Lines Matching refs:Source

52      1.5. "Executable" means Covered Code in any form other than Source
56 as the Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit
78 1.10. "Original Code" means Source Code of computer software code
79 which is described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as
87 1.11. "Source Code" means the preferred form of the Covered Code for
93 Source Code can be in a compressed or archival form, provided the
108 2. Source Code License.
174 Section 2.2. The Source Code version of Covered Code may be
177 copy of this License with every copy of the Source Code You
178 distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms on any Source Code
184 3.2. Availability of Source Code.
186 made available in Source Code form under the terms of this License
194 ensuring that the Source Code version remains available even if the
203 Initial Developer in (a) the Source Code, and (b) in any notice in an
212 Contributor must include a text file with the Source Code
237 You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source
238 Code. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
244 for the Source Code where You describe recipients' rights or ownership
259 and if You include a notice stating that the Source Code version of
270 rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this
293 be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the
493 the notices in the Source Code files of the Original Code. You should
495 Original Code Source Code for Your Modifications.]
531 required to distribute such code in Source Code form, even if
550 Netscape may license the Source Code of Netscape's Branded
619 means Source Code Form to which the initial Contributor has attached
620 the notice in Exhibit A, the Executable Form of such Source Code
621 Form, and Modifications of such Source Code Form, in each case
635 means any form of the work other than Source Code Form.
652 (a) any file in Source Code Form that results from an addition to,
656 (b) any new file in Source Code Form that contains any Covered
673 1.13. "Source Code Form"
760 3.1. Distribution of Source Form
762 All distribution of Covered Software in Source Code Form, including any
764 the terms of this License. You must inform recipients that the Source
767 attempt to alter or restrict the recipients' rights in the Source Code
774 (a) such Covered Software must also be made available in Source Code
776 the Executable Form how they can obtain a copy of such Source Code
783 the recipients' rights in the Source Code Form under this License.
802 or limitations of liability) contained within the Source Code Form of
948 10.4. Distributing Source Code Form that is Incompatible With Secondary
951 If You choose to distribute Source Code Form that is Incompatible With
955 Exhibit A - Source Code Form License Notice
958 This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
972 This Source Code Form is "Incompatible With Secondary Licenses", as
1063 1.5. ``Executable'' means Covered Code in any form other than Source Code.
1066 Initial Developer in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A.
1082 1.10. ``Original Code'' means Source Code of computer software code which is
1083 described in the Source Code notice required by Exhibit A as Original Code,
1087 1.11. ``Source Code'' means the preferred form of the Covered Code for making
1092 available Covered Code of the Contributor's choice. The Source Code can
1106 2. Source Code License.
1144 The Source Code version of Covered Code may be distributed only under the
1147 of the Source Code You distribute. You may not offer or impose any terms
1148 on any Source Code version that alters or restricts the applicable version
1152 3.2. Availability of Source Code.
1154 available in Source Code form under the terms of this License either on
1161 recipients. You are responsible for ensuring that the Source Code version
1170 Developer and including the name of the Initial Developer in (a) the Source
1195 You must duplicate the notice in Exhibit A in each file of the Source Code,
1196 and this License in any documentation for the Source Code, where You describe
1199 in Exhibit A. If it is not possible to put such notice in a particular Source
1215 a notice stating that the Source Code version of the Covered Code is available
1224 rights in the Source Code version from the rights set forth in this License.
1245 must be included with all distributions of the Source Code. Except to the