Lines Matching refs:aBuffer
103 ::rtl::OStringBuffer aBuffer; in copyProperties()
104 aBuffer.append( "::comphelper::copyProperties: could not copy property '" ); in copyProperties()
105 …aBuffer.append( ::rtl::OString( pSourceProps->Name.getStr(), pSourceProps->Name.getLength(), RTL_T… in copyProperties()
106 aBuffer.append( "' to the destination set (a '" ); in copyProperties()
111 …aBuffer.append( ::rtl::OUStringToOString( xSI->getImplementationName(), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(… in copyProperties()
115 aBuffer.append( typeid( *_rxDest.get() ).name() ); in copyProperties()
117 aBuffer.append( "' implementation).\n" ); in copyProperties()
120 aBuffer.append( "Caught an exception of type '" ); in copyProperties()
122 …aBuffer.append( ::rtl::OString( sExceptionType.getStr(), sExceptionType.getLength(), RTL_TEXTENCOD… in copyProperties()
123 aBuffer.append( "'" ); in copyProperties()
128 aBuffer.append( ", saying '" ); in copyProperties()
129 …aBuffer.append( ::rtl::OString( aBaseException.Message.getStr(), aBaseException.Message.getLength(… in copyProperties()
130 aBuffer.append( "'" ); in copyProperties()
132 aBuffer.append( "." ); in copyProperties()
134 OSL_ENSURE( sal_False, aBuffer.getStr() ); in copyProperties()