Lines Matching refs:DWORD

82     DWORD	    un1;	    // 04h
83 DWORD un2; // 08h
84 DWORD un3; // 0Ch
87 DWORD un5; // 14h
89 DWORD un6; // 1Ch
90 DWORD un7; // 20h
91 DWORD un8; // 24h
95 DWORD un1; // 00h
97 DWORD un2; // 08h
102 DWORD un3; // 18h
103 DWORD cSections; // 1Ch
104 DWORD un5; // 20h
105 DWORD baseAddress; // 24h
108 DWORD un7; // 2Ch
111 DWORD pszModName2; // 36h
120 DWORD un1; // 04h
127 DWORD un2; // 20h
128 DWORD InheritConsole; // 24h
129 DWORD BreakType; // 28h
130 DWORD BreakSem; // 2Ch
131 DWORD BreakEvent; // 30h
132 DWORD BreakThreadID; // 34h
133 DWORD BreakHandlers; // 38h
137 DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5)
138 DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process
142 DWORD flags; // Valid flags depend on what type of object this is
147 DWORD cEntries; // Max number of handles in table
153 DWORD Type; // 00h KERNEL32 object type (5)
154 DWORD cReference; // 04h Number of references to process
155 DWORD un1; // 08h
156 DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???)
157 DWORD TerminationStatus; // 10h Returned by GetExitCodeProcess
158 DWORD un2; // 14h
159 DWORD DefaultHeap; // 18h Address of the process heap
160 DWORD MemoryContext; // 1Ch pointer to the process's context
161 DWORD flags; // 20h
172 DWORD pPSP; // 24h Linear address of PSP?
182 DWORD MemMapFiles; // 3Ch memory mapped file list (?)
187 DWORD ThreadList; // 50h Threads in this process
188 DWORD DebuggeeCB; // 54h Debuggee Context block?
189 DWORD LocalHeapFreeHead; // 58h Head of free list in process heap
190 DWORD InitialRing0ID; // 5Ch
192 DWORD un4[3]; // 78h
193 DWORD pConsole; // 84h Pointer to console for process
194 DWORD tlsInUseBits1; // 88h // Represents TLS indices 0 - 31
195 DWORD tlsInUseBits2; // 8Ch // Represents TLS indices 32 - 63
196 DWORD ProcessDWORD; // 90h
198 DWORD pExeMODREF; // 98h pointer to EXE's MODREF
199 DWORD TopExcFilter; // 9Ch Top Exception Filter?
200 DWORD BasePriority; // A0h Base scheduling priority for process
201 DWORD HeapOwnList; // A4h Head of the list of process heaps
202 DWORD HeapHandleBlockList;// A8h Pointer to head of heap handle block list
203 DWORD pSomeHeapPtr; // ACh normally zero, but can a pointer to a
205 DWORD pConsoleProvider; // B0h Process that owns the console we're using?
208 DWORD pevtLoadFinished; // B8h Pointer to event LoadFinished?
227 DWORD SelmanList; // 10h
232 DWORD DebugContext; // 20h
233 DWORD pCurrentPriority; // 24h
234 DWORD pvQueue; // 28h Message Queue selector
242 DWORD ptdb; // 00h // PTHREAD_DATABASE
243 DWORD ppdb; // 04h // PPROCESDS_DATABASE
244 DWORD ContextHandle; // 08h
245 DWORD un1; // 0Ch
246 DWORD TimeOutHandle; // 10h
247 DWORD WakeParam; // 14h
248 DWORD BlockHandle; // 18h
249 DWORD BlockState; // 1Ch
250 DWORD SuspendCount; // 20h
251 DWORD SuspendHandle; // 24h
252 DWORD MustCompleteCount; // 28h
253 DWORD WaitExFlags; // 2Ch
270 DWORD SyncWaitCount; // 30h
271 DWORD QueuedSyncFuncs; // 34h
272 DWORD UserAPCList; // 38h
273 DWORD KernAPCList; // 3Ch
274 DWORD pPMPSPSelector; // 40h
275 DWORD BlockedOnID; // 44h
276 DWORD un2[7]; // 48h
277 DWORD TraceRefData; // 64h
278 DWORD TraceCallBack; // 68h
279 DWORD TraceEventHandle; // 6Ch
291 DWORD Type; // 00h
292 DWORD cReference; // 04h
294 DWORD someEvent; // 0Ch An event object (What's it used for???)
295 DWORD pvExcept; // 10h This field through field 3CH is a TIB
297 DWORD TopOfStack; // 14h
298 DWORD StackLow; // 18h
301 DWORD SelmanList; // 20h
302 DWORD UserPointer; // 24h
306 DWORD DebugContext; // 30h
308 DWORD MessageQueue; // 38h
309 DWORD pTLSArray; // 3Ch
311 DWORD Flags; // 44h
323 DWORD TerminationStatus; // 48h Returned by GetExitCodeThread
326 DWORD cHandles; // 50h
327 DWORD WaitNodeList; // 54h
328 DWORD un4; // 58h
329 DWORD Ring0Thread; // 5Ch
331 DWORD StackBase; // 64h
332 DWORD TerminationStack; // 68h
333 DWORD EmulatorData; // 6Ch
334 DWORD GetLastErrorCode; // 70h
335 DWORD DebuggerCB; // 74h
336 DWORD DebuggerThread; // 78h
338 DWORD Except16List; // 80h
339 DWORD ThunkConnect; // 84h
340 DWORD NegStackBase; // 88h
341 DWORD CurrentSS; // 8Ch
342 DWORD SSTable; // 90h
343 DWORD ThunkSS16; // 94h
344 DWORD TLSArray[64]; // 98h
345 DWORD DeltaPriority; // 198h
350 DWORD un5[7]; // 19Ch
351 DWORD pCreateData16; // 1B8h
352 DWORD APISuspendCount; // 1BCh # of times SuspendThread has been called
353 DWORD un6; // 1C0h
354 DWORD WOWChain; // 1C4h
357 DWORD lp16SwitchRec; // 1CCh
358 DWORD un8[6]; // 1D0h
359 DWORD pSomeCritSect1; // 1E8h
360 DWORD pWin16Mutex; // 1ECh
361 DWORD pWin32Mutex; // 1F0h
362 DWORD pSomeCritSect2; // 1F4h
363 DWORD un9; // 1F8h
364 DWORD ripString; // 1FCh
365 DWORD LastTlsSetValueEIP[64]; // 200h (parallel to TlsArray, contains EIP