Lines Matching refs:document
29 #include <com/sun/star/document/XEmbeddedScripts.idl>
34 module com { module sun { module star { module document {
38 /** indicates support for executing scripts contained in a, possibly foreign, document.
40 <p>If the component implementing it is a document, which supports embedding scripts into
41 itself, then <member>ScriptContainer</member> refers to the document itself. Implementing this
42 …interface is unnecessary then, instead the document should simply implement <type>XEmbeddedScripts…
44 <p>If the interface is implemented by a document which does not itself support embedding
45 scripts into it, but which is associated unambiguously with a document which does,
46 then this other document is denoted by <member>ScriptContainer</member>.</p>
49 refers to the document which supports embedding scripts, and which is unambiguosly
57 /** denotes the document which contains the scripts which are to be invoked from