Lines Matching defs:txfs_ebpb
2268 typedef struct txfs_ebpb // ext. boot parameter block struct
2270 USHORT SectSize; // 0B bytes per sector
2271 BYTE ClustSize; // 0D sectors per cluster
2272 USHORT FatOffset; // 0E sectors to 1st FAT
2273 BYTE NrOfFats; // 10 nr of FATS (FAT only)
2274 USHORT RootEntries; // 11 Max entries \ (FAT only)
2275 USHORT Sectors; // 13 nr of sectors if < 64K
2276 BYTE MediaType; // 15 mediatype (F8 for HD)
2277 USHORT FatSectors; // 16 sectors/FAT (FAT only)
2278 USHORT LogGeoSect; // 18 sectors/Track
2279 USHORT LogGeoHead; // 1a nr of heads
2280 ULONG HiddenSectors; // 1c sector-offset from MBR/EBR
2281 ULONG BigSectors; // 20 nr of sectors if >= 64K