Lines Matching refs:sal_Bool

465     sal_Bool                        m_bSourceRead;  // Source still contains useful information
466sal_Bool m_bModified; // only modified streams will be sent to the origi…
467sal_Bool m_bCommited; // sending the streams is coordinated by the root …
468sal_Bool m_bDirect; // the storage and its streams are opened in direc…
471sal_Bool m_bIsOLEStorage;// an OLEStorage on a UCBStorageStream makes this …
473 …m_Impl( const String&, StreamMode, UCBStorageStream*, sal_Bool, const ByteString* pKey=0, sal_Bool
476 sal_Bool Init();
477 sal_Bool Clear();
479 sal_Bool Revert(); // discard all changes
526sal_Bool m_bModified; // only modified elements will be sent to the orig…
527sal_Bool m_bCommited; // sending the streams is coordinated by the root …
528sal_Bool m_bDirect; // the storage and its streams are opened in direc…
531sal_Bool m_bIsRoot; // marks this storage as root storages that manage…
532 sal_Bool m_bDirty; // ???
533 sal_Bool m_bIsLinked;
534 sal_Bool m_bListCreated;
541 sal_Bool m_bRepairPackage;
545 …:ucbhelper::Content&, const String&, StreamMode, UCBStorage*, sal_Bool, sal_Bool, sal_Bool = sal_F…
546 …UCBStorage_Impl( const String&, StreamMode, UCBStorage*, sal_Bool, sal_Bool, sal_Bool = sal_False,…
547 UCBStorage_Impl( SvStream&, UCBStorage*, sal_Bool );
550 sal_Bool Revert();
551 sal_Bool Insert( ::ucbhelper::Content *pContent );
552 …pl* OpenStorage( UCBStorageElement_Impl* pElement, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect );
553 …UCBStorageStream_Impl* OpenStream( UCBStorageElement_Impl*, StreamMode, sal_Bool, const ByteS…
589 sal_Bool m_bIsFolder; // Only sal_True when it is a UCBStorage !
590 sal_Bool m_bIsStorage; // Also sal_True when it is an OLEStorage !
591 sal_Bool m_bIsRemoved; // element will be removed on commit
592 sal_Bool m_bIsInserted; // element will be removed on revert
597 sal_Bool bIsFolder = sal_False, sal_uLong nSize = 0 ) in UCBStorageElement_Impl()
609 sal_Bool IsModified();
613 sal_Bool IsLoaded() in IsLoaded()
663 sal_Bool UCBStorageElement_Impl::IsModified() in IsModified()
665 sal_Bool bModified = m_bIsRemoved || m_bIsInserted || m_aName != m_aOriginalName; in IsModified()
677 …Name, StreamMode nMode, UCBStorageStream* pStream, sal_Bool bDirect, const ByteString* pKey, sal_B… in UCBStorageStream_Impl()
811 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream_Impl::Init() in Init()
1281 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream_Impl::Revert()
1333 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream_Impl::Clear()
1335 sal_Bool bRet = ( m_pAntiImpl == NULL );
1364 sal_Bool isWritable = (( m_nMode & STREAM_WRITE ) != 0 );
1386 UCBStorageStream::UCBStorageStream( const String& rName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, const …
1395 …rageStream( const String& rName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, const ByteString* pKey, sal_B…
1462 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::SetSize( sal_uLong nNewSize )
1477 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::Validate( sal_Bool bWrite ) const
1482 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::ValidateMode( StreamMode m ) const
1529 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::Equals( const BaseStorageStream& rStream ) const
1535 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::Commit()
1542 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::Revert()
1547 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::CopyTo( BaseStorageStream* pDestStm )
1585 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::SetProperty( const String& rName, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal…
1612 sal_Bool UCBStorageStream::GetProperty( const String& rName, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue )
1629 UCBStorage::UCBStorage( SvStream& rStrm, sal_Bool bDirect )
1653 …per::Content& rContent, const String& rName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bIsRoot )
1663 …e::UCBStorage( const String& rName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bIsRoot, sal_Bool
1673 UCBStorage::UCBStorage( const String& rName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bIsRoot )
1702 …tring& rName, StreamMode nMode, UCBStorage* pStorage, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bIsRoot, sal_Bool
1737 …tring& rName, StreamMode nMode, UCBStorage* pStorage, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bIsRoot, sal_Bool
1791 UCBStorage_Impl::UCBStorage_Impl( SvStream& rStream, UCBStorage* pStorage, sal_Bool bDirect )
2010 sal_Bool bIsFolder( xRow->getBoolean(2) );
2015 sal_Bool bIsOfficeDocument = m_bIsLinked || ( m_aClassId != SvGlobalName() );
2117 sal_Bool bFound = sal_False;
2268 sal_Bool UCBStorage_Impl::Insert( ::ucbhelper::Content *pContent )
2272 sal_Bool bRet = sal_False;
2348 sal_Bool bDeleteContent = sal_False;
2367 …ent->executeCommand( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii("delete"), makeAny( sal_Bool( sal_True ) ) );
2400 aValue <<= (sal_Bool) sal_True;
2482sal_Bool bRet = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::MakeFolder( *m_pContent, String::CreateFromAscii("META-IN…
2583 sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
2608 sal_Bool UCBStorage_Impl::Revert()
2611 sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
2647 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsRoot() const
2701 sal_Bool UCBStorage::ShouldConvert()
2743 sal_Bool UCBStorage::CopyStorageElement_Impl( UCBStorageElement_Impl& rElement, BaseStorage* pDest,…
2754 sal_Bool bDeleteStream = sal_False;
2783 sal_Bool bDeleteStorage = sal_False;
2795 sal_Bool bOpenUCBStorage = pUCBDest && pUCBCopy;
2820 return sal_Bool( Good() && pDest->Good() );
2837 sal_Bool UCBStorage::CopyTo( BaseStorage* pDestStg ) const
2855 sal_Bool bRet = sal_True;
2866 return sal_Bool( Good() && pDestStg->Good() );
2869 sal_Bool UCBStorage::CopyTo( const String& rElemName, BaseStorage* pDest, const String& rNew )
2893 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Commit()
2904 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Revert()
2909 BaseStorageStream* UCBStorage::OpenStream( const String& rEleName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDire…
2979 …e_Impl::OpenStream( UCBStorageElement_Impl* pElement, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, const By…
2988 BaseStorage* UCBStorage::OpenUCBStorage( const String& rEleName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect…
2996 BaseStorage* UCBStorage::OpenOLEStorage( const String& rEleName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect…
3004 BaseStorage* UCBStorage::OpenStorage( const String& rEleName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect )
3012 …e::OpenStorage_Impl( const String& rEleName, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect, sal_Bool bForceUC…
3076 sal_Bool bIsWritable = (( pElement->m_xStorage->m_nMode & STREAM_WRITE ) != 0);
3096 sal_Bool bIsWritable = (( pImp->m_nMode & STREAM_WRITE ) != 0 );
3106sal_Bool bRet = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::MakeFolder( aFolder, pImp->m_aName, *pImp->m_pContent );
3127 …CBStorage_Impl::OpenStorage( UCBStorageElement_Impl* pElement, StreamMode nMode, sal_Bool bDirect )
3139sal_Bool bRet = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::MakeFolder( *m_pContent, pElement->m_aOriginalName, aNewF…
3164 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsStorage( const String& rEleName ) const
3173 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsStream( const String& rEleName ) const
3182 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsContained( const String & rEleName ) const
3190 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Remove( const String& rEleName )
3206 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Rename( const String& rEleName, const String& rNewName )
3229 sal_Bool UCBStorage::MoveTo( const String& rEleName, BaseStorage* pNewSt, const String& rNewName )
3256 sal_Bool bRet = CopyTo( rEleName, pNewSt, rNewName );
3263 sal_Bool UCBStorage::ValidateFAT()
3269 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Validate( sal_Bool bWrite ) const
3275 sal_Bool UCBStorage::ValidateMode( StreamMode m ) const
3310 sal_Bool UCBStorage::Equals( const BaseStorage& rStorage ) const
3316 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsStorageFile( const String& rFileName )
3328 sal_Bool bRet = UCBStorage::IsStorageFile( pStm );
3333 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsStorageFile( SvStream* pFile )
3348 sal_Bool bRet = ( nBytes == 0x04034b50 );
3364 sal_Bool UCBStorage::IsDiskSpannedFile( SvStream* pFile )
3379 sal_Bool bRet = ( nBytes == 0x08074b50 );
3440 sal_Bool bRet = ::utl::UCBContentHelper::MakeFolder( aFolder, aTitle, aNewFolder );
3491 sal_Bool UCBStorage::SetProperty( const String& rName, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue )
3518 sal_Bool UCBStorage::GetProperty( const String& rName, ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rValue )
3535 sal_Bool UCBStorage::GetProperty( const String& rEleName, const String& rName, ::com::sun::star::un…