/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ #define WIN // scope W32 API #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push, 1) #endif #include #if defined _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "strsafe.h" #include "setup.hxx" #include "resource.h" //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_STR_LENGTH 32000 #define MAX_TEXT_LENGTH 1024 #define MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN 80 #define MAX_STR_CAPTION 256 #define VERSION_SIZE 80 #define SECTION_SETUP TEXT( "Setup" ) #define SECTION_LANGUAGE TEXT( "Languages" ) #define PRODUCT_NAME_VAR TEXT( "%PRODUCTNAME" ) #define PRODUCT_VERSION TEXT( "ProductVersion" ) #define ERROR_SHOW_USAGE -2 #define ERROR_SETUP_TO_OLD -3 #define ERROR_SETUP_NOT_FOUND -4 #define PARAM_SETUP_USED TEXT( " SETUP_USED=1 " ) #define PARAM_PACKAGE TEXT( "/I " ) #define PARAM_MINOR_UPGRADE TEXT( "/FVOMUS " ) #define PARAM_ADMIN TEXT( "/A " ) #define PARAM_TRANSFORM TEXT( " TRANSFORMS=" ) #define PARAM_REBOOT TEXT( " REBOOT=Force" ) #define PARAM_PATCH TEXT( " /update " ) #define PARAM_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "REGISTER_ALL_MSO_TYPES=1 " ) #define PARAM_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "REGISTER_NO_MSO_TYPES=1 " ) #define PARAM_SILENTINSTALL TEXT( " /QB" ) #define PARAM_RUNNING TEXT( "ignore_running" ) #define CMDLN_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "msoreg=1" ) #define CMDLN_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES TEXT( "msoreg=0" ) #define MSI_DLL TEXT( "msi.dll" ) #define ADVAPI32_DLL TEXT( "advapi32.dll" ) #define PROFILE_NAME TEXT( "setup.ini" ) #define RUNTIME_X64_NAME TEXT( "redist\\vcredist_x64.exe" ) #define RUNTIME_X86_NAME TEXT( "redist\\vcredist_x86.exe" ) // Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x86 9.0.30729.6161 #define PRODUCTCODE_X86 TEXT( "{9BE518E6-ECC6-35A9-88E4-87755C07200F}" ) // Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable - x64 9.0.30729.6161 #define PRODUCTCODE_X64 TEXT( "{5FCE6D76-F5DC-37AB-B2B8-22AB8CEDB1D4}" ) #define MSIAPI_DllGetVersion "DllGetVersion" #define ADVAPI32API_CheckTokenMembership "CheckTokenMembership" typedef HRESULT (CALLBACK* PFnDllGetVersion)( DLLVERSIONINFO *pdvi); typedef BOOL (WINAPI* PFnCheckTokenMembership)(HANDLE TokenHandle, PSID SidToCheck, PBOOL IsMember); #ifdef DEBUG inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( LPCTSTR pFormat, ... ) { TCHAR buffer[1024]; va_list args; va_start( args, pFormat ); StringCchVPrintf( buffer, sizeof(buffer), pFormat, args ); OutputDebugString( buffer ); } #else static inline void OutputDebugStringFormat( LPCTSTR, ... ) { } #endif //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const TCHAR sInstKey[] = TEXT( "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer" ); const TCHAR sInstLocValue[] = TEXT( "InstallerLocation" ); const TCHAR sMsiDll[] = TEXT( "\\msi.dll" ); const TCHAR sMsiExe[] = TEXT( "\\msiexec.exe" ); const TCHAR sDelayReboot[] = TEXT( " /c:\"msiinst /delayreboot\"" ); const TCHAR sMsiQuiet[] = TEXT( " /q" ); const TCHAR sMemMapName[] = TEXT( "Global\\MsiErrorObject" ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetupAppX::SetupAppX() { m_hInst = NULL; m_hMapFile = NULL; m_pAppTitle = NULL; m_pCmdLine = NULL; m_pDatabase = NULL; m_pReqVersion = NULL; m_pProductName = NULL; m_pAdvertise = NULL; m_pTmpName = NULL; m_pLogFile = NULL; m_pModuleFile = NULL; m_pPatchFiles = NULL; m_pMSIErrorCode = NULL; m_pUpgradeKey = NULL; m_pProductVersion = NULL; m_pErrorText = new TCHAR[ MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ]; m_pErrorText[0] = '\0'; m_nLanguageID = 0; m_nLanguageCount = 0; m_ppLanguageList = NULL; m_bQuiet = false; m_bRegNoMsoTypes = false; m_bRegAllMsoTypes = false; m_bIsMinorUpgrade = false; m_bSupportsPatch = false; m_bIgnoreAlreadyRunning = false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetupAppX::~SetupAppX() { if ( m_ppLanguageList ) { for ( int i = 0; i < m_nLanguageCount; i++ ) if ( m_ppLanguageList[i] ) delete m_ppLanguageList[ i ]; delete [] m_ppLanguageList; } time_t aTime; time( &aTime ); tm *pTime = localtime( &aTime ); // Convert time to struct tm form Log( TEXT( "End: %s\n\r\n\r\n" ), _tasctime( pTime ) ); if ( m_pLogFile ) fclose( m_pLogFile ); if ( m_pTmpName ) { _tremove( m_pTmpName ); free( m_pTmpName ); } if ( m_pMSIErrorCode ) UnmapViewOfFile( m_pMSIErrorCode ); if ( m_hMapFile ) CloseHandle( m_hMapFile ); if ( m_pAppTitle ) delete [] m_pAppTitle; if ( m_pDatabase ) delete [] m_pDatabase; if ( m_pReqVersion ) delete [] m_pReqVersion; if ( m_pProductName ) delete [] m_pProductName; if ( m_pAdvertise ) delete [] m_pAdvertise; if ( m_pLogFile ) delete [] m_pLogFile; if ( m_pErrorText ) delete [] m_pErrorText; if ( m_pModuleFile ) delete [] m_pModuleFile; if ( m_pPatchFiles ) delete [] m_pPatchFiles; if ( m_pUpgradeKey ) delete [] m_pUpgradeKey; if ( m_pProductVersion ) delete [] m_pProductVersion; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::Initialize( HINSTANCE hInst ) { m_pCmdLine = WIN::GetCommandLine(); m_hInst = hInst; // Load our AppTitle (caption) m_pAppTitle = new TCHAR[ MAX_STR_CAPTION ]; m_pAppTitle[0] = '\0'; WIN::LoadString( hInst, IDS_APP_TITLE, m_pAppTitle, MAX_STR_CAPTION ); // Obtain path we are running from m_pModuleFile = new TCHAR[ MAX_PATH ]; m_pModuleFile[ 0 ] = '\0'; if ( 0 == WIN::GetModuleFileName( hInst, m_pModuleFile, MAX_PATH ) ) { SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); return false; } if ( ! GetCmdLineParameters( &m_pCmdLine ) ) return false; m_hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, // use paging file NULL, // default security PAGE_READWRITE, // read/write access 0, // max. object size sizeof( int ), // buffer size sMemMapName ); if ( m_hMapFile ) { m_pMSIErrorCode = (int*) MapViewOfFile( m_hMapFile, // handle to map object FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, // read/write permission 0, 0, sizeof( int ) ); if ( m_pMSIErrorCode ) *m_pMSIErrorCode = 0; else OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Could not map view of file (%d).\n"), GetLastError() ); } else OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Could not create file mapping object (%d).\n"), GetLastError() ); Log( TEXT("Starting: %s\r\n"), m_pModuleFile ); Log( TEXT(" CommandLine=<%s>\r\n"), m_pCmdLine ); if ( m_bQuiet ) Log( TEXT(" Using quiet install mode\r\n") ); time_t aTime; time( &aTime ); tm* pTime = localtime( &aTime ); Log( TEXT(" Begin: %s\n"), _tasctime( pTime ) ); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::GetProfileSection( LPCTSTR pFileName, LPCTSTR pSection, DWORD& rSize, LPTSTR *pRetBuf ) { if ( !rSize || !*pRetBuf ) { rSize = 512; *pRetBuf = new TCHAR[ rSize ]; } DWORD nRet = GetPrivateProfileSection( pSection, *pRetBuf, rSize, pFileName ); if ( nRet && ( nRet + 2 > rSize ) ) // buffer was too small, retry with bigger one { if ( nRet < 32767 - 2 ) { delete [] (*pRetBuf); rSize = nRet + 2; *pRetBuf = new TCHAR[ rSize ]; nRet = GetPrivateProfileSection( pSection, *pRetBuf, rSize, pFileName ); } } if ( !nRet ) { SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); TCHAR sBuf[80]; StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: GetPrivateProfileSection(): GetLastError returned %u\r\n"), GetError() ); Log( sBuf ); return false; } else if ( nRet + 2 > rSize ) { SetError( ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY ); Log( TEXT( "ERROR: GetPrivateProfileSection() out of memory\r\n" ) ); return false; } Log( TEXT( " GetProfileSection read %s\r\n" ), pSection ); return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::ReadProfile() { boolean bRet = false; TCHAR *sProfilePath = 0; if ( GetPathToFile( PROFILE_NAME, &sProfilePath ) ) { DWORD nSize = 0; LPTSTR pRetBuf = NULL; Log( TEXT( " Open ini file: <%s>\r\n" ), sProfilePath ); bRet = GetProfileSection( sProfilePath, SECTION_SETUP, nSize, &pRetBuf ); if ( !bRet ) { LPTSTR pTmpFile = CopyIniFile( sProfilePath ); delete [] sProfilePath; sProfilePath = pTmpFile; if ( sProfilePath ) { SetError( ERROR_SUCCESS ); Log( TEXT( " Could not open inifile, copied ini file to: <%s>\r\n" ), sProfilePath ); bRet = GetProfileSection( sProfilePath, SECTION_SETUP, nSize, &pRetBuf ); } } if ( bRet ) { LPTSTR pCurLine = pRetBuf; while ( *pCurLine ) { LPTSTR pName = 0; LPTSTR pValue = 0; pCurLine += GetNameValue( pCurLine, &pName, &pValue ); if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "database" ), pName ) == 0 ) { m_pDatabase = pValue; Log( TEXT( " Database = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); } else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "msiversion" ), pName ) == 0 ) { m_pReqVersion = pValue; Log( TEXT( " msiversion = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); } else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productname" ), pName ) == 0 ) { m_pProductName = pValue; Log( TEXT( " productname = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); m_pAppTitle = SetProdToAppTitle( m_pProductName ); } else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "upgradekey" ), pName ) == 0 ) { m_pUpgradeKey = pValue; Log( TEXT( " upgradekey = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); } else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productversion" ), pName ) == 0 ) { m_pProductVersion = pValue; Log( TEXT( " productversion = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); } else if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "productcode" ), pName ) == 0 ) { delete [] pValue; } else { Log( TEXT( "Warning: unknown entry in profile <%s>\r\n" ), pName ); delete [] pValue; } } } if ( bRet && ( !m_pDatabase || !m_pReqVersion || !m_pProductName ) ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: incomplete 'Setup' section in profile\r\n" ) ); SetError( ERROR_INVALID_DATA ); bRet = false; } if ( bRet ) bRet = GetProfileSection( sProfilePath, SECTION_LANGUAGE, nSize, &pRetBuf ); if ( bRet ) { LPTSTR pName = 0; LPTSTR pValue = 0; LPTSTR pCurLine = pRetBuf; LPTSTR pLastChar; int nNext = 0; // first line in this section should be the language count nNext = GetNameValue( pCurLine, &pName, &pValue ); if ( lstrcmpi( TEXT( "count" ), pName ) == 0 ) { Log( TEXT( " Languages = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); m_nLanguageCount = _tcstol( pValue, &pLastChar, 10 ); pCurLine += nNext; delete [] pValue; } m_ppLanguageList = new LanguageDataX*[ m_nLanguageCount ]; for ( int i=0; i < m_nLanguageCount; i++ ) { if ( !*pCurLine ) { m_nLanguageCount = i; break; } pCurLine += GetNameValue( pCurLine, &pName, &pValue ); m_ppLanguageList[ i ] = new LanguageDataX( pValue ); Log( TEXT( " Language = %s\r\n" ), pValue ); if ( m_ppLanguageList[ i ]->m_pTransform ) Log( TEXT( " Transform = %s\r\n" ), m_ppLanguageList[ i ]->m_pTransform ); delete [] pValue; } } if ( pRetBuf ) delete [] pRetBuf; } if ( sProfilePath && ! m_pTmpName ) delete [] sProfilePath; return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAppX::AddFileToPatchList( TCHAR* pPath, TCHAR* pFile ) { if ( m_pPatchFiles == NULL ) { m_pPatchFiles = new TCHAR[ MAX_STR_LENGTH ]; StringCchCopy( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT("\"") ); } else StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT(";") ); StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, pPath ); StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, pFile ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::GetPatches() { boolean bRet = true; int nPatternLen = lstrlen( m_pModuleFile ) + 7; // 1 for null terminator, 1 for back slash, 5 for extensions TCHAR* pPattern = new TCHAR[ nPatternLen ]; TCHAR* pBaseDir = new TCHAR[ nPatternLen ]; // find 'setup.exe' in the path so we can remove it TCHAR *pFilePart = 0; if ( 0 == GetFullPathName( m_pModuleFile, nPatternLen, pPattern, &pFilePart ) ) { SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); bRet = false; } else { if ( pFilePart ) *pFilePart = '\0'; StringCchCopy( pBaseDir, nPatternLen, pPattern ); StringCchCat( pPattern, nPatternLen, TEXT("*.msp") ); WIN32_FIND_DATA aFindFileData; HANDLE hFindPatches = FindFirstFile( pPattern, &aFindFileData ); if ( hFindPatches != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { if ( ! IsPatchInstalled( pBaseDir, aFindFileData.cFileName ) ) AddFileToPatchList( pBaseDir, aFindFileData.cFileName ); while ( FindNextFile( hFindPatches, &aFindFileData ) ) { if ( ! IsPatchInstalled( pBaseDir, aFindFileData.cFileName ) ) AddFileToPatchList( pBaseDir, aFindFileData.cFileName ); } if ( m_pPatchFiles != NULL ) StringCchCat( m_pPatchFiles, MAX_STR_LENGTH, TEXT("\"") ); FindClose( hFindPatches ); } } delete [] pPattern; delete [] pBaseDir; return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::GetPathToFile( TCHAR* pFileName, TCHAR** pPath ) { // generate the path to the file = szModuleFile + FileName // note: FileName is a relative path boolean bRet = true; int nTempPath = lstrlen( m_pModuleFile ) + lstrlen( pFileName ) + 2; // 1 for null terminator, 1 for back slash TCHAR* pTempPath = new TCHAR[ nTempPath ]; // find 'setup.exe' in the path so we can remove it TCHAR *pFilePart = 0; if ( 0 == GetFullPathName( m_pModuleFile, nTempPath, pTempPath, &pFilePart ) ) { SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); bRet = false; } else { if ( pFilePart ) *pFilePart = '\0'; StringCchCat( pTempPath, nTempPath, pFileName ); int nPath = 2 * nTempPath; *pPath = new TCHAR[ nPath ]; // normalize the path int nReturn = GetFullPathName( pTempPath, nPath, *pPath, &pFilePart ); if ( nReturn > nPath ) { // try again, with larger buffer delete [] (*pPath); nPath = nReturn; *pPath = new TCHAR[ nPath ]; nReturn = GetFullPathName( pTempPath, nPath, *pPath, &pFilePart ); } if ( 0 == nReturn ) { // error -- invalid path SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); bRet = false; } } if ( bRet ) // check for the file's existence { DWORD dwFileAttrib = GetFileAttributes( *pPath ); if (0xFFFFFFFF == dwFileAttrib) { StringCchCopy( m_pErrorText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, pFileName ); SetError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); bRet = false; } } delete [] pTempPath; return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- int SetupAppX::GetNameValue( TCHAR* pLine, TCHAR** pName, TCHAR** pValue ) { int nRet = lstrlen( pLine ) + 1; *pValue = 0; if ( nRet == 1 ) return nRet; LPTSTR pChar = pLine; LPTSTR pLast = NULL; // Skip leading spaces. while (' ' == *pChar || '\t' == *pChar) pChar = CharNext( pChar ); *pName = pChar; // look for the end of the name while( *pChar && (' ' != *pChar) && ( '\t' != *pChar ) && ( '=' != *pChar ) ) pChar = CharNext( pChar ); if ( ! *pChar ) return nRet; pLast = pChar; pChar = CharNext( pChar ); *pLast = '\0'; // look for the start of the value while( ( ' ' == *pChar ) || ( '\t' == *pChar ) || ( '=' == *pChar ) ) pChar = CharNext( pChar ); int nValueLen = lstrlen( pChar ) + 1; *pValue = new TCHAR[ nValueLen ]; if ( *pValue ) StringCchCopy( *pValue, nValueLen, pChar ); return nRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::ChooseLanguage( long& rLanguage ) { rLanguage = 0; if ( m_bQuiet ) return true; // When there are none or only one language, there is nothing // to do here if ( m_nLanguageCount > 1 ) { TCHAR *sString = new TCHAR[ MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ]; LANGID nUserDefLang = GetUserDefaultLangID(); LANGID nSysDefLang = GetSystemDefaultLangID(); int nUserPrimary = PRIMARYLANGID( nUserDefLang ); int nSysPrimary = PRIMARYLANGID( nSysDefLang ); long nUserIndex = -1; long nUserPrimIndex = -1; long nSystemIndex = -1; long nSystemPrimIndex = -1; long nParamIndex = -1; for ( long i=0; i 0 ) { // load Msi.dll from registered location int nLength = lstrlen( sMsiDll ) + dwMsiFolderSize + 1; // use StringCchLength ? TCHAR *pMsiLocation = new TCHAR[ nLength ]; if ( SUCCEEDED( StringCchCopy( pMsiLocation, nLength, sMsiFolder ) ) && SUCCEEDED( StringCchCat( pMsiLocation, nLength, sMsiDll ) ) ) { hMsi = LoadLibrary( pMsiLocation ); } } } if ( !hMsi ) // use the default location { hMsi = LoadLibrary( sMsiDll ); } return hMsi; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPCTSTR SetupAppX::GetPathToMSI() { LPTSTR sMsiPath = NULL; HKEY hInstKey = NULL; TCHAR *sMsiFolder = new TCHAR[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; DWORD nMsiFolderSize = MAX_PATH + 1; sMsiFolder[0] = '\0'; // find registered location of Msi.dll if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sInstKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hInstKey ) ) { LONG nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwType = 0; if ( ERROR_MORE_DATA == ( nRet = RegQueryValueEx( hInstKey, sInstLocValue, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)sMsiFolder, &nMsiFolderSize ) ) ) { // try again with larger buffer delete [] sMsiFolder; sMsiFolder = new TCHAR[ nMsiFolderSize ]; nRet = RegQueryValueEx( hInstKey, sInstLocValue, NULL, &dwType, (BYTE*)sMsiFolder, &nMsiFolderSize ); } if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != nRet || dwType != REG_SZ || nMsiFolderSize == 0 ) sMsiFolder[0] = '\0'; } if ( sMsiFolder[0] == '\0' ) // use the default location { Log( TEXT( " Could not find path to msiexec.exe in registry" ) ); DWORD nRet = WIN::GetSystemDirectory( sMsiFolder, nMsiFolderSize ); if ( nRet > nMsiFolderSize ) { delete [] sMsiFolder; sMsiFolder = new TCHAR[ nRet ]; nMsiFolderSize = nRet; nRet = WIN::GetSystemDirectory( sMsiFolder, nMsiFolderSize ); } if ( 0 == nRet ) { sMsiFolder[0] = '\0'; SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); } nMsiFolderSize = nRet; } if ( sMsiFolder[0] != '\0' ) { int nLength = lstrlen( sMsiExe ) + lstrlen( sMsiFolder ) + 1; sMsiPath = new TCHAR[ nLength ]; if ( FAILED( StringCchCopy( sMsiPath, nLength, sMsiFolder ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( sMsiPath, nLength, sMsiExe ) ) ) { delete [] sMsiPath; sMsiPath = NULL; } } if ( ! sMsiPath ) Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Can't build path to msiexec.exe!" ) ); return sMsiPath; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::LaunchInstaller( LPCTSTR pParam ) { LPCTSTR sMsiPath = GetPathToMSI(); if ( !sMsiPath ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: msiexec not found!" ) ); SetError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ); return false; } STARTUPINFO aSUI; PROCESS_INFORMATION aPI; Log( TEXT( " Will install using <%s>\r\n" ), sMsiPath ); Log( TEXT( " Prameters are: %s\r\n" ), pParam ); OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Will install using <%s>\r\n" ), sMsiPath ); OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Prameters are: %s\r\n" ), pParam ); ZeroMemory( (void*)&aPI, sizeof( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ); ZeroMemory( (void*)&aSUI, sizeof( STARTUPINFO ) ); aSUI.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); aSUI.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; aSUI.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; DWORD nCmdLineLength = lstrlen( sMsiPath ) + lstrlen( pParam ) + 2; TCHAR *sCmdLine = new TCHAR[ nCmdLineLength ]; if ( FAILED( StringCchCopy( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, sMsiPath ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, TEXT( " " ) ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, pParam ) ) ) { delete [] sCmdLine; SetError( ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE ); return false; } if ( !WIN::CreateProcess( NULL, sCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, NULL, NULL, &aSUI, &aPI ) ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create process %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); delete [] sCmdLine; return false; } DWORD nResult = WaitForProcess( aPI.hProcess ); bool bRet = true; if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nResult ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: While waiting for %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); SetError( nResult ); bRet = false; } else { GetExitCodeProcess( aPI.hProcess, &nResult ); SetError( nResult ); if ( nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR sBuf[80]; StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("Warning: msiexec returned %u.\r\n"), nResult ); Log( sBuf ); } else Log( TEXT( " Installation completed successfully.\r\n" ) ); } CloseHandle( aPI.hProcess ); delete [] sCmdLine; return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::Install( long nLanguage ) { LPTSTR pTransform = NULL; if ( nLanguage ) // look for transformation { for ( int i = 0; i < m_nLanguageCount; i++ ) { if ( m_ppLanguageList[i]->m_nLanguageID == nLanguage ) { if ( m_ppLanguageList[i]->m_pTransform ) { if ( !GetPathToFile( m_ppLanguageList[i]->m_pTransform, &pTransform ) ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not find transform <%s\r\n" ), m_ppLanguageList[i]->m_pTransform ); return false; } } break; } } } TCHAR *pDataBasePath = NULL; if ( ! GetPathToFile( m_pDatabase, &pDataBasePath ) ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not find database <%s\r\n" ), m_pDatabase ); SetError( ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT ); return false; } // we will always use the parameter setup used int nParLen = lstrlen( PARAM_SETUP_USED ); if ( m_bRegNoMsoTypes ) nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES ); else if ( m_bRegAllMsoTypes ) nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES ); if ( m_pAdvertise ) nParLen += lstrlen( m_pAdvertise ) + 1; // one for the space else if ( m_bIsMinorUpgrade ) nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_MINOR_UPGRADE ); else nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_PACKAGE ); nParLen += lstrlen( pDataBasePath ) + 3; // two quotes, one null if ( NeedReboot() ) nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_REBOOT ); if ( m_pPatchFiles ) { nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_PATCH ); nParLen += lstrlen( m_pPatchFiles ); } if ( pTransform ) { nParLen += lstrlen( PARAM_TRANSFORM ); nParLen += lstrlen( pTransform ) + 2; // two quotes } if ( m_pCmdLine ) nParLen += lstrlen( m_pCmdLine ) + 1; // one for the space; TCHAR *pParams = new TCHAR[ nParLen ]; StringCchCopy( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_SETUP_USED ); if ( m_bRegNoMsoTypes ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES ); else if ( m_bRegAllMsoTypes ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES ); if ( m_pAdvertise ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, m_pAdvertise ); else if ( IsAdminInstall() ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_ADMIN ); else if ( m_bIsMinorUpgrade ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_MINOR_UPGRADE ); else StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_PACKAGE ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, pDataBasePath ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); if ( NeedReboot() ) StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_REBOOT ); if ( m_pPatchFiles ) { StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_PATCH ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, m_pPatchFiles ); } if ( pTransform ) { StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, PARAM_TRANSFORM ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, pTransform ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( "\"" ) ); } if ( m_pCmdLine ) { StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, TEXT( " " ) ); StringCchCat( pParams, nParLen, m_pCmdLine ); } return LaunchInstaller( pParams ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- UINT SetupAppX::GetError() const { UINT nErr = 0; if ( m_pMSIErrorCode ) nErr = (UINT) *m_pMSIErrorCode; if ( nErr == 0 ) nErr = m_uiRet; if ( nErr != 0 ) OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT("Setup will return error (%d).\n"), nErr ); return nErr; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAppX::DisplayError( UINT nErr ) const { TCHAR sError[ MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ] = {0}; TCHAR sTmp[ MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ] = {0}; UINT nMsgType = MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR; switch ( nErr ) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: break; // 0 case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: // 2 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_FILE_NOT_FOUND, sTmp, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, sTmp, m_pErrorText ); break; case ERROR_INVALID_DATA: // 13 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_INVALID_PROFILE, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_OUTOFMEM, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_USER_CANCELLED, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING: // 1618 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_ALREADY_RUNNING, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_INSTALL_SOURCE_ABSENT: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_NOMSI, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_DS_INSUFF_ACCESS_RIGHTS: // 8344 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_REQUIRES_ADMIN_PRIV, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case E_ABORT: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: // 87 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_INVALID_PARAM, sTmp, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, sTmp, m_pErrorText ); break; case ERROR_SETUP_TO_OLD: // - 3 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_SETUP_TO_OLD, sTmp, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, sTmp, m_pReqVersion, m_pErrorText ); break; case ERROR_SETUP_NOT_FOUND: // - 4 WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_SETUP_NOT_FOUND, sTmp, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); StringCchPrintf( sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, sTmp, m_pReqVersion ); break; case ERROR_SHOW_USAGE: // - 2 nMsgType = MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION; WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_USAGE, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; default: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN_ERROR, sError, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH ); break; } if ( sError[0] ) { if ( !m_bQuiet ) { ConvertNewline( sError ); WIN::MessageBox( NULL, sError, m_pAppTitle, nMsgType ); } Log( TEXT( "ERROR: %s\r\n" ), sError ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- long SetupAppX::GetLanguageID( long nIndex ) const { if ( nIndex >=0 && nIndex < m_nLanguageCount ) return m_ppLanguageList[ nIndex ]->m_nLanguageID; else return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAppX::GetLanguageName( long nLanguage, LPTSTR sName ) const { switch ( nLanguage ) { case 1028: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_ZH_TW, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1029: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_CS, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1030: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_DA, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1031: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_DE_DE, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1032: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_EL, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1033: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_EN_US, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1034: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_ES, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1035: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_FI, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1036: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_FR_FR, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1037: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_HE, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1038: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_HU, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1040: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_IT_IT, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1041: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_JA, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1042: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_KO, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1043: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_NL_NL, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1044: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_NO_NO, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1045: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_PL, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1046: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_PT_BR, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1049: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_RU, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1051: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_SK, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1053: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_SV_SE, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1054: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_TH, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1055: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_TR, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 1061: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_ET, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 2052: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_ZH_CN, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; case 2070: WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_LANGUAGE_PT_PT, sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); break; default: { TCHAR sTmp[ MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ] = {0}; WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_UNKNOWN_LANG, sTmp, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN ); StringCchPrintf( sName, MAX_LANGUAGE_LEN, sTmp, nLanguage ); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::CheckVersion() { boolean bRet = false; HMODULE hMsi = LoadMsiLibrary(); Log( TEXT( " Looking for installed MSI with version >= %s\r\n" ), m_pReqVersion ); if ( !hMsi ) { Log( TEXT( "Error: No MSI found!\r\n" ) ); SetError( (UINT) ERROR_SETUP_NOT_FOUND ); } else { PFnDllGetVersion pDllGetVersion = (PFnDllGetVersion) GetProcAddress( hMsi, MSIAPI_DllGetVersion ); if ( pDllGetVersion ) { DLLVERSIONINFO aInfo; aInfo.cbSize = sizeof( DLLVERSIONINFO ); if ( NOERROR == pDllGetVersion( &aInfo ) ) { TCHAR pMsiVersion[ VERSION_SIZE ]; StringCchPrintf( pMsiVersion, VERSION_SIZE, TEXT("%d.%d.%4d"), aInfo.dwMajorVersion, aInfo.dwMinorVersion, aInfo.dwBuildNumber ); if ( _tcsncmp( pMsiVersion, m_pReqVersion, _tcslen( pMsiVersion ) ) < 0 ) { StringCchCopy( m_pErrorText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, pMsiVersion ); SetError( (UINT) ERROR_SETUP_TO_OLD ); Log( TEXT( "Warning: Old MSI version found <%s>, update needed!\r\n" ), pMsiVersion ); } else { Log( TEXT( " Found MSI version <%s>, no update needed\r\n" ), pMsiVersion ); bRet = true; } if ( aInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 3 ) m_bSupportsPatch = true; else Log( TEXT("Warning: Patching not supported! MSI-Version <%s>\r\n"), pMsiVersion ); } } FreeLibrary( hMsi ); } return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::CheckForUpgrade() { // When we have patch files we will never try an Minor upgrade if ( m_pPatchFiles ) return true; if ( !m_pUpgradeKey || ( _tcslen( m_pUpgradeKey ) == 0 ) ) { Log( TEXT( " No Upgrade Key Found -> continue with standard installation!\r\n" ) ); return true; } HKEY hInstKey = NULL; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, m_pUpgradeKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hInstKey ) ) { Log( TEXT( " Found Upgrade Key in Registry (HKLM) -> will try minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); m_bIsMinorUpgrade = true; } else if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, m_pUpgradeKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hInstKey ) ) { Log( TEXT( " Found Upgrade Key in Registry (HKCU) -> will try minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); m_bIsMinorUpgrade = true; } else { Log( TEXT( " Didn't Find Upgrade Key in Registry -> continue with standard installation!\r\n" ) ); return true; } if ( m_pProductVersion && ( _tcslen( m_pProductVersion ) > 0 ) ) { TCHAR *sProductVersion = new TCHAR[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; DWORD nSize = MAX_PATH + 1; sProductVersion[0] = '\0'; // get product version if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hInstKey, PRODUCT_VERSION, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)sProductVersion, &nSize ) ) { if ( lstrcmpi( sProductVersion, m_pProductVersion ) == 0 ) { Log( TEXT( " Same Product Version already installed, no minor upgrade!\r\n" ) ); m_bIsMinorUpgrade = false; } } delete [] sProductVersion; } return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::IsTerminalServerInstalled() const { boolean bIsTerminalServer = false; const TCHAR sSearchStr[] = TEXT("Terminal Server"); const TCHAR sKey[] = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions"); const TCHAR sValue[] = TEXT("ProductSuite"); DWORD dwSize = 0; HKEY hKey = 0; DWORD dwType = 0; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) && ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, sValue, NULL, &dwType, NULL, &dwSize ) && dwSize > 0 && REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType ) { TCHAR* sSuiteList = new TCHAR[ (dwSize*sizeof(byte)/sizeof(TCHAR)) + 1 ]; ZeroMemory(sSuiteList, dwSize); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx( hKey, sValue, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)sSuiteList, &dwSize) ) { DWORD nMulti = 0; DWORD nSrch = lstrlen( sSearchStr ); const TCHAR *sSubString = sSuiteList; while (*sSubString) { nMulti = lstrlen( sSubString ); if ( nMulti == nSrch && 0 == lstrcmp( sSearchStr, sSubString ) ) { bIsTerminalServer = true; break; } sSubString += (nMulti + 1); } } delete [] sSuiteList; } if ( hKey ) RegCloseKey( hKey ); return bIsTerminalServer; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::AlreadyRunning() const { if ( m_bIgnoreAlreadyRunning ) { Log( TEXT("Ignoring already running MSI instance!\r\n") ); return false; } const TCHAR *sMutexName = NULL; const TCHAR sGUniqueName[] = TEXT( "Global\\_MSISETUP_{EA8130C1-8D3D-4338-9309-1A52D530D846}" ); const TCHAR sUniqueName[] = TEXT( "_MSISETUP_{EA8130C1-8D3D-4338-9309-1A52D530D846}" ); if ( IsWin9x() ) sMutexName = sUniqueName; else if ( ( GetOSVersion() < 5 ) && ! IsTerminalServerInstalled() ) sMutexName = sUniqueName; else sMutexName = sGUniqueName; HANDLE hMutex = 0; hMutex = WIN::CreateMutex( NULL, FALSE, sMutexName ); if ( !hMutex || ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS == WIN::GetLastError() ) { if ( !hMutex ) Log( TEXT( "ERROR: AlreadyRunning() could not create mutex!\r\n" ) ); else Log( TEXT( "ERROR: There's already a setup running!\r\n" ) ); return true; } Log( TEXT( " No running Setup found\r\n" ) ); return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD SetupAppX::WaitForProcess( HANDLE hHandle ) { DWORD nResult = NOERROR; boolean bLoop = true; MSG aMsg; ZeroMemory( (void*) &aMsg, sizeof(MSG) ); while ( bLoop ) { switch ( WIN::MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, &hHandle, false, INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT ) ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: bLoop = false; break; case (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1): { if ( WIN::PeekMessage( &aMsg, NULL, NULL, NULL, PM_REMOVE ) ) { WIN::TranslateMessage( &aMsg ); WIN::DispatchMessage( &aMsg ); } break; } default: { nResult = WIN::GetLastError(); bLoop = false; } } } return nResult; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAppX::Log( LPCTSTR pMessage, LPCTSTR pText ) const { if ( m_pLogFile ) { static boolean bInit = false; if ( !bInit ) { bInit = true; if ( ! IsWin9x() ) _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, TEXT("%c"), 0xfeff ); _tsetlocale( LC_ALL, TEXT("") ); _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, TEXT("\nCodepage=%s\nMultiByte Codepage=[%d]\n"), _tsetlocale( LC_ALL, NULL ), _getmbcp() ); } if ( pText ) { _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, pMessage, pText ); OutputDebugStringFormat( pMessage, pText ); } else { _ftprintf( m_pLogFile, pMessage ); OutputDebugStringFormat( pMessage ); } fflush( m_pLogFile ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD SetupAppX::GetNextArgument( LPCTSTR pStr, LPTSTR *pArg, LPTSTR *pNext, boolean bStripQuotes ) { boolean bInQuotes = false; boolean bFoundArgEnd = false; LPCTSTR pChar = pStr; LPCTSTR pFirst = NULL; if ( NULL == pChar ) return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; while ( ' ' == (*pChar) || '\t' == (*pChar) ) pChar = CharNext( pChar ); if ( '\0' == (*pChar) ) return ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS; int nCount = 1; pFirst = pChar; while ( ! bFoundArgEnd ) { if ( '\0' == (*pChar) ) bFoundArgEnd = true; else if ( !bInQuotes && ' ' == (*pChar) ) bFoundArgEnd = true; else if ( !bInQuotes && '\t' == (*pChar) ) bFoundArgEnd = true; else { if ( '\"' == (*pChar) ) { bInQuotes = !bInQuotes; if ( bStripQuotes ) { if ( pChar == pFirst ) pFirst = CharNext( pFirst ); nCount -= 1; } } pChar = CharNext( pChar ); nCount += 1; } } if ( pArg ) { *pArg = new TCHAR[ nCount ]; StringCchCopyN ( *pArg, nCount, pFirst, nCount-1 ); } if ( pNext ) *pNext = CharNext( pChar ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::GetCmdLineParameters( LPTSTR *pCmdLine ) { int nRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPTSTR pStart = NULL; LPTSTR pNext = NULL; if ( GetNextArgument( *pCmdLine, NULL, &pNext ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetError( ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS ); return false; } int nSize = lstrlen( *pCmdLine ) + 2; TCHAR *pNewCmdLine = new TCHAR[ nSize ]; pNewCmdLine[0] = '\0'; while ( GetNextArgument( pNext, &pStart, &pNext ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { boolean bDeleteStart = true; if ( (*pStart) == '/' || (*pStart) == '-' ) { LPTSTR pSub = CharNext( pStart ); if ( (*pSub) == 'l' || (*pSub) == 'L' ) { pSub = CharNext( pSub ); if ( (*pSub) == 'a' || (*pSub) == 'A' ) { // --- handle the lang parameter --- LPTSTR pLanguage = NULL; LPTSTR pLastChar; if ( GetNextArgument( pNext, &pLanguage, &pNext, true ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { StringCchCopy( m_pErrorText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, pStart ); nRet = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } m_nLanguageID = _tcstol( pLanguage, &pLastChar, 10 ); delete [] pLanguage; } else { // --- handle the l(og) parameter --- boolean bAppend = false; LPTSTR pFileName = NULL; while ( *pSub ) { if ( *pSub == '+' ) { bAppend = true; break; } pSub = CharNext( pSub ); } if ( GetNextArgument( pNext, &pFileName, &pNext, true ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { StringCchCopy( m_pErrorText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, pStart ); nRet = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, pStart ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // we need to append a '+' otherwise msiexec would overwrite our log file if ( !bAppend && FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( "+" ) ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " \"" ) ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, pFileName ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( "\" " ) ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } if ( bAppend ) m_pLogFile = _tfopen( pFileName, TEXT( "ab" ) ); else m_pLogFile = _tfopen( pFileName, TEXT( "wb" ) ); delete [] pFileName; } } else if ( (*pSub) == 'q' || (*pSub) == 'Q' ) { // --- Handle quiet file parameter --- pSub = CharNext( pSub ); if ( ! (*pSub) || (*pSub) == 'n' || (*pSub) == 'N' ) m_bQuiet = true; if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, pStart ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pSub, PARAM_RUNNING, _tcslen( PARAM_RUNNING ) ) == 0 ) { m_bIgnoreAlreadyRunning = true; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pSub, CMDLN_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES, _tcslen( CMDLN_REG_ALL_MSO_TYPES ) ) == 0 ) { m_bRegAllMsoTypes = true; } else if ( _tcsnicmp( pSub, CMDLN_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES, _tcslen( CMDLN_REG_NO_MSO_TYPES ) ) == 0 ) { m_bRegNoMsoTypes = true; } else if ( (*pSub) == 'i' || (*pSub) == 'I' || (*pSub) == 'f' || (*pSub) == 'F' || (*pSub) == 'p' || (*pSub) == 'P' || (*pSub) == 'x' || (*pSub) == 'X' || (*pSub) == 'y' || (*pSub) == 'Y' || (*pSub) == 'z' || (*pSub) == 'Z' ) { StringCchCopy( m_pErrorText, MAX_TEXT_LENGTH, pStart ); nRet = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } else if ( (*pSub) == 'a' || (*pSub) == 'A' ) { // --- Handle Adminstrative Installation --- SetAdminInstall( true ); } else if ( (*pSub) == 'j' || (*pSub) == 'J' ) { // --- Handle Adminstrative Installation --- m_pAdvertise = pStart; m_bQuiet = true; bDeleteStart = false; } else if ( (*pSub) == '?' || (*pSub) == 'h' || (*pSub) == 'H' ) { // --- Handle Show Usage --- nRet = ERROR_SHOW_USAGE; break; } else { if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, pStart ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } } else { if ( FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, pStart ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( pNewCmdLine, nSize, TEXT( " " ) ) ) ) { nRet = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } } if ( bDeleteStart ) delete [] pStart; pStart = NULL; } if ( pStart ) delete [] pStart; *pCmdLine = pNewCmdLine; if ( nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { SetError( nRet ); return false; } else return true;; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::IsAdmin() { if ( IsWin9x() ) return true; PSID aPsidAdmin; SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY aAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; if ( !AllocateAndInitializeSid( &aAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &aPsidAdmin ) ) return false; BOOL bIsAdmin = FALSE; if ( GetOSVersion() >= 5 ) { HMODULE hAdvapi32 = LoadLibrary( ADVAPI32_DLL ); if ( !hAdvapi32 ) bIsAdmin = FALSE; else { PFnCheckTokenMembership pfnCheckTokenMembership = (PFnCheckTokenMembership) GetProcAddress( hAdvapi32, ADVAPI32API_CheckTokenMembership); if ( !pfnCheckTokenMembership || !pfnCheckTokenMembership( NULL, aPsidAdmin, &bIsAdmin ) ) bIsAdmin = FALSE; } FreeLibrary( hAdvapi32 ); } else { // NT4, check groups of user HANDLE hAccessToken = 0; UCHAR *szInfoBuffer = new UCHAR[ 1024 ]; // may need to resize if TokenInfo too big DWORD dwInfoBufferSize = 1024; DWORD dwRetInfoBufferSize = 0; UINT i=0; if ( WIN::OpenProcessToken( WIN::GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &hAccessToken ) ) { bool bSuccess = false; bSuccess = WIN::GetTokenInformation( hAccessToken, TokenGroups, szInfoBuffer, dwInfoBufferSize, &dwRetInfoBufferSize ) == TRUE; if( dwRetInfoBufferSize > dwInfoBufferSize ) { delete [] szInfoBuffer; szInfoBuffer = new UCHAR[ dwRetInfoBufferSize ]; dwInfoBufferSize = dwRetInfoBufferSize; bSuccess = WIN::GetTokenInformation( hAccessToken, TokenGroups, szInfoBuffer, dwInfoBufferSize, &dwRetInfoBufferSize ) == TRUE; } WIN::CloseHandle( hAccessToken ); if ( bSuccess ) { PTOKEN_GROUPS pGroups = (PTOKEN_GROUPS)(UCHAR*) szInfoBuffer; for( i=0; iGroupCount; i++ ) { if( WIN::EqualSid( aPsidAdmin, pGroups->Groups[i].Sid ) ) { bIsAdmin = TRUE; break; } } } delete [] szInfoBuffer; } } WIN::FreeSid( aPsidAdmin ); return bIsAdmin ? true : false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPTSTR SetupAppX::CopyIniFile( LPCTSTR pIniFile ) { m_pTmpName = _ttempnam( TEXT( "C:\\" ), TEXT( "Setup" ) ); if ( !m_pTmpName ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create temp file\n" ) ); return NULL; } FILE *pOut = _tfopen( m_pTmpName, TEXT( "wb" ) ); FILE *pIn = _tfopen( pIniFile, TEXT( "rb" ) ); if ( pOut && pIn ) { size_t nRead, nWritten; BYTE pBuf[1024]; nRead = fread( pBuf, sizeof( BYTE ), 1024, pIn ); while ( nRead && !ferror( pIn ) ) { nWritten = fwrite( pBuf, sizeof( BYTE ), nRead, pOut ); if ( nWritten != nRead ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not write all bytes to temp file\n" ) ); break; } nRead = fread( pBuf, sizeof( BYTE ), 1024, pIn ); } } if ( pOut ) fclose( pOut ); if ( pIn ) fclose( pIn ); return m_pTmpName; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupAppX::ConvertNewline( LPTSTR pText ) const { int i=0; while ( pText[i] != 0 ) { if ( ( pText[i] == '\\' ) && ( pText[i+1] == 'n' ) ) { pText[i] = 0x0d; pText[i+1] = 0x0a; i+=2; } else i+=1; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LPTSTR SetupAppX::SetProdToAppTitle( LPCTSTR pProdName ) { if ( !pProdName ) return m_pAppTitle; LPTSTR pAppProdTitle = new TCHAR[ MAX_STR_CAPTION ]; pAppProdTitle[0] = '\0'; WIN::LoadString( m_hInst, IDS_APP_PROD_TITLE, pAppProdTitle, MAX_STR_CAPTION ); int nAppLen = lstrlen( pAppProdTitle ); int nProdLen = lstrlen( pProdName ); if ( ( nAppLen == 0 ) || ( nProdLen == 0 ) ) { delete [] pAppProdTitle; return m_pAppTitle; } int nLen = nAppLen + nProdLen + 3; if ( nLen > STRSAFE_MAX_CCH ) return m_pAppTitle; LPTSTR pIndex = _tcsstr( pAppProdTitle, PRODUCT_NAME_VAR ); if ( pIndex ) { int nOffset = pIndex - pAppProdTitle; int nVarLen = lstrlen( PRODUCT_NAME_VAR ); LPTSTR pNewTitle = new TCHAR[ nLen ]; pNewTitle[0] = '\0'; if ( nOffset > 0 ) { StringCchCopyN( pNewTitle, nLen, pAppProdTitle, nOffset ); } StringCchCat( pNewTitle, nLen, pProdName ); if ( nOffset + nVarLen < nAppLen ) { StringCchCat( pNewTitle, nLen, pIndex + nVarLen ); } delete [] m_pAppTitle; m_pAppTitle = pNewTitle; } delete [] pAppProdTitle; return m_pAppTitle; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::IsPatchInstalled( TCHAR* pBaseDir, TCHAR* pFileName ) { if ( !m_bSupportsPatch ) return false; PMSIHANDLE hSummaryInfo; int nLen = lstrlen( pBaseDir ) + lstrlen( pFileName ) + 1; TCHAR *szDatabasePath = new TCHAR [ nLen ]; TCHAR sBuf[80]; StringCchCopy( szDatabasePath, nLen, pBaseDir ); StringCchCat( szDatabasePath, nLen, pFileName ); UINT nRet = MsiGetSummaryInformation( NULL, szDatabasePath, 0, &hSummaryInfo ); if ( nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: IsPatchInstalled: MsiGetSummaryInformation returned %u.\r\n"), nRet ); Log( sBuf ); return false; } UINT uiDataType; LPTSTR szPatchID = new TCHAR[ 64 ]; DWORD cchValueBuf = 64; nRet = MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty( hSummaryInfo, PID_REVNUMBER, &uiDataType, NULL, NULL, szPatchID, &cchValueBuf ); if ( nRet != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("ERROR: IsPatchInstalled: MsiSummaryInfoGetProperty returned %u.\r\n"), nRet ); Log( sBuf ); return false; } nRet = MsiGetPatchInfo( szPatchID, INSTALLPROPERTY_LOCALPACKAGE, NULL, NULL ); StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT(" GetPatchInfo for (%s) returned (%u)\r\n"), szPatchID, nRet ); Log( sBuf ); delete []szPatchID; if ( nRet == ERROR_BAD_CONFIGURATION ) return false; else if ( nRet == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) return false; else if ( nRet == ERROR_MORE_DATA ) return true; else if ( nRet == ERROR_SUCCESS ) return true; else if ( nRet == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT ) return false; else if ( nRet == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROPERTY ) return false; else return false; return false; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::InstallRuntimes( TCHAR *sProductCode, TCHAR *sRuntimePath ) { INSTALLSTATE nRet = MsiQueryProductState( sProductCode ); OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( "MsiQueryProductState returned <%d>\r\n" ), nRet ); if ( nRet == INSTALLSTATE_DEFAULT ) return true; Log( TEXT( " Will install runtime <%s>\r\n" ), sRuntimePath ); OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( " Will install runtime <%s>\r\n" ), sRuntimePath ); STARTUPINFO aSUI; PROCESS_INFORMATION aPI; ZeroMemory( (void*)&aPI, sizeof( PROCESS_INFORMATION ) ); ZeroMemory( (void*)&aSUI, sizeof( STARTUPINFO ) ); aSUI.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); aSUI.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; aSUI.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; DWORD nCmdLineLength = lstrlen( sRuntimePath ) + lstrlen( PARAM_SILENTINSTALL ) + 2; TCHAR *sCmdLine = new TCHAR[ nCmdLineLength ]; if ( FAILED( StringCchCopy( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, sRuntimePath ) ) || FAILED( StringCchCat( sCmdLine, nCmdLineLength, PARAM_SILENTINSTALL ) ) ) { delete [] sCmdLine; SetError( ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE ); return false; } if ( !WIN::CreateProcess( NULL, sCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, NULL, NULL, &aSUI, &aPI ) ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: Could not create process %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); SetError( WIN::GetLastError() ); delete [] sCmdLine; return false; } DWORD nResult = WaitForProcess( aPI.hProcess ); bool bRet = true; if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nResult ) { Log( TEXT( "ERROR: While waiting for %s.\r\n" ), sCmdLine ); SetError( nResult ); bRet = false; } else { GetExitCodeProcess( aPI.hProcess, &nResult ); SetError( nResult ); if ( nResult != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR sBuf[80]; StringCchPrintf( sBuf, 80, TEXT("Warning: install runtime returned %u.\r\n"), nResult ); Log( sBuf ); } else Log( TEXT( " Installation of runtime completed successfully.\r\n" ) ); } CloseHandle( aPI.hProcess ); delete [] sCmdLine; return bRet; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- boolean SetupAppX::InstallRuntimes() { TCHAR *sRuntimePath = 0; SYSTEM_INFO siSysInfo; HMODULE hKernel32 = ::LoadLibrary(_T("Kernel32.dll")); if ( hKernel32 != NULL ) { typedef void (CALLBACK* pfnGetNativeSystemInfo_t)(LPSYSTEM_INFO); pfnGetNativeSystemInfo_t pfnGetNativeSystemInfo; pfnGetNativeSystemInfo = (pfnGetNativeSystemInfo_t)::GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "GetNativeSystemInfo"); if ( pfnGetNativeSystemInfo != NULL ) { pfnGetNativeSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); } else { // GetNativeSystemInfo does not exist. Maybe the code is running under Windows 2000. // Use GetSystemInfo instead. GetSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); } FreeLibrary(hKernel32); } else { // Failed to check Kernel32.dll. There may be something wrong. // Use GetSystemInfo instead anyway. GetSystemInfo(&siSysInfo); } OutputDebugStringFormat( TEXT( "found architecture<%d>\r\n" ), siSysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture ); if ( siSysInfo.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 ) { if ( GetPathToFile( RUNTIME_X64_NAME, &sRuntimePath ) ) InstallRuntimes( PRODUCTCODE_X64, sRuntimePath ); else Log( TEXT( "ERROR: no installer for x64 runtime libraries found!" ) ); if ( sRuntimePath ) { delete [] sRuntimePath; sRuntimePath = 0; } } if ( GetPathToFile( RUNTIME_X86_NAME, &sRuntimePath ) ) InstallRuntimes( PRODUCTCODE_X86, sRuntimePath ); else Log( TEXT( "ERROR: no installer for x86 runtime libraries found!" ) ); if ( sRuntimePath ) delete [] sRuntimePath; return true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LanguageDataX::LanguageDataX( LPTSTR pData ) { m_nLanguageID = 0; m_pTransform = NULL; LPTSTR pLastChar; m_nLanguageID = _tcstol( pData, &pLastChar, 10 ); if ( *pLastChar == ',' ) { pLastChar += 1; int nLen = lstrlen( pLastChar ) + 1; m_pTransform = new TCHAR [ nLen ]; StringCchCopy( m_pTransform, nLen, pLastChar ); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LanguageDataX::~LanguageDataX() { if ( m_pTransform ) delete [] m_pTransform; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SetupApp* Create_SetupAppX() { return new SetupAppX; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------