/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #ifndef SC_XECHART_HXX #define SC_XECHART_HXX #include #include "xerecord.hxx" #include "xlchart.hxx" #include "xlformula.hxx" #include "xlstyle.hxx" #include "xeroot.hxx" #include "xestring.hxx" class Size; namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace awt { struct Rectangle; } namespace frame { class XModel; } namespace chart { class XAxis; } namespace chart2 { struct ScaleData; class XChartDocument; class XDiagram; class XCoordinateSystem; class XChartType; class XDataSeries; class XAxis; class XTitle; class XFormattedString; class XRegressionCurve; namespace data { class XDataSequence; class XLabeledDataSequence; } } } } } // Common ===================================================================== struct XclExpChRootData; class XclExpChChart; /** Base class for complex chart classes, provides access to other components of the chart. Keeps also track of future record levels and writes the needed future records on demand. */ class XclExpChRoot : public XclExpRoot { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XChartDocument > XChartDocRef; public: explicit XclExpChRoot( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, XclExpChChart& rChartData ); virtual ~XclExpChRoot(); /** Returns this root instance - for code readability in derived classes. */ inline const XclExpChRoot& GetChRoot() const { return *this; } /** Returns the API Chart document model. */ XChartDocRef GetChartDocument() const; /** Returns a reference to the parent chart data object. */ XclExpChChart& GetChartData() const; /** Returns chart type info for a unique chart type identifier. */ const XclChTypeInfo& GetChartTypeInfo( XclChTypeId eType ) const; /** Returns the first fitting chart type info for the passed service name. */ const XclChTypeInfo& GetChartTypeInfo( const ::rtl::OUString& rServiceName ) const; /** Returns an info struct about auto formatting for the passed object type. */ const XclChFormatInfo& GetFormatInfo( XclChObjectType eObjType ) const; /** Starts the API chart document conversion. Must be called once before all API conversion. */ void InitConversion( XChartDocRef xChartDoc, const Rectangle& rChartRect ) const; /** Finishes the API chart document conversion. Must be called once after all API conversion. */ void FinishConversion() const; /** Returns true, if the passed color equals to the specified system color. */ bool IsSystemColor( const Color& rColor, sal_uInt16 nSysColorIdx ) const; /** Sets a system color and the respective color identifier. */ void SetSystemColor( Color& rColor, sal_uInt32& rnColorId, sal_uInt16 nSysColorIdx ) const; /** Converts the passed horizontal coordinate from 1/100 mm to Excel chart units. */ sal_Int32 CalcChartXFromHmm( sal_Int32 nPosX ) const; /** Converts the passed vertical coordinate from 1/100 mm to Excel chart units. */ sal_Int32 CalcChartYFromHmm( sal_Int32 nPosY ) const; /** Converts the passed rectangle from 1/100 mm to Excel chart units. */ XclChRectangle CalcChartRectFromHmm( const ::com::sun::star::awt::Rectangle& rRect ) const; /** Converts the passed horizontal coordinate from a relative position to Excel chart units. */ sal_Int32 CalcChartXFromRelative( double fPosX ) const; /** Converts the passed vertical coordinate from a relative position to Excel chart units. */ sal_Int32 CalcChartYFromRelative( double fPosY ) const; /** Reads all line properties from the passed property set. */ void ConvertLineFormat( XclChLineFormat& rLineFmt, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChPropertyMode ePropMode ) const; /** Reads solid area properties from the passed property set. @return true = object contains complex fill properties. */ bool ConvertAreaFormat( XclChAreaFormat& rAreaFmt, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChPropertyMode ePropMode ) const; /** Reads gradient or bitmap area properties from the passed property set. */ void ConvertEscherFormat( XclChEscherFormat& rEscherFmt, XclChPicFormat& rPicFmt, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChPropertyMode ePropMode ) const; /** Reads font properties from the passed property set. */ sal_uInt16 ConvertFont( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, sal_Int16 nScript ) const; /** Reads the pie rotation property and returns the converted angle. */ static sal_uInt16 ConvertPieRotation( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); protected: /** Called from XclExpChGroupBase::Save, registers a new future record level. */ void RegisterFutureRecBlock( const XclChFrBlock& rFrBlock ); /** Called from XclExpChFutureRecordBase::Save, Initializes the current future record level. */ void InitializeFutureRecBlock( XclExpStream& rStrm ); /** Called from XclExpChGroupBase::Save, finalizes the current future record level. */ void FinalizeFutureRecBlock( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: typedef ScfRef< XclExpChRootData > XclExpChRootDataRef; XclExpChRootDataRef mxChData; /// Reference to the root data object. }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Base class for chart record groups. Provides helper functions to write sub records. A chart record group consists of a header record, followed by a CHBEGIN record, followed by group sub records, and finished with a CHEND record. */ class XclExpChGroupBase : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChGroupBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nFrType, sal_uInt16 nRecId, sal_Size nRecSize = 0 ); virtual ~XclExpChGroupBase(); /** Saves the header record. Calls WriteSubRecords() to let derived classes write sub records. */ virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); /** Derived classes return whether there are any records embedded in this group. */ virtual bool HasSubRecords() const; /** Derived classes implement writing any records embedded in this group. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ) = 0; protected: /** Sets context information for future record blocks. */ void SetFutureRecordContext( sal_uInt16 nFrContext, sal_uInt16 nFrValue1 = 0, sal_uInt16 nFrValue2 = 0 ); private: XclChFrBlock maFrBlock; /// Future records block settings. }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Base class for chart future records. On saving, the record writes missing CHFRBLOCKBEGIN records automatically. */ class XclExpChFutureRecordBase : public XclExpFutureRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChFutureRecordBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, XclFutureRecType eRecType, sal_uInt16 nRecId, sal_Size nRecSize = 0 ); /** Writes missing CHFRBLOCKBEGIN records and this record. */ virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); }; // Frame formatting =========================================================== class XclExpChFramePos : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChFramePos( sal_uInt16 nTLMode, sal_uInt16 nBRMode ); /** Returns read/write access to the frame position data. */ inline XclChFramePos& GetFramePosData() { return maData; } private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChFramePos maData; /// Position of the frame. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChFramePos > XclExpChFramePosRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XclExpChLineFormat : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChLineFormat( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts line formatting properties from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Sets or clears the automatic flag. */ inline void SetAuto( bool bAuto ) { ::set_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHLINEFORMAT_AUTO, bAuto ); } /** Sets flag to show or hide an axis. */ inline void SetShowAxis( bool bShowAxis ) { ::set_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHLINEFORMAT_SHOWAXIS, bShowAxis ); } /** Sets the line format to the specified default type. */ void SetDefault( XclChFrameType eDefFrameType ); /** Returns true, if the line format is set to automatic. */ inline bool IsAuto() const { return ::get_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHLINEFORMAT_AUTO ); } /** Returns true, if the line style is set to something visible. */ inline bool HasLine() const { return maData.mnPattern != EXC_CHLINEFORMAT_NONE; } /** Returns true, if the line contains default formatting according to the passed frame type. */ bool IsDefault( XclChFrameType eDefFrameType ) const; private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChLineFormat maData; /// Contents of the CHLINEFORMAT record. sal_uInt32 mnColorId; /// Line color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChLineFormat > XclExpChLineFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XclExpChAreaFormat : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChAreaFormat( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts area formatting properties from the passed property set. @return true = object contains complex fill properties. */ bool Convert( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Sets or clears the automatic flag. */ inline void SetAuto( bool bAuto ) { ::set_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHAREAFORMAT_AUTO, bAuto ); } /** Sets the area format to the specified default type. */ void SetDefault( XclChFrameType eDefFrameType ); /** Returns true, if the area format is set to automatic. */ inline bool IsAuto() const { return ::get_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHAREAFORMAT_AUTO ); } /** Returns true, if the area style is set to something visible. */ inline bool HasArea() const { return maData.mnPattern != EXC_PATT_NONE; } /** Returns true, if the area contains default formatting according to the passed frame type. */ bool IsDefault( XclChFrameType eDefFrameType ) const; private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChAreaFormat maData; /// Contents of the CHAREAFORMAT record. sal_uInt32 mnPattColorId; /// Pattern color identifier. sal_uInt32 mnBackColorId; /// Pattern background color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChAreaFormat > XclExpChAreaFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XclExpChEscherFormat : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: explicit XclExpChEscherFormat( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts complex area formatting from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Returns true, if the object contains valid formatting data. */ bool IsValid() const; /** Writes the CHESCHERFORMAT record group to the stream, if complex formatting is extant. */ virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); /** Returns true, if this record group contains a CHPICFORMAT record. */ virtual bool HasSubRecords() const; /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: /** Inserts a color from the contained Escher property set into the color palette. */ sal_uInt32 RegisterColor( sal_uInt16 nPropId ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChEscherFormat maData; /// Fill properties for complex areas (CHESCHERFORMAT record). XclChPicFormat maPicFmt; /// Image options, e.g. stretched, stacked (CHPICFORMAT record). sal_uInt32 mnColor1Id; /// First fill color identifier. sal_uInt32 mnColor2Id; /// Second fill color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChEscherFormat > XclExpChEscherFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Base class for record groups containing frame formatting. Frame formatting can be part of several record groups, e.g. CHFRAME, CHDATAFORMAT, CHDROPBAR. It consists of CHLINEFORMAT, CHAREAFORMAT, and CHESCHERFORMAT group. */ class XclExpChFrameBase { public: explicit XclExpChFrameBase(); virtual ~XclExpChFrameBase(); protected: /** Converts frame formatting properties from the passed property set. */ void ConvertFrameBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Sets the frame formatting to the specified default type. */ void SetDefaultFrameBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, XclChFrameType eDefFrameType, bool bIsFrame ); /** Returns true, if the frame contains default formatting (as if the frame is missing). */ bool IsDefaultFrameBase( XclChFrameType eDefFrameType ) const; /** Writes all contained frame records to the passed stream. */ void WriteFrameRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclExpChLineFormatRef mxLineFmt; /// Line format (CHLINEFORMAT record). XclExpChAreaFormatRef mxAreaFmt; /// Area format (CHAREAFORMAT record). XclExpChEscherFormatRef mxEscherFmt; /// Complex area format (CHESCHERFORMAT record). }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHFRAME record group containing object frame properties. The CHFRAME group consists of: CHFRAME, CHBEGIN, CHLINEFORMAT, CHAREAFORMAT, CHESCHERFORMAT group, CHEND. */ class XclExpChFrame : public XclExpChGroupBase, public XclExpChFrameBase { public: explicit XclExpChFrame( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Converts frame formatting properties from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Sets the specified automatic flags. */ void SetAutoFlags( bool bAutoPos, bool bAutoSize ); /** Returns true, if the frame object contains default formats. */ bool IsDefault() const; /** Returns true, if the frame object can be deleted because it contains default formats. */ bool IsDeleteable() const; /** Writes the entire record group. */ virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChFrame maData; /// Contents of the CHFRAME record. XclChObjectType meObjType; /// Type of the represented object. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChFrame > XclExpChFrameRef; // Source links =============================================================== class XclExpChSourceLink : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::data::XDataSequence > XDataSequenceRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XFormattedString > XFormattedStringRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< XFormattedStringRef > XFormattedStringSeq; public: explicit XclExpChSourceLink( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt8 nDestType ); /** Converts the passed source link, returns the number of linked values. */ sal_uInt16 ConvertDataSequence( XDataSequenceRef xDataSeq, bool bSplitToColumns, sal_uInt16 nDefCount = 0 ); /** Converts the passed sequence of formatted string objects, returns leading font index. */ sal_uInt16 ConvertStringSequence( const XFormattedStringSeq& rStringSeq ); /** Converts the number format from the passed property set. */ void ConvertNumFmt( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool bPercent ); /** Returns true, if this source link contains explicit string data. */ inline bool HasString() const { return mxString.is() && !mxString->IsEmpty(); } /** Writes the CHSOURCELINK record and optionally a CHSTRING record with explicit string data. */ virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChSourceLink maData; /// Contents of the CHSOURCELINK record. XclTokenArrayRef mxLinkFmla; /// Formula with link to source data. XclExpStringRef mxString; /// Text data (CHSTRING record). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChSourceLink > XclExpChSourceLinkRef; // Text ======================================================================= /** The CHFONT record containing a font index for text objects. */ class XclExpChFont : public XclExpUInt16Record { public: explicit XclExpChFont( sal_uInt16 nFontIdx ); }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChFont > XclExpChFontRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The CHOBJECTLINK record linking a text object to a specific chart object. */ class XclExpChObjectLink : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChObjectLink( sal_uInt16 nLinkTarget, const XclChDataPointPos& rPointPos ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChObjectLink maData; /// Contents of the CHOBJECTLINK record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChObjectLink > XclExpChObjectLinkRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Additional data label settings in the future record CHFRLABELPROPS. */ class XclExpChFrLabelProps : public XclExpChFutureRecordBase { public: explicit XclExpChFrLabelProps( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts separator and the passed data label flags. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool bShowSeries, bool bShowCateg, bool bShowValue, bool bShowPercent, bool bShowBubble ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChFrLabelProps maData; /// Contents of the CHFRLABELPROPS record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChFrLabelProps > XclExpChFrLabelPropsRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Base class for objects with font settings. Provides font conversion helper functions. */ class XclExpChFontBase { public: virtual ~XclExpChFontBase(); /** Derived classes set font color and color identifier to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetFont( XclExpChFontRef xFont, const Color& rColor, sal_uInt32 nColorId ) = 0; /** Derived classes set text rotation to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetRotation( sal_uInt16 nRotation ) = 0; /** Creates a CHFONT record from the passed font index, calls virtual function SetFont(). */ void ConvertFontBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nFontIdx ); /** Creates a CHFONT record from the passed font index, calls virtual function SetFont(). */ void ConvertFontBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Converts rotation settings, calls virtual function SetRotation(). */ void ConvertRotationBase( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool bSupportsStacked ); }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHTEXT record group containing text object properties. The CHTEXT group consists of: CHTEXT, CHBEGIN, CHFRAMEPOS, CHFONT, CHFORMATRUNS, CHSOURCELINK, CHSTRING, CHFRAME group, CHOBJECTLINK, and CHEND. */ class XclExpChText : public XclExpChGroupBase, public XclExpChFontBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XTitle > XTitleRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XRegressionCurve > XRegressionCurveRef; public: explicit XclExpChText( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Sets font color and color identifier to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetFont( XclExpChFontRef xFont, const Color& rColor, sal_uInt32 nColorId ); /** Sets text rotation to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetRotation( sal_uInt16 nRotation ); /** Converts all text settings of the passed title text object. */ void ConvertTitle( XTitleRef xTitle, sal_uInt16 nTarget ); /** Converts all text settings of the passed legend. */ void ConvertLegend( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Converts all settings of the passed data point caption text object. */ bool ConvertDataLabel( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const XclChTypeInfo& rTypeInfo, const XclChDataPointPos& rPointPos ); /** Converts all settings of the passed trend line equation box. */ void ConvertTrendLineEquation( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const XclChDataPointPos& rPointPos ); /** Returns true, if the string object does not contain any text data. */ inline bool HasString() const { return mxSrcLink.is() && mxSrcLink->HasString(); } /** Returns the flags needed for the CHATTACHEDLABEL record. */ sal_uInt16 GetAttLabelFlags() const; /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChText maData; /// Contents of the CHTEXT record. XclExpChFramePosRef mxFramePos; /// Relative text frame position (CHFRAMEPOS record). XclExpChSourceLinkRef mxSrcLink; /// Linked data (CHSOURCELINK with CHSTRING record). XclExpChFrameRef mxFrame; /// Text object frame properties (CHFRAME group). XclExpChFontRef mxFont; /// Index into font buffer (CHFONT record). XclExpChObjectLinkRef mxObjLink; /// Link target for this text object. XclExpChFrLabelPropsRef mxLabelProps; /// Extended data label properties (CHFRLABELPROPS record). sal_uInt32 mnTextColorId; /// Text color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChText > XclExpChTextRef; // Data series ================================================================ /** The CHMARKERFORMAT record containing data point marker formatting data. */ class XclExpChMarkerFormat : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChMarkerFormat( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts symbol properties from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ); /** Converts symbol properties for stock charts from the passed property set. */ void ConvertStockSymbol( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool bCloseSymbol ); /** Returns true, if markers are enabled. */ inline bool HasMarker() const { return maData.mnMarkerType != EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_NOSYMBOL; } /** Returns true, if border line of markers is visible. */ inline bool HasLineColor() const { return !::get_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_NOLINE ); } /** Returns true, if fill area of markers is visible. */ inline bool HasFillColor() const { return !::get_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHMARKERFORMAT_NOFILL ); } private: /** Registers marker colors in palette and stores color identifiers. */ void RegisterColors( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChMarkerFormat maData; /// Contents of the CHMARKERFORMAT record. sal_uInt32 mnLineColorId; /// Border line color identifier. sal_uInt32 mnFillColorId; /// Fill color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChMarkerFormat > XclExpChMarkerFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The CHPIEFORMAT record containing data point formatting data for pie segments. */ class XclExpChPieFormat : public XclExpUInt16Record { public: explicit XclExpChPieFormat(); /** Sets pie segment properties from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChPieFormat > XclExpChPieFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The CH3DDATAFORMAT record containing the bar type in 3D bar charts. */ class XclExpCh3dDataFormat : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpCh3dDataFormat(); /** Sets 3d bar properties from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclCh3dDataFormat maData; /// Contents of the CH3DDATAFORMAT record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpCh3dDataFormat > XclExpCh3dDataFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** The CHATTACHEDLABEL record that contains the type of a data point label. */ class XclExpChAttachedLabel : public XclExpUInt16Record { public: explicit XclExpChAttachedLabel( sal_uInt16 nFlags ); }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChAttachedLabel > XclExpChAttLabelRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHDATAFORMAT record group containing data point properties. The CHDATAFORMAT group consists of: CHDATAFORMAT, CHBEGIN, CHFRAME group, CHMARKERFORMAT, CHPIEFORMAT, CH3DDATAFORMAT, CHSERIESFORMAT, CHATTACHEDLABEL, CHEND. */ class XclExpChDataFormat : public XclExpChGroupBase, public XclExpChFrameBase { public: explicit XclExpChDataFormat( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, const XclChDataPointPos& rPointPos, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ); /** Converts the passed data series or data point formatting. */ void ConvertDataSeries( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const XclChExtTypeInfo& rTypeInfo ); /** Sets default formatting for a series in a stock chart. */ void ConvertStockSeries( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool bCloseSymbol ); /** Converts line formatting for the specified object (e.g. trend lines, error bars). */ void ConvertLine( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Returns true, if this objects describes the formatting of an entire series. */ inline bool IsSeriesFormat() const { return maData.maPointPos.mnPointIdx == EXC_CHDATAFORMAT_ALLPOINTS; } /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChDataFormat maData; /// Contents of the CHDATAFORMAT record. XclExpChMarkerFormatRef mxMarkerFmt; /// Data point marker (CHMARKERFORMAT record). XclExpChPieFormatRef mxPieFmt; /// Pie segment format (CHPIEFORMAT record). XclExpRecordRef mxSeriesFmt; /// Series properties (CHSERIESFORMAT record). XclExpCh3dDataFormatRef mx3dDataFmt; /// 3D bar format (CH3DDATAFORMAT record). XclExpChAttLabelRef mxAttLabel; /// Data point label type (CHATTACHEDLABEL record). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChDataFormat > XclExpChDataFormatRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHSERTRENDLINE record containing settings for a trend line. */ class XclExpChSerTrendLine : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XRegressionCurve > XRegressionCurveRef; public: explicit XclExpChSerTrendLine( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts the passed trend line, returns true if trend line type is supported. */ bool Convert( XRegressionCurveRef xRegCurve, sal_uInt16 nSeriesIdx ); /** Returns formatting information of the trend line, created in Convert(). */ inline XclExpChDataFormatRef GetDataFormat() const { return mxDataFmt; } /** Returns formatting of the equation text box, created in Convert(). */ inline XclExpChTextRef GetDataLabel() const { return mxLabel; } private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChSerTrendLine maData; /// Contents of the CHSERTRENDLINE record. XclExpChDataFormatRef mxDataFmt; /// Formatting settings of the trend line. XclExpChTextRef mxLabel; /// Formatting of the equation text box. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChSerTrendLine > XclExpChSerTrendLineRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHSERERRORBAR record containing settings for error bars. */ class XclExpChSerErrorBar : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChSerErrorBar( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt8 nBarType ); /** Converts the passed error bar settings, returns true if error bar type is supported. */ bool Convert( XclExpChSourceLink& rValueLink, sal_uInt16& rnValueCount, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChSerErrorBar maData; /// Contents of the CHSERERRORBAR record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChSerErrorBar > XclExpChSerErrorBarRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHSERIES record group describing a data series in a chart. The CHSERIES group consists of: CHSERIES, CHBEGIN, CHSOURCELINK groups, CHDATAFORMAT groups, CHSERGROUP, CHSERPARENT, CHSERERRORBAR, CHSERTRENDLINE, CHEND. */ class XclExpChSeries : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > XDiagramRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDataSeries > XDataSeriesRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > XLabeledDataSeqRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XRegressionCurve > XRegressionCurveRef; public: explicit XclExpChSeries( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nSeriesIdx ); /** Converts the passed data series (source links and formatting). */ bool ConvertDataSeries( XDiagramRef xDiagram, XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries, const XclChExtTypeInfo& rTypeInfo, sal_uInt16 nGroupIdx, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx ); /** Converts the passed data series for stock charts. */ bool ConvertStockSeries( XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries, const ::rtl::OUString& rValueRole, sal_uInt16 nGroupIdx, sal_uInt16 nFormatIdx, bool bCloseSymbol ); /** Converts the passed error bar settings (called at trend line child series). */ bool ConvertTrendLine( const XclExpChSeries& rParent, XRegressionCurveRef xRegCurve ); /** Converts the passed error bar settings (called at error bar child series). */ bool ConvertErrorBar( const XclExpChSeries& rParent, const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, sal_uInt8 nBarId ); /** Converts and inserts category ranges for all inserted series. */ void ConvertCategSequence( XLabeledDataSeqRef xCategSeq ); /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: /** Initializes members of this series to represent a child of the passed series. */ void InitFromParent( const XclExpChSeries& rParent ); /** Tries to create trend line series objects (called at parent series). */ void CreateTrendLines( XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries ); /** Tries to create positive and negative error bar series objects (called at parent series). */ void CreateErrorBars( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const ::rtl::OUString& rBarPropName, sal_uInt8 nPosBarId, sal_uInt8 nNegBarId ); /** Tries to create an error bar series object (called at parent series). */ void CreateErrorBar( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const ::rtl::OUString& rShowPropName, sal_uInt8 nBarId ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpChDataFormat > XclExpChDataFormatList; private: XclChSeries maData; /// Contents of the CHSERIES record. XclExpChSourceLinkRef mxTitleLink; /// Link data for series title. XclExpChSourceLinkRef mxValueLink; /// Link data for series values. XclExpChSourceLinkRef mxCategLink; /// Link data for series category names. XclExpChSourceLinkRef mxBubbleLink; /// Link data for series bubble sizes. XclExpChDataFormatRef mxSeriesFmt; /// CHDATAFORMAT group for series format. XclExpChDataFormatList maPointFmts; /// CHDATAFORMAT groups for data point formats. XclExpChSerTrendLineRef mxTrendLine; /// Trend line settings (CHSERTRENDLINE record). XclExpChSerErrorBarRef mxErrorBar; /// Error bar settings (CHSERERRORBAR record). sal_uInt16 mnGroupIdx; /// Chart type group (CHTYPEGROUP group) this series is assigned to. sal_uInt16 mnSeriesIdx; /// 0-based series index. sal_uInt16 mnParentIdx; /// 0-based index of parent series (trend lines and error bars). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChSeries > XclExpChSeriesRef; // Chart type groups ========================================================== /** Represents the chart type record for all supported chart types. */ class XclExpChType : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > XDiagramRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XChartType > XChartTypeRef; public: explicit XclExpChType( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts the passed chart type and the contained data series. */ void Convert( XDiagramRef xDiagram, XChartTypeRef xChartType, sal_Int32 nApiAxesSetIdx, bool bSwappedAxesSet, bool bHasXLabels ); /** Sets stacking mode (standard or percent) for the series in this chart type group. */ void SetStacked( bool bPercent ); /** Returns true, if this is object represents a valid chart type. */ inline bool IsValidType() const { return maTypeInfo.meTypeId != EXC_CHTYPEID_UNKNOWN; } /** Returns the chart type info struct for the contained chart type. */ inline const XclChTypeInfo& GetTypeInfo() const { return maTypeInfo; } private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChType maData; /// Contents of the chart type record. XclChTypeInfo maTypeInfo; /// Chart type info for the contained type. }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHCHART3D record that contains 3D view settings. */ class XclExpChChart3d : public XclExpRecord { public: explicit XclExpChChart3d(); /** Converts 3d settings for the passed chart type. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, bool b3dWallChart ); /** Sets flag that the data points are clustered on the X axis. */ inline void SetClustered() { ::set_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHCHART3D_CLUSTER ); } /** Returns true, if the data points are clustered on the X axis. */ inline bool IsClustered() const { return ::get_flag( maData.mnFlags, EXC_CHCHART3D_CLUSTER ); } private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChChart3d maData; /// Contents of the CHCHART3D record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChChart3d > XclExpChChart3dRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHLEGEND record group describing the chart legend. The CHLEGEND group consists of: CHLEGEND, CHBEGIN, CHFRAMEPOS, CHFRAME group, CHTEXT group, CHEND. */ class XclExpChLegend : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: explicit XclExpChLegend( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts all legend settings from the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChLegend maData; /// Contents of the CHLEGEND record. XclExpChFramePosRef mxFramePos; /// Legend frame position (CHFRAMEPOS record). XclExpChTextRef mxText; /// Legend text format (CHTEXT group). XclExpChFrameRef mxFrame; /// Legend frame format (CHFRAME group). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChLegend > XclExpChLegendRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHDROPBAR record group describing pos/neg bars in line charts. The CHDROPBAR group consists of: CHDROPBAR, CHBEGIN, CHLINEFORMAT, CHAREAFORMAT, CHESCHERFORMAT group, CHEND. */ class XclExpChDropBar : public XclExpChGroupBase, public XclExpChFrameBase { public: explicit XclExpChDropBar( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, XclChObjectType eObjType ); /** Converts and writes the contained frame data to the passed property set. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChObjectType meObjType; /// Type of the dropbar. sal_uInt16 mnBarDist; /// Distance between bars (CHDROPBAR record). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChDropBar > XclExpChDropBarRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHTYPEGROUP record group describing a group of series. The CHTYPEGROUP group consists of: CHTYPEGROUP, CHBEGIN, a chart type record (e.g. CHBAR, CHLINE, CHAREA, CHPIE, ...), CHCHART3D, CHLEGEND group, CHDROPBAR groups, CHCHARTLINE groups (CHCHARTLINE with CHLINEFORMAT), CHDATAFORMAT group, CHEND. */ class XclExpChTypeGroup : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > XDiagramRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XChartType > XChartTypeRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDataSeries > XDataSeriesRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > XLabeledDataSeqRef; public: explicit XclExpChTypeGroup( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nGroupIdx ); /** Converts the passed chart type to Excel type settings. */ void ConvertType( XDiagramRef xDiagram, XChartTypeRef xChartType, sal_Int32 nApiAxesSetIdx, bool b3dChart, bool bSwappedAxesSet, bool bHasXLabels ); /** Converts and inserts all series from the passed chart type. */ void ConvertSeries( XDiagramRef xDiagram, XChartTypeRef xChartType, sal_Int32 nGroupAxesSetIdx, bool bPercent, bool bConnectorLines ); /** Converts and inserts category ranges for all inserted series. */ void ConvertCategSequence( XLabeledDataSeqRef xCategSeq ); /** Creates a legend object and converts all legend settings. */ void ConvertLegend( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Returns true, if this chart type group contains at least one valid series. */ inline bool IsValidGroup() const { return !maSeries.IsEmpty() && maType.IsValidType(); } /** Returns the index of this chart type group format. */ inline sal_uInt16 GetGroupIdx() const { return maData.mnGroupIdx; } /** Returns the chart type info struct for the contained chart type. */ inline const XclChExtTypeInfo& GetTypeInfo() const { return maTypeInfo; } /** Returns true, if the chart is three-dimensional. */ inline bool Is3dChart() const { return maTypeInfo.mb3dChart; } /** Returns true, if chart type supports wall and floor format. */ inline bool Is3dWallChart() const { return Is3dChart() && (maTypeInfo.meTypeCateg != EXC_CHTYPECATEG_PIE); } /** Returns true, if the series in this chart type group are ordered on the Z axis. */ inline bool Is3dDeepChart() const { return Is3dWallChart() && mxChart3d.is() && !mxChart3d->IsClustered(); } /** Returns true, if this chart type can be combined with other types. */ inline bool IsCombinable2d() const { return !Is3dChart() && maTypeInfo.mbCombinable2d; } /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: /** Returns an unused format index to be used for the next created series. */ sal_uInt16 GetFreeFormatIdx() const; /** Creates all data series of any chart type except stock charts. */ void CreateDataSeries( XDiagramRef xDiagram, XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries ); /** Creates all data series of a stock chart. */ void CreateAllStockSeries( XChartTypeRef xChartType, XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries ); /** Creates a single data series of a stock chart. */ bool CreateStockSeries( XDataSeriesRef xDataSeries, const ::rtl::OUString& rValueRole, bool bCloseSymbol ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpChSeries > XclExpChSeriesList; typedef ScfRefMap< sal_uInt16, XclExpChLineFormat > XclExpChLineFormatMap; XclChTypeGroup maData; /// Contents of the CHTYPEGROUP record. XclExpChType maType; /// Chart type (e.g. CHBAR, CHLINE, ...). XclChExtTypeInfo maTypeInfo; /// Extended chart type info. XclExpChSeriesList maSeries; /// List of series data (CHSERIES groups). XclExpChChart3dRef mxChart3d; /// 3D settings (CHCHART3D record). XclExpChLegendRef mxLegend; /// Chart legend (CHLEGEND group). XclExpChDropBarRef mxUpBar; /// White dropbars (CHDROPBAR group). XclExpChDropBarRef mxDownBar; /// Black dropbars (CHDROPBAR group). XclExpChLineFormatMap maChartLines; /// Global line formats (CHCHARTLINE group). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChTypeGroup > XclExpChTypeGroupRef; // Axes ======================================================================= class XclExpChLabelRange : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChLabelRange( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts category axis scaling settings. */ void Convert( const ::com::sun::star::chart2::ScaleData& rScaleData, const ScfPropertySet& rChart1Axis, bool bMirrorOrient ); /** Converts position settings of a crossing axis at this axis. */ void ConvertAxisPosition( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); /** Sets flag for tickmark position between categories or on categories. */ inline void SetTicksBetweenCateg( bool bTicksBetween ) { ::set_flag( maLabelData.mnFlags, EXC_CHLABELRANGE_BETWEEN, bTicksBetween ); } private: virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChLabelRange maLabelData; /// Contents of the CHLABELRANGE record. XclChDateRange maDateData; /// Contents of the CHDATERANGE record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChLabelRange > XclExpChLabelRangeRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XclExpChValueRange : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChValueRange( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts value axis scaling settings. */ void Convert( const ::com::sun::star::chart2::ScaleData& rScaleData ); /** Converts position settings of a crossing axis at this axis. */ void ConvertAxisPosition( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChValueRange maData; /// Contents of the CHVALUERANGE record. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChValueRange > XclExpChValueRangeRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class XclExpChTick : public XclExpRecord, protected XclExpChRoot { public: explicit XclExpChTick( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot ); /** Converts axis tick mark settings. */ void Convert( const ScfPropertySet& rPropSet, const XclChExtTypeInfo& rTypeInfo, sal_uInt16 nAxisType ); /** Sets font color and color identifier to internal data structures. */ void SetFontColor( const Color& rColor, sal_uInt32 nColorId ); /** Sets text rotation to internal data structures. */ void SetRotation( sal_uInt16 nRotation ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChTick maData; /// Contents of the CHTICK record. sal_uInt32 mnTextColorId; /// Axis labels text color identifier. }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChTick > XclExpChTickRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHAXIS record group describing an entire chart axis. The CHAXIS group consists of: CHAXIS, CHBEGIN, CHLABELRANGE, CHEXTRANGE, CHVALUERANGE, CHFORMAT, CHTICK, CHFONT, CHAXISLINE groups (CHAXISLINE with CHLINEFORMAT, CHAREAFORMAT, and CHESCHERFORMAT group), CHEND. */ class XclExpChAxis : public XclExpChGroupBase, public XclExpChFontBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > XDiagramRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XAxis > XAxisRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxis > XChart1AxisRef; public: explicit XclExpChAxis( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nAxisType ); /** Sets font color and color identifier to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetFont( XclExpChFontRef xFont, const Color& rColor, sal_uInt32 nColorId ); /** Sets text rotation to internal data structures. */ virtual void SetRotation( sal_uInt16 nRotation ); /** Converts formatting and scaling settings from the passed axis. */ void Convert( XAxisRef xAxis, XAxisRef xCrossingAxis, XChart1AxisRef xChart1Axis, const XclChExtTypeInfo& rTypeInfo ); /** Converts and writes 3D wall/floor properties from the passed diagram. */ void ConvertWall( XDiagramRef xDiagram ); /** Returns the type of this axis. */ inline sal_uInt16 GetAxisType() const { return maData.mnType; } /** Returns the axis dimension index used by the chart API. */ inline sal_Int32 GetApiAxisDimension() const { return maData.GetApiAxisDimension(); } /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: XclChAxis maData; /// Contents of the CHAXIS record. XclExpChLabelRangeRef mxLabelRange; /// Category scaling (CHLABELRANGE record). XclExpChValueRangeRef mxValueRange; /// Value scaling (CHVALUERANGE record). XclExpChTickRef mxTick; /// Axis ticks (CHTICK record). XclExpChFontRef mxFont; /// Index into font buffer (CHFONT record). XclExpChLineFormatRef mxAxisLine; /// Axis line format (CHLINEFORMAT record). XclExpChLineFormatRef mxMajorGrid; /// Major grid line format (CHLINEFORMAT record). XclExpChLineFormatRef mxMinorGrid; /// Minor grid line format (CHLINEFORMAT record). XclExpChFrameRef mxWallFrame; /// Wall/floor format (sub records of CHFRAME group). sal_uInt16 mnNumFmtIdx; /// Index into number format buffer (CHFORMAT record). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChAxis > XclExpChAxisRef; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the CHAXESSET record group describing an axes set (X/Y/Z axes). The CHAXESSET group consists of: CHAXESSET, CHBEGIN, CHFRAMEPOS, CHAXIS groups, CHTEXT groups, CHPLOTFRAME group (CHPLOTFRAME with CHFRAME group), CHTYPEGROUP group, CHEND. */ class XclExpChAxesSet : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XDiagram > XDiagramRef; typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XCoordinateSystem > XCoordSystemRef; public: explicit XclExpChAxesSet( const XclExpChRoot& rRoot, sal_uInt16 nAxesSetId ); /** Converts the passed diagram to chart record data. @return First unused chart type group index. */ sal_uInt16 Convert( XDiagramRef xDiagram, sal_uInt16 nFirstGroupIdx ); /** Returns true, if this axes set exists (returns false if this is a dummy object). */ inline bool IsValidAxesSet() const { return !maTypeGroups.IsEmpty(); } /** Returns the index of the axes set (primary/secondary). */ inline sal_uInt16 GetAxesSetId() const { return maData.mnAxesSetId; } /** Returns the axes set index used by the chart API. */ inline sal_Int32 GetApiAxesSetIndex() const { return maData.GetApiAxesSetIndex(); } /** Returns true, if the chart is three-dimensional. */ bool Is3dChart() const; /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: /** Returns first inserted chart type group. */ XclExpChTypeGroupRef GetFirstTypeGroup() const; /** Returns last inserted chart type group. */ XclExpChTypeGroupRef GetLastTypeGroup() const; /** Converts a complete axis object including axis title. */ void ConvertAxis( XclExpChAxisRef& rxChAxis, sal_uInt16 nAxisType, XclExpChTextRef& rxChAxisTitle, sal_uInt16 nTitleTarget, XCoordSystemRef xCoordSystem, const XclChExtTypeInfo& rTypeInfo, sal_Int32 nCrossingAxisDim ); virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpChTypeGroup > XclExpChTypeGroupList; XclChAxesSet maData; /// Contents of the CHAXESSET record. XclExpChFramePosRef mxFramePos; /// Outer plot area position (CHFRAMEPOS record). XclExpChAxisRef mxXAxis; /// The X axis (CHAXIS group). XclExpChAxisRef mxYAxis; /// The Y axis (CHAXIS group). XclExpChAxisRef mxZAxis; /// The Z axis (CHAXIS group). XclExpChTextRef mxXAxisTitle; /// The X axis title (CHTEXT group). XclExpChTextRef mxYAxisTitle; /// The Y axis title (CHTEXT group). XclExpChTextRef mxZAxisTitle; /// The Z axis title (CHTEXT group). XclExpChFrameRef mxPlotFrame; /// Plot area (CHPLOTFRAME group). XclExpChTypeGroupList maTypeGroups; /// Chart type groups (CHTYPEGROUP group). }; typedef ScfRef< XclExpChAxesSet > XclExpChAxesSetRef; // The chart object =========================================================== /** Represents the CHCHART record group describing the chart contents. The CHCHART group consists of: CHCHART, CHBEGIN, SCL, CHPLOTGROWTH, CHFRAME group, CHSERIES groups, CHPROPERTIES, CHDEFAULTTEXT groups (CHDEFAULTTEXT with CHTEXT groups), CHUSEDAXESSETS, CHAXESSET groups, CHTEXT groups, CHEND. */ class XclExpChChart : public XclExpChGroupBase { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart2::XChartDocument > XChartDocRef; public: explicit XclExpChChart( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, XChartDocRef xChartDoc, const Rectangle& rChartRect ); /** Creates, registers and returns a new data series object. */ XclExpChSeriesRef CreateSeries(); /** Removes the last created data series object from the series list. */ void RemoveLastSeries(); /** Stores a CHTEXT group that describes a data point label. */ void SetDataLabel( XclExpChTextRef xText ); /** Sets the plot area position and size to manual mode. */ void SetManualPlotArea(); /** Writes all embedded records. */ virtual void WriteSubRecords( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: virtual void WriteBody( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpChSeries > XclExpChSeriesList; typedef XclExpRecordList< XclExpChText > XclExpChTextList; XclChRectangle maRect; /// Position of the chart on the sheet (CHCHART record). XclExpChSeriesList maSeries; /// List of series data (CHSERIES groups). XclExpChFrameRef mxFrame; /// Chart frame format (CHFRAME group). XclChProperties maProps; /// Chart properties (CHPROPERTIES record). XclExpChAxesSetRef mxPrimAxesSet; /// Primary axes set (CHAXESSET group). XclExpChAxesSetRef mxSecnAxesSet; /// Secondary axes set (CHAXESSET group). XclExpChTextRef mxTitle; /// Chart title (CHTEXT group). XclExpChTextList maLabels; /// Data point labels (CHTEXT groups). }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the group of DFF and OBJ records containing all drawing shapes embedded in the chart object. */ class XclExpChartDrawing : public XclExpRecordBase, protected XclExpRoot { public: explicit XclExpChartDrawing( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel >& rxModel, const Size& rChartSize ); virtual ~XclExpChartDrawing(); virtual void Save( XclExpStream& rStrm ); private: ScfRef< XclExpObjectManager > mxObjMgr; ScfRef< XclExpRecordBase > mxObjRecs; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Represents the entire chart substream (all records in BOF/EOF block). */ class XclExpChart : public XclExpSubStream, protected XclExpRoot { public: typedef ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XModel > XModelRef; public: explicit XclExpChart( const XclExpRoot& rRoot, XModelRef xModel, const Rectangle& rChartRect ); }; // ============================================================================ #endif