Lines Matching refs:use

8 dnl *  "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
53 [ --with-system-graphite use graphite library already installed on system
56 [ --with-system-apache-commons use apache-commons jar files already installed on system
62 [ --disable-ldap Disables the use of LDAP backend via OpenLDAP
72 [ --with-openldap Enables the use of the OpenLDAP
102 system then you should use this option.
123 [ --with-epm Decides which epm to use. Default is to use
154 [ --with-system-stdlibs use libstdc++/libgcc_s already on system
169 [ --disable-activex Disable the use of ActiveX for windows build.
171 Alternatively you can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
180 [ --disable-atl Disable the use of ATL for windows build.
182 Alternatively you can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
194 You can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
203 You can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
212 You can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
221 You can use the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) and
264 [ --enable-cl-standard For Microsoft C/C++ compiler users, use non-optimizing
276 [ --disable-gtk Determines whether to use Gtk+ vclplug on platforms
280 [ --enable-gstreamer Determines whether to use the GStreamer media
287 [ --enable-cairo Determines whether to use Cairo library on
306 [ --disable-gconf Determines whether to use the GConf support
309 [ --disable-gnome-vfs Determines whether to use the Gnome Virtual Filing
313 [ --enable-gio Determines whether to use the GIO support
316 [ --enable-static-gtk Modules that are linked against gtk libraries use
321 [ --enable-layout Enable the compilation and use of layout dialogs
324 [ --disable-nss-module Whether to use the NSS module that is used for xml-security
327 [ --enable-kde Determines whether to use Qt/KDE vclplug on platforms
334 [ --enable-kde4 Determines whether to use Qt4/KDE4 vclplug on platforms
339 [ --disable-rpath Disable the use of relative paths in shared libraries
484 [ --disable-beanshell Disable the use of beanshell.
571 [ --disable-saxon Disable use of saxon
604 specify --with-system-hunspell to use the library
619 specify --with-system-hyphen to use the library
658 [ --with-java Build with[[out]] Java support. If you use
679 [ --with-junit Specifies the JUnit 4 jar file to use for JUnit-based
790 [ --disable-coinmp Do not use CoinMP as the Calc solver.
800 [[ --enable-ccache-skip [default=auto] allow the use of --ccache-skip to
812 space. For all languages, use --with-lang=ALL.
829 commas. For all dictionaries, use --with-dict=ALL.
871 [ --with-os-version For FreeBSD users, use this option option to override
877 [ --with-unzip-home Deprecated: use --with-zip-home instead],,)
879 [ --with-zip-home If you use a non standard zip, for example windows
885 [ --with-mingwin For Windows users, use the mingwin32 compiler within
890 For !Windows use, use the mingw32 C++ compiler to
937 Alternatively use as --with-rat-scan=<path-to-rat-direcetory> to use
1098 AC_MSG_ERROR([use solaris >= 6 to build Apache OpenOffice])
1178 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which thread library to use])
1229 dnl Ensure pkg-config is initialized before any possible use
1255 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use the standard non-optimizing compiler])
1270 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build/use the Windows 64bit shell extensions])
1486 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use DirectX])
1497 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use ActiveX])
1506 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use ATL])
1525 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use RPATH in shared libraries])
1557 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dicts from external paths])
1594 dnl Sanity check! Native windows programs cannot use cygwin symlinks!
1600 Native windows programs cannot use cygwin symlinks. Remove the symbolic
1720 AC_MSG_ERROR([found version "$_gcc_version", use version 3+ of the gcc compiler])
1876 …AC_MSG_ERROR([please use --with-dmake-path or --with-dmake-url to specify dmake executable or sour…
1914 …AC_MSG_ERROR([found version "$_sunstudio_version", use version 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 or 5.9 of the SunStud…
1918 …AC_MSG_ERROR([found version "$_sunstudio_version", use version 5.5, 5.7, 5.8 or 5.9 of the SunStud…
1958 AC_MSG_ERROR([found version "$_compaqc_version", use version 6 of the Compaq C compiler])
1992 AC_MSG_ERROR([found Perl version "$_perl_version", use version 5 of Perl])
2006 if `$PERL -e 'use Archive::Zip; use XML::Parser; use LWP::UserAgent; use Digest::SHA; use Digest::M…
2011 if ! `$PERL -e 'use Archive::Zip;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2014 if ! `$PERL -e 'use LWP::UserAgent;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2017 if ! `$PERL -e 'use XML::Parser;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2020 if ! `$PERL -e 'use Digest::SHA;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2023 if ! `$PERL -e 'use Digest::MD5;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2026 if ! `$PERL -e 'use LWP::Protocol::https;'>/dev/null 2>&1`; then
2083 …AC_MSG_ERROR([You need a mspdb71.dll/mspdb80.dll, make sure it's in the path or use --with-mspdb-p…
2177 AC_MSG_ERROR([midl.exe not found. Make sure it's in the path or use --with-midl-path])
2200 AC_MSG_ERROR([csc.exe not found. Make sure it's in the path or use --with-csc-path])
2230 AC_MSG_ERROR([mscoree.lib (.NET Framework) not found. Make sure you use --with-frame-home])
2258 dnl preprocessor, so use CC preprocessor as the cc preprocessor
2480 dnl mingw gcc 4.4.0 needs backward in include path to use hash_set/hash_map
2499 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dynamic libgcc])
2516 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dynamic libstdc++])
2573 AC_MSG_WARN([found version "$_compaqc_version", use version 6 of the Compaq C++ compiler])
2574 echo "found version $_compaqc_version, use version 6 of the Compaq C++ compiler" >> warn
2735 # use --ccache-skip?
2739 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether we are allowed and able to use --ccache-skip])
2869 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which memory allocator to use])
2964 AC_MSG_ERROR([$_java_path not found, please use --with-jdk-home])
3027 #you must use the "--with-jdk-home" configure option explicitly])
3050 you must use the "--with-jdk-home" configure option explicitly])
3107 AC_MSG_ERROR([$javacompiler not found, please use --with-jdk-home])
3165 AC_MSG_ERROR([$_javadoc_path not found, please use --with-jdk-home])
3216 AC_MSG_ERROR([gij does not know its java.home - use --with-jdk-home])
3233 # Solaris 11 is even worse, because target is relative, so use -f
3274 # echo "e.g. install java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel and use --with-jdk-home=/usr/lib/jvm/j…
3350 AC_MSG_WARN([$gcjaot not found, please use --with-jdk-home])
3420 # test which package format to use
3421 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which package format to use])
3601 AC_MSG_RESULT([no, will use the prebuilt stax/download/stax-1.2.0.jar])
3636 Or use prebuilt one from and
3715 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which zlib to use])
3734 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which jpeg to use])
3753 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which expat to use])
3773 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which cppunit to use])
3848 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libxslt to use])
3880 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libxml to use])
3944 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which python to use])
4019 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which lucene to use])
4059 if $PERL -e 'use Archive::Zip;
4073 if $PERL -e 'use Archive::Zip;
4133 AC_MSG_ERROR([too old, use 5.0.x or 5.1.x])
4211 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which hsqldb to use])
4223 if $PERL -e 'use Archive::Zip;
4260 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which beanshell to use])
4293 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which saxon to use])
4421 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libapr to use])
4442 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libapr-util to use])
4463 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libserf to use])
4492 dnl Check wether to use system or internal CoinMP
4493 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which coinmp to use])
4522 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which curl to use])
4556 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which mdds to use])
4575 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which boost to use])
4612 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which vigra to use])
4631 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which odbc headers to use])
4668 dnl Test whether we want to use the OpenLDAP LDAP SDK
4670 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which LDAP SDK to use])
4699 or use the --with-mozilla-build option after installing the tool obtained
4729 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which sane header to use])
4746 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which icu to use])
4807 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which graphite to use])
4836 AC_MSG_ERROR([X11 build is no longer supported on MacOSX, please use the native aqua build])
4944 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Xrender headers to use])
4997 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libnss to use])
5017 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libssl to use])
5042 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which redland library to use])
5065 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libhunspell to use])
5103 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libhyphen to use])
5152 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which mythes to use])
5186 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libtextcat to use])
5201 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libtextcat data directory to use])
5294 are installed or use --with-psdk-home .])
5380 … AC_MSG_ERROR([DirectX SDK files not found, please use --with-directx-home or --disable-directx.])
5692 AC_MSG_ERROR([NASM is required to build on Windows, please install or use --with-nasm-home],,)
5729 AC_MSG_ERROR([Zip/Unzip are required to build, please install or use --with-zip-home],,)
5785 dnl Windows builds - use oowintool to copy CRT dlls and manifest
5924 AC_MSG_ERROR([please use --enable-gio only together with --disable-gnome-vfs.])
5955 …G_ERROR([requirements to build the GStreamer media backend not met. Do not use --enable-gstreamer …
5973 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which ARM processor optimization to use])
5995 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use cairo])
5999 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which cairo to use])
6079 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use system pdf backend])
6117 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Servlet API Jar to use])
6146 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which jfreereport libs to use (for Report Builder extension)])
6323 # this has to be here because both the wiki publisher and the SRB use
6326 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Apache commons-* libs to use])
6679 …], [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])], [AC_MSG_ERROR([KDE version too old or too recent, please use another ve…
6779 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether and how to use Xinerama])
6786 # we have both versions, let the user decide but use the dynamic one
6940 AC_MSG_RESULT([yes, use pre-built library])
6944 AC_MSG_RESULT([yes, use pre-installed library])
6983 AC_MSG_ERROR([Ant not found - Make sure it's in the path or use --with-ant-home])
7284 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use layout dialogs])