/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef OOX_DRAWINGML_CHART_AXISMODEL_HXX #define OOX_DRAWINGML_CHART_AXISMODEL_HXX #include "oox/drawingml/shape.hxx" #include "oox/drawingml/chart/titlemodel.hxx" namespace oox { namespace drawingml { namespace chart { // ============================================================================ struct AxisDispUnitsModel { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< TextBody > TextBodyRef; typedef ModelRef< LayoutModel > LayoutRef; typedef ModelRef< TextModel > TextRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Label frame formatting. TextBodyRef mxTextProp; /// Label text formatting. LayoutRef mxLayout; /// Layout/position of the axis units label. TextRef mxText; /// Text source of the axis units label. double mfCustomUnit; /// Custom unit size on value axis. sal_Int32 mnBuiltInUnit; /// Built-in unit on value axis. explicit AxisDispUnitsModel(); ~AxisDispUnitsModel(); }; // ============================================================================ struct AxisModel { typedef ModelRef< Shape > ShapeRef; typedef ModelRef< TextBody > TextBodyRef; typedef ModelRef< TitleModel > TitleRef; typedef ModelRef< AxisDispUnitsModel > AxisDispUnitsRef; ShapeRef mxShapeProp; /// Axis line formatting. TextBodyRef mxTextProp; /// Axis label text formatting. TitleRef mxTitle; /// Axis title. AxisDispUnitsRef mxDispUnits; /// Axis units label. ShapeRef mxMajorGridLines; /// Major grid lines formatting. ShapeRef mxMinorGridLines; /// Minor grid lines formatting. NumberFormat maNumberFormat; /// Number format for axis tick labels. OptValue< double > mofCrossesAt; /// Position on this axis where another axis crosses. OptValue< double > mofMajorUnit; /// Unit for major tick marks on date/value axis. OptValue< double > mofMinorUnit; /// Unit for minor tick marks on date/value axis. OptValue< double > mofLogBase; /// Logarithmic base for logarithmic axes. OptValue< double > mofMax; /// Maximum axis value. OptValue< double > mofMin; /// Minimum axis value. OptValue< sal_Int32 > monBaseTimeUnit; /// Base time unit shown on a date axis. sal_Int32 mnAxisId; /// Unique axis identifier. sal_Int32 mnAxisPos; /// Position of the axis (top/bottom/left/right). sal_Int32 mnCrossAxisId; /// Identifier of a crossing axis. sal_Int32 mnCrossBetween; /// This value axis crosses between or inside category. sal_Int32 mnCrossMode; /// Mode this axis crosses another axis (min, max, auto). sal_Int32 mnLabelAlign; /// Tick mark label alignment. sal_Int32 mnLabelOffset; /// Tick mark label distance from axis. sal_Int32 mnMajorTickMark; /// Major tick mark style. sal_Int32 mnMajorTimeUnit; /// Time unit for major tick marks on date axis. sal_Int32 mnMinorTickMark; /// Mainor tick mark style. sal_Int32 mnMinorTimeUnit; /// Time unit for minor tick marks on date axis. sal_Int32 mnOrientation; /// Axis orientation (value order min to max, or max to min). sal_Int32 mnTickLabelPos; /// Position of tick mark labels relative to the axis. sal_Int32 mnTickLabelSkip; /// Number of tick mark labels to skip. sal_Int32 mnTickMarkSkip; /// Number of tick marks to skip. sal_Int32 mnTypeId; /// Type identifier of this axis. bool mbAuto; /// True = automatic selection of text/date axis type. bool mbDeleted; /// True = axis has been deleted manually. bool mbNoMultiLevel; /// True = no multi-level categories supported. explicit AxisModel( sal_Int32 nTypeId ); ~AxisModel(); }; // ============================================================================ } // namespace chart } // namespace drawingml } // namespace oox #endif