Lines Matching refs:label
81 /** The numbering label and depending of the reference field context numbering lables of
85 … <p>The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
91 … Additional condition, which suppresses the addition of a superior level's list label content:
92 … The list label of the referenced item can already contain numbers of a superior levels. Assume X
93 … be the level of the most superior level, then no list label content of superior levels greater or
101 /** The numbering label of the reference is displayed.
104 … <p>The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
111 …/** The numbering label and numbering lables of superior list levels of the reference are displaye…
114 … <p>The contents of the list label of the paragraph, at which the bookmark respectively the
117 … Additional condition, which suppresses the addition of a superior level's list label content:
118 … The list label of the referenced item can already contain numbers of a superior levels. Assume X
119 … be the level of the most superior level, then no list label content of superior levels greater or