/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include "PageMarginControl.hxx" #include "PagePropertyPanel.hxx" #include "PagePropertyPanel.hrc" #include #include #define SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE String("Sw_Page_Left", 12, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) #define SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE String("Sw_Page_Right", 13, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) #define SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE String("Sw_Page_Top", 11, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) #define SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE String("Sw_Page_Down", 12, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) #define SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE String("Sw_Page_Mirrored", 16, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US) namespace sw { namespace sidebar { PageMarginControl::PageMarginControl( Window* pParent, PagePropertyPanel& rPanel, const SvxLongLRSpaceItem& aPageLRMargin, const SvxLongULSpaceItem& aPageULMargin, const bool bMirrored, const Size aPageSize, const sal_Bool bLandscape, const FieldUnit eFUnit, const SfxMapUnit eUnit ) : ::svx::sidebar::PopupControl( pParent, SW_RES(RID_POPUP_SWPAGE_MARGIN) ) , mpMarginValueSet( new ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl( ::svx::sidebar::ValueSetWithTextControl::IMAGE_TEXT, this, SW_RES(VS_MARGIN) ) ) , maCustom(this, SW_RES(FT_CUSTOM)) , maLeft(this, SW_RES(FT_LEFT)) , maInner(this, SW_RES(FT_INNER)) , maLeftMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWLEFT_MARGIN)) , maRight(this, SW_RES(FT_RIGHT)) , maOuter(this, SW_RES(FT_OUTER)) , maRightMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWRIGHT_MARGIN)) , maTop(this, SW_RES(FT_TOP)) , maTopMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWTOP_MARGIN)) , maBottom(this, SW_RES(FT_BOTTOM)) , maBottomMarginEdit(this, SW_RES(MF_SWBOTTOM_MARGIN)) , maWidthHeightField( this, SW_RES(FLD_WIDTH_HEIGHT) ) , mnPageLeftMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetLeft() ) , mnPageRightMargin( aPageLRMargin.GetRight() ) , mnPageTopMargin( aPageULMargin.GetUpper() ) , mnPageBottomMargin( aPageULMargin.GetLower() ) , mbMirrored( bMirrored ) , meUnit( eUnit ) , mbUserCustomValuesAvailable(false) , mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin(0) , mnUserCustomPageRightMargin(0) , mnUserCustomPageTopMargin(0) , mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin(0) , mbUserCustomMirrored(false) , mbCustomValuesUsed( false ) , mrPagePropPanel(rPanel) { maWidthHeightField.Hide(); SetFieldUnit( maWidthHeightField, eFUnit ); mbUserCustomValuesAvailable = GetUserCustomValues(); mpMarginValueSet->SetStyle( mpMarginValueSet->GetStyle() | WB_3DLOOK | WB_NO_DIRECTSELECT ); mpMarginValueSet->SetColor( GetSettings().GetStyleSettings().GetMenuColor() ); FillValueSet( bLandscape, mbUserCustomValuesAvailable ); mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); mpMarginValueSet->SetSelectHdl( LINK(this, PageMarginControl,ImplMarginHdl ) ); mpMarginValueSet->Show(); SelectValueSetItem(); SetFieldUnit( maLeftMarginEdit, eFUnit ); Link aLinkLR = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl ); maLeftMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); SetMetricValue( maLeftMarginEdit, mnPageLeftMargin, meUnit ); SetFieldUnit( maRightMarginEdit, eFUnit ); maRightMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkLR ); SetMetricValue( maRightMarginEdit, mnPageRightMargin, meUnit ); Link aLinkUL = LINK( this, PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl ); SetFieldUnit( maTopMarginEdit, eFUnit ); maTopMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); SetMetricValue( maTopMarginEdit, mnPageTopMargin, meUnit ); SetFieldUnit( maBottomMarginEdit, eFUnit ); maBottomMarginEdit.SetModifyHdl( aLinkUL ); SetMetricValue( maBottomMarginEdit, mnPageBottomMargin, meUnit ); SetMetricFieldMaxValues( aPageSize ); if ( mbMirrored ) { maLeft.Hide(); maRight.Hide(); maInner.Show(); maOuter.Show(); } else { maLeft.Show(); maRight.Show(); maInner.Hide(); maOuter.Hide(); } FreeResource(); } PageMarginControl::~PageMarginControl(void) { delete mpMarginValueSet; StoreUserCustomValues(); } void PageMarginControl::SetMetricFieldMaxValues( const Size aPageSize ) { const long nML = maLeftMarginEdit.Denormalize( maLeftMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); const long nMR = maRightMarginEdit.Denormalize( maRightMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); const long nMT = maTopMarginEdit.Denormalize(maTopMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); const long nMB = maBottomMarginEdit.Denormalize( maBottomMarginEdit.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP) ); const long nPH = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Height(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP ); const long nPW = LogicToLogic( aPageSize.Width(), (MapUnit)meUnit, MAP_TWIP ); // Left long nMax = nPW - nMR - MINBODY; maLeftMarginEdit.SetMax(maLeftMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP); // Right nMax = nPW - nML - MINBODY; maRightMarginEdit.SetMax(maRightMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP); //Top nMax = nPH - nMB - MINBODY; maTopMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP); //Bottom nMax = nPH - nMT - MINBODY; maBottomMarginEdit.SetMax(maTopMarginEdit.Normalize(nMax), FUNIT_TWIP); } void PageMarginControl::FillValueSet( const bool bLandscape, const bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable ) { const XubString aLeft = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_LEFT); const XubString aRight = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_RIGHT); const XubString aTop = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_TOP); const XubString aBottom = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_BOT); SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE, meUnit ); const XubString aNarrowValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); XubString aHelpText = aLeft; aHelpText += aNarrowValText; aHelpText += aRight; aHelpText += aNarrowValText; aHelpText += aTop; aHelpText += aNarrowValText; aHelpText += aBottom; aHelpText += aNarrowValText; mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NARROW_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NARROW) ), 0, SW_RES(STR_NARROW), &aHelpText ); SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE, meUnit ); const XubString aNormalValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText = aLeft; aHelpText += aNormalValText; aHelpText += aRight; aHelpText += aNormalValText; aHelpText += aTop; aHelpText += aNormalValText; aHelpText += aBottom; aHelpText += aNormalValText; mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL_L) : SW_RES(IMG_NORMAL) ), 0, SW_RES(STR_NORMAL), &aHelpText ); SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1, meUnit ); const XubString aWide1ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2, meUnit ); const XubString aWide2ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText = aLeft; aHelpText += aWide2ValText; aHelpText += aRight; aHelpText += aWide2ValText; aHelpText += aTop; aHelpText += aWide1ValText; aHelpText += aBottom; aHelpText += aWide1ValText; mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_WIDE_L) : SW_RES(IMG_WIDE) ), 0, SW_RES(STR_WIDE), &aHelpText ); const XubString aInner = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_INNER); const XubString aOuter = SW_RES(STR_MARGIN_TOOLTIP_OUTER); SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3, meUnit ); const XubString aWide3ValText = maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText = aInner; aHelpText += aWide3ValText; aHelpText += aOuter; aHelpText += aWide3ValText; aHelpText += aTop; aHelpText += aWide1ValText; aHelpText += aBottom; aHelpText += aWide1ValText; mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( (bLandscape ? SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED_L) : SW_RES(IMG_MIRRORED) ), 0, SW_RES(STR_MIRRORED), &aHelpText ); if ( bUserCustomValuesAvailable ) { aHelpText = mbUserCustomMirrored ? aInner : aLeft; SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin, meUnit ); aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText += mbUserCustomMirrored ? aOuter : aRight; SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageRightMargin, meUnit ); aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText += aTop; SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageTopMargin, meUnit ); aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); aHelpText += aBottom; SetMetricValue( maWidthHeightField, mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin, meUnit ); aHelpText += maWidthHeightField.GetText(); } else { aHelpText = XubString(); } mpMarginValueSet->AddItem( (bUserCustomValuesAvailable ? SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM) : SW_RES(IMG_CUSTOM_DIS) ), 0, SW_RES(STR_LCVALUE), &aHelpText ); } void PageMarginControl::SelectValueSetItem() { const long cTolerance = 5; if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE) <= cTolerance && !mbMirrored ) { mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(1); } else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE) <= cTolerance && !mbMirrored ) { mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(2); } else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && !mbMirrored ) { mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(3); } else if( abs(mnPageLeftMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageRightMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageTopMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && abs(mnPageBottomMargin - SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1) <= cTolerance && mbMirrored ) { mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(4); } else { mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); } mpMarginValueSet->Format(); mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection(); }; IMPL_LINK(PageMarginControl, ImplMarginHdl, void *, pControl) { if ( pControl == mpMarginValueSet ) { const sal_uInt16 iPos = mpMarginValueSet->GetSelectItemId(); bool bMirrored = false; bool bApplyNewPageMargins = true; switch ( iPos ) { case 1: mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NARROW_VALUE; bMirrored = false; break; case 2: mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_NORMAL_VALUE; bMirrored = false; break; case 3: mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE2; mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; bMirrored = false; break; case 4: mnPageLeftMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE3; mnPageRightMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; mnPageTopMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; mnPageBottomMargin = SWPAGE_WIDE_VALUE1; bMirrored = true; break; case 5: if ( mbUserCustomValuesAvailable ) { mnPageLeftMargin = mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin; mnPageRightMargin = mnUserCustomPageRightMargin; mnPageTopMargin = mnUserCustomPageTopMargin; mnPageBottomMargin = mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin; bMirrored = mbUserCustomMirrored; } else { bApplyNewPageMargins = false; } break; } if ( bApplyNewPageMargins ) { mrPagePropPanel.StartUndo(); mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); if ( mbMirrored != bMirrored ) { mbMirrored = bMirrored; mrPagePropPanel.ExecutePageLayoutChange( mbMirrored ); } mrPagePropPanel.EndUndo(); mbCustomValuesUsed = false; mrPagePropPanel.ClosePageMarginPopup(); } else { // back to initial selection SelectValueSetItem(); } } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyLRMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) { mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); mpMarginValueSet->Format(); mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection(); mnPageLeftMargin = GetCoreValue( maLeftMarginEdit, meUnit ); mnPageRightMargin = GetCoreValue( maRightMarginEdit, meUnit ); mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginLRChange( mnPageLeftMargin, mnPageRightMargin ); mbCustomValuesUsed = true; return 0; } IMPL_LINK( PageMarginControl, ModifyULMarginHdl, MetricField *, EMPTYARG ) { mpMarginValueSet->SetNoSelection(); mpMarginValueSet->SelectItem(0); mpMarginValueSet->Format(); mpMarginValueSet->StartSelection(); mnPageTopMargin = GetCoreValue( maTopMarginEdit, meUnit ); mnPageBottomMargin = GetCoreValue( maBottomMarginEdit, meUnit ); mrPagePropPanel.ExecuteMarginULChange( mnPageTopMargin, mnPageBottomMargin ); mbCustomValuesUsed = true; return 0; } bool PageMarginControl::GetUserCustomValues() { bool bUserCustomValuesAvailable = false; SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE ); if ( aWinOpt.Exists() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt.GetUserData(); ::rtl::OUString aTmp; if ( aSeq.getLength()) aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; String aWinData( aTmp ); mnUserCustomPageLeftMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; } SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); if ( aWinOpt2.Exists() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt2.GetUserData(); ::rtl::OUString aTmp; if ( aSeq.getLength()) aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; String aWinData( aTmp ); mnUserCustomPageRightMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; } SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); if ( aWinOpt3.Exists() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt3.GetUserData(); ::rtl::OUString aTmp; if ( aSeq.getLength()) aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; String aWinData( aTmp ); mnUserCustomPageTopMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; } SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); if ( aWinOpt4.Exists() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt4.GetUserData(); ::rtl::OUString aTmp; if ( aSeq.getLength()) aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; String aWinData( aTmp ); mnUserCustomPageBottomMargin = aWinData.ToInt32(); bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; } SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); if ( aWinOpt5.Exists() ) { ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq = aWinOpt5.GetUserData(); ::rtl::OUString aTmp; if ( aSeq.getLength()) aSeq[0].Value >>= aTmp; String aWinData( aTmp ); mbUserCustomMirrored = aWinData.ToInt32() == 0 ? false : true; bUserCustomValuesAvailable = true; } return bUserCustomValuesAvailable; } void PageMarginControl::StoreUserCustomValues() { if ( !mbCustomValuesUsed ) { return; } ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence < ::com::sun::star::beans::NamedValue > aSeq(1); SvtViewOptions aWinOpt( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_LEFT_GVALUE ); aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageLeftMargin") ); aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageLeftMargin )); aWinOpt.SetUserData( aSeq ); SvtViewOptions aWinOpt2( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_RIGHT_GVALUE ); aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageRightMargin") ); aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageRightMargin )); aWinOpt2.SetUserData( aSeq ); SvtViewOptions aWinOpt3( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_TOP_GVALUE ); aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageTopMargin") ); aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageTopMargin )); aWinOpt3.SetUserData( aSeq ); SvtViewOptions aWinOpt4( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_DOWN_GVALUE ); aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mnPageBottomMargin") ); aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( mnPageBottomMargin )); aWinOpt4.SetUserData( aSeq ); SvtViewOptions aWinOpt5( E_WINDOW, SWPAGE_MIRROR_GVALUE ); aSeq[0].Name = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("mbMirrored") ); aSeq[0].Value <<= ::rtl::OUString( String::CreateFromInt64( (mbMirrored ? 1 : 0) )); aWinOpt5.SetUserData( aSeq ); } } } // end of namespace sw::sidebar