* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package ifc.container;
import com.sun.star.sheet.XCellRangeAddressable;
import lib.MultiMethodTest;
import util.ValueComparer;
import com.sun.star.container.XNameAccess;
import com.sun.star.container.XNameReplace;
import com.sun.star.uno.UnoRuntime;
* Testing com.sun.star.container.XNameReplace
* interface methods :
: N relations
* which represents objects to be replaced with. See below
* for more information.'NAMEREPLACE'
optional: String
* relation which represents element name to be replaced.
* Some Objects can't replace the firsr that comes along, i.e.
* SwXStyleFamily. It have some pool styles which can't be replaced.
* So the test need a special object to replace it by name. 'XNameReplaceINDEX'
: For internal test
* usage. Contains current thread number. 'THRCNT'
: number
* of interface threads running concurently. * XNameReplace needs n ObjectRelations "INSTANCEn" , where n = 1, ..., THRCNT. *
* When this interface tested by different threads, it must use different instances * to replace - one for each thread. *
* That's why we use objRelation "XNameReplaceINDEX" to store the number of last * taken instance. If there is no such relation, it initialize with 1. *
* In one of the last steps the replaced object will be compared with the old * object. For that it is necessary that every thread replace it's own object. * INSTANCEn are n Objectrelations so that every thread can isert it's own * object. n depends on the variable THRCNT which and comes from API.INI * Some Object-Container can't replace the first that comes belong. So in * NAMEREPLACE you can determine a containerobject, which is replaceable.
* * Test is NOT multithread compilant.
* After test completion object environment has to be recreated.
* @see com.sun.star.container.XNameReplace
public class _XNameReplace extends MultiMethodTest {
public XNameReplace oObj = null;
* First test retrieves instance to be replaced with for each interface thread.
* Then list of element names is retrieved, the first of them will
* be replaced. In special case when 'NAMEREPLACE'
* exists, element with the specified name is replaced.
* Test replaces element and checks values of element with the
* specified name before and after replacement.
* Has OK status if values before and after replacement are * different. */ public void _replaceByName(){ boolean result = true; String[] oNames = null; int Index = 0; //get for every thread its own Object to insert it log.println("get ObjRelation(\"XNameReplaceINDEX\")"); String sIndex = (String)tEnv.getObjRelation("XNameReplaceINDEX"); System.out.println("Index: "+sIndex); if (sIndex == null) { log.println("No XNameReplaceINDEX - so set it to 1."); tEnv.addObjRelation("XNameReplaceINDEX", Integer.toString(1)); Index = 1; } else { Index = Integer.parseInt(sIndex); Index++; tEnv.addObjRelation("XNameReplaceINDEX", Integer.toString(Index)); } log.println("get ObjRelation(\"INSTANCE" + Index +"\")"); Object oInstance = tEnv.getObjRelation("INSTANCE"+ Index); if (oInstance == null) { log.println("ObjRelation(\"INSTANCE" + Index +"\") Object n.a."); } log.println("getting the existant object's name"); XNameAccess oNameAccess = (XNameAccess)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XNameAccess.class, oObj); oNames = oNameAccess.getElementNames(); /* Some Objects can't replace the firsr that comes along, i.e. SwXStyleFamily. It have some pool styles which can't be replaced. So the test need a special object to replace it by name. */ log.println("get ObjRelation(\"NAMEREPLACE\")"); Object oNameReplace = tEnv.getObjRelation("NAMEREPLACE"); if (oNameReplace != null) { oNames[0] = oNameReplace.toString(); } log.println("replaceByName()"); try { boolean ok; log.println("get current object '" + oNames[0] + "'"); Object old = oObj.getByName(oNames[0]) ; log.println("replace object '" + oNames[0] + "' with another instance"); oObj.replaceByName(oNames[0],oInstance); Object newEl = oObj.getByName(oNames[0]) ; if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("ScCellRangesObj")) { ok = compareRanges(old, newEl); } else { ok = ! ValueComparer.equalValue(old, newEl); } result &= ok; log.println("result of replace: " + ok); log.println("replace back the old object"); oObj.replaceByName(oNames[0],old); Object origEl = oObj.getByName(oNames[0]) ; if (tEnv.getTestCase().getObjectName().equals("ScCellRangesObj")) { ok = ! compareRanges(old, origEl); } else { ok = ValueComparer.equalValue(old, origEl); } result &= ok; log.println("result of replace back: " + ok); } catch (com.sun.star.lang.IllegalArgumentException e ) { result = false; e.printStackTrace(log) ; } catch (com.sun.star.container.NoSuchElementException e ) { result = false; e.printStackTrace(log) ; } catch (com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException e ) { result = false; e.printStackTrace(log) ; } tRes.tested("replaceByName()", result); } // end replaceByName() /** * Forces object environment recreation. */ public void after() { disposeEnvironment() ; } // method returns false if the ranges are equal and true otherwise private boolean compareRanges(Object old, Object newEl) { XCellRangeAddressable xCRA = (XCellRangeAddressable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellRangeAddressable.class,old); XCellRangeAddressable xCRA2 = (XCellRangeAddressable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XCellRangeAddressable.class,newEl); int orgStartCol = xCRA.getRangeAddress().StartColumn; int orgEndCol = xCRA.getRangeAddress().EndColumn; int orgStartRow = xCRA.getRangeAddress().StartRow; int orgEndRow = xCRA.getRangeAddress().EndRow; int newStartCol = xCRA2.getRangeAddress().StartColumn; int newEndCol = xCRA2.getRangeAddress().EndColumn; int newStartRow = xCRA2.getRangeAddress().StartRow; int newEndRow = xCRA2.getRangeAddress().EndRow; boolean ret = true; if (orgStartCol == newStartCol) { log.println("\t StartColumn is the same"); ret = false; } if (orgEndCol == newEndCol) { log.println("\t EndColumn is the same"); ret = false; } if (orgStartRow == newStartRow) { log.println("\t StartRow is the same"); ret = false; } if (orgEndRow == newEndRow) { log.println("\t EndRow is the same"); ret = false; } return ret; } }