Lines Matching refs:property

62     /** gives access to the UserDefinedAttributes property.
73 [property] short AnchorPageNo;
79 [property] com::sun::star::text::XTextFrame AnchorFrame;
83 [property] com::sun::star::util::Color BackColor;
87 [property] string BackGraphicURL;
92 [property] string BackGraphicFilter;
97 [property] com::sun::star::style::GraphicLocation BackGraphicLocation;
104 [property] com::sun::star::table::BorderLine LeftBorder;
111 [property] com::sun::star::table::BorderLine RightBorder;
118 [property] com::sun::star::table::BorderLine TopBorder;
125 [property] com::sun::star::table::BorderLine BottomBorder;
130 [property] long BorderDistance;
135 [property] long LeftBorderDistance;
140 [property] long RightBorderDistance;
145 [property] long TopBorderDistance;
150 [property] long BottomBorderDistance;
155 [property] boolean BackTransparent;
161 [property] boolean ContentProtected;
165 [property] long LeftMargin;
170 [property] long RightMargin;
176 [property] long TopMargin;
181 [property] long BottomMargin;
187 [property] long Height;
193 [property] long Width;
198 [property] short RelativeHeight;
204 [property] short RelativeWidth;
208 [property] boolean IsSyncWidthToHeight;
212 [property] boolean IsSyncHeightToWidth;
218 [property] short HoriOrient;
223 [property] long HoriOrientPosition;
231 [property] short HoriOrientRelation;
238 [property] short VertOrient;
246 [property] long VertOrientPosition;
254 [property] short VertOrientRelation;
259 [property] string HyperLinkURL;
264 [property] string HyperLinkTarget;
269 [property] string HyperLinkName;
274 [property] boolean Opaque;
279 [property] boolean PageToggle;
284 [property] boolean PositionProtected;
289 [property] boolean Print;
294 [property] com::sun::star::table::ShadowFormat ShadowFormat;
299 [property] boolean ServerMap;
307 [property] com::sun::star::awt::Size Size;
312 [property] boolean SizeProtected;
318 [property] com::sun::star::text::WrapTextMode Surround;
324 [property] boolean SurroundAnchorOnly;
330 <p>The value of this property is only evaluated for the positioning
336 [optional, property] short WrapInfluenceOnPosition;
348 [optional, property, maybevoid] com::sun::star::awt::Size LayoutSize;
358 [optional, property] string Title;
369 [optional, property] string Description;