Lines Matching refs:to

3 dnl *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
7 dnl * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
13 dnl * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
36 [ --with-packager-list=<PATH TO PACK LIST> Specify a file to drive the packaging process.
71 [ --with-external-tar=<TARFILE PATH> Specify path to tarfiles manually ],
102 [ --without-fonts AOO includes some third-party fonts to provide a reliable
104 When these fonts are already known to be available on the
110 for specific distributions where PPDs are known to be
118 are known to be available.
124 [ --with-epm Decides which EPM to use. Default is to use
143 which some packagers may want to build without
147 (useful for distributions that want to avoid packaging
152 connectivity build to be enabled.
166 installed on Windows to compile.
192 [ --with-atl-include-dir Path to ATL include directory for Windows build.
201 [ --with-atl-lib-dir Path to ATL libraries directory for Windows build.
210 [ --with-mfc-include-dir Path to MFC include directory for Windows build.
219 [ --with-mfc-lib-dir Path to MFC libraries directory for Windows build.
244 This switch allows to override this setting.
247 [ --enable-werror Turn warnings to errors. (Has no effect in modules
272 opposed to 32 bit OpenOffice that is usually built there).
283 [ --disable-gtk Determines whether to use Gtk+ vclplug on platforms
287 [ --enable-gstreamer Determines whether to use the GStreamer media
291 [ --disable-systray Determines whether to build the systray quickstarter.
294 [ --enable-cairo Determines whether to use Cairo library on
301 [ --disable-cairo-canvas Determines whether to build the Cairo canvas on
305 [ --enable-opengl Determines whether to build the OpenGL 3D slide
309 [ --enable-dbus Determines whether to enable presentation mode
313 [ --disable-gconf Determines whether to use the GConf support
316 [ --disable-gnome-vfs Determines whether to use the Gnome Virtual Filing
320 [ --enable-gio Determines whether to use the GIO support
331 [ --disable-nss-module Whether to use the NSS module that is used for xml-security
334 [ --enable-kde Determines whether to use Qt/KDE vclplug on platforms
338 [ --enable-kde4 Determines whether to use Qt4/KDE4 vclplug on platforms
340 if you want to support both KDE3 and KDE4.
368 that are to be bundled as-is for installation as extensions
369 at the first program start. Make sure to only bundle extensions
376 # are to be bundled as pre-registered extensions. Make sure to only bundle
381 according to main/extensions.lst and bundle them. Make sure to
390 if you want to override the default ones
417 needed jars are expected on the system. Use this to
420 *has to* imply using the db.jar from there, too)
453 [ --with-lucene-core-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
457 [ --with-lucene-analyzers-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
462 … This requires access to the MySQL Connector/C (aka libmysql) to be given, too, with
467 Requires MYSQLCONFIG to point to the mysql_config executable.
472 … Usage: --with-libmysql-path=<absolute path to your Connector/C installation>
481 [ --with-hsqldb-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
491 [ --with-beanshell-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
501 [ --with-commons-codec-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
505 [ --with-commons-lang-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
509 [ --with-commons-httpclient-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
513 [ --with-commons-logging-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
517 [ --servlet-api-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually ],
524 [ --with-sac-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
528 [ --with-libxml-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
532 [ --with-flute-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
536 [ --with-jfreereport-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension)…
540 [ --with-liblayout-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
544 [ --with-libloader-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
548 [ --with-libformula-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) …
552 [ --with-librepository-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extensio…
556 [ --with-libfonts-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
560 [ --with-libserializer-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extensio…
564 [ --with-libbase-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually (for Report Builder extension) ],
574 [ --with-saxon-jar=JARFILE Specify path to jarfile manually. This implies --with-system-saxon ],
602 [ --enable-hunspell Determines whether to enable the Hunspell library.
604 specify --with-system-hunspell to use the library
617 [ --enable-hyphen Determines whether to enable the Hyphen library.
619 specify --with-system-hyphen to use the library
646 Usage: --with-jdk-home=<absolute path to JDK home>
656 support to speed up buildsi by compiling the jars also
657 to native code..
658 --enable-gcjaot is only known to work with bytecode
667 Usage: --with-ant-home=<absolute path to Ant home>
670 [ --with-junit Specifies the JUnit 4 jar file to use for JUnit-based
674 Usage: --with-junit=<absolute path to JUnit 4 jar>
677 [ --with-hamcrest-core Specifies the hamcrest-core jar file to use for
689 Usage: --with-perl-home=<absolute path to Perl 5 home>
697 Usage: --with-cl-home=<absolute path to Microsoft C/C++ compiler home>
701 path pointing to the mspdb71.dll (.NET 2003).
703 Usage: --with-mspdb-path=<absolute path to mspdb71.dll>
707 the path pointing to the midl.exe.
709 Usage: --with-midl-path=<absolute path to midl.exe>
713 the path pointing to the csc.exe.
715 Usage: --with-csc-path=<absolute path to csc.exe>
718 [ --with-nsis-path For Windows users, please supply the path to the
724 Usage: --with-nsis-path=<absolute path to nsis.exe>
728 the path pointing to lib/mscoree.lib, usually
733 path pointing to lib/msvcrt.lib, usually something
737 Usage: --with-frame-home=<absolute path to Framework SDK [[home]]>
740 [ --with-psdk-home For Windows users, please supply the path to the
743 Usage: --with-psdk-home=<absolute path to Microsoft Platform SDK>
746 [ --with-directx-home For Windows users, please supply the path to the
749 Usage: --with-directx-home=<absolute path to Microsoft DirectX SDK>
752 [ --with-mozilla-build For Windows users, please supply the path to the
755 Usage: --with-mozilla-build=<absolute path to mozilla build tools>
764 Usage: --with-local-solenv=<absolute path to solenv>
770 Usage: --with-local-solver=<absolute path to solver>
782 [ --enable-check-only Use this option option if you just want to check your
789 [[ --enable-ccache-skip [default=auto] allow the use of --ccache-skip to
798 [ --with-lang Use this option to build Apache OpenOffice with
807 Use this option to specify which languages have
814 [ --with-dict Use this option to build Apache OpenOffice with
831 [ --with-about-bitmaps Similarly to --with-intro-bitmaps, this allows
851 Usage: --with-asm-home=<path to ml.exe directory>
857 Usage: --with-nasm-home=<path to nasm.exe directory>
860 [ --with-os-version For FreeBSD users, use this option option to override
871 Usage: --with-zip-home=<path to zip executable>
879 For !Windows use, use the mingw32 C++ compiler to
886 [ --with-build-version Allows the builder to add a custom version tag
893 [ --with-alloc Define which allocator to build with
928 [ --macosx-sdk The macOS SDK to build against
935 Use as --with-rat-scan to automatically download pre-built Rat binaries.
936 Alternatively use as --with-rat-scan=<path-to-rat-direcetory> to use
947 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether configure is up-to-date])
950 AC_MSG_ERROR([configure is not up-to-date, run autoconf first!])
961 echo "* The configure process checks your platform to see whether *"
991 AC_MSG_ERROR([install awk to run this script])
996 AC_MSG_ERROR([install sed to run this script])
1075 dnl Sequential to keep the logic very simple
1100 AC_MSG_ERROR([use solaris >= 6 to build Apache OpenOffice])
1192 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which thread library to use])
1234 AC_MSG_ERROR([$_os operating system is not suitable to build Apache OpenOffice!])
1250 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable crashdump feature])
1269 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use the standard non-optimizing compiler])
1284 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build/use the Windows 64bit shell extensions])
1297 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build 64 bit OpenOffice on 64 bit Windows])
1322 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn warnings to errors])
1326 AC_MSG_WARN([Turning warnings to errors has no effect in modules or])
1328 …echo "Turning warnings to errors has no effect in modules or on platforms where it has been disabl…
1338 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to do a debug build])
1354 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with additional debug utilities])
1371 dnl First setting is whether to include symbols into final build.
1373 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include symbols into final build])
1397 dnl Determine if the solver is to be stripped or not.
1399 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to strip the solver or not.])
1435 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable category B components])
1454 …AC_MSG_RESULT([yes: allow modules nss, hunspell, hyphen, saxon, rhino, graphite, coinmp to be buil…
1475 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the Online Update support])
1489 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable unit tests])
1500 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable native CUPS support])
1510 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable fontconfig support])
1535 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use DirectX])
1546 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use ActiveX])
1555 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use ATL])
1574 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use RPATH in shared libraries])
1584 dnl Check extensions to be bundled as literal blobs
1594 #dnl Check extensions that are to be bundled as pre-registered
1606 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dicts from external paths])
1646 dnl check for $AWK and awk. $AWK is pointing to gawk in cygwin.
1650 link, and copy the program to the name of the link.])
1655 link, and copy the program to the name of the link.])
1660 link, and copy the program to the name of the link.])
1663 dnl Another sanity check! More a band-aid. winenv.* adds guw.exe to
1670 dnl If $CC is set to a MinGW compiler, e.g. "gcc -mno-cygwin" enable
1690 dnl Extra check for Windows. cygwin builds need gcc to build dmake
1691 dnl and g++ to build guw.exe although MS cl (or MinGW) is used to
1745 dnl double square bracket to get single because of M4 quote...
1807 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable pch feature])
1812 dnl There is no PCH support in GCC versions prior to this
1881 # At this moment we can not verify the URL or the content that we want to download.
1887 …AC_MSG_ERROR([no URL for dmake source code specified, either. Use --with-dmake-url to supply an UR…
1892 # we need to find out whether that dmake we found is "our" dmake
1918 …AC_MSG_ERROR([please use --with-dmake-path or --with-dmake-url to specify dmake executable or sour…
1951 dnl cc -V outputs to standard error!!!!
1996 dnl cc -V outputs to standard error!!!!
2133 dnl The path needs to be added before cl is called
2227 *) AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to decipher compiler for $build_os]);;
2297 AC_MSG_ERROR([Unable to detect compiler version]);;
2351 # Convert to posix path with 8.3 filename restrictions ( No spaces )
2374 # Convert to posix path with 8.3 filename restrictions ( No spaces )
2379 dnl For VS2003/2005 $with_frame_home has to point to the directory with lib/mscoree.lib.
2405 # Convert to posix path with 8.3 filename restrictions ( No spaces )
2493 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable pam support])
2499 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to link to libpam])
2522 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to link to libcrypt])
2619 dnl mingw gcc 4.4.0 needs backward in include path to use hash_set/hash_map
2638 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dynamic libgcc])
2655 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use dynamic libstdc++])
2708 dnl cxx -V outputs to standard error!!!!
2775 dnl used to escape compiler options for ccache that otherwise prevent
2777 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether we are allowed and able to use --ccache-skip])
2818 AC_MSG_ERROR([invalid option to --enable-ccache-skip. Valid values are "auto", "yes" and "no"])
2907 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which memory allocator to use])
2946 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to add custom build version])
2959 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build with Java support])
3027 dnl java -version sends output to stderr!
3044 …_MSG_WARN([EXPERIMENTAL: Kaffe is not a full JDK replacement - some projects will fail to compile])
3045 # echo "EXPERIMENTAL: Kaffe is not a full JDK replacement - some projects will fail to compi…
3068 # AC_MSG_ERROR([In order to successfully build Apache OpenOffice using the BEA JDK,
3091 AC_MSG_ERROR([In order to successfully build Apache OpenOffice using the IBM JDK,
3167 #TODO: what's to do here? some switch to do 1.5 compiling?
3222 dnl first check if we have been asked to autodetect JAVA_HOME with a recent gij
3265 # check if JAVA_HOME was (maybe incorrectly?) set automatically to /usr
3269 # try to recover first by looking whether we have a alternatives
3271 # over /etc/alternatives/javac leads to the right bindir where we
3272 # just need to strip a bit away to get a valid JAVA_HOME
3281 AC_MSG_WARN([JAVA_HOME is set to /usr - this is very likely to be incorrect])
3283 echo "JAVA_HOME is set to /usr - this is very likely to be incorrect" >> warn
3286 dnl now that we have the path to the real javac, make a JAVA_HOME out of it..
3289 dnl Leopard returns a non-suitable path with readlink - points to "Current" only
3308 AC_MSG_WARN([attempted to find JAVA_HOME automatically, but apparently it failed])
3311 echo "attempted to find JAVA_HOME automatically, but apparently it failed" >> warn
3337 # A workaround is to link also against
3370 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable gcj aot compilation])
3414 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable EPM for packing])
3429 # At this moment we can not verify the URL or the content that we want to download.
3438 …s:// and/or specify the path to the right epm (--with-epm). Or specify an UR…
3445 …s:// and/or specify the path to the right epm (--with-epm). Or specify an UR…
3459 # test which package format to use
3460 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which package format to use])
3573 AC_MSG_ERROR([PackageMaker needed to build OSX packages and you are not on OSX...])
3604 … AC_MSG_ERROR([gperf not found but needed. Install it and/or specify --with-gperf=/path/to/it.])
3610 AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-gperf did not point to an executable])
3625 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the stax])
3638 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the ODK])
3664 put it into external/unowinreg using your browser or a command equivalent to:
3698 # LIBS contains -lcrypt etc due to the AC_CHECK_LIBS which obviously
3725 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to provide libstdc++/libgcc_s in the installset])
3742 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which zlib to use])
3761 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which jpeg to use])
3780 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which expat to use])
3828 …echo "to prevent incompatibilities between internal libxml2 and libxslt, the office will be build …
3829 …echo "to prevent incompatibilities between internal libxml2 and libxslt, the office will be build …
3838 …echo "to prevent incompatibilities between internal libxslt and libxml2, the office will be build …
3839 …echo "to prevent incompatibilities between internal libxslt and libxml2, the office will be build …
3847 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libxslt to use])
3879 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libxml to use])
3965 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which python to use])
4004 # Python 3.8 and later distinguish building Python modules from linking to the libpython:
4049 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which lucene to use])
4127 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the MySQL Connector extension])
4241 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which hsqldb to use])
4290 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which beanshell to use])
4317 dnl option is given to configure.
4320 dnl is given to configure but not any of --with-system-saxon or --with-saxon-jar.
4323 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which saxon to use])
4353 dnl supports the java extensions that AOO uses, and the up-to-date saxon he
4354 dnl "home edition" version, which is crippled to not support those java extensions.
4355 dnl And as an aside the he one also needs to be tweaked to include
4356 dnl a META-INF/services to broadcast that it supports the jaxp transform factory
4433 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable support for JavaScript])
4452 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable support for CoinMP])
4458 dnl Check whether to use system or internal CoinMP
4459 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which coinmp to use])
4488 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which curl to use])
4496 AC_MSG_ERROR([install curl to run this script])
4531 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which mdds to use])
4550 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which boost to use])
4587 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which vigra to use])
4606 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which odbc headers to use])
4621 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build XML Security support])
4628 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build LDAP configuration backend])
4643 dnl Test whether we want to use the OpenLDAP LDAP SDK
4645 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which LDAP SDK to use])
4654 # it has it. Test for it to be sure
4662 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the internal NSS module])
4704 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which sane header to use])
4721 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which icu to use])
4778 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable graphite support])
4782 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which graphite to use])
4910 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to link to Xrender])
4919 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Xrender headers to use])
4941 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable RandR support])
4945 AC_MSG_RESULT([resorting to dlopen libXrandr at runtime])
4972 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libnss to use])
4989 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libssl to use])
5012 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which redland library to use])
5031 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the Spell Checking component])
5035 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libhunspell to use])
5069 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the Hyphenator component])
5073 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libhyphen to use])
5108 #dnl Check whether we are allowed to bundle dictionaries and whether
5122 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which mythes to use])
5156 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libtextcat to use])
5163 …[ AC_MSG_ERROR(libtextcat library not found or not suitable. libtextcat typically needs to be patc…
5171 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which libtextcat data directory to use])
5301 # At this point $DIRECTXSDK_HOME might still be undefined. This will lead to
5368 AC_MSG_RESULT([ATL is disabled, nothing to check])
5431 dnl TODO check also MFC libraries, they seem to have different names
5558 AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-gnu-patch did not point to an executable])
5566 AC_MSG_ERROR([no, GNU patch needed. install or specify with --with-gnu-patch=/path/to/it])
5570 dnl We also need to check for --with-gnu-cp
5580 …AC_MSG_ERROR([Neither gnucp nor cp found. Install GNU cp and/or specify --with-gnu-cp=/path/to/it])
5586 AC_MSG_ERROR([--with-gnu-cp did not point to an executable])
5600 …MSG_ERROR([no, GNU cp from coreutils is needed. install or specify with --with-gnu-cp=/path/to/it])
5662 AC_MSG_ERROR([NASM is required to build on Windows, please install or use --with-nasm-home],,)
5681 dnl Zip will be found where you tell me to find it
5699 AC_MSG_ERROR([Zip/Unzip are required to build, please install or use --with-zip-home],,)
5702 …AC_MSG_ERROR([Zip version 3.0 or newer is required to build, please install or use --with-zip-home…
5725 (Note: Microsoft seems to enjoy changing the exact location of this file. You
5726 may have to search Microsoft's website.) Last time it was seen at:
5743 to download it from])
5751 to download it from])
5758 dnl Windows builds - use oowintool to copy CRT dlls and manifest
5764 AC_MSG_ERROR([oowintool failed to copy CRT])
5778 You may have to search Microsoft's website. Last time it was seen at:
5794 You may have to search Microsoft's website. Last time it was seen at:
5800 dnl Test which vclplugs have to be built.
5835 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable GConf support])
5850 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable GNOME VFS support])
5874 …K, gtk+-2.0 >= 2.4 gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0 >= 2.2 ,,AC_MSG_ERROR([requirements to build the gtk-plugin…
5875 …PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GTHREAD, gthread-2.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([requirements to build the gtk-plugin not met…
5885 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable DBUS support])
5894 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable GIO support])
5926 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the GStreamer media backend])
5928 … gthread-2.0 gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-video-1.0,,AC_MSG_ERROR([requirements to build the GStreamer …
5946 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which ARM processor optimization to use])
5968 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use cairo])
5972 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which cairo to use])
6025 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the OpenGL Transitions component])
6044 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the PDF Import extension])
6052 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use system pdf backend])
6072 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the Wiki Publisher extension])
6090 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Servlet API Jar to use])
6108 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build the Report Builder extension])
6119 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which jfreereport libs to use (for Report Builder extension)])
6296 # this has to be here because both the Wiki Publisher and the Report
6299 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which Apache commons-* libs to use])
6432 dnl What to test
6624 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable the lockdown pieces])
6635 dnl Test whether to include Evolution 2 support
6637 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable evolution 2 support])
6651 dnl Test whether to include MathMLDTD
6653 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include MathMLDTD])
6668 dnl Test whether to include category-B fonts
6671 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include category B fonts])
6683 dnl Test whether to include category-A fonts
6686 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include category A fonts])
6712 dnl Test whether to include ppds
6714 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include PPDs])
6725 dnl Test whether to include afms
6727 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to include AFMs])
6740 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether and how to use Xinerama])
6836 dnl Test whether to build libpng or rely on the system version
6838 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build own version of libpng])
6857 dnl Test whether to build libjpeg or rely on the system version
6863 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build own version of libjpeg])
6892 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to trigger rat scan])
7090 <mapper type="regexp" from="^(.*[/\\])foo([/\\].*)" to="\1baa\2"/>
7258 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which languages to be built])
7278 AC_MSG_CHECKING([which dictionaries to include])
7346 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to statically link to Gtk])
7356 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use layout dialogs])
7385 dnl Hook up AOOs nodep environmental variable to automake's equivalent
7388 AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable dependency tracking])
7425 # make sure config.guess is +x; we execute config.guess, so it has to be so;
7434 dnl Executing the set_soenv script to setup the environment variables.