Lines Matching refs:a

18 #  with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
1969 …tup.ulf 0 LngText %USAGE% 0 ne उपयोगीता:\n /? :यो संवाद देखाउँछ ।\n /a :प्रशासनिक स्थापना स…
3033 …alog\"\>\<link href=\"text/sbasic/guide/create_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Basic Dialog\"\>एउटा…
3120 …_dialog\"\>\<link href=\"text/sbasic/guide/show_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Opening a Dialog With Program …
3313 … नाम मात्र सूचीकृत हुन्छ । चल नामको पहिलो क्यारेक्टर \<emph\> अक्षर A-Z वा a-z सम्मको \</emph\>हु…
3314 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3149036 21 0 ne DIM a$, b इन्टिज…
3323 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150090 19 0 ne DIM a$ 2002-0…
3327 …sic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150343 133 0 ne स्ट्रिङको रूपमा चल "a" घोषणा गर्दछ 2002…
3334 …sic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3150982 132 0 ne स्ट्रिङको रूपमा चल "a" घोषणा गर्दछ 2002…
3338 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3152985 24 0 ne DIM a$ 2002-0…
3358 …sbasic\shared\01020100.xhp 0 help par_id3154527 134 0 ne स्ट्रिङको रूपमा "a"घोषणा गर्दछ । 200…
3739 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3151304 102 0 ne क्यारेक्टरहरू a
3748 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3155071 104 0 ne क्यारेक्टर a-z …
3752 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3156016 97 0 ne a 2002-02-02 …
3754 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3157983 98 0 ne क्यारेक्टरहरू a-…
5930 …t\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3145750 14 0 ne डबलको रूपमा Dim a 2002-02-02 02:02…
5932 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3148616 17 0 ne a=Exp( Log(b1)+L…
5933 …\sbasic\shared\03080202.xhp 0 help par_id3149262 18 0 ne सन्देश बाकस "" & a & chr(13) & (b1*b2) …
6343a \<emph\>While...Wend\</emph\> loop with \<link href=\"text/sbasic/shared/03090412.xhp\" name=\"E…
7558 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03103600.xhp 0 help par_id3159157 2 0 ne Returns a string …
7934 …ल्यास आउन जरुरी हुन्छ,यस्ता क्यारेक्टरहरूमा मिति- र समय-ढाँचा क्यारेक्टरहरू(a, c, d, h, m, n, p, q…
8243 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3146119 28 0 ne Join2 = Join(a(…
8250 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3149377 31 0 ne Join3 = Join(a(…
8254 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03120314.xhp 0 help par_id3151212 11 0 ne Dim a(३) 2002…
9314 …MULTILISTBOX:RID_SCDLG_INSERT_TABLE:LB_TABLES\"\>यदि तपाईँलेIf you selected a file by using the \<…
12072 …\scalc\01\04060116.xhp 0 help par_id3149931 206 0 ne d, c, m, u, n, p, f, a, z, y 2002-02-02 …
15438 helpcontent2 source\text\scalc\guide\csv_files.xhp 0 help par_idN108A2 0 ne यदि फाइलको a *.csv व…
15759 …\>\<link href=\"text/scalc/guide/integer_leading_zero.xhp\" name=\"Entering a Number with Leading …
15766 …रू - सङ्ख्याहरू\</emph\> ट्याबमा मानाङ्कित गर्न सक्नुहुने छ, र "always put a zero first and then …
16181 …ल्क कागजात खोल्नुहोस् र प्रकार्य परिमितिहरूका लागि \<item type=\"literal\"\>a\</item\>, \<item typ…
16183 … ne तपाईँले एकपटक परिभाषित गर्नु भएको प्रकार्य \<item type=\"literal\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\>आधारभ…
16187 …teral\"\>VOL(a; b; c)\</item\> प्रकार्यको परिभाषित गर्दछौं जसले लम्बाइहरू पट्टी ठोस वर्गाकारको भोल…
18346 …0 help par_id3147005 101 0 ne \<variable id=\"registeraenderungen\"\>Open a text document, choos…
19676 …ne तपाईँले टर्महरू समूह गर्न () पनि प्रयोग गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ, उदाहरणका लागि, "a(bc)?d" ले "ad" वा "a…
19679 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3145318 178 0 ne [^a-s] 2002-02-0…
19692 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3148676 177 0 ne a-e र h-x मध्ये बीच…
19694 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3149167 175 0 ne a र e मध्ये बीचका क…
19716 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3153351 179 0 ne a र s बीच नभएको कुन…
19734 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3155994 176 0 ne [a-eh-x] 2002-02…
19736 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\02100001.xhp 0 help par_id3156293 174 0 ne [a-e] 2002-02-02…
22649 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3147620 102 0 ne a,... aa,... aaa,..…
22674 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\01\06050500.xhp 0 help par_id3154749 66 0 ne a, b, c, ... 2002…
23558 …>Name\</emph\>\</link\>\<emph\>property\</emph\>). Normally, they are given a \<link href=\"text/s…
23850 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3148873 102 0 ne क्यारेक्टरहरू a-z र…
23876 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3150829 98 0 ne क्यारेक्टरहरू a-z र …
23885 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\02\01170101.xhp 0 help par_id3151346 97 0 ne a 2002-02-02 02:0…
23925 …not visible in the form, you can assign the list entries to other values in a value list. The valu…
24067a value list, the contents of the data field that you specified under \<emph\>Data Field\</emph\> …
24435 …1170300.xhp 0 help par_id3155934 12 0 ne You can also define the index of a control through its …
24690 …ँले कसरिto \<link href=\"text/shared/guide/border_table.xhp\" name=\"format a text table\"\> पाठ त…
24994 …base Columns \</emph\>dialog. Select whether the data should be inserted as a \<link href=\"text/s…
25773 …:\\a into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory f…
26694a $[officename] Impress document choose \<emph\>File - Export\</emph\>. You then see the \<emph\>E…
26711 … for Perl scripts\</emph\> text box. This directory has to be configured in a way that the Perl sc…
26959 …elp\> All cells must have the same format so that they can be recognized as a selected range. 2…
27304 …तिहरू a, b, c,... समाविष्ट हुन्छ । अभिव्यक्तिको कुनै नम्बर निर्दिष्ट गर्न सकिन्छ, र क्वेरीको नतिजा…
27343 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3149995 93 0 ne IN (a
27359 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3150679 99 0 ne a, b,…
27375 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3151333 197 0 ne a) C…
27399 …hared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3153544 98 0 ne NOT IN (a, b, c...) 2002-02…
27410 …hared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154112 97 0 ne NOT IN (a; b; c...) 2002-02…
27432 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3154809 95 0 ne a, b,…
27450 …67 0 ne तालिकामा रेकर्डहरूको नम्बर निर्धारण गर्दछ । खाली फाँटहरू गणना हुन(a) पनि सक्छन र नहुन(b)…
27475 …ar_id3158439 100 0 ne ...फाँट नामले निर्दिष्ट गरिएको कुनै एउटा अभिव्यक्ति a, b, c,...समाविष्ट गर…
27476 helpcontent2 source\text\shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp 0 help par_id3159085 94 0 ne IN (a
28833 …nk href=\"text/shared/guide/change_title.xhp\" name=\"Changing the Title of a Document\"\>कागजातको…
29052 …"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/guide/data_search2.xhp\" name=\"Searching With a Form Filter\"\>एउटा …
29195 …href=\"text/shared/guide/dragdrop.xhp\" name=\"Dragging and Dropping Within a $[officename] Docume…
29835 …g\"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/guide/macro_recording.xhp\" name=\"Recording a Macro\"\>एउटा म्याक्…
30076 …d/guide/pageformat_max.xhp\" name=\"Selecting the Maximum Printable Area on a Page\"\>एउटा पृष्ठमा…
30221 …\"text/shared/guide/redlining_doccompare.xhp\" name=\"Comparing Versions of a Document\"\>एउटा काग…
30574 … to activate a \<link href=\"text/shared/00/00000001.xhp#abreissleiste\" name=\"toolbar\"\>toolbar…
32135 …inline\> with the same name in the \<emph\>Options\</emph\> bar if a presentation or a drawing doc…
33271 …_NEWBYEXAMPLE\"\>\<link href=\"text/shared/01/05140100.xhp\" name=\"Creates a new style\"\>नयाँ शै…
34769 …ooter\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/footer.xhp\" name=\"Adding a Header or a Footer to All …
34779 …export\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/html_export.xhp\" name=\"Saving a Presentation in HTML…
34802 …idual\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/individual.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Custom Slide Show\"\…
34854 …\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/layer_move.xhp\" name=\"Moving Objects to a Different Layer\"\>ब…
34985 …\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/masterpage.xhp\" name=\"Applying a Slide Design to a Master Slid…
35003 …rgchart\"\>\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/orgchart.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Flowchart\"\>फ्लोचार…
35066 …\<link href=\"text/simpress/guide/print_tofit.xhp\" name=\"Printing a Slide to Fit a Paper Size\"\…
35467 …50024 43 0 ne \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XWIDEBSLASHY\"\>तिनीहरू बिचमा \<emph\>a widebslash b\</emph\…
35468 …50089 42 0 ne \<ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_XWIDESLASHY\"\>टाइप गर्नुहोस् \<emph\>a वाइडस्ल्यास b\</emph…
35471 …श \<emph\>uoper %theta x\</emph\> ले सानो ग्रिक चिठ्ठी उत्पादन गर्दछ theta (a अवयव \<emph\>$[offic…
35495 …ामचिन्ह, आदेश सञ्झ्यालहरूमा यसको नाम प्रविष्ट गरेर, उदाहरणका लागि, \<emph\>a %divide b = c\</emph…
35559 …er" सम्बन्धका लागि, टाइप गर्नुहोस् कि त \<emph\>१० gg १\</emph\> वा \<emph\>a gg b\</emph\>. 20…
35624 …प्लेसहोल्डरहरूको सट्टा मानहरूद्वारा प्रदान गरिन्छ, उदाहरणका लागि, lim a_{n}=a 2002-02-02 02:02:…
35729 …\> र \<emph\>दायाँ\</emph\> कोष्ठक आदेशको नजिक, उदाहरणका लागि, \<emph\>left(a over b right)\</emph…
35782 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113EB 0 ne a = \\{ \\( \\[ b newlin…
35785 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FA 0 ne a = बायाँ ( a माथि b दाय…
35786 …h\01\03090500.xhp 0 help par_idN113FF 0 ne बायाँ कुनै पनि फ्यान्थम छैन {a over b} + c दायाँ ) …
35802 …0.xhp 0 help par_id3149604 4 0 ne तलका विशेषता प्रकार्यहरू वर्णन, चिठ्ठी "a" प्रतिमाले प्लेसहोल्…
35803 …मणिका. आगत \<emph\>रङ हरियो साइज २० \</emph\> परिणाम हरियो चिठ्ठीमा दिन्छ "a" २० को फन्ट साइज सँग…
35856 …पर्दछ. यो विशेष रूपमा सहि हो जब प्रविष्ट गर्दै गरेको मानहरू (उदाहरणका लागि, a lsup{3}) प्लेसहोल्डर…
35866 …मात्र देखिन्छ. त्यसकारण तपाईँ टाइप गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ \<emph\>a+b alignr c\</emph\>, तर \<emph\>a+ali…
35872 …ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNCX\"\>तेर्सो केन्द्र पङ्क्तिबद्व प्रदान गर्नुहोस् "a" र प्लेसहोल्डर घुसाउ…
35875 …ू मध्ये कुनै एउटा सँग यो परिवर्तन गर्न सक्नुहुन्छ । एउटा उदाहरण \<emph\>थाक{a+b-c*d#alignr "text"}…
35878 … नै जुन तपाईँ पङ्क्तिबद्व गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ. उदाहरणका लागि, टाइपिङ \<emph\>"" a+b newline "" c+d\</e…
35883 …सङ्ख्याहरू र डिनोमिनेटरहरू पङ्क्तिबद्व गर्दा, उदाहरणका लागि \<emph\>{alignl a}over{b+c}\</emph\> …
35887 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03090700.xhp 0 help par_id3153536 17 0 ne चिठ्ठी "a" ले तपाईँको…
35888 … जुनको अर्थ त्यो टाइप गर्दै हो \<emph\>{alignl{alignr a}}{b+c}\</emph\> पङ्क्तिबद्व माथि \<emph\>a
35891 …्याट्रिक्समा तत्वहरू पङ्क्तिबद्व गर्दा, उदाहरणका लागि \<emph\>matrix{alignr a#b+2##c+1/3#alignl d}…
35893 …ahelp hid=\"HID_SMA_ALIGNLX\"\>यो प्रतिमाले बायाँ-पङ्क्तिबद्व प्रदान गर्दछ "a" र प्लेसहोल्डर घुसाउ…
35899 … 0 help par_id3155946 52 0 ne नयाँ रेखा सुरु गर्दा, उदाहरणका लागि \<emph\>a+b-c newline alignr x…
36042 …कहरू ठाडो पङ्क्ति बीच सँग), भौतिक नोटेसनमा साधारण छ: "langle a mline b rangle" वा "langle a mline …
36043 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3146934 42 0 ne "size *2 size -5 a" घ…
36053 …ो. उदाहरणका लागि, कुन रङ b सँग " रङ पहेलो रङ रातो (a + रङ हरियो b)" छ, वा कुन साइज यो सँग छ "साइज*…
36058 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3149297 43 0 ne "font sans ( a + font…
36066 …्दछ, तिनीहरूको कोष्ठकहरू र सुपर-/सबस्क्रिप्टहरू समावेश गरि. उदाहरणका लागि, "a + साइज *2 (b * साइज …
36069 …ाहरण छ: "size 12 color red font sans size -5 (a + size 8 b)" जस्तै "{size 12{color red{font sans{s…
36074 …समस्या-छुट् छ. सूत्र ह्याटमा "{a + b}" "hat" साधारण रूपमा केन्द्र "{a + b}" माथि प्रदर्शन गरिन्छ. …
36079a over b )" चाहनुहुन्छ कोष्ठक साइज सँग a र b समायोजन गर्न तपाईँले घुसाउनु पर्दछ "left" र "right". …
36081 …ize *" र "size /" प्रयोग गर्नुहुन्छ भने (उदाहरणका लागि, "size *1.24 a or size /0.86 a") अनुपात अखण…
36083 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091100.xhp 0 help par_id3155174 44 0 ne "साइज *२ ( a + साइज /…
36095 …ू छन् "sub" र "sup", मध्ये तिनीहरू आधार क्यारेक्टरको बायाँमा छ. हेर्नुहोस् "a lsub 2 lsup 3." 2…
36098 …छोड्नुहोस्. उदाहरणका लागि, टाइप गर्नुहोस् \<emph\>a_2^3\</emph\> वा \<emph\>a^3_2\</emph\>. यो कुन…
36099 …रिप्ट राख्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने, अभिब्यक्त्ति लको रूपमा लेख्न सकिन्छ: a_2{}^3 वा a^3{}_2 2002-02-02 …
36101 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3151272 10 0 ne a^{2^3} 2002-02-02…
36107 …ूको प्रयोगको महत्व उही रहन्छ. सिद्वान्तमा, यो लागू पनि हुन्छ \<emph\>{}_2^3 a\</emph\>. 2002-02…
36108 …ाइनरी सञ्चालनकर्ताहरू सँग जडित गर्न सकिन्छ. दुई उदाहरणहरू: "a div_2 b a<csub n b +_2 h" र "a towar…
36110 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3155985 6 0 ne a^2^3 2002-02-02 02…
36112 …पर- र सबस्क्रिप्ट सिधा माथि वा क्यारेक्टरको तल लेख्न सक्नुहुन्छ. उदाहरण हो "a csub y csup x". अनुक…
36125 …र्कमा समायोजन हुन्छ. हेर्नुहोस् "left(left(left(a right)right)right)", "left(stack{a#b#c}right)", …
36126 …्छ जुन कोष्ठकको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ. तुलना गर्नुहोस् "(((a)))", "( stack{a#b#c})", "(a over b…
36128 …id3156316 3 0 ne फ्याक्टरियल मापन गरिएको छैन (उदाहरण: "fact stack{a#b}" र "fact {a over b}") तर …
36755a over b)\</emph\> \<emph\>आदेश\</emph\> सञ्झ्यालहरूमा, कोष्ठकहरूले तर्कको सम्पूर्ण उचाइ घेर्दछ. Y…
36866 …e\text\smath\guide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153246 7 0 ne a+a+a+{} newline {}{}{}{}{}a+a+a+a 2…
36867 …\guide\align.xhp 0 help par_id3153809 6 0 ne "A further example." newline a+b newline ""c-d 2…
36873 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3143231 6 0 ne a + b 2002-02-…
36875 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3149872 4 0 ne दोस्रो सूत्रमा, a
36877 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\attributes.xhp 0 help par_id3153810 5 0 ne nitalic a + bold …
36882 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3083280 7 0 ne {a + c} over 2 = m …
36885 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\brackets.xhp 0 help par_id3150297 5 0 ne m = {a + c} over 2 …
36893 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\guide\comment.xhp 0 help par_idN105D3 0 ne a^2+b^2=c^2 %% पाइथागो…
36989 …इप गर्न सक्नु हुन्छ । उदाहरणका लागि, पाठ कागजातमा यो सूत्र टाइप गर्नुहोस्: "a sup 2 + b sup 2 = c …
37410a reminder at the current cursor position. You can define up to five reminders. To jump to a remin…
37738 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04020000.xhp 0 help par_id3149684 5 0 ne To edit a section, c…
37805 …n\"\>\<ahelp hid=\"SW:PUSHBUTTON:DLG_INS_FOOTNOTE:BT_NUMBER_CHAR\"\>Inserts a \<link href=\"text/s…
37986 …. You can insert the time as a fixed field - \<item type=\"literal\"\>Time (fixed)\</item\> - that…
38016 …ा लागि, तपाईँंले \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04040000.xhp\" name=\"insert a bookmark\"\>पुस्तकचि…
38020 …का लागि, तपाईँंले \<link href=\"text/shared/01/05020400.xhp\" name=\"insert a hyperlink\"\>हाइपरलि…
38208a mail merge field if the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04090200.xhp\" name=\"Condition\"\>\<emph\…
38442 …p hid=\".uno:InsertMultiIndex\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Inserts an index or a table of contents at…
38511 … occur on the same page, or consecutive pages, with a single entry that lists the page number with…
38512 …SH\"\>Replaces identical index entries that occur on consecutive pages with a single entry and the…
38513 …nserts index keys as separate index entries.\</ahelp\> A key is inserted as a top level index entr…
38520 …CKBOX_TP_TOX_SELECT_CB_COLLECTSAME\"\>Replaces identical index entries with a single entry that li…
38620a tab stop. To add leader dots to the tab stop, select a character in the \<emph\>Fill character b…
38630 …e of a heading level you can enter codes or text in the empty boxes on this line. You can also cli…
38641 … the main entries in the alphabetical index. To convert an index entry into a main entry, click in…
38719 …rent index entries. The "Search term" or the "Alternative entry" appears as a subentry under the 1…
38738 …rts the bibliographic reference into the document.\</ahelp\> If you created a new record, you must…
38739 …/link\> dialog, where you can create a new bibliography record. This record is only stored in the …
38744 …_id3153536 18 0 ne \<ahelp hid=\"HID_AUTH_MARK_DLG_FROM_DOC_RB\"\>Inserts a reference from the b…
38753 …riable id=\"syrahmentext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertFrameInteract\"\>Draws a frame where you drag…
38757 …7 0 ne To edit a frame, click the border to select it, and then choose \<emph\>Format - Frame\</…
38790 … 50 0 ne $[officename] can automatically format numbers that you enter in a table cell, for exam…
38821a file, insert a section into your document, and then insert a link to the text file in the sectio…
38831 …_id3149810 14 0 ne \<ahelp hid=\"SW:EDIT:DLG_JAVAEDIT:ED_URL\"\>Adds a link to a script file. Cl…
38832a small green rectangle. If you do not see the rectangle, choose \<emph\>Tools - Options - HTML Do…
38849 …ves a header from the page style that you select in the submenu. The header is added to all of the…
38852 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04220000.xhp 0 help par_id3153921 4 0 ne To remove a header, …
38855 …ves a footer from the page style that you select in the submenu. The footer is added to all of the…
38861 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04990000.xhp 0 help par_id3145827 2 0 ne Inserts a field at t…
38888 …ter the minimum number of characters to leave at the end of the line before a hyphen is inserted.\…
38890 …ER\"\>Keeps the current paragraph and the following paragraph together when a break or column brea…
38899 …s the minimum number of lines in a paragraph in the first page after the break. Select this check …
38900 …pecifies the minimum number of lines in a paragraph before a page break. Select this check box, an…
38919 …2 0 ne \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DROPCAPS\"\>Formats the first letter of a paragraph with a large capita…
38969a layout to a page style, all pages that use the style are updated. Similarly, when you apply a co…
39035 …X:TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES:CB_FTN_NUM_FMT\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies a custom numbering for…
39036 …X:TP_SECTION_FTNENDNOTES:CB_END_NUM_FMT\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Specifies a custom numbering for…
39108 …gnment reference point. If you anchor the object as a character, the reference rectangle changes t…
39125a document that was created in a version of %PRODUCTNAME older than %PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION. …
39144 …lp hid=\"SW:IMAGERADIOBUTTON:TP_FRM_WRAP:RB_NO_WRAP\"\>Places the object on a separate line in the…
39158 …riable id=\"ersterabsatztext\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:WrapAnchorOnly\"\>Starts a new paragraph below …
39182 …the parts of the bitmap that are the same color. Click here, and then click a color in the bitmap.…
39206 …aws an oval contour where you drag in the object preview.\</ahelp\> To draw a circle, hold down sh…
39220 …olor tolerance for the eyedropper as a percentage. To increase the color range that the eyedropper…
39221 …DLG_POLY\"\>Draws a closed contour consisting of straight line segments. Click where you want to s…
39370 …mes after the current item in a linked sequence. To add or change the next link, select a name fro…
39376 …frame) that comes before the current item in a linked sequence. To add or change the previous link…
39448 …0201.xhp 0 help par_id3150983 10 0 ne To change the behavior of tables in a text document, choos…
39505 …/switchinline\>+Shift+T. To remove the protection from all of the tables in a document, click anyw…
39544 … widths to match the contents of the cells.\</ahelp\> Changing the width of a column does not affe…
39632 …s correspond to the titles of dialog fields): If a paragraph formatted with a conditional style is…
39861 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3143284 38 0 ne a,... aa,... aaa,..…
39881 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06060100.xhp 0 help par_id3154104 18 0 ne a, b, c, ... 200…
39936 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3151171 17 0 ne a, b, c 2002-02-…
39946 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\06080100.xhp 0 help par_id3154194 59 0 ne a,... aa,... aaa,..…
39991a tab, marks the column boundaries in the selected text. Each paragraph in the selection is conver…
40019 …TING:RB_UP3\"\>बढ्दो अर्डरमा क्रमबद्व गर्नुहोस्, (उदाहरणका लागि, १, २, ३ वा a, b, c).\</ahelp\> …
40065a paragraph from line numbering, click in the paragraph, choose \<emph\>Format - Paragraph\</emph\…
41110 …>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/arrange_chapters.xhp\" name=\"Rearranging a Document by Using th…
41167 …40 0 ne \<link href=\"text/shared/optionen/01010401.xhp\" name=\"Creating a new dictionary.\"\>न…
41238 …culate_clipboard.xhp\" name=\" Calculating and Pasting the Result of a Formula in a Text Document\…
41265 …r/guide/calculate_intext2.xhp\" name=\"Displaying the Result of a Table Calculation in a Different…
41312 …der\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/change_header.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Page Style Based on …
41382 …href=\"text/swriter/guide/delete_from_dict.xhp\" name=\"Removing Words From a User-Defined Diction…
41409 …t\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/field_convert.xhp\" name=\"Converting a Field into Text\"\>फ…
41441 …date\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/fields_date.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Fixed or Variable Da…
41560 …"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/form_letters_main.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Form Letter\"\>फारम …
41634 …riter/guide/header_with_chapter.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Chapter Name and Number in a Header or a
41744 … href=\"text/swriter/guide/indices_form.xhp\" name=\"Formatting an Index or a Table of Contents\"\…
41767 …2760 38 0 ne \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120250.xhp\" name=\"Creating a concordance file\"\>…
41773 …\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/indices_literature.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Bibliography\"\>सन्द…
41805 …s_toc\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/indices_toc.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Table of Contents\"\…
41837 …=\"text/swriter/guide/insert_beforetable.xhp\" name=\"Inserting Text Before a Table at the Top of …
41844 …f=\"text/swriter/guide/insert_graphic_dialog.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Graphic From a File\"\>फाइलब…
41850 …text/swriter/guide/insert_graphic_fromchart.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Calc Chart into a Text Docume…
41871 …\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/insert_graphic_scan.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Scanned Image\"\>स्क…
41878 …line\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/insert_line.xhp\" name=\"Inserting a Horizontal Line\"\>त…
42015 …ef=\"text/swriter/guide/numbering_paras.xhp\" name=\"Modifying Numbering in a Numbered List\"\>क्र…
42117 …w\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/print_preview.xhp\" name=\"Previewing a Page Before Printing…
42397 …=\"text/swriter/guide/table_cells.xhp\" name=\"Adding or Deleting a Row or Column to a Table Using…
42407 …/swriter/guide/table_delete.xhp\" name=\"Deleting Tables or the Contents of a Table\"\>तालिकाहरू व…
42454 …swriter/guide/table_repeat_multiple_headers.xhp\" name=\"Repeating a Table Header on a New Page\"\…
42491 …e\"\>\<link href=\"text/swriter/guide/template_create.xhp\" name=\"Creating a Document Template\"\…
42543 …k href=\"text/swriter/guide/text_centervert.xhp\" name=\"Using a Frame to Center Text on a Page\"\…
43618 … LngText STRING_ANALYZING_DATABASE2 0 ne Analyzing database\nPlease wait a moment ... 2002-0…
43630 …S_1 0 ne Components marked in color will be installed. Click the icon of a component to mark or…
43640 …roduct in the directory suggested by this Installation Wizard. <p>To choose a different location, …
43653 …ONENTS_1 0 ne Components marked with an X will be removed. Click next to a component to mark or…
43685 … 0 ne This page indicates the progress of the installation with the aid of a progress bar. To abo…
43707 … installation will be done without root privileges. Therefore you will have a reduced functionalit…
43715 …STRING_ROOT_PRIVILEGES_REQUIRED_2 0 ne Please log out and log back in as a user with system adm…
43732 …0 ne This page indicates the progress of the uninstallation with the aid of a progress bar. To abo…
47729 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Credits.emptyparagraph.A1 a 0 ne हा…
47730 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Credits.emptyparagraph.A2 a 0 ne ओप…
47734 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.A1 a 0 ne समावेश हु…
47735 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.A2 a 0 ne ओपनअफिस ड…
47736 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.A3 a 0 ne प्रयोगकर्…
47738 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A10 a
47739 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A11 a
47742 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A12 a
47745 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A4 a
47746 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A5 a
47749 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A6 a
47750 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A7 a
47752 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A8 a
47756 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.GettingInvolved.emptyparagraph.A9 a
47799 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Registration.A1 a 0 ne दर्ता 20…
47800 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Registration.A2 a 0 ne तपाईँले सफ्ट…
47801 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.ReportBugsIssues.A1 a 0 ne त्रुटि र…
47802 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.ReportBugsIssues.A2 a 0 ne ओपनअफिस …
47811 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.UserSupport.A1 a 0 ne प्रयोगकर्ता स…
47812 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.UserSupport.A2 a 0 ne ${PRODUCTNAME…
47815 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.UserSupport.A3 a 0 ne FAQ खण्डमा पा…
47818 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.UserSurvey.A1 a 0 ne प्रयोगकर्ता सर…
47819 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.UserSurvey.A2 a 0 ne त्यहाँ अवस्थित…
47821 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Welcome.A11 a 0 ne ${PRODUCTNAME} ज…
47825 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Welcome.A7 a 0 ne ओपनअफिस डट अर्ग स…
47828 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Welcome.LaterstUpdates a 0 ne रिडमी…
47830 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Welcome.ReadMeTitle a 0 ne ${PRODUC…
47831 readlicense_oo docs\readme\readme.xrm 0 readmeitem ooo_readme.Welcome.Welcome a 0 ne स्वागतम् …
47871 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\GroupsSorting.src 0 string STR_RPT_HELP_FIELD 0 ne Select a field or …
47872 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\GroupsSorting.src 0 string STR_RPT_HELP_FOOTER 0 ne Display a footer …
47873 …TR_RPT_HELP_GROUPON 0 ne Select the value or range of values that starts a new group. 2002-0…
47874 reportdesign source\ui\dlg\GroupsSorting.src 0 string STR_RPT_HELP_HEADER 0 ne Display a header …
56984 …ges.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5 0 ne साना वर्ण अक्षर a) b) c) 2002-02-02…
56985 …es.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6 0 ne साना वर्ण अक्षर (a) (b) (c) 2002-02-…
57003 svx source\dialog\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 3 0 ne a, b, c, ... …
57007 svx source\dialog\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 7 0 ne a, .., aa, .., …
57265 svx source\dialog\page.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_PAGE.LB_NUMBER_FORMAT 2 0 ne a, b, c, ... …
60250 svx source\svdraw\svdstr.src 0 string STR_ViewTextEdit 0 ne पाठसम्पादन: अनुच्छेद %a, पङ्क्ति %z,…
62785 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 3 0 ne a, b, c, ... 20…
62789 sw source\ui\misc\numberingtypelistbox.src 0 itemlist STRRES_NUMTYPES.1 7 0 ne a, .., aa, .., aaa…
65585 svx source\cui\page.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_PAGE.LB_NUMBER_FORMAT 2 0 ne a, b, c, ... 200…
65787 svx source\cui\numpages.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6 0 ne साना वर्ण अक्षर (a)…
67019 svx source\cui\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 3 0 ne a, b, c, ... 20…
67094 svx source\cui\numpages.src 0 stringlist RID_SVXPAGE_NUM_OPTIONS.LB_FMT 7 0 ne a, .., aa, .., aaa…
67383 svx source\cui\numpages.src 0 string RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5 0 ne साना वर्ण अक्षर a) …