Lines Matching refs:property

39     /** If this property is <TRUE/>, annotations (notes) are visible.
41 [property] boolean ShowAnnotations;
43 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, paragraph line breaks are visible.
45 [property] boolean ShowBreaks;
47 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, shapes are visible.
49 [property] boolean ShowDrawings;
51 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, text fields are shown with their commands; otherwise
54 [property] boolean ShowFieldCommands;
56 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, footnotes symbols are displayed with gray background.
58 [property] boolean ShowFootnoteBackground;
60 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, graphic objects are visible.
62 [property] boolean ShowGraphics;
64 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, hidden paragraghs are displayed.
66 [property] boolean ShowHiddenParagraphs;
68 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, hidden text is displayed.
70 [property] boolean ShowHiddenText;
74 [property] boolean ShowRulers;
76 /** If this property is <TRUE/> and the property ShowRulers is <TRUE/>,
79 [property] boolean ShowHoriRuler;
81 /** If this property is <TRUE/> and the property ShowRulers is <TRUE/>,
84 [property] boolean ShowHoriScrollBar;
86 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, index marks are displayed with gray background.
88 [property] boolean ShowIndexMarkBackground;
90 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, paragraph breaks are visible.
92 [property] boolean ShowParaBreaks;
94 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, protected spaces (hard spaces) are displayed with gray
97 [property] boolean ShowProtectedSpaces;
99 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, soft hyphens are displayed with gray background.
101 [property] boolean ShowSoftHyphens;
103 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, spaces are displayed with dots.
105 [property] boolean ShowSpaces;
107 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, table boundaries are displayed.
109 [property] boolean ShowTableBoundaries;
111 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, tables are visible.
113 [property] boolean ShowTables;
115 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, tab stops are visible.
117 [property] boolean ShowTabstops;
119 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, text boundaries are displayed.
121 [property] boolean ShowTextBoundaries;
123 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, text fields are displayed with gray background.
125 [property] boolean ShowTextFieldBackground;
127 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, the vertical ruler is displayed.
129 [property] boolean ShowVertRuler;
131 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, the vertical scroll bar is displayed.
133 [property] boolean ShowVertScrollBar;
135 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, smooth scrolling is active.
137 [property] boolean SmoothScrolling;
139 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, handles of drawing objects are visible.
141 [property] boolean SolidMarkHandles;
143 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, the vertical ruler is aligned to the right side
146 [property] boolean IsVertRulerRightAligned;
148 /** If this property is <TRUE/> the document will be displayed as if it
151 [property] boolean ShowOnlineLayout;
153 /** This property defines the zoom type for the document.
157 [property] short ZoomType;
163 [property] short ZoomValue;
165 /** If this property is <TRUE/> hyperlinks in the document are executed (loaded) on
168 [optional, property] boolean IsExecuteHyperlinks;
174 [optional, property] boolean IsRasterVisible;
181 [optional, property] boolean IsSnapToRaster;
192 [optional, property] long RasterSubdivisionX;
203 [optional, property] long RasterSubdivisionY;
215 [optional, property] long RasterResolutionX;
227 [optional, property] long RasterResolutionY;
229 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, hidden characters are displayed
233 [optional, property] boolean ShowHiddenCharacters;
235 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, the settings of nonprinting characters are applied.
242 [optional, property] boolean ShowNonprintingCharacters;
250 [optional, property] long HorizontalRulerMetric;
258 [optional, property] long VerticalRulerMetric;
260 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, tips for document content are shown,
265 [optional, property] boolean ShowContentTips;
267 /** If this property is <TRUE/>, and the scroll bar is shown, a tool tip
272 [optional, property] boolean ShowScrollBarTips;