/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include <sfx2/msg.hxx> #include <svl/srchitem.hxx> #include <sfx2/dispatch.hxx> #include <sfx2/templdlg.hxx> #include <svx/srchdlg.hxx> #include <basic/sbxobj.hxx> #include <uivwimp.hxx> #include <svx/fmshell.hxx> #include <svx/extrusionbar.hxx> #include <svx/fontworkbar.hxx> #include <sfx2/objface.hxx> #include <swmodule.hxx> #include <unotxvw.hxx> #include <swtypes.hxx> #include <cmdid.h> #include <globals.hrc> #include <wrtsh.hxx> #include <edtwin.hxx> #include <wgrfsh.hxx> #include <wfrmsh.hxx> #include <wolesh.hxx> #include <wtabsh.hxx> #include <wlistsh.hxx> #include <wformsh.hxx> #include <wtextsh.hxx> #include <barcfg.hxx> #include <doc.hxx> // EIGENTLICH nicht moeglich !! #include <beziersh.hxx> #include <drawsh.hxx> #include <drwtxtsh.hxx> #include <annotsh.hxx> #include <wview.hxx> #include <wdocsh.hxx> #include <web.hrc> #include <shells.hrc> #define SwWebView #define Frames #define Graphics #define OLEObjects #define Controls #define Text #define Frame #define Graphic #define Object #define Draw #define DrawText #define TextInTable #define ListInText #define ListInTable #define Page #include <swslots.hxx> SFX_IMPL_NAMED_VIEWFACTORY(SwWebView, "Default") { SFX_VIEW_REGISTRATION(SwWebDocShell); } SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE( SwWebView, SwView, SW_RES(RID_WEBTOOLS_TOOLBOX) ) { SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SfxTemplateDialogWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SvxSearchDialogWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); SFX_OBJECTBAR_REGISTRATION( SFX_OBJECTBAR_TOOLS| SFX_VISIBILITY_STANDARD|SFX_VISIBILITY_SERVER, SW_RES(RID_WEBTOOLS_TOOLBOX) ); } TYPEINIT1(SwWebView,SwView) /*-----------------22.01.97 14.27------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwWebView::SwWebView(SfxViewFrame* _pFrame, SfxViewShell* _pShell) : SwView(_pFrame, _pShell) { } /*-----------------22.01.97 14.27------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwWebView::~SwWebView() { } /*-----------------23.01.97 09.01------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwWebView::SelectShell() { // Entscheidung, ob UpdateTable gerufen werden muss sal_Bool bUpdateTable = sal_False; const SwFrmFmt* pCurTableFmt = GetWrtShell().GetTableFmt(); if(pCurTableFmt && pCurTableFmt != GetLastTblFrmFmt()) { bUpdateTable = sal_True; // kann erst spaeter ausgefuehrt werden } SetLastTblFrmFmt(pCurTableFmt); //SEL_TBL und SEL_TBL_CELLS koennen verodert sein! int nNewSelectionType = (GetWrtShell().GetSelectionType() & ~nsSelectionType::SEL_TBL_CELLS); int _nSelectionType = GetSelectionType(); if ( nNewSelectionType == _nSelectionType ) { GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll( sal_False ); if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_OLE || _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_GRF ) //Fuer Grafiken und OLE kann sich natuerlich das Verb aendern! ImpSetVerb( nNewSelectionType ); } else { // DELETEZ(pxSelectionObj); //Selektionsobjekt loeschen SfxDispatcher &rDispatcher = *GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher(); SwToolbarConfigItem *pBarCfg = SW_MOD()->GetWebToolbarConfig(); if( GetCurShell() ) { rDispatcher.Flush(); // alle gecachten Shells wirklich loeschen //Zur alten Selektion merken welche Toolbar sichtbar war sal_Int32 nId = rDispatcher.GetObjectBarId( SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT ); if ( nId ) pBarCfg->SetTopToolbar( _nSelectionType, nId ); SfxShell *pSfxShell; sal_uInt16 i; for ( i = 0; sal_True; ++i ) { pSfxShell = rDispatcher.GetShell( i ); if ( !( pSfxShell->ISA( SwBaseShell ) || pSfxShell->ISA( SwDrawTextShell ) || pSfxShell->ISA( SwAnnotationShell ) ) ) break; } pSfxShell = rDispatcher.GetShell( --i ); ASSERT( pSfxShell, "My Shell ist lost in space" ); rDispatcher.Pop( *pSfxShell, SFX_SHELL_POP_UNTIL | SFX_SHELL_POP_DELETE); } sal_Bool bInitFormShell = sal_False; if( !GetFormShell() ) { bInitFormShell = sal_True; SetFormShell( new FmFormShell( this ) ); rDispatcher.Push( *GetFormShell() ); } sal_Bool bSetExtInpCntxt = sal_False; _nSelectionType = nNewSelectionType; SetSelectionType( _nSelectionType ); ShellModes eShellMode; if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_OLE ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_OBJECT; SetShell( new SwWebOleShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_FRM || _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_GRF) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_FRAME; SetShell( new SwWebFrameShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if(_nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_GRF ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_GRAPHIC; SetShell( new SwWebGrfShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_FRM ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_FRAME; SetShell( new SwWebFrameShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_DRW ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_DRAW; SetShell( new svx::ExtrusionBar( this ) ); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_DRAW; SetShell( new svx::FontworkBar( this ) ); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); SetShell( new SwDrawShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_BEZ ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_BEZIER; SetShell( new SwBezierShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_DRW_FORM ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_DRAW_FORM; SetShell( new SwWebDrawFormShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_DRW_TXT ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_DRAWTEXT; rDispatcher.Push( *(new SwBaseShell( *this )) ); SetShell( new SwDrawTextShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_POSTIT ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_POSTIT; SetShell( new SwAnnotationShell( *this ) ); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else { bSetExtInpCntxt = sal_True; eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_TEXT; if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_NUM ) { eShellMode = SHELL_MODE_LIST_TEXT; SetShell( new SwWebListShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } SetShell( new SwWebTextShell(*this)); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if ( _nSelectionType & nsSelectionType::SEL_TBL ) { eShellMode = eShellMode == SHELL_MODE_LIST_TEXT ? SHELL_MODE_TABLE_LIST_TEXT : SHELL_MODE_TABLE_TEXT; SetShell( new SwWebTableShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } ImpSetVerb( _nSelectionType ); GetViewImpl()->SetShellMode(eShellMode); if( !GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly() ) { if( bSetExtInpCntxt && GetWrtShell().HasReadonlySel() ) bSetExtInpCntxt = sal_False; InputContext aCntxt( GetEditWin().GetInputContext() ); aCntxt.SetOptions( bSetExtInpCntxt ? (aCntxt.GetOptions() | ( INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT | INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT )) : (aCntxt.GetOptions() & ~ ( INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT | INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT )) ); GetEditWin().SetInputContext( aCntxt ); } //Zur neuen Selektion die Toolbar aktivieren, die auch beim letzten Mal //aktiviert war //Vorher muss ein Flush() sein, betrifft aber lt. MBA nicht das UI und ist //kein Performance-Problem // TODO/LATER: maybe now the Flush() command is superfluous?! rDispatcher.Flush(); Point aPnt = GetEditWin().GetPointerPosPixel(); aPnt = GetEditWin().PixelToLogic(aPnt); GetEditWin().UpdatePointer(aPnt); if ( bInitFormShell && GetWrtShell().GetDrawView() ) GetFormShell()->SetView( PTR_CAST( FmFormView, GetWrtShell().GetDrawView())); } GetViewImpl()->GetUNOObject_Impl()->NotifySelChanged(); //Guenstiger Zeitpunkt fuer die Kommunikation mit OLE-Objekten? if ( GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->IsOLEPrtNotifyPending() ) GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->PrtOLENotify( sal_False ); //jetzt das Tabellen-Update if(bUpdateTable) GetWrtShell().UpdateTable(); }