/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sd.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef _RTL_MEMORY_H_ #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using ::std::map; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Any; using ::com::sun::star::container::XChild; using ::com::sun::star::util::XCloneable; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY; using ::com::sun::star::uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::com::sun::star::uno::makeAny; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Exception; using ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface; using ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration; using ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::com::sun::star::animations; using namespace ::com::sun::star::presentation; namespace ppt { void ImplTranslateAttribute( rtl::OUString& rString, const TranslateMode eTranslateMode ) { if ( eTranslateMode != TRANSLATE_NONE ) { if ( ( eTranslateMode & TRANSLATE_VALUE ) || ( eTranslateMode & TRANSLATE_ATTRIBUTE ) ) { const ImplAttributeNameConversion* p = gImplConversionList; while( p->mpAPIName ) { if( rString.compareToAscii( p->mpAPIName ) == 0 ) break; p++; } if( p->mpMSName ) { if ( eTranslateMode & TRANSLATE_VALUE ) { rString = rtl::OUString( (sal_Unicode)'#' ); rString += OUString::createFromAscii( p->mpMSName ); } else rString = OUString::createFromAscii( p->mpMSName ); } } else if ( eTranslateMode & TRANSLATE_MEASURE ) { const sal_Char* pDest[] = { "#ppt_x", "#ppt_y", "#ppt_w", "#ppt_h", NULL }; const sal_Char* pSource[] = { "x", "y", "width", "height", NULL }; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; const sal_Char** ps = pSource; const sal_Char** pd = pDest; while( *ps ) { const OUString aSearch( OUString::createFromAscii( *ps ) ); while( (nIndex = rString.indexOf( aSearch, nIndex )) != -1 ) { sal_Int32 nLength = aSearch.getLength(); if( nIndex && (rString.getStr()[nIndex-1] == '#' ) ) { nIndex--; nLength++; } const OUString aNew( OUString::createFromAscii( *pd ) ); rString = rString.replaceAt( nIndex, nLength, aNew ); nIndex += aNew.getLength(); } ps++; pd++; } } } } sal_uInt32 ImplTranslatePresetSubType( const sal_uInt32 nPresetClass, const sal_uInt32 nPresetId, const rtl::OUString& rPresetSubType ) { sal_uInt32 nPresetSubType = 0; sal_Bool bTranslated = sal_False; if ( ( nPresetClass == (sal_uInt32)EffectPresetClass::ENTRANCE ) || ( nPresetClass == (sal_uInt32)EffectPresetClass::EXIT ) ) { if ( nPresetId != 21 ) { switch( nPresetId ) { case 5 : { if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "downward" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 5; bTranslated = sal_True; } else if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "across" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 10; bTranslated = sal_True; } } break; case 17 : { if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "across" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 10; bTranslated = sal_True; } } break; case 18 : { if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "right-to-top" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 3; bTranslated = sal_True; } else if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "right-to-bottom" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 6; bTranslated = sal_True; } else if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "left-to-top" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 9; bTranslated = sal_True; } else if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "left-to-bottom" ) ) ) { nPresetSubType = 12; bTranslated = sal_True; } } break; } } if ( !bTranslated ) { const convert_subtype* p = gConvertArray; while( p->mpStrSubType ) { if ( rPresetSubType.equalsAscii( p->mpStrSubType ) ) { nPresetSubType = p->mnID; bTranslated = sal_True; break; } p++; } } } if ( !bTranslated ) nPresetSubType = (sal_uInt32)rPresetSubType.toInt32(); return nPresetSubType; } const sal_Char* transition::find( const sal_Int16 nType, const sal_Int16 nSubType, const sal_Bool bDirection ) { const sal_Char* pRet = NULL; int nFit = 0; const transition* p = gTransitions; while( p->mpName ) { int nF = 0; if ( nType == p->mnType ) nF += 4; if ( nSubType == p->mnSubType ) nF += 2; if ( bDirection == p->mbDirection ) nF += 1; if ( nF > nFit ) { pRet = p->mpName; nFit = nF; } if ( nFit == 7 ) // maximum break; p++; } return pRet; } SvStream& operator<<(SvStream& rOut, AnimationNode& rNode ) { rOut << rNode.mnU1; rOut << rNode.mnRestart; rOut << rNode.mnGroupType; rOut << rNode.mnFill; rOut << rNode.mnU3; rOut << rNode.mnU4; rOut << rNode.mnDuration; rOut << rNode.mnNodeType; return rOut; } AnimationExporter::AnimationExporter( const EscherSolverContainer& rSolverContainer, ppt::ExSoundCollection& rExSoundCollection ) : mrSolverContainer ( rSolverContainer ), mrExSoundCollection ( rExSoundCollection ), mnCurrentGroup(0) { } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- static sal_Int16 GetFillMode( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, const sal_Int16 nFillDefault ) { sal_Int16 nFill = xNode->getFill(); //[bug 119699] The animation effect "Emphasis->FlashBulb" play incorrectly in Aoo saves a .ppt to another .ppt and plays the saved one. //[bug 119740] The animation effect "Entrance->Flash Once" fails to play in Aoo while Aoo saves a .ppt to another .ppt and plays the saved one. if ((xNode->getType() == AnimationNodeType::ANIMATE) ||(xNode->getType() == AnimationNodeType::SET) ||(xNode->getType() == AnimationNodeType::TRANSITIONFILTER)) { if ( nFill == AnimationFill::DEFAULT ) return nFill; } if ( ( nFill == AnimationFill::DEFAULT ) || ( nFill == AnimationFill::INHERIT ) ) { if ( nFill != AnimationFill::AUTO ) nFill = nFillDefault; } if( nFill == AnimationFill::AUTO ) { nFill = AnimationFill::REMOVE; sal_Bool bIsIndefiniteTiming = sal_True; Any aAny = xNode->getDuration(); if( aAny.hasValue() ) { Timing eTiming; if( aAny >>= eTiming ) bIsIndefiniteTiming = eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE; } if ( bIsIndefiniteTiming ) { aAny = xNode->getEnd(); if( aAny.hasValue() ) { Timing eTiming; if( aAny >>= eTiming ) bIsIndefiniteTiming = eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE; } if ( bIsIndefiniteTiming ) { if ( !xNode->getRepeatCount().hasValue() ) { aAny = xNode->getRepeatDuration(); if( aAny.hasValue() ) { Timing eTiming; if( aAny >>= eTiming ) bIsIndefiniteTiming = eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE; } if ( bIsIndefiniteTiming ) nFill = AnimationFill::FREEZE; } } } } return nFill; } void AnimationExporter::doexport( const Reference< XDrawPage >& xPage, SvStream& rStrm ) { Reference< XAnimationNodeSupplier > xNodeSupplier( xPage, UNO_QUERY ); if( xNodeSupplier.is() ) { const Reference< XAnimationNode > xRootNode( xNodeSupplier->getAnimationNode() ); if( xRootNode.is() ) { processAfterEffectNodes( xRootNode ); exportNode( rStrm, xRootNode, NULL, DFF_msofbtAnimGroup, 1, 0, sal_False, AnimationFill::AUTO ); } } } void AnimationExporter::processAfterEffectNodes( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xRootNode ) { try { Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess( xRootNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xNode( xEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess2( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xEnumerationAccess2.is() ) { Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration2( xEnumerationAccess2->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xEnumeration2->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xChildNode( xEnumeration2->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess3( xChildNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration3( xEnumerationAccess3->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xEnumeration3->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xChildNode2( xEnumeration3->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess4( xChildNode2, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration4( xEnumerationAccess4->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); while( xEnumeration4->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xChildNode3( xEnumeration4->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); switch( xChildNode3->getType() ) { // found an after effect case AnimationNodeType::SET: case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATECOLOR: { Reference< XAnimationNode > xMaster; Sequence< NamedValue > aUserData( xChildNode3->getUserData() ); sal_Int32 nLength = aUserData.getLength(); const NamedValue* p = aUserData.getConstArray(); while( nLength-- ) { if( p->Name.equalsAscii( "master-element" ) ) { p->Value >>= xMaster; break; } p++; } AfterEffectNodePtr pAfterEffectNode( new AfterEffectNode( xChildNode3, xMaster ) ); maAfterEffectNodes.push_back( pAfterEffectNode ); } break; } } } } } } } catch( Exception& e ) { (void)e; DBG_ERROR( "(@CL)AnimationExporter::processAfterEffectNodes(), exception cought!" ); } } bool AnimationExporter::isAfterEffectNode( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) const { std::list< AfterEffectNodePtr >::const_iterator aIter( maAfterEffectNodes.begin() ); const std::list< AfterEffectNodePtr >::const_iterator aEnd( maAfterEffectNodes.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { if( (*aIter)->mxNode == xNode ) return true; aIter++; } return false; } bool AnimationExporter::hasAfterEffectNode( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, Reference< XAnimationNode >& xAfterEffectNode ) const { std::list< AfterEffectNodePtr >::const_iterator aIter( maAfterEffectNodes.begin() ); const std::list< AfterEffectNodePtr >::const_iterator aEnd( maAfterEffectNodes.end() ); while( aIter != aEnd ) { if( (*aIter)->mxMaster == xNode ) { xAfterEffectNode = (*aIter)->mxNode; return true; } aIter++; } return false; } // check if this group only contain empty groups. this may happen when // after effect nodes are not exported at theire original position bool AnimationExporter::isEmptyNode( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) const { if( xNode.is() ) switch( xNode->getType() ) { case AnimationNodeType::PAR : case AnimationNodeType::SEQ : case AnimationNodeType::ITERATE : { Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumerationAccess.is() ) { Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumeration.is() ) { while( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xChildNode( xEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xChildNode.is() && !isEmptyNode( xChildNode ) ) return false; } } } } break; case AnimationNodeType::SET : case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATECOLOR : return isAfterEffectNode( xNode ); default: return false; } return true; } void AnimationExporter::exportNode( SvStream& rStrm, Reference< XAnimationNode > xNode, const Reference< XAnimationNode >* pParent, const sal_uInt16 nContainerRecType, const sal_uInt16 nInstance, const sal_Int32 nGroupLevel, const sal_Bool bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTiming, const sal_Int16 nFDef ) { if( (nGroupLevel == 4) && isEmptyNode( xNode ) ) return; if ( ( nContainerRecType == DFF_msofbtAnimGroup ) && ( nGroupLevel == 2 ) && isEmptyNode( xNode ) ) return; if( nContainerRecType == DFF_msofbtAnimGroup ) mnCurrentGroup++; sal_Bool bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTimingForChild = sal_False; sal_Int16 nFillDefault = GetFillMode( xNode, nFDef ); bool bSkipChildren = false; Reference< XAnimationNode > xAudioNode; static sal_uInt32 nAudioGroup; { EscherExContainer aContainer( rStrm, nContainerRecType, nInstance ); switch( xNode->getType() ) { case AnimationNodeType::CUSTOM : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::PAR : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); sal_Int32 nFlags = nGroupLevel == 2 ? 0x10 : 0; if ( bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTiming ) nFlags |= 0x40; exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, nFlags ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, nGroupLevel == 4 ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::SEQ : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); sal_Int16 nNodeType = exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); sal_Int32 nFlags = 12; if ( ( nGroupLevel == 1 ) && ( nNodeType == ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::INTERACTIVE_SEQUENCE ) ) { nFlags |= 0x20; bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTimingForChild = sal_True; } exportAnimAction( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, nFlags ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::ITERATE : { { EscherExAtom aAnimNodeExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimNode ); AnimationNode aAnim; rtl_zeroMemory( &aAnim, sizeof( aAnim ) ); aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_PAR; aAnim.mnNodeType = 1; // attribute Restart switch( xNode->getRestart() ) { default: case AnimationRestart::DEFAULT : aAnim.mnRestart = 0; break; case AnimationRestart::ALWAYS : aAnim.mnRestart = 1; break; case AnimationRestart::WHEN_NOT_ACTIVE : aAnim.mnRestart = 2; break; case AnimationRestart::NEVER : aAnim.mnRestart = 3; break; } // attribute Fill switch( xNode->getFill() ) { default: case AnimationFill::DEFAULT : aAnim.mnFill = 0; break; case AnimationFill::REMOVE : aAnim.mnFill = 1; break; case AnimationFill::FREEZE : aAnim.mnFill = 2; break; case AnimationFill::HOLD : aAnim.mnFill = 3; break; case AnimationFill::TRANSITION : aAnim.mnFill = 4; break; } rStrm << aAnim; } exportIterate( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); /* EscherExContainer aContainer( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimGroup, 1 ); exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel + 1, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); */ } break; case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATE : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); exportAnimate( rStrm, xNode ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::SET : { bool bIsAfterEffectNode( isAfterEffectNode( xNode ) ); if( (nGroupLevel != 4) || !bIsAfterEffectNode ) { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimateSet( rStrm, xNode, bIsAfterEffectNode ? AFTEREFFECT_SET : AFTEREFFECT_NONE ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } else { bSkipChildren = true; } } break; case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATEMOTION : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimateMotion( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATECOLOR : { bool bIsAfterEffectNode( isAfterEffectNode( xNode ) ); if( (nGroupLevel != 4) || !bIsAfterEffectNode ) { if( bIsAfterEffectNode ) xNode = createAfterEffectNodeClone( xNode ); exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimateColor( rStrm, xNode, bIsAfterEffectNode ? AFTEREFFECT_COLOR : AFTEREFFECT_NONE ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } else { bSkipChildren = true; } } break; case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATETRANSFORM : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimateTransform( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::TRANSITIONFILTER : { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); exportAnimEvent( rStrm, xNode, 0 ); exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); exportTransitionFilter( rStrm, xNode ); } break; case AnimationNodeType::AUDIO : // #i58428# { exportAnimNode( rStrm, xNode, pParent, nGroupLevel, nFillDefault ); exportAnimPropertySet( rStrm, xNode ); Reference< XAudio > xAudio( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xAudio.is() ) { Any aAny( xAudio->getSource() ); rtl::OUString aURL; if ( ( aAny >>= aURL ) && ( aURL.getLength() ) ) { sal_Int32 nU1 = 2; sal_Int32 nTrigger = 3; sal_Int32 nU3 = nAudioGroup; sal_Int32 nBegin = 0; { EscherExContainer aAnimEvent( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimEvent, 1 ); { EscherExAtom aAnimTrigger( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimTrigger ); rStrm << nU1 << nTrigger << nU3 << nBegin; } } nU1 = 1; nTrigger = 0xb; nU3 = 0; { EscherExContainer aAnimEvent( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimEvent, 2 ); { EscherExAtom aAnimTrigger( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimTrigger ); rStrm << nU1 << nTrigger << nU3 << nBegin; } } EscherExContainer aAnimateTargetElement( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateTargetElement ); { sal_uInt32 nRefMode = 3; sal_uInt32 nRefType = 2; sal_uInt32 nRefId = mrExSoundCollection.GetId( aURL ); sal_Int32 begin = -1; sal_Int32 end = -1; EscherExAtom aAnimReference( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimReference ); rStrm << nRefMode << nRefType << nRefId << begin << end; } } } exportAnimValue( rStrm, xNode, sal_False ); } break; } if( !bSkipChildren ) { // export after effect node if one exists for this node Reference< XAnimationNode > xAfterEffectNode; if( hasAfterEffectNode( xNode, xAfterEffectNode ) ) { exportNode( rStrm, xAfterEffectNode, &xNode, DFF_msofbtAnimSubGoup, 1, nGroupLevel + 1, bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTimingForChild, nFillDefault ); } Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumerationAccess.is() ) { Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumeration.is() ) { while( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xChildNode( xEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xChildNode.is() ) { if ( xChildNode->getType() == AnimationNodeType::AUDIO ) { xAudioNode = xChildNode; nAudioGroup = mnCurrentGroup; } else exportNode( rStrm, xChildNode, &xNode, DFF_msofbtAnimGroup, 1, nGroupLevel + 1, bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTimingForChild, nFillDefault ); } } } } } } if ( xAudioNode.is() ) exportNode( rStrm, xAudioNode, &xNode, DFF_msofbtAnimGroup, 1, nGroupLevel, bTakeBackInteractiveSequenceTimingForChild, nFillDefault ); if( xNode->getType() == AnimationNodeType::ITERATE ) aTarget = Any(); } Reference< XAnimationNode > AnimationExporter::createAfterEffectNodeClone( const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) const { try { Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XCloneable > xClonable( xNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XAnimationNode > xCloneNode( xClonable->createClone(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Any aEmpty; xCloneNode->setBegin( aEmpty ); return xCloneNode; } catch( Exception& e ) { (void)e; DBG_ERROR("(@CL)sd::ppt::AnimationExporter::createAfterEffectNodeClone(), could not create clone!" ); } return xNode; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimNode( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >*, const sal_Int32, const sal_Int16 nFillDefault ) { EscherExAtom aAnimNodeExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimNode ); AnimationNode aAnim; rtl_zeroMemory( &aAnim, sizeof( aAnim ) ); // attribute Restart switch( xNode->getRestart() ) { default: case AnimationRestart::DEFAULT : aAnim.mnRestart = 0; break; case AnimationRestart::ALWAYS : aAnim.mnRestart = 1; break; case AnimationRestart::WHEN_NOT_ACTIVE : aAnim.mnRestart = 2; break; case AnimationRestart::NEVER : aAnim.mnRestart = 3; break; } // attribute Fill // aAnim.mnFill = GetFillMode( xNode, pParent ); switch( nFillDefault ) { default: case AnimationFill::DEFAULT : aAnim.mnFill = 0; break; case AnimationFill::REMOVE : aAnim.mnFill = 1; break; case AnimationFill::FREEZE : // aAnim.mnFill = 2; break; case AnimationFill::HOLD : aAnim.mnFill = 3; break; case AnimationFill::TRANSITION : aAnim.mnFill = 4; break; } // attribute Duration double fDuration = 0.0; com::sun::star::animations::Timing eTiming; if ( xNode->getDuration() >>= eTiming ) { if ( eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE ) aAnim.mnDuration = -1; } else if ( xNode->getDuration() >>= fDuration ) { aAnim.mnDuration = (sal_Int32)( fDuration * 1000.0 ); } else aAnim.mnDuration = -1; // NodeType, NodeGroup aAnim.mnNodeType = 1; aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_SEQ; switch( xNode->getType() ) { case AnimationNodeType::PAR : // PASSTROUGH!!! (as it was intended) aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_PAR; case AnimationNodeType::SEQ : { // trying to get the nodetype Sequence< NamedValue > aUserData = xNode->getUserData(); if ( aUserData.getLength() ) { const NamedValue* p = aUserData.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLength = aUserData.getLength(); while( nLength-- ) { if( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "node-type" ) ) ) { sal_Int16 nType = 0; if ( p->Value >>= nType ) { switch( nType ) { case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::TIMING_ROOT : aAnim.mnNodeType = 0x12; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::MAIN_SEQUENCE : aAnim.mnNodeType = 0x18; break; /* case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::ON_CLICK : case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS : case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::AFTER_PREVIOUS : case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::INTERACTIVE_SEQUENCE : default: */ } } break; } } } } break; case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATE : case AnimationNodeType::SET : case AnimationNodeType::CUSTOM : case AnimationNodeType::ITERATE : case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATEMOTION : case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATECOLOR : case AnimationNodeType::ANIMATETRANSFORM : { aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_NODE; aAnim.mnNodeType = mso_Anim_Behaviour_ANIMATION; } break; case AnimationNodeType::AUDIO : { aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_MEDIA; aAnim.mnNodeType = mso_Anim_Behaviour_ANIMATION; } break; case AnimationNodeType::TRANSITIONFILTER : { aAnim.mnGroupType = mso_Anim_GroupType_NODE; aAnim.mnNodeType = mso_Anim_Behaviour_FILTER; } break; } rStrm << aAnim; } sal_Int16 AnimationExporter::exportAnimPropertySet( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { sal_Int16 nNodeType = ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::DEFAULT; EscherExContainer aAnimPropertySet( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimPropertySet ); const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PROPERTY_ID_COUNT ]; rtl_zeroMemory( pAny, sizeof( pAny ) ); Reference< XAnimationNode > xMaster; const Any aTrue( makeAny( (sal_Bool)sal_True ) ); Any aMasterRel, aOverride, aRunTimeContext; // storing user data into pAny, to allow direct access later Sequence< NamedValue > aUserData = xNode->getUserData(); if ( aUserData.getLength() ) { const NamedValue* p = aUserData.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLength = aUserData.getLength(); while( nLength-- ) { if( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "node-type" ) ) ) { pAny[ DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE ] = &(p->Value); } else if ( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "preset-class" ) ) ) { pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_CLASS ] = &(p->Value); } else if ( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "preset-id" ) ) ) { pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_ID ] = &(p->Value); } else if ( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "preset-sub-type" ) ) ) { pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_SUB_TYPE ] = &(p->Value); } else if ( p->Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "master-element" ) ) ) { pAny[ DFF_ANIM_AFTEREFFECT ] = &aTrue; p->Value >>= xMaster; } p++; } } // calculate master-rel if( xMaster.is() ) { sal_Int32 nMasterRel = 2; Reference< XChild > xNodeChild( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); Reference< XChild > xMasterChild( xMaster, UNO_QUERY ); if( xNodeChild.is() && xMasterChild.is() && (xNodeChild->getParent() == xMasterChild->getParent() ) ) nMasterRel = 0; aMasterRel <<= nMasterRel; pAny[ DFF_ANIM_MASTERREL ] = &aMasterRel; aOverride <<= (sal_Int32)1; pAny[ DFF_ANIM_OVERRIDE ] = &aOverride; aRunTimeContext <<= (sal_Int32)1; pAny[ DFF_ANIM_RUNTIMECONTEXT ] = &aRunTimeContext; } // the order is important if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE ] ) { if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE ] >>= nNodeType ) { sal_uInt32 nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_ON_CLICK; switch( nNodeType ) { case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::ON_CLICK : nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_ON_CLICK; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::WITH_PREVIOUS : nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_WITH_PREVIOUS; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::AFTER_PREVIOUS : nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_AFTER_PREVIOUS; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::MAIN_SEQUENCE : nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_MAIN_SEQUENCE; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::TIMING_ROOT : nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_TIMING_ROOT; break; case ::com::sun::star::presentation::EffectNodeType::INTERACTIVE_SEQUENCE: nPPTNodeType = DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE_INTERACTIVE_SEQ; break; } exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_NODE_TYPE, nPPTNodeType, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } } sal_uInt32 nPresetId = 0; sal_uInt32 nPresetSubType = 0; sal_uInt32 nAPIPresetClass = EffectPresetClass::CUSTOM; sal_uInt32 nPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED; sal_Bool bPresetClass, bPresetId, bPresetSubType; bPresetClass = bPresetId = bPresetSubType = sal_False; if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_CLASS ] ) { if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_CLASS ] >>= nAPIPresetClass ) { sal_uInt8 nPPTPresetClass; switch( nAPIPresetClass ) { case EffectPresetClass::ENTRANCE : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_ENTRANCE; break; case EffectPresetClass::EXIT : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_EXIT; break; case EffectPresetClass::EMPHASIS : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_EMPHASIS; break; case EffectPresetClass::MOTIONPATH : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_MOTIONPATH; break; case EffectPresetClass::OLEACTION : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_OLE_ACTION; break; case EffectPresetClass::MEDIACALL : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_MEDIACALL; break; default : nPPTPresetClass = DFF_ANIM_PRESS_CLASS_USER_DEFINED; } nPresetClass = nPPTPresetClass; bPresetClass = sal_True; } } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_ID ] ) { rtl::OUString sPreset; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_ID ] >>= sPreset ) { if ( sPreset.match( rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "ppt_" ) ), 0 ) ) { sal_Int32 nLast = sPreset.lastIndexOf( '_' ); if ( ( nLast != -1 ) && ( ( nLast + 1 ) < sPreset.getLength() ) ) { rtl::OUString aNumber( sPreset.copy( nLast + 1 ) ); nPresetId = aNumber.toInt32(); bPresetId = sal_True; } } else { const preset_maping* p = gPresetMaping; while( p->mpStrPresetId && ((p->mnPresetClass != (sal_Int32)nAPIPresetClass) || !sPreset.equalsAscii( p->mpStrPresetId )) ) p++; if( p->mpStrPresetId ) { nPresetId = p->mnPresetId; bPresetId = sal_True; } } } } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_SUB_TYPE ] ) { rtl::OUString sPresetSubType; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PRESET_SUB_TYPE ] >>= sPresetSubType ) { nPresetSubType = ImplTranslatePresetSubType( nPresetClass, nPresetId, sPresetSubType ); bPresetSubType = sal_True; } } if ( bPresetId ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_PRESET_ID, nPresetId, TRANSLATE_NONE ); if ( bPresetSubType ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_PRESET_SUB_TYPE, nPresetSubType, TRANSLATE_NONE ); if ( bPresetClass ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_PRESET_CLASS, nPresetClass, TRANSLATE_NONE ); if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_ID ] ) { // TODO DFF_ANIM_ID } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_AFTEREFFECT ] ) { sal_Bool bAfterEffect = sal_False; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_AFTEREFFECT ] >>= bAfterEffect ) exportAnimPropertyByte( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_AFTEREFFECT, bAfterEffect, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_RUNTIMECONTEXT ] ) { sal_Int32 nRunTimeContext = 0; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_RUNTIMECONTEXT ] >>= nRunTimeContext ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_RUNTIMECONTEXT, nRunTimeContext, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_PATH_EDIT_MODE ] ) { // TODO DFF_ANIM_ID } if( !xMaster.is() ) { Reference< XAnimateColor > xColor( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xColor.is() ) { // sal_uInt32 nColorSpace = xColor->getColorSpace() == AnimationColorSpace::RGB ? 0 : 1; // exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_COLORSPACE, nColorSpace, TRANSLATE_NONE ); sal_Bool bDirection = !xColor->getDirection(); exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_DIRECTION, bDirection, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_OVERRIDE ] ) { sal_Int32 nOverride = 0; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_OVERRIDE ] >>= nOverride ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_OVERRIDE, nOverride, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_MASTERREL ] ) { sal_Int32 nMasterRel = 0; if ( *pAny[ DFF_ANIM_MASTERREL ] >>= nMasterRel ) exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_MASTERREL, nMasterRel, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } /* todo Reference< XAudio > xAudio( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xAudio.is() ) { sal_Int16 nEndAfterSlide = 0; nEndAfterSlide = xAudio->getEndAfterSlide(); exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, DFF_ANIM_ENDAFTERSLIDE, nEndAfterSlide, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } */ Reference< XAnimate > xAnim( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xAnim.is() ) { // TODO: DFF_ANIM_TIMEFILTER } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_EVENT_FILTER ] ) { // TODO DFF_ANIM_EVENT_FILTER } if ( pAny[ DFF_ANIM_VOLUME ] ) { // TODO DFF_ANIM_VOLUME } return nNodeType; } sal_Bool AnimationExporter::exportAnimProperty( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAny, const TranslateMode eTranslateMode ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if ( rAny.hasValue() ) { switch( rAny.getValueType().getTypeClass() ) { case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_SHORT : case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_SHORT : case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_UNSIGNED_LONG : case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_LONG : { sal_Int32 nVal = 0; if ( rAny >>= nVal ) { exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, nPropertyId, nVal, eTranslateMode ); bRet = sal_True; } } break; case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_DOUBLE : { double fVal = 0.0; if ( rAny >>= fVal ) { exportAnimPropertyFloat( rStrm, nPropertyId, fVal, eTranslateMode ); bRet = sal_True; } } break; case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_FLOAT : { float fVal = 0.0; if ( rAny >>= fVal ) { if ( eTranslateMode & TRANSLATE_NUMBER_TO_STRING ) { Any aAny; rtl::OUString aNumber( rtl::OUString::valueOf( fVal ) ); aAny <<= aNumber; exportAnimPropertyString( rStrm, nPropertyId, aNumber, eTranslateMode ); } else { exportAnimPropertyFloat( rStrm, nPropertyId, fVal, eTranslateMode ); bRet = sal_True; } } } break; case ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeClass_STRING : { rtl::OUString aStr; if ( rAny >>= aStr ) { exportAnimPropertyString( rStrm, nPropertyId, aStr, eTranslateMode ); bRet = sal_True; } } break; default: break; } } return bRet; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimPropertyString( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const rtl::OUString& rVal, const TranslateMode eTranslateMode ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimAttributeValue, nPropertyId ); sal_uInt8 nType = DFF_ANIM_PROP_TYPE_UNISTRING; rStrm << nType; rtl::OUString aStr( rVal ); if ( eTranslateMode != TRANSLATE_NONE ) ImplTranslateAttribute( aStr, eTranslateMode ); writeZString( rStrm, aStr ); } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimPropertyFloat( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const double& rVal, const TranslateMode ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimAttributeValue, nPropertyId ); sal_uInt8 nType = DFF_ANIM_PROP_TYPE_FLOAT; float fFloat = (float)rVal; rStrm << nType << fFloat; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimPropertyuInt32( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const sal_uInt32 nVal, const TranslateMode ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimAttributeValue, nPropertyId ); sal_uInt8 nType = DFF_ANIM_PROP_TYPE_INT32 ; rStrm << nType << nVal; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimPropertyByte( SvStream& rStrm, const sal_uInt16 nPropertyId, const sal_uInt8 nVal, const TranslateMode ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimAttributeValue, nPropertyId ); sal_uInt8 nType = DFF_ANIM_PROP_TYPE_BYTE; rStrm << nType << nVal; } void AnimationExporter::writeZString( SvStream& rStrm, const rtl::OUString& rVal ) { sal_Int32 i; for ( i = 0; i < rVal.getLength(); i++ ) rStrm << rVal[ i ]; rStrm << (sal_Unicode)0; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimAction( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimAction ); sal_Int32 nConcurrent = 1; sal_Int32 nNextAction = 1; sal_Int32 nEndSync = 0; sal_Int32 nU4 = 0; sal_Int32 nU5 = 3; sal_Int16 nAnimationEndSync = 0; if ( xNode->getEndSync() >>= nAnimationEndSync ) { if ( nAnimationEndSync == AnimationEndSync::ALL ) nEndSync = 1; } rStrm << nConcurrent << nNextAction << nEndSync << nU4 << nU5; } // nFlags Bit 6 = fixInteractiveSequenceTiming (for child) // nFlags Bit 5 = fixInteractiveSequenceTiming (for root) // nFlags Bit 4 = first node of main sequence -> begin event next has to be replaced to indefinite void AnimationExporter::exportAnimEvent( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, const sal_Int32 nFlags ) { sal_uInt16 i; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { sal_Int32 nU1 = 0; sal_Int32 nTrigger = 0; sal_Int32 nU3 = 0; sal_Int32 nBegin = 0; sal_Bool bCreateEvent = sal_False; Any aSource; switch( i ) { case 0 : case 1 : { Any aAny; Event aEvent; com::sun::star::animations::Timing eTiming; if ( i == 0 ) { if ( nFlags & 0x20 ) { // taking the first child Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEA( xNode, UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Reference< XEnumeration > xE( xEA->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if ( xE.is() && xE->hasMoreElements() ) { // while( xE->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimationNode > xClickNode( xE->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY ); aAny = xClickNode->getBegin(); } } } else if ( nFlags & 0x40 ) { // begin has to be replaced with void, so don't do anything } else { aAny = xNode->getBegin(); if ( nFlags & 0x10 ) // replace ON_NEXT with IDEFINITE { if ( ( aAny >>= aEvent ) && ( aEvent.Trigger == EventTrigger::ON_NEXT ) ) { eTiming = Timing_INDEFINITE; aAny <<= eTiming; } } } } else aAny = xNode->getEnd(); double fTiming = 0.0; if ( aAny >>= aEvent ) { bCreateEvent = sal_True; switch( aEvent.Trigger ) { case EventTrigger::NONE : nTrigger = 0; break; case EventTrigger::ON_BEGIN : nTrigger = 1; break; case EventTrigger::ON_END : nTrigger = 2; break; case EventTrigger::BEGIN_EVENT : nTrigger = 3; break; case EventTrigger::END_EVENT : nTrigger = 4; nU1 = 2; nU3 = mnCurrentGroup; break; case EventTrigger::ON_CLICK : nTrigger = 5; break; case EventTrigger::ON_DBL_CLICK : nTrigger = 6; break; case EventTrigger::ON_MOUSE_ENTER : nTrigger = 7; break; case EventTrigger::ON_MOUSE_LEAVE : nTrigger = 8; break; case EventTrigger::ON_NEXT : nTrigger = 9; break; case EventTrigger::ON_PREV : nTrigger = 10; break; case EventTrigger::ON_STOP_AUDIO : nTrigger = 11; break; } if ( aEvent.Offset.hasValue() ) { if ( aEvent.Offset >>= eTiming ) { if ( eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE ) nBegin = -1; } else if ( aEvent.Offset >>= fTiming ) nBegin = (sal_Int32)( fTiming * 1000.0 ); } aSource = aEvent.Source; } else if ( aAny >>= eTiming ) { bCreateEvent = sal_True; if ( eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE ) nBegin = -1; } else if ( aAny >>= fTiming ) { bCreateEvent = sal_True; nBegin = (sal_Int32)( fTiming * 1000.0 ); } } break; case 2 : { if ( nFlags & ( 1 << i ) ) { bCreateEvent = sal_True; nU1 = 1; nTrigger = 9; } } break; case 3 : { if ( nFlags & ( 1 << i ) ) { bCreateEvent = sal_True; nU1 = 1; nTrigger = 10; } } break; }; if ( bCreateEvent ) { EscherExContainer aAnimEvent( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimEvent, i + 1 ); { EscherExAtom aAnimTrigger( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimTrigger ); rStrm << nU1 << nTrigger << nU3 << nBegin; } exportAnimateTargetElement( rStrm, aSource, ( nFlags & ( 1 << i ) ) != 0 ); } } } Any AnimationExporter::convertAnimateValue( const Any& rSourceValue, const rtl::OUString& rAttributeName ) const { rtl::OUString aDest; if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "X" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Y" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Width" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Height" ) ) ) { rtl::OUString aStr; if ( rSourceValue >>= aStr ) { ImplTranslateAttribute( aStr, TRANSLATE_MEASURE ); aDest += aStr; } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Rotate" ) ) // "r" or "style.rotation" ? || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "SkewX" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Opacity" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "CharHeight" ) ) ) { double fNumber = 0.0; if ( rSourceValue >>= fNumber ) aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( fNumber ); } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Color" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "FillColor" ) ) // "Fillcolor" or "FillColor" ? || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "LineColor" ) ) || rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "CharColor" ) ) ) { sal_Int32 nColor = 0; Sequence< double > aHSL( 3 ); rtl::OUString aP( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "," ) ); if ( rSourceValue >>= aHSL ) { aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "hsl(" ) ); aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( aHSL[ 0 ] / ( 360.0 / 255 ) ) ); aDest += aP; aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( aHSL[ 1 ] * 255.0 ) ); aDest += aP; aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( aHSL[ 2 ] * 255.0 ) ); aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ")" ) ); } else if ( rSourceValue >>= nColor ) { aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "rgb(" ) ); aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( (sal_Int8)nColor ) ); aDest += aP; aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( (sal_Int8)( nColor >> 8 ) ) ); aDest += aP; aDest += rtl::OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32)( (sal_Int8)( nColor >> 16 ) ) ); aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ")" ) ); } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "FillStyle" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle eFillStyle; if ( rSourceValue >>= eFillStyle ) { if ( eFillStyle == ::com::sun::star::drawing::FillStyle_NONE ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "none" ) ); // ? else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "solid" ) ); } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "LineStyle" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle eLineStyle; if ( rSourceValue >>= eLineStyle ) { if ( eLineStyle == ::com::sun::star::drawing::LineStyle_NONE ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "false" ) ); else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "true" ) ); } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "CharWeight" ) ) ) { float fFontWeight = 0.0; if ( rSourceValue >>= fFontWeight ) { if ( fFontWeight == com::sun::star::awt::FontWeight::BOLD ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "bold" ) ); else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "normal" ) ); } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "CharUnderline" ) ) ) { sal_Int16 nFontUnderline = 0; if ( rSourceValue >>= nFontUnderline ) { if ( nFontUnderline == com::sun::star::awt::FontUnderline::NONE ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "false" ) ); else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "true" ) ); } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "CharPosture" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant eFontSlant; if ( rSourceValue >>= eFontSlant ) { if ( eFontSlant == com::sun::star::awt::FontSlant_ITALIC ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "italic" ) ); else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "normal" ) ); // ? } } else if ( rAttributeName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "Visibility" ) ) ) { sal_Bool bVisible = sal_True; if ( rSourceValue >>= bVisible ) { if ( bVisible ) aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "visible" ) ); else aDest += rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "hidden" ) ); } } Any aRet; if ( aDest.getLength() ) aRet <<= aDest; else aRet = rSourceValue; return aRet; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateSet( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, int nAfterEffectType ) { Reference< XAnimateSet > xSet( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xSet.is() ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateSet( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateSet, 0 ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateSetData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateSetData ); sal_uInt32 nId1 = 1; // ?? sal_uInt32 nId2 = 1; // ?? rStrm << nId1 << nId2; } Any aConvertedValue( convertAnimateValue( xSet->getTo(), xSet->getAttributeName() ) ); if ( aConvertedValue.hasValue() ) exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 1, aConvertedValue, TRANSLATE_NONE ); exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode, 0, nAfterEffectType ); } } sal_uInt32 GetValueTypeForAttributeName( const rtl::OUString& rAttributeName ) { sal_uInt32 nValueType = 0; /* AnimationValueType::STRING == 0; AnimationValueType::NUMBER == 1; AnimationValueType::COLOR == 2; */ struct Entry { const sal_Char* pName; sal_uInt8 nType; }; static const Entry lcl_attributeMap[] = { { "charcolor", 2 }, { "charfontname", 0 }, { "charheight", 1 }, { "charposture", 0 }, // TODO(Q1): This should prolly be changed in PPT import // { "charrotation", ATTRIBUTE_CHAR_ROTATION }, { "charrotation", 1 }, { "charunderline", 0 }, { "charweight", 0 }, { "color", 2 }, { "dimcolor", 2 }, { "fillcolor", 2 }, { "fillstyle", 0 }, { "height", 1 }, { "linecolor", 2 }, { "linestyle", 0 }, { "opacity", 0 }, { "rotate", 1 }, { "skewx", 1 }, { "skewy", 1 }, { "visibility", 1 }, { "width", 1 }, { "x", 1 }, { "y", 1 }, { NULL, 0 } }; const Entry* pPtr = &lcl_attributeMap[ 0 ]; while( pPtr->pName ) { if ( rAttributeName.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pPtr->pName ) ) { nValueType = pPtr->nType; break; } pPtr++; } DBG_ASSERT( pPtr->pName, "GetValueTypeForAttributeName, unknown property value!" ); return nValueType; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimate( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { Reference< XAnimate > xAnimate( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xAnimate.is() ) { Any aBy ( xAnimate->getBy() ); Any aFrom( xAnimate->getFrom() ); Any aTo ( xAnimate->getTo() ); EscherExContainer aContainer( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimate, 0 ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 0x38; sal_Int16 nTmp = xAnimate->getCalcMode(); sal_uInt32 nCalcMode = /* (nTmp == AnimationCalcMode::FORMULA) ? 2 : */ (nTmp == AnimationCalcMode::LINEAR) ? 1 : 0; nTmp = xAnimate->getValueType(); sal_uInt32 nValueType = GetValueTypeForAttributeName( xAnimate->getAttributeName() ); if ( aBy.hasValue() ) nBits |= 1; if ( aFrom.hasValue() ) nBits |= 2; if ( aTo.hasValue() ) nBits |= 4; rStrm << nCalcMode << nBits << nValueType; } if ( aBy.hasValue() ) exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 1, aBy, TRANSLATE_NUMBER_TO_STRING | TRANSLATE_MEASURE ); if ( aFrom.hasValue() ) exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 2, aFrom, TRANSLATE_NUMBER_TO_STRING | TRANSLATE_MEASURE ); if ( aTo.hasValue() ) exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 3, aTo, TRANSLATE_NUMBER_TO_STRING | TRANSLATE_MEASURE ); exportAnimateKeyPoints( rStrm, xAnimate ); exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode ); } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateTarget( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, const sal_uInt32 nForceAttributeNames, int nAfterEffectType ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateTarget( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateTarget, 0 ); Reference< XAnimate > xAnimate( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xAnimate.is() ) { { EscherExAtom aAnimateTargetSettings( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateTargetSettings, 0 ); // nBits %0001: additive, %0010: accumulate, %0100: attributeName, %1000: transformtype // nAdditive 0 = base, 1 = sum, 2 = replace, 3 = multiply, 4 = none // nAccumulate 0 = none, 1 = always // nTransformType 0: "property" else "image" sal_uInt32 nBits = 0; sal_uInt32 nAdditive = 0; sal_uInt32 nAccumulate = 0; sal_uInt32 nTransformType = 0; if ( xAnimate.is() ) { if ( xAnimate->getAttributeName().getLength() ) nBits |= 4; // what is attributeName ?, maybe this is set if a DFF_msofbtAnimateAttributeNames is written sal_Int16 nAdditiveMode = xAnimate->getAdditive(); if ( nAdditiveMode != AnimationAdditiveMode::BASE ) { nBits |= 1; switch( nAdditiveMode ) { case AnimationAdditiveMode::SUM : nAdditive = 1; break; case AnimationAdditiveMode::REPLACE : nAdditive = 2; break; case AnimationAdditiveMode::MULTIPLY : nAdditive = 3; break; case AnimationAdditiveMode::NONE : nAdditive = 4; break; } } if ( xAnimate->getAccumulate() ) { nBits |= 2; nAccumulate = 1; } } rStrm << nBits << nAdditive << nAccumulate << nTransformType; } if ( xAnimate->getAttributeName().getLength() || nForceAttributeNames ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateAttributeNames( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateAttributeNames, 1 ); rtl::OUString aAttributeName( xAnimate->getAttributeName() ); if ( nForceAttributeNames ) { switch( nForceAttributeNames ) { case 1 : aAttributeName = rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "r" ); break; } } sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; do { OUString aToken( aAttributeName.getToken( 0, ';', nIndex ) ); exportAnimPropertyString( rStrm, 0, aToken, TRANSLATE_ATTRIBUTE ); } while ( nIndex >= 0 ); } if( nAfterEffectType != AFTEREFFECT_NONE ) { EscherExContainer aAnimPropertySet( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimPropertySet ); exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, 6, 1, TRANSLATE_NONE ); if( nAfterEffectType == AFTEREFFECT_COLOR ) { exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, 4, 0, TRANSLATE_NONE ); exportAnimPropertyuInt32( rStrm, 5, 0, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } } exportAnimateTargetElement( rStrm, aTarget.hasValue() ? aTarget : xAnimate->getTarget(), sal_False ); } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateTargetElement( SvStream& rStrm, const Any aAny, const sal_Bool bCreate2b01Atom ) { Reference< XShape > xShape; aAny >>= xShape; sal_uInt32 nRefMode = 0; // nRefMode == 2 -> Paragraph sal_Int32 begin = -1; sal_Int32 end = -1; if( !xShape.is() ) { ParagraphTarget aParaTarget; if( aAny >>= aParaTarget ) xShape = aParaTarget.Shape; if ( xShape.is() ) { // now calculating the character range for the paragraph sal_Int16 nParagraph = aParaTarget.Paragraph; Reference< XSimpleText > xText( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xText.is() ) { nRefMode = 2; Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xTextParagraphEnumerationAccess( xText, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTextParagraphEnumerationAccess.is() ) { Reference< XEnumeration > xTextParagraphEnumeration( xTextParagraphEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration() ); if ( xTextParagraphEnumeration.is() ) { sal_Int16 nCurrentParagraph; begin = end = nCurrentParagraph = 0; while ( xTextParagraphEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XTextRange > xTextRange( xTextParagraphEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTextRange.is() ) { rtl::OUString aParaText( xTextRange->getString() ); sal_Int32 nLength = aParaText.getLength() + 1; end += nLength; if ( nCurrentParagraph == nParagraph ) break; nCurrentParagraph++; begin += nLength; } } } } } } } if ( xShape.is() || bCreate2b01Atom ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateTargetElement( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateTargetElement ); if ( xShape.is() ) { EscherExAtom aAnimReference( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimReference ); sal_uInt32 nRefType = 1; // TODO: nRefType == 2 -> Sound; sal_uInt32 nRefId = ((EscherSolverContainer&)mrSolverContainer).GetShapeId( xShape ); rStrm << nRefMode << nRefType << nRefId << begin << end; } if ( bCreate2b01Atom ) { EscherExAtom a2b01Atom( rStrm, 0x2b01 ); rStrm << (sal_uInt32)1; // ? } } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateKeyPoints( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimate >& xAnimate ) { Sequence< double > aKeyTimes( xAnimate->getKeyTimes() ); Sequence< Any > aValues( xAnimate->getValues() ); OUString aFormula( xAnimate->getFormula() ); if ( aKeyTimes.getLength() ) { EscherExContainer aAnimKeyPoints( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimKeyPoints ); sal_Int32 i; for ( i = 0; i < aKeyTimes.getLength(); i++ ) { { EscherExAtom aAnimKeyTime( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimKeyTime ); sal_Int32 nKeyTime = (sal_Int32)( aKeyTimes[ i ] * 1000.0 ); rStrm << nKeyTime; } Any aAny[ 2 ]; if ( aValues[ i ].hasValue() ) { ValuePair aPair; if ( aValues[ i ] >>= aPair ) { aAny[ 0 ] = convertAnimateValue( aPair.First, xAnimate->getAttributeName() ); aAny[ 1 ] = convertAnimateValue( aPair.Second, xAnimate->getAttributeName() ); } else { aAny[ 0 ] = convertAnimateValue( aValues[ i ], xAnimate->getAttributeName() ); } if ( !i && aFormula.getLength() ) { ImplTranslateAttribute( aFormula, TRANSLATE_MEASURE ); aAny[ 1 ] <<= aFormula; } exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 0, aAny[ 0 ], TRANSLATE_NONE ); exportAnimProperty( rStrm, 1, aAny[ 1 ], TRANSLATE_NONE ); } } } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimValue( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, const sal_Bool bExportAlways ) { Any aAny; // repeat count (0) double fRepeat = 0.0; float fRepeatCount = 0.0; com::sun::star::animations::Timing eTiming; aAny = xNode->getRepeatCount(); if ( aAny >>= eTiming ) { if ( eTiming == Timing_INDEFINITE ) fRepeatCount = ((float)3.40282346638528860e+38); } else if ( aAny >>= fRepeat ) fRepeatCount = (float)fRepeat; if ( fRepeatCount != 0.0 ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimValue ); sal_uInt32 nType = 0; rStrm << nType << fRepeatCount; } // accelerate (3) float fAccelerate = (float)xNode->getAcceleration(); if ( bExportAlways || ( fAccelerate != 0.0 ) ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimValue ); sal_uInt32 nType = 3; rStrm << nType << fAccelerate; } // decelerate (4) float fDecelerate = (float)xNode->getDecelerate(); if ( bExportAlways || ( fDecelerate != 0.0 ) ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimValue ); sal_uInt32 nType = 4; rStrm << nType << fDecelerate; } // autoreverse (5) sal_Bool bAutoReverse = xNode->getAutoReverse(); if ( bExportAlways || bAutoReverse ) { EscherExAtom aExAtom( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimValue ); sal_uInt32 nType = 5; sal_uInt32 nVal = bAutoReverse ? 1 : 0; rStrm << nType << nVal; } } void AnimationExporter::exportTransitionFilter( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { Reference< XTransitionFilter > xFilter( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xFilter.is() ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateFilter( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateFilter ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateFilterData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateFilterData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 3; // bit 0 -> use AnimAttributeValue // bit 1 -> use nTransition sal_uInt32 nTransition = xFilter->getMode() ? 0 : 1; rStrm << nBits << nTransition; } const sal_Char* pFilter = transition::find( xFilter->getTransition(), xFilter->getSubtype(), xFilter->getDirection() ); if ( pFilter ) { const OUString aStr( OUString::createFromAscii( pFilter ) ); exportAnimPropertyString( rStrm, 1, aStr, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode ); } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateMotion( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { Reference< XAnimateMotion > xMotion( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xMotion.is() ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateMotion( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateMotion ); { { //SJ: Ignored from import filter EscherExAtom aAnimateMotionData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateMotionData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 0x98; sal_uInt32 nOrigin = 0x2; float fByX = 100.0; // nBits&1 float fByY = 100.0; // nBits&1 float fFromX = 0.0; // nBits&2 float fFromY = 0.0; // nBits&2 float fToX = 100.0; // nBits&4 float fToY = 100.0; // nBits&4 rStrm << nBits << fByX << fByY << fFromX << fFromY << fToX << fToY << nOrigin; } /* ? { EscherExAtom aF137( rStrm, 0xf137 ); } */ OUString aStr; if ( xMotion->getPath() >>= aStr ) { if ( aStr.getLength() ) exportAnimPropertyString( rStrm, 1, aStr, TRANSLATE_NONE ); } exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode ); } } } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateTransform( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { Reference< XAnimateTransform > xTransform( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xTransform.is() ) { if ( xTransform->getTransformType() == AnimationTransformType::SCALE ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateScale( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateScale ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateScaleData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateScaleData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 0; sal_uInt32 nZoomContents = 1; float fByX = 100.0; float fByY = 100.0; float fFromX = 0.0; float fFromY = 0.0; float fToX = 100.0; float fToY = 100.0; double fX = 0.0, fY = 0.0; ValuePair aPair; if ( xTransform->getBy() >>= aPair ) { if ( ( aPair.First >>= fX ) && ( aPair.Second >>= fY ) ) { nBits |= 1; fByX = (float)( fX * 100 ); fByY = (float)( fY * 100 ); } } if ( xTransform->getFrom() >>= aPair ) { if ( ( aPair.First >>= fX ) && ( aPair.Second >>= fY ) ) { nBits |= 2; fFromX = (float)( fX * 100 ); fFromY = (float)( fY * 100 ); } } if( xTransform->getTo() >>= aPair ) { if ( ( aPair.First >>= fX ) && ( aPair.Second >>= fY ) ) { nBits |= 4; fToX = (float)( fX * 100 ); fToY = (float)( fY * 100 ); } } // TODO: ZoomContents: //if( nBits & 8 ) //( fprintf( mpFile, " zoomContents=\"%s\"", nZoomContents ? "true" : "false" ); rStrm << nBits << fByX << fByY << fFromX << fFromY << fToX << fToY << nZoomContents; } exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode ); } else if ( xTransform->getTransformType() == AnimationTransformType::ROTATE ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateRotation( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateRotation ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateRotationData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateRotationData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 0; sal_uInt32 nU1 = 0; float fBy = 360.0; float fFrom = 0.0; float fTo = 360.0; double fVal = 0.0; if ( xTransform->getBy() >>= fVal ) { nBits |= 1; fBy = (float)fVal; } if ( xTransform->getFrom() >>= fVal ) { nBits |= 2; fFrom = (float)fVal; } if ( xTransform->getTo() >>= fVal ) { nBits |= 4; fTo = (float)fVal; } rStrm << nBits << fBy << fFrom << fTo << nU1; } exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode, 1 ); } } } sal_Bool AnimationExporter::getColorAny( const Any& rAny, const sal_Int16 nColorSpace, sal_Int32& rMode, sal_Int32& rA, sal_Int32& rB, sal_Int32& rC ) const { sal_Bool bIsColor = sal_True; rMode = 0; if ( nColorSpace == AnimationColorSpace::HSL ) rMode = 1; sal_Int32 nColor = 0; Sequence< double > aHSL( 3 ); if ( rAny >>= nColor ) // RGB color { rA = (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 16 ); rB = (sal_uInt8)( nColor >> 8 ); rC = (sal_uInt8)( nColor ); } else if ( rAny >>= aHSL ) // HSL { rA = (sal_Int32) ( aHSL[ 0 ] * 255.0 / 360.0 ); rB = (sal_Int32) ( aHSL[ 1 ] * 255.0 ); rC = (sal_Int32) ( aHSL[ 2 ] * 255.0 ); } else bIsColor = sal_False; return bIsColor; } void AnimationExporter::exportAnimateColor( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode, int nAfterEffectType ) { Reference< XAnimateColor > xColor( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xColor.is() ) { EscherExContainer aAnimateColor( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateColor ); { EscherExAtom aAnimateColorData( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimateColorData ); sal_uInt32 nBits = 8; sal_Int32 nByMode, nByA, nByB, nByC; nByMode = nByA = nByB = nByC = 0; sal_Int32 nFromMode, nFromA, nFromB, nFromC; nFromMode = nFromA = nFromB = nFromC = 0; sal_Int32 nToMode, nToA, nToB, nToC; nToMode = nToA = nToB = nToC = 0; sal_Int16 nColorSpace = xColor->getColorInterpolation(); Any aAny( xColor->getBy() ); if ( aAny.hasValue() ) { if ( getColorAny( aAny, nColorSpace, nByMode, nByA, nByB, nByC ) ) nBits |= 0x11; } aAny = xColor->getFrom(); if ( aAny.hasValue() ) { if ( getColorAny( aAny, nColorSpace, nFromMode, nFromA, nFromB, nFromC ) ) nBits |= 0x12; } aAny = xColor->getTo(); if ( aAny.hasValue() ) { if ( getColorAny( aAny, nColorSpace, nToMode, nToA, nToB, nToC ) ) nBits |= 0x14; } rStrm << nBits << nByMode << nByA << nByB << nByC << nFromMode << nFromA << nFromB << nFromC << nToMode << nToA << nToB << nToC; } exportAnimateTarget( rStrm, xNode, 0, nAfterEffectType ); } } void AnimationExporter::exportIterate( SvStream& rStrm, const Reference< XAnimationNode >& xNode ) { Reference< XIterateContainer > xIterate( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xIterate.is() ) { EscherExAtom aAnimIteration( rStrm, DFF_msofbtAnimIteration ); float fInterval = 10.0; sal_Int32 nTextUnitEffect = 0; sal_Int32 nU1 = 1; sal_Int32 nU2 = 1; sal_Int32 nU3 = 0xe; sal_Int16 nIterateType = xIterate->getIterateType(); switch( nIterateType ) { case TextAnimationType::BY_WORD : nTextUnitEffect = 1; break; case TextAnimationType::BY_LETTER : nTextUnitEffect = 2; break; } fInterval = (float)xIterate->getIterateInterval(); // convert interval from absolute to percentage double fDuration = 0.0; Reference< XEnumerationAccess > xEnumerationAccess( xNode, UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumerationAccess.is() ) { Reference< XEnumeration > xEnumeration( xEnumerationAccess->createEnumeration(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xEnumeration.is() ) { while( xEnumeration->hasMoreElements() ) { Reference< XAnimate > xChildNode( xEnumeration->nextElement(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xChildNode.is() ) { double fChildBegin = 0.0; double fChildDuration = 0.0; xChildNode->getBegin() >>= fChildBegin; xChildNode->getDuration() >>= fChildDuration; fChildDuration += fChildBegin; if( fChildDuration > fDuration ) fDuration = fChildDuration; } } } } if( fDuration ) fInterval = (float)(100.0 * fInterval / fDuration); rStrm << fInterval << nTextUnitEffect << nU1 << nU2 << nU3; aTarget = xIterate->getTarget(); } } } // namespace ppt;