/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef _RSCALL_H #define _RSCALL_H #include #include #include #include #include #include /******************* T y p e s *******************************************/ typedef char * CLASS_DATA; // Zeiger auf die Daten einer Klasse /******************* C l a s s e s F o r w a r d s *********************/ class RscCompiler; class RscTop; class RscTypCont; class RscIncList; /******************* G l o b a l V a r i a b l e s *********************/ extern ByteString* pStdParType; extern ByteString* pStdPar1; extern ByteString* pStdPar2; extern ByteString* pWinParType; extern ByteString* pWinPar1; extern ByteString* pWinPar2; extern sal_uInt32 nRefDeep; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_XYMAPMODEId; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_WHMAPMODEId; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_X; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_Y; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_WIDTH; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_HEIGHT; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_DELTALANG; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_DELTASYSTEM; extern sal_uInt32 nRsc_EXTRADATA; extern AtomContainer* pHS; /******************* D e f i n e s ***************************************/ #define HELP_FLAG 0x0001 // Hilfe anzeigen #define NOPREPRO_FLAG 0x0002 // kein Preprozesor #define NOSYNTAX_FLAG 0x0004 // keine Syntaxanalyse #define NOLINK_FLAG 0x0008 // nicht linken #define NORESFILE_FLAG 0x0010 // keine .res-Datei erzeugen #define DEFINE_FLAG 0x0020 // es wurde Definitionen angegeben #define INCLUDE_FLAG 0x0040 // der Include-Pfad wurde erweitert #define MSCPREPRO_FLAG 0x0080 // spezial Preprozessor #define PRINTSYNTAX_FLAG 0x0100 // Syntax ausgeben #define PRELOAD_FLAG 0x0200 // Alle Ressourcen Preloaden #define SMART_FLAG 0x0400 // abgekuertze Name #define SRSDEFAULT_FLAG 0x1000 // immer der Default geschrieben #define NOSYSRESTEST_FLAG 0x2000 // ueberprueft nicht die Richtigkeit von (bmp, ico, cur) /******************* T y p e s *******************************************/ enum RSCCLASS_TYPE { RSCCLASS_BOOL, RSCCLASS_STRING, RSCCLASS_NUMBER, RSCCLASS_CONST, RSCCLASS_COMPLEX, RSCCLASS_ENUMARRAY }; typedef void (* VarEnumCallbackProc)( void * pData, RSCCLASS_TYPE, Atom ); /******************* S t r u c t s ***************************************/ struct RSCINST { RscTop * pClass; CLASS_DATA pData; RSCINST(){ pClass = NULL; pData = NULL; } RSCINST( RscTop * pCl, CLASS_DATA pClassData ){ pClass = pCl; pData = pClassData; } sal_Bool IsInst() const { return( pData != NULL ); } }; /********************** S U B I N F O S T R U C T ************************/ struct SUBINFO_STRUCT { SUBINFO_STRUCT(){ nPos = 0; pClass = NULL; }; RscId aId; // Identifier der Resource sal_uInt32 nPos; // Position der Resource RscTop * pClass; // Klasse des Eintrages }; /******************* F u n c t i o n *************************************/ void InitRscCompiler(); #endif // _RSCALL_H