Lines Matching refs:property

60 	[property] string Type;
62 /** This property describes the user space of the shape in its canonical form
64 [optional, property] ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle ViewBox;
66 /** This property specifies if the orientation of the shape is horizontal mirrored.
68 [optional, property] boolean MirroredX;
70 /** This property specifies if the orientation of the shape is vertical mirrored.
72 [optional, property] boolean MirroredY;
74 /** This property specifies the text rotation angle in degrees. The text rotation is added
77 [optional, property] double TextRotateAngle;
79 /** This property specifies a sequence of Adjustment values.
81 …[optional, property] sequence<::com::sun::star::drawing::EnhancedCustomShapeAdjustmentValue> Adjus…
83 /** This property sequence is including the extrusion description, the properties
86 [optional, property] sequence<::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> Extrusion;
88 /** This property sequence is including the path description, the properties
91 [optional, property] sequence<::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> Path;
93 /** This property sequence is including the textpath description, the properties
96 [optional, property] sequence<::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> TextPath;
98 /** This property is describing the equations that are used, each equation can be referenced
102 [optional, property] sequence<string> Equations;
104 /** This property is describing the interaction handles that are used, each inner property sequence
107 [optional, property] sequence<::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValues> Handles;