Lines Matching refs:property
212 <p>The property
359 <p>This property contains the absolute position in the whole
362 [readonly, property] com::sun::star::awt::Point Position;
368 [readonly, property] com::sun::star::awt::Size Size;
375 reinserted into the property set.</p>
379 [property] com::sun::star::sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries
388 reinserted into the property set.</p>
392 [optional, property] com::sun::star::sheet::XSheetConditionalEntries
400 validation has to be reinserted into the property set.</p>
404 [property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet Validation;
412 validation has to be reinserted into the property set.</p>
416 [optional, property] com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet ValidationLocal;
422 [optional, readonly, property] string AbsoluteName;