editdoc.cxx (8b085085) editdoc.cxx (5b4f8e55)
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 1052 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1061 DBG_ASSERT( aCharAttribList.DbgCheckAttribs(), "Attribute NACH AppendAttribs kaputt" );
1065void ContentNode::CreateDefFont()
1067 // Erst alle Informationen aus dem Style verwenden...
1068 SfxStyleSheet* pS = aContentAttribs.GetStyleSheet();
2 *
3 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
4 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
5 * distributed with this work for additional information
6 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
7 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
8 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

--- 1052 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1061 DBG_ASSERT( aCharAttribList.DbgCheckAttribs(), "Attribute NACH AppendAttribs kaputt" );
1065void ContentNode::CreateDefFont()
1067 // Erst alle Informationen aus dem Style verwenden...
1068 SfxStyleSheet* pS = aContentAttribs.GetStyleSheet();
1069 /* if ( pS ) //#115580#
1070 CreateFont( GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(), pS->GetItemSet() );
1069 if ( pS )
1070 CreateFont( GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(), pS->GetItemSet() );
1072 // ... dann die harte Absatzformatierung rueberbuegeln...
1073 CreateFont( GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(),
1072 // ... dann die harte Absatzformatierung rueberbuegeln...
1073 CreateFont( GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont(),
1074 GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), pS == NULL ); */
1076 SvxFont& rFont = GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont();
1077 SvxFont& rFontCJK = GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCJK();
1078 SvxFont& rFontCTL = GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCTL();
1080 if ( pS )
1081 {
1082 CreateFont( rFont, pS->GetItemSet(), sal_True, i18n::ScriptType::LATIN );
1083 CreateFont( rFontCJK, pS->GetItemSet(), sal_True, i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN );
1084 CreateFont( rFontCTL, pS->GetItemSet(), sal_True, i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX );
1085 }
1087 CreateFont( rFont, GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), pS == NULL, i18n::ScriptType::LATIN );
1088 CreateFont( rFontCJK, GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), pS == NULL, i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN );
1089 CreateFont( rFontCTL, GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), pS == NULL, i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX );
1074 GetContentAttribs().GetItems(), pS == NULL );
1092void ContentNode::SetStyleSheet( SfxStyleSheet* pS, const SvxFont& rFontFromStyle )
1094 aContentAttribs.SetStyleSheet( pS );
1096 // Erst alle Informationen aus dem Style verwenden...
1097 GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() = rFontFromStyle;

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1459sal_uLong EditDoc::GetTextLen() const
1461 sal_uLong nLen = 0;
1462 for ( sal_uInt16 nNode = 0; nNode < Count(); nNode++ )
1463 {
1464 ContentNode* pNode = GetObject( nNode );
1465 nLen += pNode->Len();
1077void ContentNode::SetStyleSheet( SfxStyleSheet* pS, const SvxFont& rFontFromStyle )
1079 aContentAttribs.SetStyleSheet( pS );
1081 // Erst alle Informationen aus dem Style verwenden...
1082 GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() = rFontFromStyle;

--- 360 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1444sal_uLong EditDoc::GetTextLen() const
1446 sal_uLong nLen = 0;
1447 for ( sal_uInt16 nNode = 0; nNode < Count(); nNode++ )
1448 {
1449 ContentNode* pNode = GetObject( nNode );
1450 nLen += pNode->Len();
1466 // Felder k???nnen laenger sein als der Platzhalter im Node.
1451 // Felder knnen laenger sein als der Platzhalter im Node.
1467 const CharAttribArray& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
1468 for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = rAttrs.Count(); nAttr; )
1469 {
1470 EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttrs[--nAttr];
1471 if ( pAttr->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD )
1472 {
1473 sal_uInt16 nFieldLen = ((EditCharAttribField*)pAttr)->GetFieldValue().Len();
1474 if ( !nFieldLen )

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1570 // for a new paragraph we like to have the bullet/numbering visible by default
1571 aContentAttribs.GetItems().Put( SfxBoolItem( EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE, sal_True), EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE );
1573 // ContenNode-CTOR kopiert auch die Absatzattribute
1574 ContentNode* pNode = new ContentNode( aStr, aContentAttribs );
1576 // Den Default-Font kopieren
1577 pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() = aPaM.GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont();
1452 const CharAttribArray& rAttrs = pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetAttribs();
1453 for ( sal_uInt16 nAttr = rAttrs.Count(); nAttr; )
1454 {
1455 EditCharAttrib* pAttr = rAttrs[--nAttr];
1456 if ( pAttr->Which() == EE_FEATURE_FIELD )
1457 {
1458 sal_uInt16 nFieldLen = ((EditCharAttribField*)pAttr)->GetFieldValue().Len();
1459 if ( !nFieldLen )

--- 95 unchanged lines hidden (view full) ---

1555 // for a new paragraph we like to have the bullet/numbering visible by default
1556 aContentAttribs.GetItems().Put( SfxBoolItem( EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE, sal_True), EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE );
1558 // ContenNode-CTOR kopiert auch die Absatzattribute
1559 ContentNode* pNode = new ContentNode( aStr, aContentAttribs );
1561 // Den Default-Font kopieren
1562 pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont() = aPaM.GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFont();
1578 //#115580# start
1579 pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCJK() = aPaM.GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCJK();
1580 pNode->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCTL() = aPaM.GetNode()->GetCharAttribs().GetDefFontCTL();
1581 SfxStyleSheet* pStyle = aPaM.GetNode()->GetStyleSheet();
1582 if ( pStyle )
1583 {
1584 XubString aFollow( pStyle->GetFollow() );
1585 if ( aFollow.Len() && ( aFollow != pStyle->GetName() ) )
1586 {
1587 SfxStyleSheetBase* pNext = pStyle->GetPool().Find( aFollow, pStyle->GetFamily() );
1588 pNode->SetStyleSheet( (SfxStyleSheet*)pNext );

--- 736 unchanged lines hidden ---
1563 SfxStyleSheet* pStyle = aPaM.GetNode()->GetStyleSheet();
1564 if ( pStyle )
1565 {
1566 XubString aFollow( pStyle->GetFollow() );
1567 if ( aFollow.Len() && ( aFollow != pStyle->GetName() ) )
1568 {
1569 SfxStyleSheetBase* pNext = pStyle->GetPool().Find( aFollow, pStyle->GetFamily() );
1570 pNode->SetStyleSheet( (SfxStyleSheet*)pNext );

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