/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AccActionBase.cpp: implementation of the CAccActionBase class. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "stdafx.h" #include "AccActionBase.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AccessibleKeyStroke.h" #ifndef __ACCCOMMON_H_ #include "acccommon.h" #endif using namespace com::sun::star::accessibility::AccessibleRole; using namespace com::sun::star::accessibility; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::awt; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction/Destruction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAccActionBase::CAccActionBase() {} CAccActionBase::~CAccActionBase() {} /** * Helper function used for getting default action by UNO role. * * @param pRContext UNO context interface pointer. * @param pRet the corresponding string to be returned. */ void GetDfActionByUNORole(XAccessibleContext* pRContext, BSTR* pRet) { // #CHECK# if(pRContext == NULL || pRet == NULL) { return; } long Role = pRContext->getAccessibleRole(); switch(Role) { case PUSH_BUTTON: *pRet = ::SysAllocString(PRESS); break; case RADIO_BUTTON: case MENU_ITEM: case LIST_ITEM: *pRet = ::SysAllocString(SELECT); break; case CHECK_BOX: { Reference< XAccessibleStateSet > pRState = pRContext->getAccessibleStateSet(); if( !pRState.is() ) { return; } Sequence pStates = pRState->getStates(); int count = pStates.getLength(); *pRet = ::SysAllocString(CHECK); for( int iIndex = 0;iIndex < count;iIndex++ ) { if( pStates[iIndex] == AccessibleStateType::CHECKED ) { SAFE_SYSFREESTRING(*pRet); *pRet = ::SysAllocString(UNCHECK); break; } } break; } } } /** * Returns the number of action. * * @param nActions the number of action. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::nActions(/*[out,retval]*/long* nActions) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if( pRXAct.is() && nActions != NULL ) { *nActions = GetXInterface()->getAccessibleActionCount(); return S_OK; } *nActions = 0; return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Performs specified action on the object. * * @param actionIndex the index of action. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::doAction(/* [in] */ long actionIndex) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if( pRXAct.is() ) { return GetXInterface()->doAccessibleAction( actionIndex )?S_OK:E_FAIL; } return E_FAIL; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Gets description of specified action. * * @param actionIndex the index of action. * @param description the description string of the specified action. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::get_description(long actionIndex,BSTR __RPC_FAR *description) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK // #CHECK# if(description == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG; // #CHECK XInterface# if(!pRXAct.is()) return E_FAIL; ::rtl::OUString ouStr = GetXInterface()->getAccessibleActionDescription(actionIndex); // #CHECK# SAFE_SYSFREESTRING(*description); *description = SysAllocString((OLECHAR*)ouStr.getStr()); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::get_name( long, BSTR __RPC_FAR *) { return E_NOTIMPL; } STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::get_localizedName( long, BSTR __RPC_FAR *) { return E_NOTIMPL; } /** * Returns key binding object (if any) associated with specified action * key binding is string. * e.g. "alt+d" (like IAccessible::get_accKeyboardShortcut). * * @param actionIndex the index of action. * @param nMaxBinding the max number of key binding. * @param keyBinding the key binding array. * @param nBinding the actual number of key binding returned. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::get_keyBinding( /* [in] */ long actionIndex, /* [in] */ long, /* [length_is][length_is][size_is][size_is][out] */ BSTR __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *keyBinding, /* [retval][out] */ long __RPC_FAR *nBinding) { CHECK_ENABLE_INF ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK if( !keyBinding || !nBinding) return E_INVALIDARG; if( !pRXAct.is() ) return E_FAIL; Reference< XAccessibleKeyBinding > binding = GetXInterface()->getAccessibleActionKeyBinding(actionIndex); if( !binding.is() ) return E_FAIL; long nCount = (binding.get())->getAccessibleKeyBindingCount(); OLECHAR wString[64]; *keyBinding = (BSTR*)::CoTaskMemAlloc(nCount*sizeof(BSTR)); // #CHECK Memory Allocation# if(*keyBinding == NULL) return E_FAIL; for( int index = 0;index < nCount;index++ ) { memset(wString,0,sizeof(wString)); GetkeyBindingStrByXkeyBinding( (binding.get())->getAccessibleKeyBinding(index), wString ); (*keyBinding)[index] = SysAllocString(wString); } *nBinding = nCount; return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Overide of IUNOXWrapper. * * @param pXInterface the pointer of UNO interface. */ STDMETHODIMP CAccActionBase::put_XInterface(long pXInterface) { ENTER_PROTECTED_BLOCK CUNOXWrapper::put_XInterface(pXInterface); //special query. if(pUNOInterface == NULL) return E_FAIL; Reference pRContext = pUNOInterface->getAccessibleContext(); if( !pRContext.is() ) return E_FAIL; Reference pRXI(pRContext,UNO_QUERY); if( !pRXI.is() ) pRXAct = NULL; else pRXAct = pRXI.get(); return S_OK; LEAVE_PROTECTED_BLOCK } /** * Helper function used for converting keybinding to string. * * @param keySet the key stroke sequence. * @param pString the output keybinding string. */ void CAccActionBase::GetkeyBindingStrByXkeyBinding( const Sequence< KeyStroke > &keySet, OLECHAR* pString ) { // #CHECK# if(pString == NULL) return; for( int iIndex = 0;iIndex < keySet.getLength();iIndex++ ) { KeyStroke stroke = keySet[iIndex]; OLECHAR wString[64] = {NULL}; if(iIndex>0) wcscat( wString, OLESTR(" ") ); if((stroke.Modifiers & MODIFIER_SHIFT) == MODIFIER_SHIFT) wcscat( wString, OLESTR("Shift+") ); if((stroke.Modifiers & MODIFIER_CTRL) == MODIFIER_CTRL) wcscat( wString, OLESTR("Ctrl+") ); if((stroke.Modifiers & MODIFIER_ALT) == MODIFIER_ALT) wcscat( wString, OLESTR("Alt+") ); if(stroke.KeyCode) { OLECHAR* pChar = getOLECHARFromKeyCode(stroke.KeyCode); if(pChar != NULL) wcscat( wString, pChar ); else if (stroke.KeyCode <= 255) { OLECHAR pChar[4] = {NULL}; swprintf( pChar, L"%c", stroke.KeyCode); wcscat( wString, pChar); } else { OLECHAR pChar[4] = {NULL}; swprintf( pChar, L"%d", stroke.KeyCode); wcscat( wString, pChar); } } wcscat( pString, wString); } } /** * Helper function used for converting key code to ole string. * * @param key the key code. */ OLECHAR* CAccActionBase::getOLECHARFromKeyCode(long key) { static struct keyMap { int keyCode; OLECHAR* key; } map[] = { {MODIFIER_SHIFT, L"SHIFT" }, {MODIFIER_CTRL, L"CTRL" }, {MODIFIER_ALT, L"ALT" }, CODEENTRY(NUM0),CODEENTRY(NUM1),CODEENTRY(NUM2),CODEENTRY(NUM3),CODEENTRY(NUM4),CODEENTRY(NUM5), CODEENTRY(NUM6),CODEENTRY(NUM7),CODEENTRY(NUM8),CODEENTRY(NUM9), CODEENTRY(A),CODEENTRY(B),CODEENTRY(C),CODEENTRY(D),CODEENTRY(E),CODEENTRY(F), CODEENTRY(G),CODEENTRY(H),CODEENTRY(I),CODEENTRY(J),CODEENTRY(K),CODEENTRY(L), CODEENTRY(M),CODEENTRY(N),CODEENTRY(O),CODEENTRY(P),CODEENTRY(Q),CODEENTRY(R), CODEENTRY(S),CODEENTRY(T),CODEENTRY(U),CODEENTRY(V),CODEENTRY(W),CODEENTRY(X), CODEENTRY(Y),CODEENTRY(Z), CODEENTRY(F1),CODEENTRY(F2),CODEENTRY(F3),CODEENTRY(F4),CODEENTRY(F5),CODEENTRY(F6), CODEENTRY(F7),CODEENTRY(F8),CODEENTRY(F9),CODEENTRY(F10),CODEENTRY(F11),CODEENTRY(F12), CODEENTRY(F13),CODEENTRY(F14),CODEENTRY(F15),CODEENTRY(F16),CODEENTRY(F17),CODEENTRY(F18), CODEENTRY(F19),CODEENTRY(F20),CODEENTRY(F21),CODEENTRY(F22),CODEENTRY(F23),CODEENTRY(F24), CODEENTRY(F25),CODEENTRY(F26), { KEYCODE_DOWN, L"DOWN" }, { KEYCODE_UP, L"UP" }, { KEYCODE_LEFT, L"LEFT" }, { KEYCODE_RIGHT, L"RIGHT" }, { KEYCODE_HOME, L"HOME" }, { KEYCODE_END, L"END" }, { KEYCODE_PAGEUP, L"PAGEUP" }, { KEYCODE_PAGEDOWN, L"PAGEDOWN" }, { KEYCODE_RETURN, L"RETURN" }, { KEYCODE_ESCAPE, L"ESCAPE" }, { KEYCODE_TAB, L"TAB" }, { KEYCODE_BACKSPACE, L"BACKSPACE" }, { KEYCODE_SPACE, L"SPACE" }, { KEYCODE_INSERT, L"INSERT" }, { KEYCODE_DELETE, L"DELETE" }, { KEYCODE_ADD, L"ADD" }, { KEYCODE_SUBTRACT, L"SUBTRACT" }, { KEYCODE_MULTIPLY, L"MULTIPLY" }, { KEYCODE_DIVIDE, L"DIVIDE" }, { KEYCODE_POINT, L"POINT" }, { KEYCODE_COMMA, L"COMMA" }, { KEYCODE_LESS, L"LESS" }, { KEYCODE_GREATER, L"GREATER" }, { KEYCODE_EQUAL, L"EQUAL" }, { KEYCODE_OPEN, L"OPEN" }, { KEYCODE_CUT, L"CUT" }, { KEYCODE_COPY, L"COPY" }, { KEYCODE_PASTE, L"PASTE" }, { KEYCODE_UNDO, L"UNDO" }, { KEYCODE_REPEAT, L"REPEAT" }, { KEYCODE_FIND, L"FIND" }, { KEYCODE_PROPERTIES, L"PROPERTIES" }, { KEYCODE_FRONT, L"FRONT" }, { KEYCODE_CONTEXTMENU, L"CONTEXTMENU" }, { KEYCODE_HELP, L"HELP" }, }; static long nCount = countof(map); long min = 0; long max = nCount-1; long mid = nCount/2; while(minmap[mid].keyCode) min = mid+1; else break; mid = (min+max)/2; } if(key == map[mid].keyCode) { return map[mid].key; } else { return NULL; } }