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#ifndef __com_sun_star_rdf_XDocumentRepository_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_rdf_XDocumentRepository_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_beans_Pair_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_rdf_XMetadatable_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_rdf_XRepository_idl__
module com { module sun { module star { module rdf {
/** extends XRepository with document-specific functionality.
This subclass of XRepository provides some methods which
only make sense for repositories that are attached to a document.
For example, the methods allow for manipulating in-content metadata,
which is stored as RDFa.
@since OpenOffice 3.2
@see XRepositorySupplier
@see XDocumentMetadataAccess
interface XDocumentRepository : XRepository
/** update the RDFa statement(s) that correspond to an ODF element in the
This method will do the following steps:
- Remove all previously set RDFa statements for the Object parameter
from the repository
- If the RDFaContent parameter is the empty string,
for every Predicate in the given list of Predicates,
add the following RDF statement to an unspecified named graph:
Subject Predicate
- If the RDFaContent parameter is not the empty string,
for every Predicate in the given list of Predicates,
add the following RDF statement to an unspecified named graph:
Subject Predicate XLiteral(RDFaContent^^RDFaDatatype)
RDFa statements are handled specially because they are not logically
part of any named graph in the repository.
Also, they have rather unusual semantics;
just using XNamedGraph::addStatement would be
if the object is a XMetadatable, do we insert
the object itself (URI) or its literal content (RDFa)?
@param Subject
the subject of the RDF triple(s).
@param Predicates
the predicates of the RDF triple(s).
@param Object
the object of the RDF triple(s) is the text content of this
@param RDFaContent
the rdfa:content
attribute (may be the empty
@param RDFaDatatype
the rdfa:datatype
attribute (may be )
@throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
if any parameter is , Predicates is empty,
or Object is of a type that can not have RDFa metadata attached.
@throws RepositoryException
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
void setStatementRDFa(
[in] XResource Subject,
[in] sequence Predicates,
[in] XMetadatable Object,
[in] string RDFaContent,
[in] XURI RDFaDatatype)
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
RepositoryException );
/** remove the RDFa statement(s) that correspond to an ODF element from the
RDFa statements are handled specially because they are not logically
part of any graph.
@param Element
the element whose RDFa statement(s) should be removed
@throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
if the given Element is , or of a type that can not have
RDFa metadata attached.
@throws RepositoryException
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
void removeStatementRDFa([in] XMetadatable Element)
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
RepositoryException );
/** find the RDFa statement(s) associated with an ODF element.
@param Element
the ODF element for which RDFa statements should be found
- if the element has no RDFa meta-data attributes:
the empty sequence.
- if the element has RDFa meta-data attributes:
- a sequence with the RDFa-statements corresponding to the
- a flag indicating whether there is a xhtml:content
@throws com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException
if the given Element is , or of a type that can not have
RDFa metadata attached.
@throws RepositoryException
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
@see Statement
com::sun::star::beans::Pair< sequence, boolean >
getStatementRDFa([in] XMetadatable Element)
raises( com::sun::star::lang::IllegalArgumentException,
RepositoryException );
/** gets matching RDFa statements from the repository.
This method exists because RDFa statements are not part of any named
graph, and thus they cannot be enumerated with
Any parameter may be , which acts as a wildcard.
For example, to get all statements about myURI:
getStatementsRDFa(myURI, null, null)
@param Subject
the subject of the RDF triple.
@param Predicate
the predicate of the RDF triple.
@param Object
the object of the RDF triple.
an iterator over all RDFa statements in the repository that match
the parameters, represented as an
enumeration of Statement
@throws RepositoryException
if an error occurs when accessing the repository.
@see Statement
@see XRepository::getStatements
@see XNamedGraph::getStatements
com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration/**/ getStatementsRDFa(
[in] XResource Subject,
[in] XURI Predicate,
[in] XNode Object)
raises( RepositoryException );
}; }; }; };