/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_chart2.hxx" #include "RangeHighlighter.hxx" #include "WeakListenerAdapter.hxx" #include "ChartModelHelper.hxx" #include "DataSourceHelper.hxx" #include "ContainerHelper.hxx" #include "macros.hxx" #include "ObjectIdentifier.hxx" #include "DataSeriesHelper.hxx" #include #include #include #define PREFERED_DEFAULT_COLOR 0x0000ff using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference; using ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence; using ::rtl::OUString; namespace { void lcl_fillRanges( Sequence< chart2::data::HighlightedRange > & rOutRanges, Sequence< OUString > aRangeStrings, sal_Int32 nPreferredColor = PREFERED_DEFAULT_COLOR, sal_Int32 nIndex = -1 ) { rOutRanges.realloc( aRangeStrings.getLength()); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i & xSelectionSupplier ) : impl::RangeHighlighter_Base( m_aMutex ), m_xSelectionSupplier( xSelectionSupplier ), m_nAddedListenerCount( 0 ), m_bIncludeHiddenCells(true) { } RangeHighlighter::~RangeHighlighter() {} // ____ XRangeHighlighter ____ Sequence< chart2::data::HighlightedRange > SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::getSelectedRanges() throw (uno::RuntimeException) { return m_aSelectedRanges; } void RangeHighlighter::determineRanges() { m_aSelectedRanges.realloc( 0 ); if( m_xSelectionSupplier.is()) { try { Reference< frame::XController > xController( m_xSelectionSupplier, uno::UNO_QUERY ); Reference< frame::XModel > xChartModel; if( xController.is()) xChartModel.set( xController->getModel()); m_bIncludeHiddenCells = ChartModelHelper::isIncludeHiddenCells( xChartModel ); uno::Any aSelection( m_xSelectionSupplier->getSelection()); const uno::Type& rType = aSelection.getValueType(); if ( rType == ::getCppuType( static_cast< const OUString* >( 0 ) ) ) { // @todo??: maybe getSelection() should return a model object rather than a CID OUString aCID; aSelection >>= aCID; if ( aCID.getLength() > 0 ) { ObjectType eObjectType = ObjectIdentifier::getObjectType( aCID ); sal_Int32 nIndex = ObjectIdentifier::getIndexFromParticleOrCID( aCID ); Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > xDataSeries( ObjectIdentifier::getDataSeriesForCID( aCID, xChartModel ) ); if( OBJECTTYPE_LEGEND_ENTRY == eObjectType ) { OUString aParentParticel( ObjectIdentifier::getFullParentParticle( aCID ) ); ObjectType eParentObjectType = ObjectIdentifier::getObjectType( aParentParticel ); eObjectType = eParentObjectType; if( OBJECTTYPE_DATA_POINT == eObjectType ) nIndex = ObjectIdentifier::getIndexFromParticleOrCID( aParentParticel ); } if( OBJECTTYPE_DATA_POINT == eObjectType || OBJECTTYPE_DATA_LABEL == eObjectType ) { // Data Point fillRangesForDataPoint( xDataSeries, nIndex ); return; } else if( OBJECTTYPE_DATA_ERRORS == eObjectType ) { // select error bar ranges, or data series, if the style is // not set to FROM_DATA fillRangesForErrorBars( ObjectIdentifier::getObjectPropertySet( aCID, xChartModel ), xDataSeries ); return; } else if( xDataSeries.is() ) { // Data Series fillRangesForDataSeries( xDataSeries ); return; } else if( OBJECTTYPE_AXIS == eObjectType ) { // Axis (Categories) Reference< chart2::XAxis > xAxis( ObjectIdentifier::getObjectPropertySet( aCID, xChartModel ), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAxis.is()) { fillRangesForCategories( xAxis ); return; } } else if( OBJECTTYPE_PAGE == eObjectType || OBJECTTYPE_DIAGRAM == eObjectType || OBJECTTYPE_DIAGRAM_WALL == eObjectType || OBJECTTYPE_DIAGRAM_FLOOR == eObjectType ) { // Diagram Reference< chart2::XDiagram > xDia( ObjectIdentifier::getDiagramForCID( aCID, xChartModel ) ); if( xDia.is()) { fillRangesForDiagram( xDia ); return; } } } } else if ( rType == ::getCppuType( static_cast< const Reference< drawing::XShape >* >( 0 ) ) ) { // #i12587# support for shapes in chart Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape; aSelection >>= xShape; if ( xShape.is() ) { return; } } else { //if nothing is selected select all ranges Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xChartDoc( xChartModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); fillRangesForDiagram( xChartDoc->getFirstDiagram() ); return; } } catch( const uno::Exception & ex ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( ex ); } } } void RangeHighlighter::fillRangesForDiagram( const Reference< chart2::XDiagram > & xDiagram ) { Sequence< OUString > aSelectedRanges( DataSourceHelper::getUsedDataRanges( xDiagram )); m_aSelectedRanges.realloc( aSelectedRanges.getLength()); // @todo: merge ranges for( sal_Int32 i=0; i & xSeries ) { sal_Int32 nPreferredColor = PREFERED_DEFAULT_COLOR; Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xSource( xSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSource.is()) lcl_fillRanges( m_aSelectedRanges, ::chart::DataSourceHelper::getRangesFromDataSource( xSource ), nPreferredColor ); } void RangeHighlighter::fillRangesForErrorBars( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xErrorBar, const uno::Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > & xSeries ) { // only show error bar ranges, if the style is set to FROM_DATA bool bUsesRangesAsErrorBars = false; try { sal_Int32 nStyle = ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::NONE; bUsesRangesAsErrorBars = ( xErrorBar.is() && (xErrorBar->getPropertyValue( C2U("ErrorBarStyle")) >>= nStyle) && nStyle == ::com::sun::star::chart::ErrorBarStyle::FROM_DATA ); } catch( const uno::Exception & ex ) { ASSERT_EXCEPTION( ex ); } if( bUsesRangesAsErrorBars ) { sal_Int32 nPreferredColor = PREFERED_DEFAULT_COLOR; Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xSource( xErrorBar, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSource.is()) lcl_fillRanges( m_aSelectedRanges, ::chart::DataSourceHelper::getRangesFromDataSource( xSource ), nPreferredColor ); } else { fillRangesForDataSeries( xSeries ); } } void RangeHighlighter::fillRangesForCategories( const Reference< chart2::XAxis > & xAxis ) { if( ! xAxis.is()) return; chart2::ScaleData aData( xAxis->getScaleData()); lcl_fillRanges( m_aSelectedRanges, DataSourceHelper::getRangesFromLabeledDataSequence( aData.Categories )); } void RangeHighlighter::fillRangesForDataPoint( const Reference< uno::XInterface > & xDataSeries, sal_Int32 nIndex ) { sal_Int32 nPreferredColor = PREFERED_DEFAULT_COLOR; if( xDataSeries.is()) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xSource( xDataSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSource.is() ) { ::std::vector< chart2::data::HighlightedRange > aHilightedRanges; Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aLSeqSeq( xSource->getDataSequences()); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i xLabel( aLSeqSeq[i]->getLabel()); Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xValues( aLSeqSeq[i]->getValues()); if( xLabel.is()) aHilightedRanges.push_back( chart2::data::HighlightedRange( xLabel->getSourceRangeRepresentation(), -1, nPreferredColor, sal_False )); sal_Int32 nUnhiddenIndex = DataSeriesHelper::translateIndexFromHiddenToFullSequence( nIndex, xValues, !m_bIncludeHiddenCells ); if( xValues.is()) aHilightedRanges.push_back( chart2::data::HighlightedRange( xValues->getSourceRangeRepresentation(), nUnhiddenIndex, nPreferredColor, sal_False )); } m_aSelectedRanges = ContainerHelper::ContainerToSequence( aHilightedRanges ); } } } void SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::addSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< view::XSelectionChangeListener >& xListener ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if(!xListener.is()) return; if( m_nAddedListenerCount == 0 ) startListening(); rBHelper.addListener( ::getCppuType( & xListener ), xListener); ++m_nAddedListenerCount; //bring the new listener up to the current state lang::EventObject aEvent( static_cast< lang::XComponent* >( this ) ); xListener->selectionChanged( aEvent ); } void SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::removeSelectionChangeListener( const Reference< view::XSelectionChangeListener >& xListener ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { rBHelper.removeListener( ::getCppuType( & xListener ), xListener ); --m_nAddedListenerCount; if( m_nAddedListenerCount == 0 ) stopListening(); } // ____ XSelectionChangeListener ____ void SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::selectionChanged( const lang::EventObject& /*aEvent*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { determineRanges(); // determine ranges of selected view objects // if changed, fire an event fireSelectionEvent(); } void RangeHighlighter::fireSelectionEvent() { ::cppu::OInterfaceContainerHelper* pIC = rBHelper.getContainer( ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference< view::XSelectionChangeListener >*)0) ); if( pIC ) { lang::EventObject aEvent( static_cast< lang::XComponent* >( this ) ); ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIt( *pIC ); while( aIt.hasMoreElements() ) { uno::Reference< view::XSelectionChangeListener > xListener( aIt.next(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xListener.is() ) xListener->selectionChanged( aEvent ); } } } void SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::disposing( const lang::EventObject& Source ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( Source.Source == m_xSelectionSupplier ) { m_xSelectionSupplier.clear(); m_aSelectedRanges.realloc( 0 ); fireSelectionEvent(); } } void RangeHighlighter::startListening() { if( m_xSelectionSupplier.is()) { if( ! m_xListener.is()) { m_xListener.set( new WeakSelectionChangeListenerAdapter( this )); determineRanges(); } m_xSelectionSupplier->addSelectionChangeListener( m_xListener ); } } void RangeHighlighter::stopListening() { if( m_xSelectionSupplier.is() && m_xListener.is()) { m_xSelectionSupplier->removeSelectionChangeListener( m_xListener ); m_xListener.clear(); } } // ____ WeakComponentImplHelperBase ____ // is called when dispose() is called at this component void SAL_CALL RangeHighlighter::disposing() { // @todo: remove listener. Currently the controller shows an assertion // because it is already disposed // stopListening(); m_xListener.clear(); m_xSelectionSupplier.clear(); m_nAddedListenerCount = 0; m_aSelectedRanges.realloc( 0 ); } } // namespace chart