/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_svl.hxx" #define UNICODE #include // memset #include "ddeimp.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include // static DWORD hDdeInst = NULL; // static short nInstance = 0; // DdeConnections* DdeConnection::pConnections = NULL; DdeInstData* ImpInitInstData() { DdeInstData* pData = new DdeInstData; memset( pData,0,sizeof(DdeInstData) ); DdeInstData** ppInst = (DdeInstData**)GetAppData( SHL_SVDDE ); *ppInst = pData; return pData; } void ImpDeinitInstData() { DdeInstData** ppInst = (DdeInstData**)GetAppData( SHL_SVDDE ); delete (*ppInst); *ppInst = 0; } struct DdeImp { HCONV hConv; long nStatus; }; // --- DdeInternat::CliCallback() ---------------------------------- HDDEDATA CALLBACK DdeInternal::CliCallback( WORD nCode, WORD nCbType, HCONV hConv, HSZ, HSZ hText2, HDDEDATA hData, DWORD nInfo1, DWORD ) { HDDEDATA nRet = DDE_FNOTPROCESSED; DdeConnections& rAll = (DdeConnections&)DdeConnection::GetConnections(); DdeConnection* self = 0; DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data"); for ( self = rAll.First(); self; self = rAll.Next() ) if ( self->pImp->hConv == hConv ) break; if( self ) { DdeTransaction* t; sal_Bool bFound = sal_False; for( t = self->aTransactions.First(); t; t = self->aTransactions.Next() ) { switch( nCode ) { case XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE: if( (DWORD)t->nId == nInfo1 ) { nCode = t->nType & (XCLASS_MASK | XTYP_MASK); t->bBusy = sal_False; t->Done( 0 != hData ); bFound = sal_True; } break; case XTYP_DISCONNECT: self->pImp->hConv = DdeReconnect( hConv ); self->pImp->nStatus = self->pImp->hConv ? DMLERR_NO_ERROR : DdeGetLastError( pInst->hDdeInstCli ); t = 0; nRet = 0; bFound = sal_True; break; case XTYP_ADVDATA: bFound = sal_Bool( *t->pName == hText2 ); break; } if( bFound ) break; } if( t ) { switch( nCode ) { case XTYP_ADVDATA: if( !hData ) { ((DdeLink*) t)->Notify(); nRet = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; break; } // kein break; case XTYP_REQUEST: if( !hData && XTYP_REQUEST == nCode ) { } DdeData d; d.pImp->hData = hData; d.pImp->nFmt = DdeData::GetInternalFormat( nCbType ); d.Lock(); t->Data( &d ); nRet = (HDDEDATA)DDE_FACK; break; } } } return nRet; } // --- DdeConnection::DdeConnection() ------------------------------ DdeConnection::DdeConnection( const String& rService, const String& rTopic ) { pImp = new DdeImp; pImp->nStatus = DMLERR_NO_ERROR; pImp->hConv = NULL; DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); if( !pInst ) pInst = ImpInitInstData(); pInst->nRefCount++; pInst->nInstanceCli++; if ( !pInst->hDdeInstCli ) { pImp->nStatus = DdeInitialize( &pInst->hDdeInstCli, (PFNCALLBACK)DdeInternal::CliCallback, APPCLASS_STANDARD | APPCMD_CLIENTONLY | CBF_FAIL_ALLSVRXACTIONS | CBF_SKIP_REGISTRATIONS | CBF_SKIP_UNREGISTRATIONS, 0L ); pInst->pConnections = new DdeConnections; } pService = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstCli, rService ); pTopic = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstCli, rTopic ); if ( pImp->nStatus == DMLERR_NO_ERROR ) { pImp->hConv = DdeConnect( pInst->hDdeInstCli,*pService,*pTopic, NULL); if( !pImp->hConv ) pImp->nStatus = DdeGetLastError( pInst->hDdeInstCli ); } if ( pInst->pConnections ) pInst->pConnections->Insert( this ); } // --- DdeConnection::~DdeConnection() ----------------------------- DdeConnection::~DdeConnection() { if ( pImp->hConv ) DdeDisconnect( pImp->hConv ); delete pService; delete pTopic; DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data"); if ( pInst->pConnections ) pInst->pConnections->Remove( this ); pInst->nInstanceCli--; pInst->nRefCount--; if ( !pInst->nInstanceCli && pInst->hDdeInstCli ) { if( DdeUninitialize( pInst->hDdeInstCli ) ) { pInst->hDdeInstCli = NULL; delete pInst->pConnections; pInst->pConnections = NULL; if( pInst->nRefCount == 0 ) ImpDeinitInstData(); } } delete pImp; } // --- DdeConnection::IsConnected() -------------------------------- sal_Bool DdeConnection::IsConnected() { CONVINFO c; #ifdef OS2 c.nSize = sizeof( c ); #else c.cb = sizeof( c ); #endif if ( DdeQueryConvInfo( pImp->hConv, QID_SYNC, &c ) ) return sal_True; else { DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); pImp->hConv = DdeReconnect( pImp->hConv ); pImp->nStatus = pImp->hConv ? DMLERR_NO_ERROR : DdeGetLastError( pInst->hDdeInstCli ); return sal_Bool( pImp->nStatus == DMLERR_NO_ERROR ); } } // --- DdeConnection::GetServiceName() ----------------------------- const String& DdeConnection::GetServiceName() { return (const String&)*pService; } // --- DdeConnection::GetTopicName() ------------------------------- const String& DdeConnection::GetTopicName() { return (const String&)*pTopic; } // --- DdeConnection::GetConvId() ---------------------------------- long DdeConnection::GetConvId() { return (long)pImp->hConv; } const DdeConnections& DdeConnection::GetConnections() { DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); DBG_ASSERT(pInst,"SVDDE:No instance data"); return *(pInst->pConnections); } // --- DdeTransaction::DdeTransaction() ---------------------------- DdeTransaction::DdeTransaction( DdeConnection& d, const String& rItemName, long n ) : rDde( d ) { DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); pName = new DdeString( pInst->hDdeInstCli, rItemName ); nTime = n; nId = 0; nType = 0; bBusy = sal_False; rDde.aTransactions.Insert( this ); } // --- DdeTransaction::~DdeTransaction() --------------------------- DdeTransaction::~DdeTransaction() { if ( nId && rDde.pImp->hConv ) { DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); DdeAbandonTransaction( pInst->hDdeInstCli, rDde.pImp->hConv, nId ); } delete pName; rDde.aTransactions.Remove( this ); } // --- DdeTransaction::Execute() ----------------------------------- void DdeTransaction::Execute() { HSZ hItem = *pName; void* pData = (void*)(const void *)aDdeData; DWORD nData = (DWORD)(long)aDdeData; sal_uLong nIntFmt = aDdeData.pImp->nFmt; UINT nExtFmt = DdeData::GetExternalFormat( nIntFmt ); DdeInstData* pInst = ImpGetInstData(); if ( nType == XTYP_EXECUTE ) hItem = NULL; if ( nType != XTYP_EXECUTE && nType != XTYP_POKE ) { pData = NULL; nData = 0L; } if ( nTime ) { HDDEDATA hData = DdeClientTransaction( (unsigned char*)pData, nData, rDde.pImp->hConv, hItem, nExtFmt, (UINT)nType, (DWORD)nTime, (DWORD FAR*)NULL ); rDde.pImp->nStatus = DdeGetLastError( pInst->hDdeInstCli ); if( hData && nType == XTYP_REQUEST ) { { DdeData d; d.pImp->hData = hData; d.pImp->nFmt = nIntFmt; d.Lock(); Data( &d ); } DdeFreeDataHandle( hData ); } } else { if ( nId && rDde.pImp->hConv ) DdeAbandonTransaction( pInst->hDdeInstCli, rDde.pImp->hConv, nId); nId = 0; bBusy = sal_True; HDDEDATA hRet = DdeClientTransaction( (unsigned char*)pData, nData, rDde.pImp->hConv, hItem, nExtFmt, (UINT)nType, TIMEOUT_ASYNC, (DWORD FAR *) ((long*) &nId) ); rDde.pImp->nStatus = hRet ? DMLERR_NO_ERROR : DdeGetLastError( pInst->hDdeInstCli ); } } // --- DdeTransaction::GetName() ----------------------------------- const String& DdeTransaction::GetName() const { return *pName; } // --- DdeTransaction::Data() -------------------------------------- void __EXPORT DdeTransaction::Data( const DdeData* p ) { if ( ::tools::SolarMutex::Acquire() ) { aData.Call( (void*)p ); ::tools::SolarMutex::Release(); } } // --- DdeTransaction::Done() -------------------------------------- void __EXPORT DdeTransaction::Done( sal_Bool bDataValid ) { aDone.Call( (void*)bDataValid ); } // --- DdeLink::DdeLink() ------------------------------------------ DdeLink::DdeLink( DdeConnection& d, const String& aItemName, long n ) : DdeTransaction (d, aItemName, n) { } // --- DdeLink::~DdeLink() ----------------------------------------- DdeLink::~DdeLink() { nType = (sal_uInt16)XTYP_ADVSTOP; nTime = 0; } // --- DdeLink::Notify() ----------------------------------------- void __EXPORT DdeLink::Notify() { aNotify.Call( NULL ); } // --- DdeRequest::DdeRequest() ------------------------------------ DdeRequest::DdeRequest( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, long n ) : DdeTransaction( d, i, n ) { nType = XTYP_REQUEST; } // --- DdeWarmLink::DdeWarmLink() ---------------------------------- DdeWarmLink::DdeWarmLink( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, long n ) : DdeLink( d, i, n ) { nType = XTYP_ADVSTART | XTYPF_NODATA; } // --- DdeHotLink::DdeHotLink() ------------------------------------ DdeHotLink::DdeHotLink( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, long n ) : DdeLink( d, i, n ) { nType = XTYP_ADVSTART; } // --- DdePoke::DdePoke() ------------------------------------------ DdePoke::DdePoke( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, const char* p, long l, sal_uLong f, long n ) : DdeTransaction( d, i, n ) { aDdeData = DdeData( p, l, f ); nType = XTYP_POKE; } // --- DdePoke::DdePoke() ------------------------------------------ DdePoke::DdePoke( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, const String& rData, long n ) : DdeTransaction( d, i, n ) { // ByteString aByteStr( rData, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); aDdeData = DdeData( (void*) rData.GetBuffer(), sizeof(sal_Unicode) * (rData.Len()), CF_TEXT ); nType = XTYP_POKE; } // --- DdePoke::DdePoke() ------------------------------------------ DdePoke::DdePoke( DdeConnection& d, const String& i, const DdeData& rData, long n ) : DdeTransaction( d, i, n ) { aDdeData = rData; nType = XTYP_POKE; } // --- DdeExecute::DdeExecute() ------------------------------------ DdeExecute::DdeExecute( DdeConnection& d, const String& rData, long n ) : DdeTransaction( d, String(), n ) { // ByteString aByteStr( rData, osl_getThreadTextEncoding() ); aDdeData = DdeData( (void*)rData.GetBuffer(), sizeof(sal_Unicode) * (rData.Len() + 1), CF_TEXT ); nType = XTYP_EXECUTE; } // --- DdeConnection::GetError() ----------------------------------- long DdeConnection::GetError() { return pImp->nStatus; }