Lines Matching refs:property

68 	[property] short Align; 
74 [property] com::sun::star::util::Color BackgroundColor;
86 [property] short Border;
97 [optional, property] long BorderColor;
106 [property] any EffectiveDefault;
112 <p>This property is ignored if the format of the field is no numeric
115 [property] double EffectiveMax;
121 <p>This property is ignored if the format of the field is no numeric
124 [property] double EffectiveMin;
133 [property] double EffectiveValue;
139 [property] boolean Enabled;
145 [property] com::sun::star::awt::FontDescriptor FontDescriptor;
152 [property] short FontEmphasisMark;
159 [property] short FontRelief;
166 <p>This value is meaningful relative to the FormatsSupplier property
169 [property] long FormatKey;
175 [property] com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatsSupplier FormatsSupplier;
181 [property] string HelpText;
187 [property] string HelpURL;
197 [optional, property] boolean HideInactiveSelection;
205 [property] short MaxTextLen;
211 [property] boolean Printable;
218 [property] boolean ReadOnly;
227 [optional, property] boolean Repeat;
237 is specified with this property.</p>
241 [optional, property] long RepeatDelay;
247 [property] boolean Spin;
253 <p>This property is optional - not every component implementing this
257 [optional, property] boolean StrictFormat;
263 [property] boolean Tabstop;
269 [property] string Text;
275 [property] com::sun::star::util::Color TextColor;
281 [property] com::sun::star::util::Color TextLineColor;
287 [property] boolean TreatAsNumber;
297 [optional, property] short WritingMode;
301 … <p>Usually, the mouse wheel spins the numeric value displayed in the control. Using this property,
305 [optional, property] short MouseWheelBehavior;
313 [optional, property] com::sun::star::style::VerticalAlignment VerticalAlign;