Lines Matching refs:sal_uInt32

164     sal_uInt32 nId = 0;  in GetId()
222 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnCurrentGroupEntry; delete mpGroupEntry[ i++ ] ) ; in ~GroupTable()
228 void GroupTable::ImplResizeGroupTable( sal_uInt32 nEntrys ) in ImplResizeGroupTable()
234 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnCurrentGroupEntry; i++ ) in ImplResizeGroupTable()
265 sal_uInt32 GroupTable::GetGroupsClosed() in GetGroupsClosed()
267 sal_uInt32 nRet = mnGroupsClosed; in GetGroupsClosed()
276 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnCurrentGroupEntry; i++, delete mpGroupEntry[ i ] ) ; in ClearGroupTable()
282 void GroupTable::ResetGroupTable( sal_uInt32 nCount ) in ResetGroupTable()
367 sal_uInt32 FontCollection::GetId( FontCollectionEntry& rEntry ) in GetId()
371 const sal_uInt32 nFonts = GetCount(); in GetId()
373 for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nFonts; i++ ) in GetId()
407 const FontCollectionEntry* FontCollection::GetById( sal_uInt32 nId ) in GetById()
414 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplVBAInfoContainer( SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
416 sal_uInt32 nSize = 28; in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
419 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0x1f | ( EPP_VBAInfo << 16 ) ) in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
420 << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ) in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
421 << (sal_uInt32)( 2 | ( EPP_VBAInfoAtom << 16 ) ) in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
422 << (sal_uInt32)12; in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
424 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
425 << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
426 << (sal_uInt32)1; in ImplVBAInfoContainer()
433 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplSlideViewInfoContainer( sal_uInt32 nInstance, SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
435 sal_uInt32 nSize = 111; in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
460 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_SlideViewInfo << 16 ) | ( nInstance << 4 ) ) in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
461 << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ) in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
462 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_SlideViewInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)3 in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
464 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_ViewInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)52 in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
472 << (sal_uInt32)( ( 7 << 4 ) | ( EPP_GuideAtom << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
473 …<< (sal_uInt32)0 // Type of the guide. If the guide is horizontal this value is zero. If it's … in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
475 << (sal_uInt32)( ( 7 << 4 ) | ( EPP_GuideAtom << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplSlideViewInfoContainer()
484 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplOutlineViewInfoContainer( SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplOutlineViewInfoContainer()
486 sal_uInt32 nSize = 68; in ImplOutlineViewInfoContainer()
489 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_OutlineViewInfo << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ) in ImplOutlineViewInfoContainer()
490 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_ViewInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)52 in ImplOutlineViewInfoContainer()
504 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplProgBinaryTag( SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplProgBinaryTag()
506 sal_uInt32 nPictureStreamSize, nOutlineStreamSize, nSize = 8; in ImplProgBinaryTag()
518 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_BinaryTagData << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplProgBinaryTag()
521 … *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_PST_ExtendedBuGraContainer << 16 ) ) << nPictureStreamSize; in ImplProgBinaryTag()
526 … *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_PST_ExtendedPresRuleContainer << 16 ) ) << nOutlineStreamSize; in ImplProgBinaryTag()
535 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplProgBinaryTagContainer( SvStream* pStrm, SvMemoryStream* pBinTagStrm ) in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
537 sal_uInt32 nSize = 8 + 8 + 14; in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
540 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_ProgBinaryTag << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
541 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_CString << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)14 in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
542 << (sal_uInt32)0x5f005f << (sal_uInt32)0x50005f in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
543 << (sal_uInt32)0x540050 << (sal_uInt16)0x39; in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
547 sal_uInt32 nLen = pBinTagStrm->Tell(); in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
549 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_BinaryTagData << 16 ) << nLen; in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
558 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplProgBinaryTagContainer()
566 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplProgTagContainer( SvStream* pStrm, SvMemoryStream* pBinTagStrm ) in ImplProgTagContainer()
568 sal_uInt32 nSize = 0; in ImplProgTagContainer()
574 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_ProgTags << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplProgTagContainer()
580 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplProgTagContainer()
589 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplDocumentListContainer( SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplDocumentListContainer()
591 sal_uInt32 nSize = 8; in ImplDocumentListContainer()
594 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_List << 16 ) | 0xf ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplDocumentListContainer()
606 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplDocumentListContainer()
614 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplMasterSlideListContainer( SvStream* pStrm ) in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
616 sal_uInt32 i, nSize = 28 * mnMasterPages + 8; in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
619 … *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( 0x1f | ( EPP_SlideListWithText << 16 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
623 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_SlidePersistAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)20; in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
625 …*pStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 // psrReference - logical reference to the slide persist o… in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
626 …<< (sal_uInt32)0 // flags - only bit 3 used, if set then slide contains shapes oth… in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
629 << (sal_uInt32)0; // reserved, usually 0 in ImplMasterSlideListContainer()
637 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplInsertBookmarkURL( const String& rBookmarkURL, const sal_uInt32 nType, in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
640 sal_uInt32 nHyperId = ++mnExEmbed; in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
656 << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
657 sal_uInt32 nHyperSize, nHyperStart = mpExEmbed->Tell(); in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
660 << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
667 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_CString << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 ); in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
676 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_CString << 16 ) | 0x10 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 ); in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
685 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_CString << 16 ) | 0x20 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 ); in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
694 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_CString << 16 ) | 0x30 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 ); in ImplInsertBookmarkURL()
711 sal_uInt32 nOfs = mpPptEscherEx->PtGetOffsetByID( EPP_Persist_Document ); in ImplCloseDocument()
733 sal_uInt32 nExEmbedSize = mpExEmbed->Tell(); in ImplCloseDocument()
736sal_uInt32 nEnvironment = maFontCollection.GetCount() * 76 // 68 bytes pro Fontenityatom und … in ImplCloseDocument()
743 sal_uInt32 nBytesToInsert = nEnvironment + 8; in ImplCloseDocument()
761 << (sal_uInt32)( nExEmbedSize + 12 ) in ImplCloseDocument()
764 << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplCloseDocument()
765 << (sal_uInt32)mnExEmbed; in ImplCloseDocument()
771 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt16)0xf << (sal_uInt16)EPP_Environment << (sal_uInt32)nEnvironment; in ImplCloseDocument()
774 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt16)0x2f << (sal_uInt16)EPP_SrKinsoku << (sal_uInt32)12; in ImplCloseDocument()
779 …*mpStrm << (sal_uInt16)0xf << (sal_uInt16)EPP_FontCollection << (sal_uInt32)maFontCollection.GetCo… in ImplCloseDocument()
781 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < maFontCollection.GetCount(); i++ ) in ImplCloseDocument()
785 sal_uInt32 nFontLen = pDesc->Name.Len(); in ImplCloseDocument()
846 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)7 // ? in ImplCloseDocument()
858 sal_uInt32 nOldPos = mpPptEscherEx->PtGetOffsetByID( EPP_Persist_CurrentPos ); in ImplCloseDocument()
1007 sal_Bool PPTWriter::ImplSetCurrentStyleSheet( sal_uInt32 nPageNum ) in ImplSetCurrentStyleSheet()
1020 sal_Bool PPTWriter::ImplGetPageByIndex( sal_uInt32 nIndex, PageType ePageType ) in ImplGetPageByIndex()
1111 sal_Bool PPTWriter::ImplGetShapeByIndex( sal_uInt32 nIndex, sal_Bool bGroup ) in ImplGetShapeByIndex()
1160 sal_uInt32 PPTWriter::ImplGetMasterIndex( PageType ePageType ) in ImplGetMasterIndex()
1162 sal_uInt32 nRetValue = 0; in ImplGetMasterIndex()
1195 sal_uInt32 nPageNum; in ImplGetStyleSheets()
1331 sal_uInt32 nCharCount; in ImplWriteParagraphs()
1332 sal_uInt32 nPropertyFlags = 0; in ImplWriteParagraphs()
1421 << (sal_uInt32)nPropertyFlags; // Paragraph Attribut Set in ImplWriteParagraphs()
1433 sal_uInt32 nBulletColor = pPara->nBulletColor; in ImplWriteParagraphs()
1476 sal_uInt32 nPropertyFlags, i = 0; in ImplWritePortions()
1484 sal_uInt32 nCharAttr = pPortion->mnCharAttr; in ImplWritePortions()
1485 sal_uInt32 nCharColor = pPortion->mnCharColor; in ImplWritePortions()
1502 sal_uInt32 nBackgroundColor = 0xffffff; in ImplWritePortions()
1525 nBackgroundColor = mpPptEscherEx->GetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ); in ImplWritePortions()
1548 nBackgroundColor = mpPptEscherEx->GetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ); in ImplWritePortions()
1583 if ( nCharColor == mpPptEscherEx->GetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)aAny.getValue()) ) ) in ImplWritePortions()
1635 sal_uInt32 nCharCount = pPortion->Count(); in ImplWritePortions()
1649 rOut << (sal_uInt32)nCharColor; in ImplWritePortions()
1717 sal_uInt32 nFieldType;
1718 sal_uInt32 nFieldStartPos;
1719 sal_uInt32 nFieldEndPos;
1723 FieldEntry( sal_uInt32 nType, sal_uInt32 nStart, sal_uInt32 nEnd ) in FieldEntry()
1770 sal_uInt32 nFieldType = 0; in PortionObj()
1893 sal_uInt32 nCount = mnTextSize; in Write()
1896 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nCount; i++ ) in Write()
1908 sal_uInt32 nCount = rFontCollection.GetCount(); in ImplGetPortionValues()
1935 sal_uInt32 nCount = rFontCollection.GetCount(); in ImplGetPortionValues()
1956 sal_uInt32 nCount = rFontCollection.GetCount(); in ImplGetPortionValues()
2083 sal_uInt32 nSOColor = *( (sal_uInt32*)mAny.getValue() ); in ImplGetPortionValues()
2133 sal_uInt32 PortionObj::ImplCalculateTextPositions( sal_uInt32 nCurrentTextPosition ) in ImplCalculateTextPositions()
2156 sal_uInt32 PortionObj::ImplGetTextField( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::text::… in ImplGetTextField()
2159 sal_uInt32 nRetValue = 0; in ImplGetTextField()
2545 sal_uInt32 nSOColor = *( (sal_uInt32*)pValue ); in ImplGetNumberingLevel()
2898 double fSpacing = *( (sal_uInt32*)mAny.getValue() ) + ( 2540.0 / 576.0 ) - 1; in ImplGetParagraphValues()
2905 double fSpacing = *( (sal_uInt32*)mAny.getValue() ) + ( 2540.0 / 576.0 ) - 1; in ImplGetParagraphValues()
2974 sal_uInt32 ParagraphObj::ImplCalculateTextPositions( sal_uInt32 nCurrentTextPosition ) in ImplCalculateTextPositions()
3059 sal_uInt32 nSize, nPos = pStrm->Tell(); in Write()
3060 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_TextCharsAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in Write()
3065 *pStrm << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in Write()
3090 sal_uInt32 nCharactersLeft( Count() ); in WriteTextSpecInfo()
3101 *pStrm << static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nPortionSize ) in WriteTextSpecInfo()
3165 sal_uInt32 nUpperDistance = 0; in ImplAdjustFirstLineLineSpacing()
3167 nUpperDistance += static_cast< sal_uInt32 >( fCharHeight * 360.0 ); in ImplAdjustFirstLineLineSpacing()
3177 void PPTWriter::ImplWriteTextStyleAtom( SvStream& rOut, int nTextInstance, sal_uInt32 nAtomInstance, in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3182 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_TextHeaderAtom << 16 ) | ( nAtomInstance << 4 ) ) << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3200 sal_uInt32 nSize, nPos = rOut.Tell(); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3202 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_StyleTextPropAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3207 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( nSize - 8 ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3223 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_DateTimeMCAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3224 … << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ) // TxtOffset auf TxtField; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3231 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_SlideNumberMCAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32 ) 4 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3232 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3237 sal_uInt32 nPageIndex = 0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3260 sal_uInt32 nHyperId; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3266 … rOut << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_InteractiveInfo << 16 ) | 0xf ) << (sal_uInt32)24 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3267 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_InteractiveInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)16 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3268 << (sal_uInt32)0 // soundref in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3276 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_TxInteractiveInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3277 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ) in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3278 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldEndPos ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3283 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_GenericDateMCAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3284 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3289 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_HeaderMCAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32 ) 4 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3290 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3295 rOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_FooterMCAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32 ) 4 in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3296 << (sal_uInt32)( pFieldEntry->nFieldStartPos ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3312 sal_uInt32 nParaFlags = 0x1f; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3314 sal_uInt32 nTextOfs = pPara->nTextOfs; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3315 sal_uInt32 nTabs = pPara->maTabStop.getLength(); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3342sal_uInt32 nDefaultTabSize = ImplMapSize( ::com::sun::star::awt::Size( 2011, 1 ) ).Width; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3343 sal_uInt32 nDefaultTabs = abs( maRect.GetWidth() ) / nDefaultTabSize; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3349 sal_uInt32 nTabCount = nTabs + nDefaultTabs; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3350 sal_uInt32 i, nTextRulerAtomFlags = 0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3363 sal_uInt32 nRulePos = pRuleOut->Tell(); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3364 *pRuleOut << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_TextRulerAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3386 sal_uInt32 nWidth = 1; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3400 sal_uInt32 nBufSize = pRuleOut->Tell() - nRulePos; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3402 *pRuleOut << (sal_uInt32)( nBufSize - 8 ); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3411 sal_uInt32 nBulletFlags = 0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3412 sal_uInt32 nNumberingType = 0, nPos2 = rExtBuStr.Tell(); in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3414 rExtBuStr << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_PST_ExtendedParagraphAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3426 rExtBuStr << (sal_uInt32)nBulletFlags; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3459 rExtBuStr << (sal_uInt32)nNumberingType; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3463 rExtBuStr << (sal_uInt32)0 << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3465 sal_uInt32 nBulletSize = ( rExtBuStr.Tell() - nPos2 ) - 8; in ImplWriteTextStyleAtom()
3483 sal_uInt32 nDimColor = 0x7000000; // color to use for dimming in ImplWriteObjectEffect()
3484 sal_uInt32 nFlags = 0x4400; // set of flags that determine type of build in ImplWriteObjectEffect()
3485sal_uInt32 nSoundRef = 0; // 0 if storage is from clipboard. Otherwise index(ID) in Soun… in ImplWriteObjectEffect()
3486 sal_uInt32 nDelayTime = 0; // delay before playing object in ImplWriteObjectEffect()
3984 nDimColor = mpPptEscherEx->GetColor( *((sal_uInt32*)mAny.getValue()) ) | 0xfe000000; in ImplWriteObjectEffect()
3997 sal_uInt32 nSoundRef = 0; // a reference to a sound in the sound collection, or NULL. in ImplWriteClickAction()
3998sal_uInt32 nHyperLinkID = 0;// a persistent unique identifier to an external hyperlink object (onl… in ImplWriteClickAction()
4073 sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0; in ImplWriteClickAction()
4110 …nHyperLinkID = ImplInsertBookmarkURL( aBookmark, (sal_uInt32)(2 | ( 1 << 31 )), aBookmarkFile, aBo… in ImplWriteClickAction()
4124 sal_uInt32 nContainerSize = 24; in ImplWriteClickAction()
4127 rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_InteractiveInfo << 16 ) | 0xf ) << (sal_uInt32)nContainerSize in ImplWriteClickAction()
4128 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_InteractiveInfoAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)16 in ImplWriteClickAction()
4135 << (sal_uInt32)nHyperLinkType; in ImplWriteClickAction()
4140 rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_CString << 16 ) | 0x20 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nLen * 2 ); in ImplWriteClickAction()
4145 …rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_InteractiveInfo << 16 ) | 0x1f ) << (sal_uInt32)24 // Mouse Over Acti… in ImplWriteClickAction()
4146 << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_InteractiveInfo << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)16; in ImplWriteClickAction()
4147 for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++, rSt << (sal_uInt32)0 ) ; in ImplWriteClickAction()
4181 const sal_uInt32 nStyleInstance, const sal_uInt8 nPlaceHolderId ) in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4187 sal_uInt32 nPresShapeID = mpPptEscherEx->GenerateShapeId(); in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4197 sal_uInt32 nLineFlags = 0x90001; in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4213 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 // PlacementID in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4228 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientTextbox << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4229 << (sal_uInt32)aClientTextBox.Tell(); in ImplCreatePresentationPlaceholder()
4242 void PPTWriter::ImplCreateShape( sal_uInt32 nType, sal_uInt32 nFlags, EscherSolverContainer& rSolve… in ImplCreateShape()
4244 sal_uInt32 nId = mpPptEscherEx->GenerateShapeId(); in ImplCreateShape()
4265 sal_uInt32 nInstance, nGroups, nShapes, nShapeCount, nPer, nLastPer, nIndices, nOlePictureId; in ImplWritePage()
4275sal_uInt32 nOutlinerCount = 0; // die gliederungsobjekte muessen dem layout entsprech… in ImplWritePage()
4276 sal_uInt32 nPrevTextStyle = 0; // es darf nicht mehr als zwei geben in ImplWritePage()
4283 sal_uInt32 nPObjects = 0; in ImplWritePage()
4296 sal_uInt32 nValue = mnPagesWritten * 5 + nPer; in ImplWritePage()
4306 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nGroups; i++, mpPptEscherEx->LeaveGroup() ) ; in ImplWritePage()
4355 sal_uInt32 nShapeId = mpPptEscherEx->EnterGroup( &maRect, pTmp ); in ImplWritePage()
4393 sal_uInt32 nMirrorFlags; in ImplWritePage()
4581 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_ExControl << 16 ) ) in ImplWritePage()
4582 << (sal_uInt32)0; // Size of this container in ImplWritePage()
4584 sal_uInt32 nSize, nOldPos = mpExEmbed->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
4586 sal_uInt32 nPageId = nPageNumber; in ImplWritePage()
4591 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_ExControlAtom << 16 ) in ImplWritePage()
4592 << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWritePage()
4601 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( 1 | ( EPP_ExOleObjAtom << 16 ) ) in ImplWritePage()
4602 << (sal_uInt32)24 in ImplWritePage()
4603 << (sal_uInt32)nAspect in ImplWritePage()
4604 << (sal_uInt32)2 in ImplWritePage()
4605 << (sal_uInt32)mnExEmbed in ImplWritePage()
4606 << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplWritePage()
4607 << (sal_uInt32)4 // index to the persist table in ImplWritePage()
4608 << (sal_uInt32)0x0012de00; in ImplWritePage()
4624 sal_uInt32 nStreamLen = xCompObj->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
4730sal_uInt32 nFlags = 0xa00; // Flags: Connector | HasSpt in ImplWritePage()
4921 sal_uInt32 nLineFlags = 0x90001; in ImplWritePage()
4932 … *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)0 // PlacementID in ImplWritePage()
4939 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)EPP_TEXTTYPE_Title; in ImplWritePage()
4942 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < mnTextSize; i++ ) in ImplWritePage()
4950 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( mnTextSize + 1 ) << (sal_uInt16)0; in ImplWritePage()
4952 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( mnTextSize + 1 ) << (sal_uInt32)1 << (sal_uInt16)0; in ImplWritePage()
4970 sal_uInt32 nNoLineDrawDash = 0; in ImplWritePage()
5015 sal_uInt32 nLineFlags = 0x90001; in ImplWritePage()
5027 … *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)1 // PlacementID in ImplWritePage()
5035 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)EPP_TEXTTYPE_CenterBody; in ImplWritePage()
5037 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)EPP_TEXTTYPE_Body; in ImplWritePage()
5043 sal_uInt32 nCharCount = pPara->Count(); in ImplWritePage()
5053 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( mnTextSize ) << (sal_uInt32)1 << (sal_uInt16)0; in ImplWritePage()
5072 sal_uInt32 nNoLineDrawDash = 0; in ImplWritePage()
5126 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( 0xf | ( EPP_ExEmbed << 16 ) ) in ImplWritePage()
5127 << (sal_uInt32)0; // Size of this container in ImplWritePage()
5129 sal_uInt32 nSize, nOldPos = mpExEmbed->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
5131 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_ExEmbedAtom << 16 ) in ImplWritePage()
5132 << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplWritePage()
5133 << (sal_uInt32)0 // follow colorscheme : 0->do not follow in ImplWritePage()
5158 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( 1 | ( EPP_ExOleObjAtom << 16 ) ) in ImplWritePage()
5159 << (sal_uInt32)24 in ImplWritePage()
5160 << (sal_uInt32)nAspect // Aspect in ImplWritePage()
5161 << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplWritePage()
5162 << (sal_uInt32)mnExEmbed // index to the persist table in ImplWritePage()
5163 << (sal_uInt32)0 // subtype in ImplWritePage()
5164 << (sal_uInt32)0 in ImplWritePage()
5165 << (sal_uInt32)0x0012b600; in ImplWritePage()
5177 sal_uInt32 nSpFlags = 0xa00; in ImplWritePage()
5257 sal_uInt32 nRefId = ++mnExEmbed; in ImplWritePage()
5261 << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWritePage()
5262 sal_uInt32 nSize, nStart = mpExEmbed->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
5265 << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWritePage()
5269 << (sal_uInt32)0; in ImplWritePage()
5273 << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplWritePage()
5280 *mpExEmbed << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_CString << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)( nStringLen * 2 ); in ImplWritePage()
5298 << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWritePage()
5301 *pClientData << (sal_uInt32)( ( EPP_InteractiveInfo << 16 ) | 0xf ) << (sal_uInt32)24; in ImplWritePage()
5304 << (sal_uInt32)16 in ImplWritePage()
5305 << (sal_uInt32) 0 in ImplWritePage()
5306 << (sal_uInt32) 0 in ImplWritePage()
5311 << (sal_uInt32) 0; in ImplWritePage()
5373 *pClientData << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_OEPlaceholderAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)8 in ImplWritePage()
5384 *pClientData << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_ExObjRefAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWritePage()
5402 sal_uInt32 nFillStyleFlags, nLineStyleFlags; in ImplWritePage()
5431 sal_uInt32 nTextType = EPP_TEXTTYPE_Body; in ImplWritePage()
5492 *pClientTextBox << (sal_uInt32)( EPP_TextHeaderAtom << 16 ) << (sal_uInt32)4 in ImplWritePage()
5493 << (sal_uInt32)7; in ImplWritePage()
5511 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientData << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplWritePage()
5512 << (sal_uInt32)pClientData->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
5519 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientTextbox << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplWritePage()
5520 << (sal_uInt32)pClientTextBox->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
5584 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientTextbox << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplWritePage()
5585 << (sal_uInt32)pClientTextBox->Tell(); in ImplWritePage()
5598 for ( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < nGroups; i++, mpPptEscherEx->LeaveGroup() ) ; in ImplWritePage()
5655 sal_uInt32 nId = mpPptEscherEx->GenerateShapeId(); in ImplCreateCellBorder()
5661 sal_uInt32 nBorderColor = pCellBorder->maCellBorder.Color & 0xff00; // green in ImplCreateCellBorder()
5689 sal_uInt32 nC = nColumnSpan + nColumn; in GetCellRight()
5706 sal_uInt32 nR = nRowSpan + nRow; in GetCellBottom()
5715 void PPTWriter::WriteCString( SvStream& rSt, const String& rString, sal_uInt32 nInstance ) in WriteCString()
5717 sal_uInt32 i, nLen = rString.Len(); in WriteCString()
5720 rSt << (sal_uInt32)( ( nInstance << 4 ) | ( EPP_CString << 16 ) ) in WriteCString()
5721 << (sal_uInt32)( nLen << 1 ); in WriteCString()
5782 sal_uInt32 nShapeId = mpPptEscherEx->GenerateShapeId(); in ImplCreateTable()
5852 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientData << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplCreateTable()
5853 << (sal_uInt32)pClientData->Tell(); in ImplCreateTable()
5866 *mpStrm << (sal_uInt32)( ( ESCHER_ClientTextbox << 16 ) | 0xf ) in ImplCreateTable()
5867 << (sal_uInt32)aClientTextBox.Tell(); in ImplCreateTable()