Lines Matching refs:TEXT

55 #define SECTION_SETUP       TEXT( "Setup" )
56 #define SECTION_LANGUAGE TEXT( "Languages" )
58 #define PRODUCT_VERSION TEXT( "ProductVersion" )
64 #define PARAM_PACKAGE TEXT( "/I " )
66 #define PARAM_ADMIN TEXT( "/A " )
68 #define PARAM_REBOOT TEXT( " REBOOT=Force" )
69 #define PARAM_PATCH TEXT( " /update " )
74 #define PARAM_RUNNING TEXT( "ignore_running" )
75 #define CMDLN_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "msoreg=1" )
76 #define CMDLN_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "msoreg=0" )
78 #define MSI_DLL TEXT( "msi.dll" )
79 #define ADVAPI32_DLL TEXT( "advapi32.dll" )
80 #define PROFILE_NAME TEXT( "setup.ini" )
82 #define RUNTIME_X64_NAME TEXT( "redist\\vcredist_x64.exe" )
83 #define RUNTIME_X86_NAME TEXT( "redist\\vcredist_x86.exe" )
85 #define PRODUCTCODE_X86 TEXT( "{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}" )
87 #define PRODUCTCODE_X64 TEXT( "{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}" )
113 const TCHAR sInstKey[] = TEXT( "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer" );
114 const TCHAR sInstLocValue[] = TEXT( "InstallerLocation" );
115 const TCHAR sMsiDll[] = TEXT( "\\msi.dll" );
116 const TCHAR sMsiExe[] = TEXT( "\\msiexec.exe" );
117 const TCHAR sDelayReboot[] = TEXT( " /c:\"msiinst /delayreboot\"" );
118 const TCHAR sMsiQuiet[] = TEXT( " /q" );
119 const TCHAR sMemMapName[] = TEXT( "Global\\MsiErrorObject" );
172 Log( TEXT( "End: %s\n\r\n\r\n" ), _tasctime( pTime ) ); in ~SetupAppX()
239 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Could not map view of file (%d).\n"), GetLastError() ); in Initialize()
242 … OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n"), GetLastError() ); in Initialize()
244 Log( TEXT("Starting: %s\r\n"), m_pModuleFile ); in Initialize()
245 Log( TEXT(" CommandLine=<%s>\r\n"), m_pCmdLine ); in Initialize()
248 Log( TEXT(" Using quiet install mode\r\n") ); in Initialize()
253 Log( TEXT(" Begin: %s\n"), _tasctime( pTime ) ); in Initialize()
287 …StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: GetPrivateProfileSection(): GetLastError returned %u\r\n")… in GetProfileSection()
294 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: GetPrivateProfileSection() out of memory\r\n" ) ); in GetProfileSection()
298 Log( TEXT( " GetProfileSection read %s\r\n" ), pSection ); in GetProfileSection()
314 Log( TEXT( " Open ini file: <%s>\r\n" ), sProfilePath ); in ReadProfile()
328 … Log( TEXT( " Could not open inifile, copied ini file to: <%s>\r\n" ), sProfilePath ); in ReadProfile()
343 if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "database" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
346 Log( TEXT( " Database = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
348 else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "msiversion" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
351 Log( TEXT( " msiversion = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
353 else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productname" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
356 Log( TEXT( " productname = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
359 else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "upgradekey" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
362 Log( TEXT( " upgradekey = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
364 else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productversion" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
367 Log( TEXT( " productversion = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
369 else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productcode" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
375 Log( TEXT( "Warning: unknown entry in profile <%s>\r\n" ), pName ); in ReadProfile()
383 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: incomplete 'Setup' section in profile\r\n" ) ); in ReadProfile()
401 if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "count" ), pName ) == 0 ) in ReadProfile()
403 Log( TEXT( " Languages = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
421 Log( TEXT( " Language = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); in ReadProfile()
424 Log( TEXT( " Transform = %s\r\n" ), m_ppLanguageList[ i ]->m_pTransform ); in ReadProfile()
446 StringCchCopy( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT("\"") ); in AddFileToPatchList()
449 StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT(";") ); in AddFileToPatchList()
476 StringCchCat( pPattern, nPatternLen, TEXT("*.msp") ); in GetPatches()
494 StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT("\"") ); in GetPatches()
646 Log( TEXT( " Info: found Language: %s\r\n" ), sString ); in ChooseLanguage()
662 Log( TEXT( "Warning: Language chosen with parameter -lang not found.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
667 Log( TEXT( "Info: Found language chosen with parameter -lang.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
672 Log( TEXT( "Info: Found user default language.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
677 Log( TEXT( "Info: Found user default primary language.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
682 Log( TEXT( "Info: Found system default language.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
687 Log( TEXT( "Info: Found system default primary language.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
692 Log( TEXT( "Info: Use default language from ini file.\r\n" ) ); in ChooseLanguage()
781 Log( TEXT( " Could not find path to msiexec.exe in registry" ) ); in GetPathToMSI()
814 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Can't build path to msiexec.exe!" ) ); in GetPathToMSI()
826 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: msiexec not found!" ) ); in LaunchInstaller()
834 Log( TEXT( " Will install using <%s>\r\n" ), sMsiPath ); in LaunchInstaller()
835 Log( TEXT( " Parameters are: %s\r\n" ), pParam ); in LaunchInstaller()
837 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Will install using <%s>\r\n" ), sMsiPath ); in LaunchInstaller()
838 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Parameters are: %s\r\n" ), pParam ); in LaunchInstaller()
851 FAILED( StringCchCat( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, TEXT( " " ) ) ) || in LaunchInstaller()
863 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create process %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); in LaunchInstaller()
874 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: While waiting for %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); in LaunchInstaller()
886 StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("Warning: msiexec returned %u.\r\n"), nResult ); in LaunchInstaller()
890 Log( TEXT( " Installation completed successfully.\r\n" ) ); in LaunchInstaller()
916 … Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not find transform <%s\r\n" ), m_ppLanguageList[i]->m_pTransform ); in Install()
929 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not find database <%s\r\n" ), m_pDatabase ); in Install()
987 StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); in Install()
989 StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); in Install()
1003 StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); in Install()
1005 StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); in Install()
1010 StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( " " ) ); in Install()
1029 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Setup will return error (%d).\n"), nErr ); in GetError()
1098 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: %s\r\n" ), sError ); in DisplayError()
1159 Log( TEXT( " Looking for installed MSI with version >= %s\r\n" ), m_pReqVersion ); in CheckVersion()
1163 Log( TEXT( "Error: No MSI found!\r\n" ) ); in CheckVersion()
1178 StringCchPrintf( pMsiVersion, VERSION_SIZE, TEXT("%d.%d.%4d"), in CheckVersion()
1186 … Log( TEXT( "Warning: Old MSI version found <%s>, update needed!\r\n" ), pMsiVersion ); in CheckVersion()
1190 Log( TEXT( " Found MSI version <%s>, no update needed\r\n" ), pMsiVersion ); in CheckVersion()
1196 … Log( TEXT("Warning: Patching not supported! MSI-Version <%s>\r\n"), pMsiVersion ); in CheckVersion()
1214 Log( TEXT( " No Upgrade Key Found -> continue with standard installation!\r\n" ) ); in CheckForUpgrade()
1222 Log( TEXT( " Found Upgrade Key in Registry (HKLM) -> will try minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); in CheckForUpgrade()
1227 Log( TEXT( " Found Upgrade Key in Registry (HKCU) -> will try minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); in CheckForUpgrade()
1232 … Log( TEXT( " Didn't Find Upgrade Key in Registry -> continue with standard installation!\r\n" ) ); in CheckForUpgrade()
1248 Log( TEXT( " Same Product Version already installed, no minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); in CheckForUpgrade()
1264 const TCHAR sSearchStr[] = TEXT("Terminal Server"); in IsTerminalServerInstalled()
1265 const TCHAR sKey[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"); in IsTerminalServerInstalled()
1266 const TCHAR sValue[] = TEXT("ProductSuite"); in IsTerminalServerInstalled()
1313 Log( TEXT("Ignoring already running MSI instance!\r\n") ); in AlreadyRunning()
1318 const TCHAR sGUniqueName[] = TEXT( "Global\\_MSISETUP_{EA8130C1-8D3D-4338-9309-1A52D530D846}" ); in AlreadyRunning()
1319 const TCHAR sUniqueName[] = TEXT( "_MSISETUP_{EA8130C1-8D3D-4338-9309-1A52D530D846}" ); in AlreadyRunning()
1335 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: AlreadyRunning() could not create mutex!\r\n" ) ); in AlreadyRunning()
1337 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: There's already a setup running!\r\n" ) ); in AlreadyRunning()
1341 Log( TEXT( " No running Setup found\r\n" ) ); in AlreadyRunning()
1395 _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, TEXT("%c"), 0xfeff ); in Log()
1397 _tsetlocale( LC_ALL, TEXT("") ); in Log()
1398 _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, TEXT("\nCodepage=%s\nMultiByte Codepage=[%d]\n"), in Log()
1544 if ( !bAppend && FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( "+" ) ) ) ) in GetCmdLineParameters()
1549 if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " \"" ) ) ) || in GetCmdLineParameters()
1551 FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( "\" " ) ) ) ) in GetCmdLineParameters()
1558 m_pLogFile = _tfopen( pFileName, TEXT( "ab" ) ); in GetCmdLineParameters()
1560 m_pLogFile = _tfopen( pFileName, TEXT( "wb" ) ); in GetCmdLineParameters()
1572 FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) in GetCmdLineParameters()
1616 FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) in GetCmdLineParameters()
1626 FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) in GetCmdLineParameters()
1733 m_pTmpName = _ttempnam( TEXT( "C:\\" ), TEXT( "Setup" ) ); in CopyIniFile()
1737 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create temp file\n" ) ); in CopyIniFile()
1741 FILE *pOut = _tfopen( m_pTmpName, TEXT( "wb" ) ); in CopyIniFile()
1742 FILE *pIn = _tfopen( pIniFile, TEXT( "rb" ) ); in CopyIniFile()
1755 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not write all bytes to temp file\n" ) ); in CopyIniFile()
1859 …StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: IsPatchInstalled: MsiGetSummaryInformation returned %u.\r\… in IsPatchInstalled()
1871 …StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: IsPatchInstalled: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty returned %u.\r… in IsPatchInstalled()
1878 StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT(" GetPatchInfo for (%s) returned (%u)\r\n"), szPatchID, nRet ); in IsPatchInstalled()
1904 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( "MsiQueryProductState returned <%d>\r\n" ), nRet ); in InstallRuntimes()
1908 Log( TEXT( " Will install runtime <%s>\r\n" ), sRuntimePath ); in InstallRuntimes()
1909 OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Will install runtime <%s>\r\n" ), sRuntimePath ); in InstallRuntimes()
1936 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create process %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); in InstallRuntimes()
1947 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: While waiting for %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); in InstallRuntimes()
1959 StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("Warning: install runtime returned %u.\r\n"), nResult ); in InstallRuntimes()
1963 Log( TEXT( " Installation of runtime completed successfully.\r\n" ) ); in InstallRuntimes()
2004 … OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( "found architecture<%d>\r\n" ), siSysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture ); in InstallRuntimes()
2011 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: no installer for x64 runtime libraries found!" ) ); in InstallRuntimes()
2023 Log( TEXT( "ERROR: no installer for x86 runtime libraries found!" ) ); in InstallRuntimes()