Lines Matching refs:index

6697 sw	source\ui\index\multmrk.src	0	fixedline	DLG_MULTMRK	FL_TOX			153	tr	Seçim				20200411 15:09:53
6698 sw source\ui\index\multmrk.src 0 fixedtext DLG_MULTMRK FT_ENTRY 41 tr Dizin 20200411 15:09:53
6699 sw source\ui\index\multmrk.src 0 fixedtext DLG_MULTMRK FT_TOX 41 tr Giriş 20200411 15:09:53
6700 sw source\ui\index\multmrk.src 0 modaldialog DLG_MULTMRK CMD_FN_EDIT_IDX_ENTRY_DLG 220 tr Dizin İ…
6701 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 #define IDX_PHONETIC_LISTBOX_DESCRIPTION 0 tr Sesbilgisi okuma …
6702 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 okbutton IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG BT_OK 50 tr Ekle 20200411 1…
6703 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 cancelbutton IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG BT_CANCEL 50 tr Kapat 2…
6704 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 pushbutton IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG BT_DEL 50 tr ~Sil 2020041…
6705 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 imagebutton IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG BT_NEW 0 tr - Yeni Kullanı…
6706 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedline IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG FL_INDEX 0 tr Seçim 202004…
6707 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG LBL_INDEX 40 tr ~Dizin 202…
6708 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG LBL_ENTRY 27 tr ~Giriş 202…
6709 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG LBL_KEY 42 tr ~1. anahtar …
6710 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG LBL_KEY2 42 tr ~2. anahtar …
6711 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG LBL_LEVEL 41 tr ~Düzey 202…
6712 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 checkbox IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG CB_MAIN_ENTRY 100 tr ~Ana giri…
6713 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 checkbox IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG CB_APPLY_TO_ALL 140 tr ~Tüm be…
6714 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 checkbox IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG CB_CASESENSITIVE 131 tr BÜYÜK/…
6715 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 checkbox IDX_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG CB_WORDONLY 131 tr ~Sadece büt…
6716 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedline DLG_NEW_USER_IDX FL_NAME 130 tr Yeni kullanıcı dizini …
6717 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext DLG_NEW_USER_IDX FT_NAME 40 tr ~Adı 20200411 15:09:53
6718 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 modaldialog DLG_NEW_USER_IDX HID_DLG_NEW_USER_IDX 194 tr Yeni Kul…
6719 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 string STR_IDXMRK_EDIT 194 tr Dizin Girişini Düzenle 20200411…
6720 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 string STR_IDXMRK_INSERT 194 tr Dizin Girişi Ekle 20200411 15…
6721 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 radiobutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG RB_FROMCOMPONENT 147 tr Ka…
6722 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 radiobutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG RB_FROMDOCCONTENT 147 tr ~…
6723 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG FT_AUTHOR 60 tr Yazar 202…
6724 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG FT_TITLE 60 tr Başlık 202…
6725 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedtext AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG FT_ENTRY 60 tr K~ısa ad 2…
6726 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedline AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG FL_ENTRY 146 tr Giriş 202…
6727 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 okbutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG PB_OK 50 tr Ekle 20200411 …
6728 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 cancelbutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG PB_CANCEL 50 tr Kapat …
6729 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 pushbutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG PB_CREATEENTRY 50 tr ~Yeni …
6730 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 pushbutton AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG PB_EDITENTRY 50 tr Düzenle …
6731 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 string AUTH_DIALOG_WINDOW.WIN_DLG ST_CHANGE 50 tr Değiştir 202…
6732 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 fixedline DLG_CREATE_AUTH_ENTRY FL_ENTRIES 300 tr Veri girişi …
6733 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 modaldialog DLG_CREATE_AUTH_ENTRY HID_DLG_CREATE_AUTH_ENTRY 365 t…
6734 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 string STR_AUTHMRK_EDIT 365 tr Kaynakça Girişini Düzenle 2020…
6735 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 string STR_AUTHMRK_INSERT 365 tr Kaynakça Girişi Ekle 2020041…
6736 sw source\ui\index\idxmrk.src 0 querybox DLG_CHANGE_AUTH_ENTRY 365 tr Belge zaten kaynakça giriş…
6737 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string STR_TITLE 0 tr Başlık 20200411 15:09:53
6738 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string STR_ALPHA 0 tr Ayırıcı 20200411 15:09:53
6739 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string STR_LEVEL 0 tr Düzey 20200411 15:09:53
6740 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string STR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 0 tr "%2" yolundaki "%1" dosyası bulun…
6741 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pageitem DLG_MULTI_TOX.1 TP_TOX_SELECT 0 tr Dizin/Tablo 202004…
6742 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pageitem DLG_MULTI_TOX.1 TP_TOX_ENTRY 0 tr Girişler 20200411 1…
6743 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pageitem DLG_MULTI_TOX.1 TP_TOX_STYLES 0 tr Stiller 20200411 1…
6744 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pageitem DLG_MULTI_TOX.1 TP_COLUMN 0 tr Sütunlar 20200411 15:0…
6745 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pageitem DLG_MULTI_TOX.1 TP_BACKGROUND 0 tr Arka plan 20200411…
6746 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_MULTI_TOX ST_USERDEFINEDINDEX 150 tr Kullanıcı Tanımlı…
6747 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox DLG_MULTI_TOX CB_SHOWEXAMPLE 200 tr Önizleme 20200411…
6748 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 tabdialog DLG_MULTI_TOX HID_MULTI_TOX_DLG 0 tr Dizin/Tablo Ekle …
6749 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_SELECT FL_TYPETITLE 248 tr Tür ve başlık 2020…
6750 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_TITLE 30 tr ~Başlık 20200411 15:09:…
6751 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_TYPE 30 tr Tür 20200411 15:09:53
6752 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 1 0 tr İçindekiler 20200411 1…
6753 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 2 0 tr Alfabetik Dizin 202004…
6754 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 3 0 tr Örnekli Dizin 20200411…
6755 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 4 0 tr Tablo Dizini 20200411 …
6756 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 5 0 tr Kullanıcı Tanımlı 2020…
6757 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 6 0 tr Nesne Tablosu 20200411…
6758 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_TYPE 7 0 tr Kaynakça 20200411 15:0…
6759 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_READONLY 200 tr Elle yapılan değişiklik…
6760 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_SELECT FL_AREA 248 tr Dizin/tablo oluştur 202…
6761 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_AREA 30 tr için 20200411 15:09:53
6762 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_AREA 1 0 tr Bütün belge 20200411 1…
6763 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_AREA 2 0 tr Bölüm 20200411 15:09:53
6764 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_LEVEL 60 tr Şu düzeye kadar değerlendi…
6765 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_SELECT FL_CREATEFROM 248 tr Buradan oluştur 2…
6766 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMHEADINGS 95 tr Anahat 20200411 1…
6767 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_ADDSTYLES 75 tr ~Ek Stiller 20200411…
6768 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_SELECT ST_USER_ADDSTYLE 75 tr Still~er 20200411 …
6769 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_TOXMARKS 90 tr Dizin ~işaretleri 202…
6770 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 radiobutton TP_TOX_SELECT RB_FROMCAPTIONS 90 tr Başlıklar 2020…
6771 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_CAPTIONSEQUENCE 40 tr Kategori 2020…
6772 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_DISPLAYTYPE 40 tr Görüntüle 2020041…
6773 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_DISPLAYTYPE 1 0 tr Kaynaklar 20200…
6774 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_DISPLAYTYPE 2 0 tr Kategori ve Numara…
6775 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_SELECT.LB_DISPLAYTYPE 3 0 tr Başlık Metni 20…
6776 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 radiobutton TP_TOX_SELECT RB_FROMOBJECTNAMES 90 tr Nesne adları …
6777 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_COLLECTSAME 121 tr Aynı girişleri birle…
6778 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_USEFF 115 tr P veya ~pp ile aynı olan g…
6779 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_USE_DASH 115 tr Şununla birleştir - …
6780 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_CASESENSITIVE 115 tr Büyük/Küçük harfe …
6781 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_INITIALCAPS 115 tr Girişleri Otomatik B…
6782 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_KEYASENTRY 115 tr Ayrı girişler olarak …
6783 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMFILE 115 tr ~Uyuşma dosyası 2020…
6784 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 menuitem TP_TOX_SELECT.MB_AUTOMARK MN_AUTOMARK_OPEN 0 tr Aç 20…
6785 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 menuitem TP_TOX_SELECT.MB_AUTOMARK MN_AUTOMARK_NEW 0 tr ~Yeni... …
6786 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 menuitem TP_TOX_SELECT.MB_AUTOMARK MN_AUTOMARK_EDIT 0 tr Dü~zenle…
6787 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 menubutton TP_TOX_SELECT MB_AUTOMARK 50 tr ~Dosya 20200411 15:…
6788 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMTABLES 68 tr Tablolar 20200411 1…
6789 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMFRAMES 68 tr ~Metin çerçeveleri …
6790 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMGRAPHICS 68 tr Grafikler 2020041…
6791 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_FROMOLE 68 tr OLE nesneleri 20200411…
6792 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_LEVELFROMCHAPTER 103 tr Kaynak bölümdek…
6793 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_SELECT FL_IDXOPTIONS 248 tr Seçenekler 202004…
6794 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 itemlist TP_TOX_SELECT.RES_SRCTYPES.1 1 0 tr %PRODUCTNAME Math …
6795 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 itemlist TP_TOX_SELECT.RES_SRCTYPES.1 2 0 tr %PRODUCTNAME Chart …
6796 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 itemlist TP_TOX_SELECT.RES_SRCTYPES.1 3 0 tr %PRODUCTNAME Calc …
6797 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 itemlist TP_TOX_SELECT.RES_SRCTYPES.1 4 0 tr %PRODUCTNAME Draw/%P…
6798 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 itemlist TP_TOX_SELECT.RES_SRCTYPES.1 5 0 tr Diğer OLE Nesneleri …
6799 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_SELECT FL_FROMOBJ 248 tr Takip eden nesnelerden …
6800 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_SELECT CB_SEQUENCE 100 tr ~Numara girişleri 20…
6801 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_SELECT FT_BRACKET 60 tr ~Köşeli parantezler 2…
6802 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string ST_NO_BRACKET 260 tr [hiçbiri] 20200411 15:09:53
6803 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline FL_AUTHORITY 248 tr Girişlerin biçimlendirmesi 2020…
6804 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string ST_AUTOMARK_TYPE 248 tr Alfabetik dizin için seçim dosyas…
6805 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline FL_SORTOPTIONS 248 tr Sırala 20200411 15:09:53
6806 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext FT_LANGUAGE 33 tr Dil 20200411 15:09:53
6807 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext FT_SORTALG 50 tr Anahtar türü 20200411 15:09:53
6808 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_LEVEL 25 tr ~Düzey 20200411 15:09:53
6809 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY ST_AUTHTYPE 25 tr ~Tür 20200411 15:09:53
6810 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_TOKEN 30 tr ~Yapı 20200411 15:09:53
6811 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_ENTRY_NO 10 tr E# 2020…
6812 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_ENTRY 10 tr E 20200411…
6813 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_TAB_STOP 10 tr T 20200…
6814 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_PAGE_NUMS 10 tr # 2020…
6815 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_CHAPTER_INFO 10 tr CI …
6816 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_LINK_START 10 tr LS 20…
6817 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_LINK_END 10 tr LE 2020…
6818 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_AUTHORITY 10 tr A 2020…
6819 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_ENTRY_NO 10 tr Bölüm…
6820 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_ENTRY 10 tr Giriş …
6821 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_TAB_STOP 10 tr Sekme…
6822 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_TEXT 10 tr Metin …
6823 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_PAGE_NUMS 10 tr Sayf…
6824 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_CHAPTER_INFO 10 tr B…
6825 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_LINK_START 10 tr Köp…
6826 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_LINK_END 10 tr Köprü…
6827 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_TOKEN_HELP_AUTHORITY 10 tr Kayn…
6828 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_CHARSTYLE 10 tr Karakter Stili:…
6829 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_STRUCTURE 10 tr Yapı metni 2…
6830 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_ADDITIONAL_ACCNAME_STRING1 10 t…
6831 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_ADDITIONAL_ACCNAME_STRING2 10 t…
6832 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY.WIN_TOKEN STR_ADDITIONAL_ACCNAME_STRING3 10 t…
6833 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_ALL_LEVELS 40 tr ~Tümü 20200411 15:…
6834 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_ENTRYNO 40 tr Bölüm no. 20200411 15…
6835 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_ENTRY 40 tr Giriş metni 20200411 15…
6836 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_CHAPTERINFO 40 tr ~Bölüm bilgileri …
6837 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_PAGENO 40 tr Sayfa no. 20200411 15:…
6838 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_TAB 40 tr Sekme durağı 20200411 15:…
6839 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_HYPERLINK 40 tr ~Köprü 20200411 15:…
6840 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_AUTHINSERT 39 tr ~Ekle 20200411 15:…
6841 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_AUTHREMOVE 39 tr ~Kaldır 20200411 1…
6842 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_CHARSTYLE 60 tr Karakter Stili 20200…
6843 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_ENTRY PB_EDITSTYLE 50 tr Dü~zenle... 2020041…
6844 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_FILLCHAR 60 tr Dolgu karakteri 20200…
6845 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_CHAPTERENTRY 60 tr Bölüm girişi 2020…
6846 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_ENTRY.LB_CHAPTERENTRY 1 0 tr Sadece numara aral…
6847 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_ENTRY.LB_CHAPTERENTRY 2 0 tr Sadece tanım 20…
6848 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_ENTRY.LB_CHAPTERENTRY 3 0 tr Numara aralığı ve …
6849 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_ENTRY_NO 60 tr Biçim 20200411 15:09:…
6850 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_ENTRY.LB_ENTRY_NO 1 0 tr Numara 20200411 15:…
6851 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 stringlist TP_TOX_ENTRY.LB_ENTRY_NO 2 0 tr Ayırıcısız numara 2…
6852 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_LEVEL_OL 60 tr Şu düzeye kadar değerlen…
6853 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_TABPOS 60 tr Sekme durağı konumu 202…
6854 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_ENTRY CB_AUTORIGHT 100 tr Sağa hizala 20200411…
6855 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_ENTRY FL_ENTRY 220 tr Yapı ve Biçimlendirme 2…
6856 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_ENTRY CB_RELTOSTYLE 200 tr Paragraf Stili gir~int…
6857 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_ENTRY FT_MAIN_ENTRY_STYLE 116 tr Ana girişler iç…
6858 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_ENTRY CB_ALPHADELIM 105 tr Alfabetik ayıraç 20…
6859 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 checkbox TP_TOX_ENTRY CB_COMMASEPARATED 105 tr Virgüllerle ayrılm…
6860 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_ENTRY FL_FORMAT 220 tr Biçim 20200411 15:09:53
6861 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 radiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_DOCPOS 94 tr Belge ~konumu 202004…
6862 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 radiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTCONTENT 90 tr İç~erik 20200411…
6863 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_ENTRY FL_SORTING 220 tr Sırala 20200411 15:09…
6864 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTUP1 12 tr - Küçükten büyüğe…
6865 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTDOWN1 12 tr - Büyükten küçü…
6866 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTUP2 12 tr - Küçükten büyüğe…
6867 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTDOWN2 12 tr - Büyükten küçü…
6868 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTUP3 12 tr - Küçükten büyüğe…
6869 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imageradiobutton TP_TOX_ENTRY RB_SORTDOWN3 12 tr - Büyükten küçü…
6870 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_ENTRY FL_SORTKEY 220 tr Anahtarları sırala 20…
6871 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY STR_NOSORTKEY 220 tr <Hiçbiri> 20200411 15…
6872 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY STR_NO_CHAR_STYLE 220 tr <Hiçbiri> 2020041…
6873 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string TP_TOX_ENTRY STR_DELIM 220 tr S 20200411 15:09:53
6874 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_STYLES FT_LEVEL 102 tr ~Düzeyler 20200411 15:…
6875 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedtext TP_TOX_STYLES FT_TEMPLATE 102 tr Paragraf ~Stilleri …
6876 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_STYLES BT_STD 50 tr ~Varsayılan 20200411 15:…
6877 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 pushbutton TP_TOX_STYLES BT_EDIT_STYLE 50 tr Dü~zenle 20200411…
6878 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline TP_TOX_STYLES FL_FORMAT 248 tr Atama 20200411 15:09:…
6879 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imagebutton DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES PB_LEFT 50 tr - Sol 20200411 15:…
6880 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 imagebutton DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES PB_RIGHT 50 tr - Sağ 20200411 15…
6881 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES FL_STYLES 285 tr Still~er 2020041…
6882 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES ST_HB_FIRST 50 tr Uygulanmadı 202004…
6883 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 modaldialog DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES HID_DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES 350 tr Stil…
6884 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_SEARCH 273 tr Arama teri…
6885 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_ALTERNATIVE 273 tr Alter…
6886 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_PRIMKEY 273 tr 1. anahta…
6887 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_SECKEY 273 tr 2. anahtar…
6888 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_COMMENT 273 tr Açıklama …
6889 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_CASESENSITIVE 273 tr BÜY…
6890 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_WORDONLY 273 tr Sadece k…
6891 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_TRUE 273 tr Evet 2020…
6892 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 string DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK.BB_ENTRIES ST_FALSE 273 tr Hayır 20…
6893 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 fixedline DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK FL_ENTRIES 288 tr Girişler 20200…
6894 sw source\ui\index\cnttab.src 0 modaldialog DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK HID_DLG_CREATE_AUTOMARK 350 tr Uy…
24319 …hared\03090406.xhp 0 help par_id3155601 33 0 tr REM Return value is the index of the entry or 0 …
27296 …st of expressions based on the index value. If Index = 1, the function returns the first expressio…
27297 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03090402.xhp 0 help par_id3153192 9 0 tr If the index valu…
28116 …sbasic\shared\03132200.xhp 0 help par_id3151381 8 0 tr Dim allindexes, index As Object 20200…
28118 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03132200.xhp 0 help par_id3153194 10 0 tr index = allinde…
28120 helpcontent2 source\text\sbasic\shared\03132200.xhp 0 help par_id3153368 12 0 tr index.update() …
29017 …that define the number of elements (NumberElements=(end-start)+1) and the index range. 20200411…
29033 … are declared with the Dim statement. There are two methods to define the index range: 20200411…
29144 …sbasic\shared\03090412.xhp 0 help par_id3148995 32 0 tr REM Returns the index of the entry or 0 …
29747 …roup box. If you have two groups of option buttons, you must insert a tab index between the tab in…
29769 … tr To define two different groups of option buttons, ensure that the tab index of the group frame…
31278 …the Tab key. You can specify the order in which the focus changes with an index under \<emph\>Tab …
31280index is automatically assigned to the control fields that are added to this form; every control f…
31385 …ed\02\01170300.xhp 0 help par_id3155934 12 0 tr You can also define the index of a control throu…
31450 … 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_PROP_BOUNDCOLUMN\" visibility=\"hidden\"\>Use an index to specify the tab…
31453 …e is accessed. With the \<emph\>Bound field\</emph\> property, you use an index to specify to whic…
31455 …er \<emph\>Type of list contents\</emph\>, the SQL command determines the index to be specified. E…
31462 …r \<emph\>Type of list contents\</emph\>, the table structure defines the index to be specified. E…
35730 …lp window\</bookmark_value\>\<bookmark_value\>indexes;showing/hiding Help index tab\</bookmark_val…
36090index.html", the full path being "C:\\homepage\\index.html" (assuming Windows operating system). T…
36092 … a web page, for example, "" or "" is an absolu…
37652 …>, \<link href=\"text/shared/explorer/database/05010100.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\>, \<li…
37808 …re, please refer to the \<link href=\"\"\>%PRODUCTNA…
44354 … JMF files from and add the pa…
46158 …ahelp\> An index allows you to access a database quickly, provided that you query the data in the …
46160 …DLG_DBASE_INDEXES_CB_TABLES\"\>Select the database table that you want to index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
46162 …s for the selected database table.\</ahelp\> To remove an index from the list, click the index, an…
46164 … available indexes that you can assign to a table.\</ahelp\> To assign an index to a selected tabl…
46166 …hid=\"DBACCESS_IMAGEBUTTON_DLG_DBASE_INDEXES_IB_ADD\"\>Moves the selected index to the \<emph\>Tab…
46255 …"\>Displays the available indexes. Select an index from the list to edit. The details of the selec…
46257 …par_id3150085 6 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_NEWINDEX\"\>Creates a new index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
46259 …154860 8 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_DROPINDEX\"\>Deletes the current index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
46261 …685 10 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_RENAMEINDEX\"\>Renames the current index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
46263 …3148563 12 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_SAVEINDEX\"\>Saves the current index in the data source…
46265 …54758 14 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLGIDX_RESETINDEX\"\>Resets the current index to the setting tha…
46267 …ent index and then select another index, the change is immediately passed to the data source. You …
46269 …CCESS_CHECKBOX_DLG_INDEXDESIGN_CB_UNIQUE\"\>Specifies whether the current index allows only unique…
46313 …ecords to a database table in $[officename], the table must have a unique index field. 20200411…
46364 …d\explorer\database\dabaadvpropdat.xhp 0 help par_idN1061A 0 tr Create index with ASC or DESC s…
46365 …aadvpropdat.xhp 0 help par_idN1061E 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\".\"\>Creates an index with ASC or DESC s…
47461 … The size 1.333 results from 8/6, the desired size divided by the default index size 6. (Index siz…
47639 …ath\01\03090400.xhp 0 help par_id3147546 38 0 tr You can also assign an index or an exponent to …
47870 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091509.xhp 0 help par_id3185240 293 0 tr Left index 202004…
47875 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091509.xhp 0 help par_id3185539 289 0 tr Right index 20200…
48294 helpcontent2 source\text\smath\01\03091200.xhp 0 help par_id3149884 3 0 tr The index and exponent…
63261 …ables of contents\</bookmark_value\> \<bookmark_value\>editing;table/index entries\</bookmark…
63264 …help par_id3155507 13 0 tr Place the cursor immediately in front of the index entry in your docu…
63268 …de\indices_delete.xhp 0 help par_id3155893 15 0 tr To cycle through the index entries in your do…
63581 … example is called \<link href=\"\"\>B…
63592 …e\indices_edit.xhp 0 help par_id3155856 57 0 tr Place the cursor in the index or table of conten…
63593 …xhp 0 help par_id3155871 59 0 tr If you cannot place your cursor in the index or table of conten…
63595 …0 0 tr You can also make changes directly to an index or table of contents. Right-click in the i…
63693 …ide\protection.xhp 0 help par_id3153786 46 0 tr Place the cursor in the index/table of contents.…
63696 …ide\protection.xhp 0 help par_id3148463 49 0 tr Place the cursor in the index. First of all, if …
63698 …rotection.xhp 0 help par_id3152774 51 0 tr In the Navigator, select the index, then open the con…
63706 …7 48 0 tr Select a word or words that you want to add to a user-defined index. 20200411 15:09…
63709 …de\indices_userdef.xhp 0 help par_id3155886 51 0 tr Type a name for the index in the \<item type…
63710 …type=\"menuitem\"\>Insert\</item\> to add the selected word(s) to the new index. 20200411 15:0…
63713 …ar_id3150933 32 0 tr Click in the document where you want to insert the index. 20200411 15:09…
63715 …menuitem\"\>Index/Table\</item\> tab, select the name of the user-defined index that you created i…
63731 …e\>indexes; formatting\</bookmark_value\> \<bookmark_value\>editing; index format\</bookmark_…
63735 …\guide\indices_form.xhp 0 help par_id3147110 45 0 tr Right-click in the index or table of conten…
63737 …xt\swriter\guide\indices_form.xhp 0 help par_id3150229 47 0 tr Click an index level in the \<emp…
63808 …riter\guide\globaldoc_howtos.xhp 0 help par_id3153022 40 0 tr To add an index, such as a table o…
63810 …owtos.xhp 0 help par_id3153632 21 0 tr To update an index in a master document, select the index
64126 …oc.xhp 0 help par_id3155872 44 0 tr There are several ways to create an index that spans several…
64127 …an \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index in each individual document\"\>index
64128index, choose \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04020000.xhp\" name=\"Insert - Section\"\>\<item type=…
64129 …t\</link\>, add as subdocuments the files that you want to include in the index, and then choose \…
64169 …xhp 0 help par_id3153400 12 0 tr You can create a table of contents and index in the master docu…
64262 …r_id3154233 25 0 tr Click in your document where you want to insert the index. 20200411 15:09…
64266index, either on the current tab, or on any of the other tabs of this dialog. For example, if you …
64268 …dices_index.xhp 0 help par_id3150502 37 0 tr To update the index, right-click in the index, and …
64826 …n a word, or select the words in your document that you want to use as an index entry. 20200411…
64828 …xhp 0 help par_id3153417 11 0 tr To change the text that appears in the index, type the text tha…
64829 …t\swriter\guide\indices_enter.xhp 0 help par_id3154258 8 0 tr To add an index mark to similar wo…
64830 …To add the entries to a custom index, click the \<emph\>New User-defined Index\</emph\> icon, ente…
65000 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
65002 … par_id3151315 4 0 tr Specify the information to be combined to form an index. 20200411 15:09…
65004 … tr \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_TOX_SELECT:RB_FROMCAPTIONS\"\>Creates index entries from objec…
65006 …PTIONSEQUENCE\"\>Select the caption category that you want to use for the index entries.\</ahelp\>…
65008 …LB_DISPLAYTYPE\"\>Select the part of the caption that you want to use for index entries.\</ahelp\>…
65017 …tion and the space at the beginning of the caption does not appear in the index entry. 20200411…
65019 … \<ahelp hid=\"SW:RADIOBUTTON:TP_TOX_SELECT:RB_FROMOBJECTNAMES\"\>Creates index entries from objec…
65142 …ag\"\>\<ahelp hid=\".uno:InsertIndexesEntry\"\>Marks the selected text as index or table of conten…
65143 …0100.xhp 0 help par_id3147571 15 0 tr To edit an index entry, place the cursor in front of the i…
65147 …ar_id3154103 6 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_INSERT_IDX_MRK_TYPE\"\>Select the index that you want to a…
65149 …cted in the document. If you want, you can enter a different word for the index entry. The selecte…
65151 …or example, if you select "cold", and enter "weather" as the 1st key, the index entry is "weather,…
65153 …old", and enter "weather" as the 1st key and "winter" as the 2nd key, the index entry is "weather,…
65157 …phabetical index.\</ahelp\> $[officename] displays the page number of the main entry in a differen…
65159 …tomatically added to the table of contents. The level of the entry in the index corresponds to the…
65160 …0 tr This option is available only for table of contents and user-defined index entries. 202004…
65164 …ar_id3147496 18 0 tr To include all occurrences of a text passage in an index, select the text, …
65168 …p par_id3149845 27 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_INSERT_IDX_MRK_OK\"\>Marks an index entry in your text…
65172 …eate New User-defined Index\</emph\> dialog where you can create a custom index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
65174 …DLG_NEW_USER_IDX:ED_NAME\"\>Enter a name for the new user-defined index. The new index is added to…
65269 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120225.xhp 0 help tit 0 tr Entries (user-defined index) …
65270 …xt/swriter/01/04120225.xhp\" name=\"Entries (user-defined index)\"\>Entries (user-defined index)\<…
65271 …le id=\"eintraege\"\>Specify the format for the entries in a user-defined index. \</variable\> …
65428 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
65431 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120223.xhp 0 help tit 0 tr Entries (illustration index) …
65432 …xt/swriter/01/04120223.xhp\" name=\"Entries (illustration index)\"\>Entries (illustration index)\<…
65433 …0 tr \<variable id=\"eintraege\"\>Specify the format for the illustration index entries. \</variab…
65434 …0223.xhp 0 help par_id3154639 3 0 tr Illustration Indexes only have one index level. 20200411…
65494 …tr \<ahelp hid=\"HID_DLG_ADD_IDX_STYLES\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Creates index entries from speci…
65496 …66 4 0 tr The list contains the paragraph styles that you can assign to index levels. 2020041…
65497index entry from a paragraph style, click the style in the\<emph\> Styles\</emph\> list, and then …
65499 …ility=\"visible\"\>Moves the selected paragraph style up one level in the index hierarchy.\</ahelp…
65501 …ity=\"visible\"\>Moves the selected paragraph style down one level in the index hierarchy.\</ahelp…
65541 …ntents in the current document. You do not need to place the cursor in an index or table before yo…
65556 …wing object, control field, section, bookmark, selection, footnote, note, index entry, table formu…
65561 …n the document under the "Navigate" area. In this way you can jump to the index tags in the docume…
65608 …ine the type of \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120200.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> that …
65609 …er\01\04120210.xhp 0 help par_id3153921 3 0 tr Depending on the type of index that you select, t…
65631 …lp hid=\".uno:IndexEntryDialog\"\>Edits the selected index entry. Click in front of or in the inde…
65632 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\02160000.xhp 0 help par_id3155896 30 0 tr To insert an index
65636index that the selected entry belongs to.\</ahelp\> You cannot change the index type of an index e…
65638index entry if necessary. When you modify the index entry, the new text only appears in the index,…
65640 …\>To create a multilevel index, type the name of the first level index entry, or select a name fro…
65642 …:LB_TOX\"\>Type the name of the second level index entry, or select a name from the list. The curr…
65663 …er\01\02160000.xhp 0 help par_id3155539 32 0 tr You can jump quickly to index entries with the \…
66025 …writer\01\04120000.xhp 0 help par_idN105AC 0 tr Opens a menu to insert index entries and to ins…
66124 …ign different paragraph styles to change the formatting of index titles, separators and index entr…
66127 …0 29 0 tr \<ahelp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_TOX_STYLES:LB_LEVEL\"\>Select the index level that you cha…
66129 …ALAY\"\>Select the paragraph style that you want to apply to the selected index level, and then cl…
66131 …help hid=\"SW_IMAGEBUTTON_TP_TOX_STYLES_BT_ASSIGN\"\>Formats the selected index level with the sel…
66289 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
66291 …20211.xhp 0 help par_id3149286 4 0 tr Specify the type and title of the index. 20200411 15:09…
66293index that you want to insert.\</ahelp\> The options available on this tab depend on the index typ…
66295 …lp hid=\"SW:EDIT:TP_TOX_SELECT:ED_TITLE\"\>Enter a title for the selected index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66297 …vents the contents of the index from being changed.\</ahelp\> Manual changes that you make to an i…
66298 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120211.xhp 0 help hd_id3155893 11 0 tr Create index for …
66299 …lp hid=\"SW:LISTBOX:TP_TOX_SELECT:LB_AREA\"\>Select whether to create the index for the document o…
66301 …X_SELECT:NF_LEVEL\"\>Enter the number of heading levels to include in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66303 …096 16 0 tr Use this area to specify which information to include in an index. 20200411 15:09…
66305 …tes the index using outline levels, that is, paragraphs formatted with one of the predefined headi…
66308 …\>Assign Styles\</emph\> dialog as index entries. To select the paragraph styles that you want to …
66310 …mph\> dialog, where you can select the paragraph styles to include in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66312 …MARKS\"\>Includes the index entries that you inserted by choosing \<emph\>Insert - Indexes and Tab…
66326 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
66329 …help hid=\"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_TOX_SELECT_CB_COLLECTSAME\"\>Replaces identical index entries with a sin…
66331 …tr \<ahelp hid=\"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_TOX_SELECT_CB_USEFF\"\>Replaces identical index entries, which occ…
66333 …\<ahelp hid=\"SW_CHECKBOX_TP_TOX_SELECT_CB_USE_DASH\"\>Replaces identical index entries that occur…
66335 …IVE\"\>Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters in identical index entries. For Asian…
66338 …SELECT_CB_INITIALCAPS\"\>Automatically capitalizes the first letter of an index entry.\</ahelp\> …
66340 …_SELECT_CB_KEYASENTRY\"\>Inserts index keys as separate index entries.\</ahelp\> A key is inserted…
66341 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120212.xhp 0 help par_id3151184 17 0 tr To define an index
66343 …T_CB_FROMFILE\"\>Automatically marks index entries using a concordance file - a list of words to i…
66347 …20212.xhp 0 help par_id3149812 33 0 tr Sets the options for sorting the index entries. 202004…
66349 …OX_SELECT_LB_LANGUAGE\"\>Select the language rules to use for sorting the index entries.\</ahelp\>…
66601 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120224.xhp 0 help tit 0 tr Entries (index of tables) 20…
66602 …link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120224.xhp\" name=\"Entries (index of tables)\"\>Entries (index of t…
66604 …4120224.xhp 0 help par_id3150020 3 0 tr An Index of Tables only has one index level. 20200411…
66632 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
66633 …indexes are available in the \<emph\>Type\</emph\> box when you insert an index entry in your docu…
66637 …p hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TOX_SELECT:CB_FROMTABLES\"\>Includes tables in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66639 …d=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TOX_SELECT:CB_FROMGRAPHICS\"\>Includes graphics in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66641 …=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TOX_SELECT:CB_FROMFRAMES\"\>Includes text frames in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66643 …hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TOX_SELECT:CB_FROMOLE\"\>Includes OLE objects in the index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
66645 …CB_LEVELFROMCHAPTER\"\>Indents table, graphic, text frame, and OLE object index entries according …
66646 …nk href=\"text/swriter/01/04120100.xhp\" name=\"Defining an index entry\"\>Defining an index entry…
66849 …4120226.xhp 0 help par_id3150017 3 0 tr A Table of Objects only has one index level. 20200411…
66853 …concordance file lists words that should be referenced in an alphabetical index, together with the…
66854 …Insert Index Entry dialog to add that word and places to the alphabetical index. However, if you n…
66861 …01\04120250.xhp 0 help par_id3152953 3 0 tr "Search term" refers to the index entry that you wan…
66862 …d3155896 4 0 tr "Alternative entry" refers to the index entry that you want to appear in the ind…
66863 …4120250.xhp 0 help par_id3154194 5 0 tr The 1st and 2nd Keys are parent index entries. The "Sear…
66875 … 14 0 tr For example, to include the word "Boston" in your alphabetical index under the "Cities"…
66895 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…
67126 helpcontent2 source\text\swriter\01\04120222.xhp 0 help tit 0 tr Entries (alphabetical index) …
67127 …xt/swriter/01/04120222.xhp\" name=\"Entries (alphabetical index)\"\>Entries (alphabetical index)\<…
67128 … 0 tr \<variable id=\"eintraege\"\>Specify the format of the alphabetical index entries. \</variab…
67129 …2 3 0 tr Level "S" refers to the single letter headings that divide the index entries alphabetic…
67133 …ERENTRY\"\>Select the chapter information that you want to include in the index entry.\</ahelp\> …
67135 … maximum hierarchy level down to which objects are shown in the generated index.\</ahelp\> 2020…
67137 …the main entries in the alphabetical index. To convert an index entry into a main entry, click in …
67139 …:CB_ALPHADELIM\"\>Uses the initial letters of the alphabetically arranged index entries as section…
67141 … \<ahelp hid=\"SW:CHECKBOX:TP_TOX_ENTRY:CB_COMMASEPARATED\"\>Arranges the index entries on the sam…
67436 … 0 tr The \<emph\>Structure \</emph\>line defines how the entries in the index are composed. To c…
67635 …rts an index or a table of contents at the current cursor position.\</ahelp\> To edit an index or …
67636 …er\01\04120200.xhp 0 help par_id3154575 3 0 tr You can also preview the index or table in this d…
67637 …er\01\04120200.xhp 0 help par_id3155905 4 0 tr Depending on the type of index or table that you …
67638 …r Use this tab to specify the column layout for the index or table of contents. By default, the in…
67642 …dateCurIndex\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Updates the current index.\</ahelp\> The current index is t…
67643 …06160000.xhp 0 help par_id3154763 3 0 tr You can also right-click in an index or table of conten…
67645 …ahelp hid=\".uno:EditCurIndex\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Edits the current index or table.\</ahelp\…
67647 …lp hid=\".uno:RemoveTableOf\" visibility=\"visible\"\>Deletes the current index or table.\</ahelp\…
67880 …TRY\"\>Specify the format of the index or table entries. The appearance of this tab changes to ref…
68101 … \</emph\>as the \<link href=\"text/swriter/01/04120210.xhp\" name=\"index\"\>index\</link\> type.…