Lines Matching refs:sal_uInt16

103     const XclChTypeInfo& GetChartTypeInfo( sal_uInt16 nRecId ) const;
110 Color GetSeriesLineAutoColor( sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ) const;
112 Color GetSeriesFillAutoColor( sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ) const;
163 sal_uInt16 nFontIdx,
169 sal_uInt16 nAngle );
247 sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx = EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_UNKNOWN ) const;
277 sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx = EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_UNKNOWN ) const;
345 sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx = EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_UNKNOWN ) const;
349sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx = EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_UNKNOWN, bool bUsePicFmt = false ) const;
353sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx = EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_UNKNOWN, bool bUsePicFmt = false ) const;
422 sal_uInt16 GetCellCount() const;
431 sal_uInt16 nLeadFontIdx, const Color& rLeadFontColor ) const;
452 virtual sal_uInt16 GetFontIndex() const = 0;
456 virtual sal_uInt16 GetRotation() const = 0;
475 inline sal_uInt16 GetFontIndex() const { return mnFontIdx; } in GetFontIndex()
478 sal_uInt16 mnFontIdx; /// Index into font buffer.
504 virtual sal_uInt16 GetFontIndex() const;
508 virtual sal_uInt16 GetRotation() const;
518 inline sal_uInt16 GetLinkTarget() const { return maObjLink.mnTarget; } in GetLinkTarget()
576 sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx, sal_Int16 nLineWeight ) const;
579 ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ) const;
600 sal_uInt16 mnPieDist; /// Pie distance to diagram center.
618 sal_uInt16 mnFlags; /// Additional flags.
653 sal_uInt16 mnFlags; /// Additional flags.
677 void SetPointPos( const XclChDataPointPos& rPointPos, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx );
693 inline sal_uInt16 GetFormatIdx() const { return maData.mnFormatIdx; } in GetFormatIdx()
706 …void ConvertArea( ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx, bool bUsePicFmt …
805 explicit XclImpChSeries( const XclImpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nSeriesIdx );
822 inline sal_uInt16 GetGroupIdx() const { return mnGroupIdx; } in GetGroupIdx()
824 inline sal_uInt16 GetSeriesIdx() const { return mnSeriesIdx; } in GetSeriesIdx()
826 inline sal_uInt16 GetParentIdx() const { return mnParentIdx; } in GetParentIdx()
828 …inline sal_uInt16 GetFormatIdx() const { return ? mxSeriesFmt->GetFormatIdx() :… in GetFormatIdx()
861 XclImpChDataFormatRef CreateDataFormat( sal_uInt16 nPointIdx, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx );
863 XclImpChDataFormatRef* GetDataFormatRef( sal_uInt16 nPointIdx );
865 XclImpChTextRef* GetDataLabelRef( sal_uInt16 nPointIdx );
873 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChDataFormat > XclImpChDataFormatMap;
874 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChText > XclImpChTextMap;
888sal_uInt16 mnGroupIdx; /// Chart type group (CHTYPEGROUP group) this series is as…
889 sal_uInt16 mnSeriesIdx; /// 0-based series index.
890sal_uInt16 mnParentIdx; /// 0-based index of parent series (trend lines and error …
913 inline sal_uInt16 GetRecId() const { return mnRecId; } in GetRecId()
930 sal_uInt16 mnRecId; /// Record identifier for chart type.
997 explicit XclImpChDropBar( sal_uInt16 nDropBar );
1006 sal_uInt16 mnDropBar; /// Drop bar identifier, needed for auto format.
1007 sal_uInt16 mnBarDist; /// Distance between bars (CHDROPBAR record).
1044 void SetUsedFormatIndex( sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx );
1046 sal_uInt16 PopUnusedFormatIndex();
1049 inline sal_uInt16 GetGroupIdx() const { return maData.mnGroupIdx; } in GetGroupIdx()
1110 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChDropBar > XclImpChDropBarMap;
1111 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChLineFormat > XclImpChLineFormatMap;
1112 typedef ::std::set< sal_uInt16 > UInt16Set;
1190 sal_uInt16 GetRotation() const;
1215 …explicit XclImpChAxis( const XclImpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nAxisType = EXC_CHAXIS_NON…
1225 virtual sal_uInt16 GetFontIndex() const;
1229 virtual sal_uInt16 GetRotation() const;
1232 inline sal_uInt16 GetAxisType() const { return maData.mnType; } in GetAxisType()
1267 sal_uInt16 mnNumFmtIdx; /// Index into number format buffer (CHFORMAT record).
1288 explicit XclImpChAxesSet( const XclImpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nAxesSetId );
1300 inline sal_uInt16 GetAxesSetId() const { return maData.mnAxesSetId; } in GetAxesSetId()
1307 …inline XclImpChTypeGroupRef GetTypeGroup( sal_uInt16 nGroupIdx ) const { return maTypeGroups.get( … in GetTypeGroup()
1344 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChTypeGroup > XclImpChTypeGroupMap;
1391 XclImpChTypeGroupRef GetTypeGroup( sal_uInt16 nGroupIdx ) const;
1430 typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclImpChText > XclImpChTextMap;