/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_drawinglayer.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // helper class for animated graphics #include #include #include #include #include ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // includes for testing MetafilePrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition // this switch defines if the test code is included or not #undef USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE #ifdef USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE #include #include #include #endif // USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { struct animationStep { BitmapEx maBitmapEx; sal_uInt32 mnTime; }; class animatedBitmapExPreparator { ::Animation maAnimation; ::std::vector< animationStep > maSteps; sal_uInt32 generateStepTime(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const; public: animatedBitmapExPreparator(const Graphic& rGraphic); sal_uInt32 count() const { return maSteps.size(); } sal_uInt32 loopCount() const { return (sal_uInt32)maAnimation.GetLoopCount(); } sal_uInt32 stepTime(sal_uInt32 a) const { return maSteps[a].mnTime; } const BitmapEx& stepBitmapEx(sal_uInt32 a) const { return maSteps[a].maBitmapEx; } }; sal_uInt32 animatedBitmapExPreparator::generateStepTime(sal_uInt32 nIndex) const { const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBitmap = maAnimation.Get(sal_uInt16(nIndex)); sal_uInt32 nWaitTime(rAnimBitmap.nWait * 10); // #115934# // Take care of special value for MultiPage TIFFs. ATM these shall just // show their first page. Later we will offer some switching when object // is selected. if(ANIMATION_TIMEOUT_ON_CLICK == rAnimBitmap.nWait) { // ATM the huge value would block the timer, so // use a long time to show first page (whole day) nWaitTime = 100 * 60 * 60 * 24; } // Bad trap: There are animated gifs with no set WaitTime (!). // In that case use a default value. if(0L == nWaitTime) { nWaitTime = 100L; } return nWaitTime; } animatedBitmapExPreparator::animatedBitmapExPreparator(const Graphic& rGraphic) : maAnimation(rGraphic.GetAnimation()) { OSL_ENSURE(GRAPHIC_BITMAP == rGraphic.GetType() && rGraphic.IsAnimated(), "animatedBitmapExPreparator: graphic is not animated (!)"); // #128539# secure access to Animation, looks like there exist animated GIFs out there // with a step count of zero if(maAnimation.Count()) { VirtualDevice aVirtualDevice(*Application::GetDefaultDevice()); VirtualDevice aVirtualDeviceMask(*Application::GetDefaultDevice(), 1L); // Prepare VirtualDevices and their states aVirtualDevice.EnableMapMode(sal_False); aVirtualDeviceMask.EnableMapMode(sal_False); aVirtualDevice.SetOutputSizePixel(maAnimation.GetDisplaySizePixel()); aVirtualDeviceMask.SetOutputSizePixel(maAnimation.GetDisplaySizePixel()); aVirtualDevice.Erase(); aVirtualDeviceMask.Erase(); for(sal_uInt16 a(0L); a < maAnimation.Count(); a++) { animationStep aNextStep; aNextStep.mnTime = generateStepTime(a); // prepare step const AnimationBitmap& rAnimBitmap = maAnimation.Get(sal_uInt16(a)); switch(rAnimBitmap.eDisposal) { case DISPOSE_NOT: { aVirtualDevice.DrawBitmapEx(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx); Bitmap aMask = rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx.GetMask(); if(aMask.IsEmpty()) { const Point aEmpty; const Rectangle aRect(aEmpty, aVirtualDeviceMask.GetOutputSizePixel()); const Wallpaper aWallpaper(COL_BLACK); aVirtualDeviceMask.DrawWallpaper(aRect, aWallpaper); } else { BitmapEx aExpandVisibilityMask = BitmapEx(aMask, aMask); aVirtualDeviceMask.DrawBitmapEx(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, aExpandVisibilityMask); } break; } case DISPOSE_BACK: { // #i70772# react on no mask, for primitives, too. const Bitmap aMask(rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx.GetMask()); const Bitmap aContent(rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx.GetBitmap()); aVirtualDeviceMask.Erase(); aVirtualDevice.DrawBitmap(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, aContent); if(aMask.IsEmpty()) { const Rectangle aRect(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, aContent.GetSizePixel()); aVirtualDeviceMask.SetFillColor(COL_BLACK); aVirtualDeviceMask.SetLineColor(); aVirtualDeviceMask.DrawRect(aRect); } else { aVirtualDeviceMask.DrawBitmap(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, aMask); } break; } case DISPOSE_FULL: { aVirtualDevice.DrawBitmapEx(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx); break; } case DISPOSE_PREVIOUS : { aVirtualDevice.DrawBitmapEx(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx); aVirtualDeviceMask.DrawBitmap(rAnimBitmap.aPosPix, rAnimBitmap.aBmpEx.GetMask()); break; } } // create BitmapEx Bitmap aMainBitmap = aVirtualDevice.GetBitmap(Point(), aVirtualDevice.GetOutputSizePixel()); #if defined(MACOSX) AlphaMask aMaskBitmap( aVirtualDeviceMask.GetBitmap( Point(), aVirtualDeviceMask.GetOutputSizePixel())); #else Bitmap aMaskBitmap = aVirtualDeviceMask.GetBitmap( Point(), aVirtualDeviceMask.GetOutputSizePixel()); #endif aNextStep.maBitmapEx = BitmapEx(aMainBitmap, aMaskBitmap); // add to vector maSteps.push_back(aNextStep); } } } } // end of anonymous namespace ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace drawinglayer { namespace primitive2d { Primitive2DSequence create2DDecompositionOfGraphic( const Graphic& rGraphic, const basegfx::B2DHomMatrix& rTransform) { Primitive2DSequence aRetval; switch(rGraphic.GetType()) { case GRAPHIC_BITMAP : { if(rGraphic.IsAnimated()) { // prepare animation data animatedBitmapExPreparator aData(rGraphic); if(aData.count()) { // create sub-primitives for animated bitmap and the needed animation loop animation::AnimationEntryLoop aAnimationLoop(aData.loopCount() ? aData.loopCount() : 0xffff); Primitive2DSequence aBitmapPrimitives(aData.count()); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < aData.count(); a++) { animation::AnimationEntryFixed aTime((double)aData.stepTime(a), (double)a / (double)aData.count()); aAnimationLoop.append(aTime); aBitmapPrimitives[a] = new BitmapPrimitive2D( aData.stepBitmapEx(a), rTransform); } // prepare animation list animation::AnimationEntryList aAnimationList; aAnimationList.append(aAnimationLoop); // create and add animated switch primitive aRetval.realloc(1); aRetval[0] = new AnimatedSwitchPrimitive2D( aAnimationList, aBitmapPrimitives, false); } } else if(rGraphic.getSvgData().get()) { // embedded Svg fill, create embed transform const basegfx::B2DRange& rSvgRange(rGraphic.getSvgData()->getRange()); if(basegfx::fTools::more(rSvgRange.getWidth(), 0.0) && basegfx::fTools::more(rSvgRange.getHeight(), 0.0)) { // translate back to origin, scale to unit coordinates basegfx::B2DHomMatrix aEmbedSvg( basegfx::tools::createTranslateB2DHomMatrix( -rSvgRange.getMinX(), -rSvgRange.getMinY())); aEmbedSvg.scale( 1.0 / rSvgRange.getWidth(), 1.0 / rSvgRange.getHeight()); // apply created object transformation aEmbedSvg = rTransform * aEmbedSvg; // add Svg primitives embedded aRetval.realloc(1); aRetval[0] = new TransformPrimitive2D( aEmbedSvg, rGraphic.getSvgData()->getPrimitive2DSequence()); } } else { aRetval.realloc(1); aRetval[0] = new BitmapPrimitive2D( rGraphic.GetBitmapEx(), rTransform); } break; } case GRAPHIC_GDIMETAFILE : { #ifdef USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE static bool bDoTest(false); if(bDoTest) { // All this is/was test code for testing MetafilePrimitive2D::create2DDecomposition // extensively. It may be needed again when diverse actions need debugging, so i leave // it in here, but take it out using USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE. // Use it by compiling with the code, insert any DrawObject, convert to Metafile. The // debugger will then stop here (when breakpoint set, of course). You may enter single // parts of actions and/or change to true what You want to check. GDIMetaFile aMtf; VirtualDevice aOut; const basegfx::B2DRange aRange(getB2DRange(rViewInformation)); const Rectangle aRectangle( basegfx::fround(aRange.getMinX()), basegfx::fround(aRange.getMinY()), basegfx::fround(aRange.getMaxX()), basegfx::fround(aRange.getMaxY())); const Point aOrigin(aRectangle.TopLeft()); const Fraction aScaleX(aRectangle.getWidth()); const Fraction aScaleY(aRectangle.getHeight()); MapMode aMapMode(MAP_100TH_MM, aOrigin, aScaleX, aScaleY); Size aDummySize(2, 2); aOut.SetOutputSizePixel(aDummySize); aOut.EnableOutput(FALSE); aOut.SetMapMode(aMapMode); aMtf.Clear(); aMtf.Record(&aOut); const Fraction aNeutralFraction(1, 1); const MapMode aRelativeMapMode( MAP_RELATIVE, Point(-aRectangle.Left(), -aRectangle.Top()), aNeutralFraction, aNeutralFraction); aOut.SetMapMode(aRelativeMapMode); if(false) { const sal_Int32 nHor(aRectangle.getWidth() / 4); const sal_Int32 nVer(aRectangle.getHeight() / 4); const Rectangle aCenteredRectangle( aRectangle.Left() + nHor, aRectangle.Top() + nVer, aRectangle.Right() - nHor, aRectangle.Bottom() - nVer); aOut.SetClipRegion(aCenteredRectangle); } if(false) { const Rectangle aRightRectangle(aRectangle.TopCenter(), aRectangle.BottomRight()); aOut.IntersectClipRegion(aRightRectangle); } if(false) { const Rectangle aRightRectangle(aRectangle.TopCenter(), aRectangle.BottomRight()); const Rectangle aBottomRectangle(aRectangle.LeftCenter(), aRectangle.BottomRight()); Region aRegion(aRightRectangle); aRegion.Intersect(aBottomRectangle); aOut.IntersectClipRegion(aRegion); } if(false) { const sal_Int32 nHor(aRectangle.getWidth() / 10); const sal_Int32 nVer(aRectangle.getHeight() / 10); aOut.MoveClipRegion(nHor, nVer); } if(false) { Wallpaper aWallpaper(Color(COL_BLACK)); aOut.DrawWallpaper(aRectangle, aWallpaper); } if(false) { Wallpaper aWallpaper(Gradient(GRADIENT_LINEAR, Color(COL_RED), Color(COL_GREEN))); aOut.DrawWallpaper(aRectangle, aWallpaper); } if(false) { SvFileStream aRead((const String&)String(ByteString( "c:\\test.png" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), STREAM_READ); vcl::PNGReader aPNGReader(aRead); BitmapEx aBitmapEx(aPNGReader.Read()); Wallpaper aWallpaper(aBitmapEx); aOut.DrawWallpaper(aRectangle, aWallpaper); } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); Color aColor(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0)); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < 5000; a++) { const Point aPoint( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); if(!(a % 3)) { aColor = Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0)); } aOut.DrawPixel(aPoint, aColor); } } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < 5000; a++) { const Point aPoint( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawPixel(aPoint); } } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(); Point aStart( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); Point aStop( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); LineInfo aLineInfo(LINE_SOLID, basegfx::fround(fHor / 50.0)); bool bUseLineInfo(false); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < 20; a++) { if(!(a%6)) { bUseLineInfo = !bUseLineInfo; } if(!(a%4)) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); } if(a%3) { aStart = aStop; aStop = Point( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); } else { aStart = Point( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); aStop = Point( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); } if(bUseLineInfo) { aOut.DrawLine(aStart, aStop, aLineInfo); } else { aOut.DrawLine(aStart, aStop); } } } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawRect(aRectangle); } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); const sal_uInt32 nHor(aRectangle.getWidth() / 10); const sal_uInt32 nVer(aRectangle.getHeight() / 10); aOut.DrawRect(aRectangle, nHor, nVer); } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawEllipse(aRectangle); } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawArc(aRectangle, aRectangle.TopLeft(), aRectangle.BottomCenter()); } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawPie(aRectangle, aRectangle.TopLeft(), aRectangle.BottomCenter()); } if(false) { aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawChord(aRectangle, aRectangle.TopLeft(), aRectangle.BottomCenter()); } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); for(sal_uInt32 b(0); b < 5; b++) { const sal_uInt32 nCount(basegfx::fround(rand() * (20 / 32767.0))); const bool bClose(basegfx::fround(rand() / 32767.0)); Polygon aPolygon(nCount + (bClose ? 1 : 0)); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nCount; a++) { const Point aPoint( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); aPolygon[a] = aPoint; } if(bClose) { aPolygon[aPolygon.GetSize() - 1] = aPolygon[0]; } aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); if(!(b%2)) { const LineInfo aLineInfo(LINE_SOLID, basegfx::fround(fHor / 50.0)); aOut.DrawPolyLine(aPolygon, aLineInfo); } else { aOut.DrawPolyLine(aPolygon); } } } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); for(sal_uInt32 b(0); b < 5; b++) { const sal_uInt32 nCount(basegfx::fround(rand() * (20 / 32767.0))); const bool bClose(basegfx::fround(rand() / 32767.0)); Polygon aPolygon(nCount + (bClose ? 1 : 0)); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nCount; a++) { const Point aPoint( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); aPolygon[a] = aPoint; } if(bClose) { aPolygon[aPolygon.GetSize() - 1] = aPolygon[0]; } aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawPolygon(aPolygon); } } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); PolyPolygon aPolyPolygon; for(sal_uInt32 b(0); b < 3; b++) { const sal_uInt32 nCount(basegfx::fround(rand() * (6 / 32767.0))); const bool bClose(basegfx::fround(rand() / 32767.0)); Polygon aPolygon(nCount + (bClose ? 1 : 0)); for(sal_uInt32 a(0); a < nCount; a++) { const Point aPoint( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fHor / 32767.0)), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(rand() * (fVer / 32767.0))); aPolygon[a] = aPoint; } if(bClose) { aPolygon[aPolygon.GetSize() - 1] = aPolygon[0]; } aPolyPolygon.Insert(aPolygon); } aOut.SetLineColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.SetFillColor(Color(basegfx::BColor(rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0, rand() / 32767.0))); aOut.DrawPolyPolygon(aPolyPolygon); } if(false) { SvFileStream aRead((const String&)String(ByteString( "c:\\test.png" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), STREAM_READ); vcl::PNGReader aPNGReader(aRead); BitmapEx aBitmapEx(aPNGReader.Read()); aOut.DrawBitmapEx(aRectangle.TopLeft(), aBitmapEx); } if(false) { SvFileStream aRead((const String&)String(ByteString( "c:\\test.png" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), STREAM_READ); vcl::PNGReader aPNGReader(aRead); BitmapEx aBitmapEx(aPNGReader.Read()); aOut.DrawBitmapEx(aRectangle.TopLeft(), aRectangle.GetSize(), aBitmapEx); } if(false) { SvFileStream aRead((const String&)String(ByteString( "c:\\test.png" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8), STREAM_READ); vcl::PNGReader aPNGReader(aRead); BitmapEx aBitmapEx(aPNGReader.Read()); const Size aSizePixel(aBitmapEx.GetSizePixel()); aOut.DrawBitmapEx( aRectangle.TopLeft(), aRectangle.GetSize(), Point(0, 0), Size(aSizePixel.Width() /2, aSizePixel.Height() / 2), aBitmapEx); } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); const Point aPointA( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.3)); const Point aPointB( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.5)); const Point aPointC( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.7)); const String aText(ByteString("Hello, World!"), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); const String aFontName(ByteString("Comic Sans MS"), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); Font aFont(aFontName, Size(0, 1000)); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE); aFont.SetColor(COL_RED); //sal_Int32* pDXArray = new sal_Int32[aText.Len()]; aFont.SetOutline(true); aOut.SetFont(aFont); aOut.DrawText(aPointA, aText, 0, aText.Len()); aFont.SetShadow(true); aOut.SetFont(aFont); aOut.DrawText(aPointB, aText, 0, aText.Len()); aFont.SetRelief(RELIEF_EMBOSSED); aOut.SetFont(aFont); aOut.DrawText(aPointC, aText, 0, aText.Len()); //delete pDXArray; } if(false) { const double fHor(aRectangle.getWidth()); const double fVer(aRectangle.getHeight()); const Point aPointA( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.3)); const Point aPointB( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.5)); const Point aPointC( aRectangle.Left() + basegfx::fround(fHor * 0.2), aRectangle.Top() + basegfx::fround(fVer * 0.7)); const String aText(ByteString("Hello, World!"), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); const String aFontName(ByteString("Comic Sans MS"), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8); Font aFont(aFontName, Size(0, 1000)); aFont.SetAlign(ALIGN_BASELINE); aFont.SetColor(COL_RED); aOut.SetFont(aFont); const sal_Int32 nWidth(aOut.GetTextWidth(aText, 0, aText.Len())); aOut.DrawText(aPointA, aText, 0, aText.Len()); aOut.DrawTextLine(aPointA, nWidth, STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SMALLWAVE); aOut.DrawTextLine(aPointB, nWidth, STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SMALLWAVE); aOut.DrawTextLine(aPointC, nWidth, STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, UNDERLINE_SMALLWAVE); } aMtf.Stop(); aMtf.WindStart(); aMtf.SetPrefMapMode(MapMode(MAP_100TH_MM)); aMtf.SetPrefSize(Size(aRectangle.getWidth(), aRectangle.getHeight())); aRetval.realloc(1); aRetval[0] = new MetafilePrimitive2D( rTransform, aMtf); } else { #endif // USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE // create MetafilePrimitive2D const GDIMetaFile& rMetafile = rGraphic.GetGDIMetaFile(); aRetval.realloc(1); aRetval[0] = new MetafilePrimitive2D( rTransform, rMetafile); // #i100357# find out if clipping is needed for this primitive. Unfortunately, // there exist Metafiles who's content is bigger than the proposed PrefSize set // at them. This is an error, but we need to work around this const Size aMetaFilePrefSize(rMetafile.GetPrefSize()); const Size aMetaFileRealSize( const_cast< GDIMetaFile& >(rMetafile).GetBoundRect( *Application::GetDefaultDevice()).GetSize()); if(aMetaFileRealSize.getWidth() > aMetaFilePrefSize.getWidth() || aMetaFileRealSize.getHeight() > aMetaFilePrefSize.getHeight()) { // clipping needed. Embed to MaskPrimitive2D. Create childs and mask polygon basegfx::B2DPolygon aMaskPolygon(basegfx::tools::createUnitPolygon()); aMaskPolygon.transform(rTransform); // #124073# the clde below was compiler-dependent. Normally, // a compiler will // - alloc mem // - ececute the constructor // - do the assignment // but the mac compiler does alloc-assign-constructor, thus // modifying aRetval[0] befure aRetval gets used in the // constructor. This creates an endless loop in the primitive // stack. Thus do it the safe way. // // aRetval[0] = new MaskPrimitive2D( // basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aMaskPolygon), // aRetval); MaskPrimitive2D* pMaskPrimitive2D = new MaskPrimitive2D( basegfx::B2DPolyPolygon(aMaskPolygon), aRetval); aRetval[0] = pMaskPrimitive2D; } #ifdef USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE } #endif // USE_DEBUG_CODE_TO_TEST_METAFILE_DECOMPOSE break; } default: { // nothing to create break; } } return aRetval; } } // end of namespace primitive2d } // end of namespace drawinglayer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace drawinglayer { namespace primitive2d { Primitive2DSequence create2DColorModifierEmbeddingsAsNeeded( const Primitive2DSequence& rChildren, GraphicDrawMode aGraphicDrawMode, double fLuminance, double fContrast, double fRed, double fGreen, double fBlue, double fGamma, bool bInvert) { Primitive2DSequence aRetval; if(!rChildren.getLength()) { // no child content, done return aRetval; } // set child content as retval; that is what will be used as child content in all // embeddings from here aRetval = rChildren; if(GRAPHICDRAWMODE_WATERMARK == aGraphicDrawMode) { // this is solved by applying fixed values additionally to luminance // and contrast, do it here and reset DrawMode to GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD // original in svtools uses: // #define WATERMARK_LUM_OFFSET 50 // #define WATERMARK_CON_OFFSET -70 fLuminance = basegfx::clamp(fLuminance + 0.5, -1.0, 1.0); fContrast = basegfx::clamp(fContrast - 0.7, -1.0, 1.0); aGraphicDrawMode = GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD; } // DrawMode (GRAPHICDRAWMODE_WATERMARK already handled) switch(aGraphicDrawMode) { case GRAPHICDRAWMODE_GREYS: { // convert to grey const Primitive2DReference aPrimitiveGrey( new ModifiedColorPrimitive2D( aRetval, basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr( new basegfx::BColorModifier_gray()))); aRetval = Primitive2DSequence(&aPrimitiveGrey, 1); break; } case GRAPHICDRAWMODE_MONO: { // convert to mono (black/white with threshold 0.5) const Primitive2DReference aPrimitiveBlackAndWhite( new ModifiedColorPrimitive2D( aRetval, basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr( new basegfx::BColorModifier_black_and_white(0.5)))); aRetval = Primitive2DSequence(&aPrimitiveBlackAndWhite, 1); break; } case GRAPHICDRAWMODE_WATERMARK: { OSL_ENSURE(false, "OOps, GRAPHICDRAWMODE_WATERMARK should already be handled (see above)"); // fallthrough intended } default: // case GRAPHICDRAWMODE_STANDARD: { // nothing to do break; } } // mnContPercent, mnLumPercent, mnRPercent, mnGPercent, mnBPercent // handled in a single call if(!basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fLuminance) || !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fContrast) || !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fRed) || !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fGreen) || !basegfx::fTools::equalZero(fBlue)) { const Primitive2DReference aPrimitiveRGBLuminannceContrast( new ModifiedColorPrimitive2D( aRetval, basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr( new basegfx::BColorModifier_RGBLuminanceContrast( fRed, fGreen, fBlue, fLuminance, fContrast)))); aRetval = Primitive2DSequence(&aPrimitiveRGBLuminannceContrast, 1); } // gamma (boolean) if(!basegfx::fTools::equal(fGamma, 1.0)) { const Primitive2DReference aPrimitiveGamma( new ModifiedColorPrimitive2D( aRetval, basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr( new basegfx::BColorModifier_gamma( fGamma)))); aRetval = Primitive2DSequence(&aPrimitiveGamma, 1); } // invert (boolean) if(bInvert) { const Primitive2DReference aPrimitiveInvert( new ModifiedColorPrimitive2D( aRetval, basegfx::BColorModifierSharedPtr( new basegfx::BColorModifier_invert()))); aRetval = Primitive2DSequence(&aPrimitiveInvert, 1); } return aRetval; } } // end of namespace primitive2d } // end of namespace drawinglayer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // eof