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#ifndef _OSL_THREAD_HXX_
#include <osl/thread.hxx>
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <osl/interlck.h>

#include <boost/weak_ptr.hpp>
#include <ithreadlistenerowner.hxx>

/** class for an observable thread

    OD 2007-01-29 #i73788#
    Note: A thread is ref-counted. Thus, an instance of a derived class has to
    to be hold via a reference. The thread itself assures during its execution,
    that the ref-count is increased. Its execution starts with its <run()> method
    and ends with its <onTerminated()> method.
    Note: A thread can be only observed by one or none thread observer in order
    to notify, that the thread has finished its work.

    @author OD
class ObservableThread : public osl::Thread,
                         public rtl::IReference

        virtual ~ObservableThread();

        void SetListener( boost::weak_ptr< IFinishedThreadListener > pThreadListener,
                          const oslInterlockedCount nThreadID );

        // IReference
        virtual oslInterlockedCount SAL_CALL acquire();
        virtual oslInterlockedCount SAL_CALL release();



        /** intrinsic function of the thread

            Important note:
            Do not override this method again. Instead override <threadFunction()>.
            Otherwise, it's not guaranteed, that its ref-count is increased
            during the execution of the thread.

            @author OD
        virtual void SAL_CALL run();

        virtual void threadFunction() = 0;

        /** method called, when thread has finished its work

            Important note:
            Do not override this method again. Instead override <threadFinished()>.
            Otherwise, it's not guaranteed, that the ref-count is decreased at
            the end of its execution and that the observer is notified, that
            the thread has finished its work.

            @author OD
        virtual void SAL_CALL onTerminated();

        virtual void threadFinished();


        oslInterlockedCount mnRefCount;

        oslInterlockedCount mnThreadID;

        boost::weak_ptr< IFinishedThreadListener > mpThreadListener;
