# ************************************************************* # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # ************************************************************* import sys from globals import * import srclexer # simple name translation map postTransMap = {"ok-button": "okbutton", "cancel-button": "cancelbutton", "help-button": "helpbutton"} def transName (name): """Translate a mixed-casing name to dash-separated name. Translate a mixed-casing name (e.g. MyLongName) to a dash-separated name (e.g. my-long-name). """ def isUpper (c): return c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z' newname = '' parts = [] buf = '' for c in name: if isUpper(c) and len(buf) > 1: parts.append(buf) buf = c else: buf += c if len(buf) > 0: parts.append(buf) first = True for part in parts: if first: first = False else: newname += '-' newname += part.lower() # special-case mapping ... if 0: #postTransMap.has_key(newname): newname = postTransMap[newname] return newname def transValue (value): """Translate certain values. Examples of translated values include TRUE -> true, FALSE -> false. """ if value.lower() in ["true", "false"]: value = value.lower() return value def renameAttribute (name, elemName): # TODO: all manner of evil special cases ... if elemName == 'metric-field' and name == 'spin-size': return 'step-size' return name class Statement(object): """Container to hold information for a single statement. Each statement consists of the left-hand-side token(s), and right-hand-side tokens, separated by a '=' token. This class stores the information on the left-hand-side tokens. """ def __init__ (self): self.leftTokens = [] self.leftScope = None class MacroExpander(object): def __init__ (self, tokens, defines): self.tokens = tokens self.defines = defines def expand (self): self.pos = 0 while self.pos < len(self.tokens): self.expandToken() def expandToken (self): token = self.tokens[self.pos] if token not in self.defines: self.pos += 1 return macro = self.defines[token] nvars = len(list(macro.vars.keys())) if nvars == 0: # Simple expansion self.tokens[self.pos:self.pos+1] = macro.tokens return else: # Expansion with arguments. values, lastPos = self.parseValues() newtokens = [] for mtoken in macro.tokens: if mtoken in macro.vars: # variable pos = macro.vars[mtoken] valtokens = values[pos] for valtoken in valtokens: newtokens.append(valtoken) else: # not a variable newtokens.append(mtoken) self.tokens[self.pos:self.pos+lastPos+1] = newtokens def parseValues (self): """Parse tokens to get macro function variable values. Be aware that there is an implicit quotes around the text between the open paren, the comma(s), and the close paren. For instance, if a macro is defined as FOO(a, b) and is used as FOO(one two three, and four), then the 'a' must be replaced with 'one two three', and the 'b' replaced with 'and four'. In other words, whitespace does not end a token. """ values = [] i = 1 scope = 0 value = [] while True: try: tk = self.tokens[self.pos+i] except IndexError: progress ("error parsing values (%d)\n"%i) for j in range(0, i): print(self.tokens[self.pos+j], end=' ') print('') srclexer.dumpTokens(self.tokens) srclexer.dumpTokens(self.newtokens) print("tokens expanded so far:") for tk in self.expandedTokens: print("-"*20) print(tk) srclexer.dumpTokens(self.defines[tk].tokens) sys.exit(1) if tk == '(': value = [] scope += 1 elif tk == ',': values.append(value) value = [] elif tk == ')': scope -= 1 values.append(value) value = [] if scope == 0: break else: raise ParseError ('') else: value.append(tk) i += 1 return values, i def getTokens (self): return self.tokens class SrcParser(object): def __init__ (self, tokens, defines = None): self.tokens = tokens self.defines = defines self.debug = False self.onlyExpandMacros = False def init (self): self.elementStack = [RootNode()] self.stmtData = Statement() self.tokenBuf = [] self.leftTokens = [] # Expand defined macros. if self.debug: progress ("-"*68+"\n") for key in list(self.defines.keys()): progress ("define: %s\n"%key) self.expandMacro() self.tokenSize = len(self.tokens) def expandMacro (self): macroExp = MacroExpander(self.tokens, self.defines) macroExp.expand() self.tokens = macroExp.getTokens() if self.onlyExpandMacros: srclexer.dumpTokens(self.tokens) sys.exit(0) def parse (self): """Parse it! This is the main loop for the parser. This is where it all begins and ends. """ self.init() i = 0 while i < self.tokenSize: tk = self.tokens[i] if tk == '{': i = self.openBrace(i) elif tk == '}': i = self.closeBrace(i) elif tk == ';': i = self.semiColon(i) elif tk == '=': i = self.assignment(i) else: self.tokenBuf.append(tk) i += 1 return self.elementStack[0] #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Token Handlers """ Each token handler takes the current token position and returns the position of the last token processed. For the most part, the current token position and the last processed token are one and the same, in which case the handler can simply return the position value it receives without incrementing it. If you need to read ahead to process more tokens than just the current token, make sure that the new token position points to the last token that has been processed, not the next token that has not yet been processed. This is because the main loop increments the token position when it returns from the handler. """ # assignment token '=' def assignment (self, i): self.leftTokens = self.tokenBuf[:] if self.stmtData.leftScope == None: # Keep track of lhs data in case of compound statement. self.stmtData.leftTokens = self.tokenBuf[:] self.stmtData.leftScope = len(self.elementStack) - 1 self.tokenBuf = [] return i # open brace token '{' def openBrace (self, i): bufSize = len(self.tokenBuf) leftSize = len(self.leftTokens) obj = None if bufSize == 0 and leftSize > 0: # Name = { ... obj = Element(self.leftTokens[0]) elif bufSize > 0 and leftSize == 0: # Type Name { ... wgtType = self.tokenBuf[0] wgtRID = None if bufSize >= 2: wgtRID = self.tokenBuf[1] obj = Element(wgtType, wgtRID) else: # LeftName = Name { ... obj = Element(self.leftTokens[0]) obj.setAttr("type", self.tokenBuf[0]) obj.name = transName(obj.name) if obj.name == 'string-list': i = self.parseStringList(i) elif obj.name == 'filter-list': i = self.parseFilterList(i, obj) else: self.elementStack[-1].appendChild(obj) self.elementStack.append(obj) self.tokenBuf = [] self.leftTokens = [] return i # close brace token '}' def closeBrace (self, i): if len(self.tokenBuf) > 0: if self.debug: print(self.tokenBuf) raise ParseError ('') self.elementStack.pop() return i # semi colon token ';' def semiColon (self, i): stackSize = len(self.elementStack) scope = stackSize - 1 if len(self.tokenBuf) == 0: pass elif scope == 0: # We are not supposed to have any statment in global scope. # Just ignore this statement. pass else: # Statement within a scope. Import it as an attribute for the # current element. elem = self.elementStack[-1] name = "none" if len(self.leftTokens) > 0: # Use the leftmost token as the name for now. If we need to # do more complex parsing of lhs, add more code here. name = self.leftTokens[0] name = transName(name) if name == 'pos': i = self.parsePosAttr(i) elif name == 'size': i = self.parseSizeAttr(i) elif len (self.tokenBuf) == 1: # Simple value value = transValue(self.tokenBuf[0]) name = renameAttribute(name, elem.name) elem.setAttr(name, value) if not self.stmtData.leftScope == None and self.stmtData.leftScope < scope: # This is a nested scope within a statement. Do nothing for now. pass if self.stmtData.leftScope == scope: # end of (nested) statement. self.stmtData.leftScope = None self.tokenBuf = [] self.leftTokens = [] return i def parseStringList (self, i): i += 1 while i < self.tokenSize: tk = self.tokens[i] if tk == '}': break i += 1 return i def parseFilterList (self, i, obj): self.elementStack[-1].appendChild(obj) self.elementStack.append(obj) return i def parsePosAttr (self, i): # MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 5 ) elem = self.elementStack[-1] x, y = self.parseMapAppfont(self.tokenBuf) elem.setAttr("x", x) elem.setAttr("y", y) return i def parseSizeAttr (self, i): # MAP_APPFONT ( 6 , 5 ) elem = self.elementStack[-1] width, height = self.parseMapAppfont(self.tokenBuf) elem.setAttr("width", width) elem.setAttr("height", height) return i def parseMapAppfont (self, tokens): values = [] scope = 0 val = '' for tk in tokens: if tk == '(': scope += 1 if scope == 1: val = '' else: val += tk elif tk == ')': scope -= 1 if scope == 0: if len(val) == 0: raise ParseError ('') values.append(val) break else: val += tk elif tk == ',': if len(val) == 0: raise ParseError ('') values.append(val) val = '' elif scope > 0: val += tk if len(values) != 2: raise ParseError ('') return eval(values[0]), eval(values[1])