入 \<emph\>left\</emph\> 和 \<emph\>right\</emph\>(例如 \<emph\>left(a over b right)\</emph…
47963 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113EB 0 zh-CN a = \\{ \\( \\[ b new…
47966 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FA 0 zh-CN a = left ( a over b r…
47967 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FF 0 zh-CN left none phantom {a
47997 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091501.xhp 0 help par_id8633686 0 zh-CN a boper %SYM1 b 2…
48198 …如果您在\<emph\>命令\</emph\>窗口中输入 \<emph\>( a over b)\</emph\>,则括号的高度将根据参数中的所有字符的高度进行调整,以不低于字符高度。通常,输入 …
48281 …手动输入时要注意,对于很多运算符来说,空格符对于保证结构的正确是必不可少的。当您在运算符中加上数值而不是占位符时,尤其要注意,例如:lim a_{n}=a。 20200411 15:09:53
48295 … 0 zh-CN 字符的根指数和指数一个在上、一个在下,与基本字符左对齐。例如,键入 \<emph\>a_2^3\</emph\> 或 \<emph\>a^3_2\</emph\>。可以是任意顺序…
48298 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3155985 6 0 zh-CN a^2^3 20200411 1…
48302 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3151272 10 0 zh-CN a^{2^3} 2020041…
48305 …officename] Math 与它们不同,它对后面的整个数字/名称/文字起作用。如果要按顺序放置上标和下标,则表达式可以书写为:a_2{}^3 或 a^3{}_2 20200411 15…
48307 …新命令 "lsub" 和 "lsup"。这两个命令与 "sub" 和 "sup" 具有相同的作用,唯一不同之处是上标和下标位于基本字符的左侧。请参阅 "a lsub 2 lsup 3"。 2…
48308 …p 0 help par_id3154276 17 0 zh-CN 使用括号的明确性和必要性规则相同。按照规定,使用 \<emph\>{}_2^3 a\</emph\> 可以达到此目的。 …
48310 …help par_id3158437 20 0 zh-CN 使用 "csub" 和 "csup" 命令,您可以将上下标直接写在字符的上下方。例如 "a csub y csup x"。所有根指数…
48311 …help par_id3154570 21 0 zh-CN 大部分一元和二元运算符都可以附加上下标。这里有两个例子:"a div_2 b a<csub n b +_2 h"和"a toward…
48458 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3153536 17 0 zh-CN "a" 总是指您的公式中要指定格式的…
48492 … 0 help par_id3154592 6 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNLX\"\>使用此图标可为 "a" 指定左对齐并插入一个占位符。\</ah…
48495 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149319 10 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNCX\"\>为 "a" 指定水平居中对齐并插入一个占位符。\<…
48506 …1\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3151009 49 0 zh-CN 对齐数字和分母,例如 \<emph\>{alignl a}over{b+c}\</emph\> …
48508 …00.xhp 0 help par_id3154360 51 0 zh-CN 对齐矩阵中的元素时,例如 \<emph\>matrix{alignr a#b+2##c+1/3#alignl d}…
48509 …\smath\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3155946 52 0 zh-CN 开始新的一行时,例如 \<emph\>a+b-c newline alignr x…
48511 …r_id3147382 54 0 zh-CN 只能位于表达式的开头,并且只能出现一次。您不能输入 \<emph\>a+alignr b\</emph\>,但可以输入 \<emph\>a+b a…
48512 …0 help par_id3154004 55 0 zh-CN 它们会相互影响,例如,输入 {alignl{alignr a}}over{b+c} 会导致 \<emph\>a\</emph\>…
48515 …,则默认情况下会将其在左侧对齐。您可通过任何一项 \<emph\>align\</emph\> 命令来改变这种情况。在示例 \<emph\>stack{a+b-c*d#alignr "text"}…
48516 …,即可将标准居中的公式进行左对齐。为此,请在需要对齐的部分公式之前放置一个空字符串,即不框住任何文本的反向逗号 ""。例如,输入 \<emph\>"" a+b newline "" c+d\</e…
48669 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090600.xhp 0 help par_id3149604 4 0 zh-CN 以 "a" 作为属性所对应的占位符。当…
48727 …d3155074 41 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_PHANTOMX\"\>为透明字符插入一个占位符。此字符占据 "a" 的空间,但不显示它。\</ahelp\…
48740 …cter sequence. The input \<emph\>color green size 20 a\</emph\> results in a green letter "a" with…
48915 …id394299 0 zh-CN \<emph\>对数回归\</emph\>遵循如下方程式 \<item type=\"literal\"\>y=a*ln(x)+b\</item\>。 …
48916 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id2134159 0 zh-CN a = SLOPE(Data_Y;LN…
48921 …=\"literal\"\>y=b*exp(a*x)\</item\> 或 \<item type=\"literal\"\>y=b*m^x\</item\>,这两个方程式分别被转换为 \<ite…
48922 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id4416638 0 zh-CN a = SLOPE(LN(Data_Y…
48930 …线性模型。幂回归遵循如下方程式 \<item type=\"literal\"\>y=b*x^a\</item\>,此方程式被转换为 \<item type=\"literal\"\>ln(y)=…
48931 helpcontent2 source\text\schart\01\04050100.xhp 0 help par_id8517105 0 zh-CN a = SLOPE(LN(Data_Y…
50890 …\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/masterpage.xhp\" name=\"Applying a Slide Design to a Slide Maste…
50982 …ooter\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/footer.xhp\" name=\"Adding a Header or a Footer to All …
53127 …输入函数代码。在本示例中,我们定义一个 \<item type=\"literal\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\> 函数来计算边长分别为 \<item type=\"litera…
53141 …ar_id3148869 13 0 zh-CN 只要在 Basic-IDE 中定义了函数 \<item type=\"literal\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\>,就可以像…
53142 …06 14 0 zh-CN 打开 Calc 文档,在单元格 A1、B1 和 C1 中输入函数参数 \<item type=\"literal\"\>a\</item\>、\<item type…
54045 …p 0 help par_id3151385 15 0 zh-CN If you would like to apply a formula to all cells in a selecte…
54475 …iki/Documentation/How_Tos/Defining_a_Data_Range\"\>Wiki page about defining a data range\</link\> …
54540 …iki/Documentation/How_Tos/Defining_a_Data_Range\"\>Wiki page about defining a data range\</link\> …
55054 …1\04060104.xhp 0 help par_id3150830 140 0 zh-CN \<emph\>Value\</emph\> is a specific value for w…
56415 …T 找到一条最符合该数据的直线 \<item type=\"literal\"\>y = a + bx\</item\>。如果有多个变量集合,该直线就会是 \<item type=\"litera…
56416 …154448 70 0 zh-CN 如果 \<emph\>linearType\</emph\> 是 FALSE,找到的直线就一定通过原点(常量 a 为 0;y = bx)。省略的话,\<e…
57450 …t the Criterion C. If reference A is given, averages the values of cells of a range that is constr…
57460 … result of each selection; a cell of reference range A is evaluated only if the same position in e…
57684 …res/JIS_and_ASC_functions\"\>JIS and ASC Spreadsheet Functions\</link\> for a conversion table. …
57800 …res/JIS_and_ASC_functions\"\>JIS and ASC Spreadsheet Functions\</link\> for a conversion table. …
59426 …alc\01\04060116.xhp 0 help par_id3149931 206 0 zh-CN d, c, m, u, n, p, f, a, z, y 20200411 15…
60098 … 0 zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"HID_FUNC_SUMMEWNRNG\"\>Sum the values of cells in a range that meet mult…
60282a number, an expression or a character string. These criteria determine which cells are counted. Y…
60284 …-CN A1:A10 is a cell range containing the numbers \<item type=\"input\"\>2000\</item\> to \<item t…
60645 …net present value of periodic payments of 10, 20 and 30 currency units with a discount rate of 8.7…
62813 … layout if you want to add a header to a page style that has different inner and outer page margin…
62851 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\even_odd_sdw.xhp 0 help par_id3155588 19 0 zh-CN To add a
62852a footer to one of the page styles, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Footer\</item\>, and…
62866 …s\</item\> box, select the paragraph style that you want to use to generate a new HTML page. 20…
62991 …t\swriter\guide\numbering_lines.xhp 0 help par_id3153779 30 0 zh-CN Enter a line number in the \…
63178 …swriter\guide\stylist_fromselect.xhp 0 help par_id3156260 43 0 zh-CN Type a name in the \<item t…
63448a text, the appropriate dictionaries must be installed. For many languages three different diction…
63452 …\swriter\guide\spellcheck_dialog.xhp 0 help par_id3156104 45 0 zh-CN When a possible spelling er…
63466 …uide\fields_date.xhp 0 help par_id3155602 6 0 zh-CN To insert the date as a field that updates e…
63467 …uide\fields_date.xhp 0 help par_id3154241 4 0 zh-CN To insert the date as a field that does not …
63488 …th_chapter.xhp 0 help par_id3150219 27 0 zh-CN Type "Chapter" followed by a space in the \<item …
63489 …riter\guide\header_with_chapter.xhp 0 help par_id3150245 28 0 zh-CN Enter a space in the \<item …
63512 … 0 zh-CN In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Template\</item\> box, type a name for the new tem…
63513 …\swriter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3156098 70 0 zh-CN Select a template category in…
63515 …riter\guide\template_create.xhp 0 help par_id3153404 67 0 zh-CN To create a document based on th…
63565 …swriter\guide\indices_literature.xhp 0 help par_id3147123 65 0 zh-CN Type a name for the bibliog…
63571 …swriter\guide\indices_literature.xhp 0 help par_id3153738 70 0 zh-CN Type a name for the bibliog…
63605 …9 0 zh-CN In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Section\</item\> box, type a name for the section…
63613 …4 0 zh-CN In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>New Section\</item\> box, type a name for the section…
63653 …\guide\using_hyphen.xhp 0 help par_id3153363 24 0 zh-CN To quickly insert a hyphen, click in the…
63710 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\indices_userdef.xhp 0 help par_id3155886 51 0 zh-CN Type a
63719 …ef.xhp 0 help par_id3150720 20 0 zh-CN If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table…
63797 …id3149873 28 0 zh-CN If you are creating a new master document, the first entry in the Navigator…
63808 …order the subdocuments in a master document, drag a subdocument to a new location in the Navigator…
63836a different language, click the Language button, and select one of the installed thesaurus languag…
63885 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\footer_nextpage.xhp 0 help par_id3150517 9 0 zh-CN Click a
63965 …08D1 0 zh-CN In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Style\</item\> box, select a page style that uses…
64044 …em\>, and then select a special character. You can also click the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Graphi…
64129a name for the index. In a separate document, choose \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert - Section\</…
64161 …riter\guide\wrap.xhp 0 help par_id3150231 7 0 zh-CN Use the tools to draw a new contour, and the…
64266a concordance file, select \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Concordance file\</item\> in the \<item type=…
64287a caption title from the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Category\</item\> box, and select a numbering s…
64305 …oc.xhp 0 help par_id3146896 20 0 zh-CN If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table…
64388 …r\guide\header_with_line.xhp 0 help par_id3147128 23 0 zh-CN To add a border or a shadow to the …
64460 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\guide\change_header.xhp 0 help par_id3153153 31 0 zh-CN Type a n…
64533 …e, database, and user-defined fields display a help tip when you rest the mouse pointer over the f…
64679 …=\"text/swriter/guide/table_cells.xhp\" name=\"Adding or Deleting a Row or Column to a Table Using…
64696 …931 52 0 zh-CN In the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Line\</item\> area, click a line in the \<item t…
64699 …writer\guide\footnote_with_line.xhp 0 help par_id3150709 47 0 zh-CN Enter a value in the \<item …
64800 …icon on the \<item type=\"menuitem\"\>Formula Bar\</item\>, and then choose a function for your fo…
65249 …zh-CN \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:DLG_SORTING:RB_UP3\"\>按升序方式排序(例如 1、2、3 或 a、b、c)。\</ahelp\> 2…
65553 …L_NAVI\"\>If you click this icon, a toolbar will appear which enables you to choose among the exis…
66523 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3151171 17 0 zh-CN a, b, c 20200…
66533 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3154194 59 0 zh-CN a,... aa,... aaa…
66696 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3154104 18 0 zh-CN a, b, c, ... …
66706 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3143284 38 0 zh-CN a,... aa,... aaa…
67783 … href=\"text/swriter/01/mailmerge04.xhp\" name=\"Mail Merge Wizard - Create a salutation\"\>邮件合并向导…
67918 …<ahelp hid=\".uno:FieldDialog\"\>Opens a dialog where you can edit the properties of a field. Clic…
68054 …E\"\>Select the formatting style for the separator line. If you do not want a separator line, choo…
69316 …r.src 0 imagebutton RID_CUI_DIALOG_COLORPICKER PB_PICKER 0 0 zh-CN - Pick a color from the docum…
69424 …text RID_DLG_PASSWORD_TO_OPEN_MODIFY FT_PASSWD_NOTE 159 zh-CN Note: After a password has been se…
70789 cui source\tabpages\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 3 0 zh-CN a, b, c, .…
70793 cui source\tabpages\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 7 0 zh-CN a, .., aa,…
70884 cui source\tabpages\page.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_PAGE.LB_NUMBER_FORMAT 2 0 zh-CN a, b, c, ..…
71906 dbaccess source\ui\app\app.src 0 string RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT 0 zh-CN Create a query by spec…
71907 dbaccess source\ui\app\app.src 0 string RID_STR_QUERIES_HELP_TEXT_SQL 0 zh-CN Create a query by …