/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #include <precomp.h> #include "hd_chlst.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include <ary/ceslot.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_gate.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_namesp.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_class.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_enum.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_tydef.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_funct.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_vari.hxx> #include <ary/cpp/c_enuval.hxx> #include <ary/loc/loc_file.hxx> #include <ary/loc/locp_le.hxx> #include <ary/doc/d_oldcppdocu.hxx> #include <ary/info/ci_attag.hxx> #include <ary/info/ci_text.hxx> #include <ary/info/all_dts.hxx> #include "hd_docu.hxx" #include "opageenv.hxx" #include "protarea.hxx" #include "strconst.hxx" using namespace csi; using html::Table; using html::TableRow; using html::TableCell; using html::Font; using html::SizeAttr; using html::BgColorAttr; using html::WidthAttr; const int ixPublic = 0; const int ixProtected = 1; const int ixPrivate = 2; struct ChildList_Display::S_AreaCo { public: ProtectionArea aArea; Area_Result * pResult; S_AreaCo( Area_Result & o_rResult, const char * i_sLabel, const char * i_sTitle ); ~S_AreaCo(); void PerformResult(); private: csi::xml::Element & Out() { return pResult->rOut; } }; const ary::info::DocuText & ShortDocu( const ary::cpp::CodeEntity & i_rCe ) { static const ary::info::DocuText aNull_; const ary::doc::OldCppDocu * pInfo = dynamic_cast< const ary::doc::OldCppDocu* >( i_rCe.Docu().Data() ); if (pInfo == 0) return aNull_; return pInfo->Short().CText(); } ChildList_Display::ChildList_Display( OuputPage_Environment & io_rEnv ) : HtmlDisplay_Impl( io_rEnv ), pShortDocu_Display( new Docu_Display(io_rEnv) ), pActiveParentClass(0), pActiveParentEnum(0), // pSglArea, // aMemberAreas, peClassesFilter(0) { } ChildList_Display::ChildList_Display( OuputPage_Environment & io_rEnv, const ary::cpp::Class & i_rClass ) : HtmlDisplay_Impl( io_rEnv ), pShortDocu_Display( new Docu_Display(io_rEnv) ), pActiveParentClass(&i_rClass), pActiveParentEnum(0), // pSglArea, // aMemberAreas, peClassesFilter(0) { } ChildList_Display::ChildList_Display( OuputPage_Environment & io_rEnv, const ary::cpp::Enum & i_rEnum ) : HtmlDisplay_Impl( io_rEnv ), pShortDocu_Display( new Docu_Display(io_rEnv) ), pActiveParentClass(0), pActiveParentEnum(&i_rEnum), // pSglArea, // aMemberAreas, peClassesFilter(0) { } ChildList_Display::~ChildList_Display() { } void ChildList_Display::Run_Simple( Area_Result & o_rResult, ary::SlotAccessId i_nSlot, const char * i_sListLabel, const char * i_sListTitle ) { ary::Slot_AutoPtr pSlot( ActiveParent().Create_Slot( i_nSlot ) ); if ( pSlot->Size() == 0 ) return; pSglArea = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult, i_sListLabel, i_sListTitle ); pSlot->StoreAt(*this); pSglArea->PerformResult(); pSglArea = 0; } void ChildList_Display::Run_GlobalClasses( Area_Result & o_rResult, ary::SlotAccessId i_nSlot, const char * i_sListLabel, const char * i_sListTitle, ary::cpp::E_ClassKey i_eFilter ) { ary::Slot_AutoPtr pSlot( ActiveParent().Create_Slot( i_nSlot ) ); if ( pSlot->Size() == 0 ) return; pSglArea = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult, i_sListLabel, i_sListTitle ); SetClassesFilter(i_eFilter); pSlot->StoreAt(*this); UnsetClassesFilter(); pSglArea->PerformResult(); pSglArea = 0; } void ChildList_Display::Run_Members( Area_Result & o_rResult_public, Area_Result & o_rResult_protected, Area_Result & o_rResult_private, ary::SlotAccessId i_nSlot, const char * i_sListLabel_public, const char * i_sListLabel_protected, const char * i_sListLabel_private, const char * i_sListTitle ) { ary::Slot_AutoPtr pSlot( ActiveParent().Create_Slot(i_nSlot) ); if ( pSlot->Size() == 0 ) return; aMemberAreas[ixPublic] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_public, i_sListLabel_public, i_sListTitle ); aMemberAreas[ixProtected] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_protected, i_sListLabel_protected, i_sListTitle ); aMemberAreas[ixPrivate] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_private, i_sListLabel_private, i_sListTitle ); pSlot->StoreAt(*this); aMemberAreas[ixPublic]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixProtected]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixPrivate]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixPublic] = 0; aMemberAreas[ixProtected] = 0; aMemberAreas[ixPrivate] = 0; } void ChildList_Display::Run_MemberClasses( Area_Result & o_rResult_public, Area_Result & o_rResult_protected, Area_Result & o_rResult_private, ary::SlotAccessId i_nSlot, const char * i_sListLabel_public, const char * i_sListLabel_protected, const char * i_sListLabel_private, const char * i_sListTitle, ary::cpp::E_ClassKey i_eFilter ) { ary::Slot_AutoPtr pSlot( ActiveParent().Create_Slot(i_nSlot) ); if ( pSlot->Size() == 0 ) return; aMemberAreas[ixPublic] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_public, i_sListLabel_public, i_sListTitle ); aMemberAreas[ixProtected] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_protected, i_sListLabel_protected, i_sListTitle ); aMemberAreas[ixPrivate] = new S_AreaCo( o_rResult_private, i_sListLabel_private, i_sListTitle ); SetClassesFilter(i_eFilter); pSlot->StoreAt(*this); UnsetClassesFilter(); aMemberAreas[ixPublic]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixProtected]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixPrivate]->PerformResult(); aMemberAreas[ixPublic] = 0; aMemberAreas[ixProtected] = 0; aMemberAreas[ixPrivate] = 0; } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Namespace & i_rData ) { Write_ListItem( i_rData.LocalName(), Path2ChildNamespace(i_rData.LocalName()), ShortDocu( i_rData ), GetArea().GetTable() ); } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Class & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; if (peClassesFilter) { if (*peClassesFilter != i_rData.ClassKey() ) return; } String sLink; if ( i_rData.Protection() == ary::cpp::PROTECT_global ) { sLink = ClassFileName(i_rData.LocalName()); } else { csv_assert( pActiveParentClass != 0 ); sLink = Path2Child( ClassFileName(i_rData.LocalName()), pActiveParentClass->LocalName() ); } if (peClassesFilter) { Write_ListItem( i_rData.LocalName(), sLink, ShortDocu( i_rData ), GetArea(i_rData.Protection()) .GetTable() ); } else { Write_ListItem( i_rData.LocalName(), sLink, ShortDocu( i_rData ), GetArea(i_rData.Protection()) .GetTable(i_rData.ClassKey()) ); } } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Enum & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; String sLink; if ( i_rData.Protection() == ary::cpp::PROTECT_global ) { sLink = EnumFileName(i_rData.LocalName()); } else { csv_assert( pActiveParentClass != 0 ); sLink = Path2Child( EnumFileName(i_rData.LocalName()), pActiveParentClass->LocalName() ); } Write_ListItem( i_rData.LocalName(), sLink, ShortDocu( i_rData ), GetArea(i_rData.Protection()).GetTable() ); } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Typedef & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; String sLink; if ( i_rData.Protection() == ary::cpp::PROTECT_global ) { sLink = TypedefFileName(i_rData.LocalName()); } else { csv_assert( pActiveParentClass != 0 ); sLink = Path2Child( TypedefFileName(i_rData.LocalName()), pActiveParentClass->LocalName() ); } Write_ListItem( i_rData.LocalName(), sLink, ShortDocu( i_rData ), GetArea(i_rData.Protection()).GetTable() ); } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Function & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; String sLinkPrePath; if ( i_rData.Protection() == ary::cpp::PROTECT_global ) { const ary::loc::File & rFile = Env().Gate().Locations().Find_File( i_rData.Location() ); sLinkPrePath = HtmlFileName( "o-", rFile.LocalName() ); } else { csv_assert( pActiveParentClass != 0 ); sLinkPrePath = Path2Child( HtmlFileName( "o", "" ), pActiveParentClass->LocalName() ); } // Out Table & rOut = GetArea(i_rData.Protection()).GetTable(); TableRow * dpRow = new TableRow; rOut << dpRow; TableCell & rCell1 = dpRow->AddCell(); rCell1 << SyntaxText_PreName( i_rData, Env().Gate() ) << new html::LineBreak; rCell1 >> *new html::Link( OperationLink( Env().Gate(), i_rData.LocalName(), i_rData.CeId(), sLinkPrePath) ) << i_rData.LocalName(); rCell1 << SyntaxText_PostName( i_rData, Env().Gate() ); TableCell & rCell2 = dpRow->AddCell(); rCell2 << new WidthAttr("50%") << " "; pShortDocu_Display->Assign_Out( rCell2 ); ShortDocu( i_rData ).StoreAt( *pShortDocu_Display ); pShortDocu_Display->Unassign_Out(); } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::Variable & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; String sLinkPrePath; if ( i_rData.Protection() == ary::cpp::PROTECT_global ) { const ary::loc::File & rFile = Env().Gate().Locations().Find_File( i_rData.Location() ); sLinkPrePath = HtmlFileName( "d-", rFile.LocalName() ); } else { csv_assert( pActiveParentClass != 0 ); sLinkPrePath = Path2Child( HtmlFileName( "d", "" ), pActiveParentClass->LocalName() ); } TableRow * dpRow = new TableRow; GetArea(i_rData.Protection()).GetTable() << dpRow; *dpRow << new html::BgColorAttr("white"); csi::xml::Element & rCell1 = dpRow->AddCell(); dshelp::Get_LinkedTypeText( rCell1, Env(), i_rData.Type() ); rCell1 << " " >> *new html::Link( DataLink(i_rData.LocalName(), sLinkPrePath.c_str()) ) >> *new html::Strong << i_rData.LocalName() << ";"; TableCell & rShortDocu = dpRow->AddCell(); pShortDocu_Display->Assign_Out( rShortDocu ); ShortDocu( i_rData ).StoreAt( *pShortDocu_Display ); pShortDocu_Display->Unassign_Out(); } void ChildList_Display::do_Process( const ary::cpp::EnumValue & i_rData ) { if ( Ce_IsInternal(i_rData) ) return; Table & rOut = GetArea().GetTable(); TableRow * dpRow = new TableRow; rOut << dpRow; *dpRow << new html::BgColorAttr("white"); dpRow->AddCell() << new WidthAttr("20%") << new xml::AnAttribute("valign", "top") >> *new html::Label(i_rData.LocalName()) >> *new html::Bold << i_rData.LocalName(); TableCell & rValueDocu = dpRow->AddCell(); pShortDocu_Display->Assign_Out( rValueDocu ); i_rData.Docu().Accept( *pShortDocu_Display ); pShortDocu_Display->Unassign_Out(); } void ChildList_Display::do_StartSlot() { } void ChildList_Display::do_FinishSlot() { } const ary::cpp::Gate * ChildList_Display::inq_Get_ReFinder() const { return & Env().Gate(); } void ChildList_Display::Write_ListItem( const String & i_sLeftText, const char * i_sLink, const ary::info::DocuText & i_rRightText, csi::xml::Element & o_rOut ) { TableRow * dpRow = new TableRow; o_rOut << dpRow; *dpRow << new html::BgColorAttr("white"); dpRow->AddCell() << new WidthAttr("20%") >> *new html::Link( i_sLink ) >> *new html::Bold << i_sLeftText; TableCell & rShortDocu = dpRow->AddCell(); pShortDocu_Display->Assign_Out( rShortDocu ); i_rRightText.StoreAt( *pShortDocu_Display ); pShortDocu_Display->Unassign_Out(); } const ary::AryGroup & ChildList_Display::ActiveParent() { return pActiveParentClass != 0 ? static_cast< const ary::AryGroup& >(*pActiveParentClass) : pActiveParentEnum != 0 ? static_cast< const ary::AryGroup& >(*pActiveParentEnum) : static_cast< const ary::AryGroup& >(*Env().CurNamespace()); } ProtectionArea & ChildList_Display::GetArea() { return pSglArea->aArea; } ProtectionArea & ChildList_Display::GetArea( ary::cpp::E_Protection i_eProtection ) { switch ( i_eProtection ) { case ary::cpp::PROTECT_public: return aMemberAreas[ixPublic]->aArea; case ary::cpp::PROTECT_protected: return aMemberAreas[ixProtected]->aArea; case ary::cpp::PROTECT_private: return aMemberAreas[ixPrivate]->aArea; default: return pSglArea->aArea; } } //******************* ********************// ChildList_Display:: S_AreaCo::S_AreaCo( Area_Result & o_rResult, const char * i_sLabel, const char * i_sTitle ) : aArea(i_sLabel, i_sTitle), pResult(&o_rResult) { } ChildList_Display:: S_AreaCo::~S_AreaCo() { } void ChildList_Display:: S_AreaCo::PerformResult() { bool bUsed = aArea.WasUsed_Area(); pResult->rChildrenExist = bUsed; if ( bUsed ) { Create_ChildListLabel( Out(), aArea.Label() ); if ( aArea.Size() == 1 ) { Out() << aArea.ReleaseTable(); } else { Table * pTable = aArea.ReleaseTable( ary::cpp::CK_class ); if (pTable != 0) Out() << pTable; pTable = aArea.ReleaseTable( ary::cpp::CK_struct ); if (pTable != 0) Out() << pTable; pTable = aArea.ReleaseTable( ary::cpp::CK_union ); if (pTable != 0) Out() << pTable; } } }