/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_framework.hxx" //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // my own includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #ifndef _FRAMEWORK_THREADHELP_RESETABLEGUARD_HXX_ #include #endif //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // interface includes //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // includes of other projects //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ #include //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // namespace //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ namespace framework{ using namespace ::com::sun::star::container ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::frame ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang ; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno ; using namespace ::cppu ; using namespace ::osl ; using namespace ::rtl ; using namespace ::std ; using namespace ::vos ; //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // non exported const //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // non exported definitions //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // declarations //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //***************************************************************************************************************** // constructor //***************************************************************************************************************** OFrames::OFrames( const css::uno::Reference< XMultiServiceFactory >& xFactory , const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xOwner , FrameContainer* pFrameContainer ) // Init baseclasses first : ThreadHelpBase ( &Application::GetSolarMutex() ) // Init member , m_xFactory ( xFactory ) , m_xOwner ( xOwner ) , m_pFrameContainer ( pFrameContainer ) , m_bRecursiveSearchProtection( sal_False ) { // Safe impossible cases // Method is not defined for ALL incoming parameters! LOG_ASSERT( impldbg_checkParameter_OFramesCtor( xFactory, xOwner, pFrameContainer ), "OFrames::OFrames()\nInvalid parameter detected!\n" ) } //***************************************************************************************************************** // (proteced!) destructor //***************************************************************************************************************** OFrames::~OFrames() { // Reset instance, free memory .... impl_resetObject(); } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XFrames //***************************************************************************************************************** void SAL_CALL OFrames::append( const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xFrame ) throw( RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); // Safe impossible cases // Method is not defined for ALL incoming parameters! LOG_ASSERT( impldbg_checkParameter_append( xFrame ), "OFrames::append()\nInvalid parameter detected!\n" ) // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid! // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFramesSupplier > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // Append frame to the end of the container ... m_pFrameContainer->append( xFrame ); // Set owner of this instance as parent of the new frame in container! xFrame->setCreator( xOwner ); } // Else; Do nothing! Ouer owner is dead. LOG_ASSERT( !(xOwner.is()==sal_False), "OFrames::append()\nOuer owner is dead - you can't append any frames ...!\n" ) } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XFrames //***************************************************************************************************************** void SAL_CALL OFrames::remove( const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xFrame ) throw( RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); // Safe impossible cases // Method is not defined for ALL incoming parameters! LOG_ASSERT( impldbg_checkParameter_remove( xFrame ), "OFrames::remove()\nInvalid parameter detected!\n" ) // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid! // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFramesSupplier > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // Search frame and remove it from container ... m_pFrameContainer->remove( xFrame ); // Don't reset owner-property of removed frame! // This must do the caller of this method himself. // See documentation of interface XFrames for further informations. } // Else; Do nothing! Ouer owner is dead. LOG_ASSERT( !(xOwner.is()==sal_False), "OFrames::remove()\nOuer owner is dead - you can't remove any frames ...!\n" ) } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XFrames //***************************************************************************************************************** Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > > SAL_CALL OFrames::queryFrames( sal_Int32 nSearchFlags ) throw( RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); // Safe impossible cases // Method is not defined for ALL incoming parameters! LOG_ASSERT( impldbg_checkParameter_queryFrames( nSearchFlags ), "OFrames::queryFrames()\nInvalid parameter detected!\n" ) // Set default return value. (empty sequence) Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > > seqFrames; // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid. // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFrame > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // Work only, if search was not started here ...! if( m_bRecursiveSearchProtection == sal_False ) { // This class is a helper for services, which must implement XFrames. // His parent and childs are MY parent and childs to. // All searchflags are supported by this implementation! // If some flags should not be supported - don't call me with this flags!!! //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Search with AUTO-flag is not supported yet! // We think about right implementation. LOG_ASSERT( !(nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::AUTO), "OFrames::queryFrames()\nSearch with AUTO-flag is not supported yet!\nWe think about right implementation.\n" ) // If searched for tasks ... // Its not supported yet. LOG_ASSERT( !(nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::AUTO), "OFrames::queryFrames()\nSearch for tasks not supported yet!\n" ) //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Search for ALL and GLOBAL is superflous! // We support all necessary flags, from which these two flags are derived. // ALL = PARENT + SELF + CHILDREN + SIBLINGS // GLOBAL = ALL + TASKS //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Add parent to list ... if any exist! if( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::PARENT ) { css::uno::Reference< XFrame > xParent( xOwner->getCreator(), UNO_QUERY ); if( xParent.is() == sal_True ) { Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > > seqParent( 1 ); seqParent[0] = xParent; impl_appendSequence( seqFrames, seqParent ); } } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Add owner to list if SELF is searched. if( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::SELF ) { Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > > seqSelf( 1 ); seqSelf[0] = xOwner; impl_appendSequence( seqFrames, seqSelf ); } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // Add SIBLINGS to list. if( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS ) { // Else; start a new search. // Protect this instance against recursive calls from parents. m_bRecursiveSearchProtection = sal_True; // Ask parent of my owner for frames and append results to return list. css::uno::Reference< XFramesSupplier > xParent( xOwner->getCreator(), UNO_QUERY ); // If a parent exist ... if ( xParent.is() == sal_True ) { // ... ask him for right frames. impl_appendSequence( seqFrames, xParent->getFrames()->queryFrames( nSearchFlags ) ); } // We have all searched informations. // Reset protection-mode. m_bRecursiveSearchProtection = sal_False; } //_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ // If searched for children, step over all elements in container and collect the informations. if ( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN ) { // Don't search for parents, siblings and self at childrens! // These things are supported by this instance himself. sal_Int32 nChildSearchFlags = FrameSearchFlag::SELF | FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN; // Step over all items of container and ask childrens for frames. sal_uInt32 nCount = m_pFrameContainer->getCount(); for ( sal_uInt32 nIndex=0; nIndex xItem( (*m_pFrameContainer)[nIndex], UNO_QUERY ); impl_appendSequence( seqFrames, xItem->getFrames()->queryFrames( nChildSearchFlags ) ); } } } } // Else; Do nothing! Ouer owner is dead. LOG_ASSERT( !(xOwner.is()==sal_False), "OFrames::queryFrames()\nOuer owner is dead - you can't query for frames ...!\n" ) // Resturn result of this operation. return seqFrames; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XIndexAccess //***************************************************************************************************************** sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OFrames::getCount() throw( RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); // Set default return value. sal_Int32 nCount = 0; // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid. // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFrame > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // Set CURRENT size of container for return. nCount = m_pFrameContainer->getCount(); } // Return result. return nCount; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XIndexAccess //***************************************************************************************************************** Any SAL_CALL OFrames::getByIndex( sal_Int32 nIndex ) throw( IndexOutOfBoundsException , WrappedTargetException , RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); sal_uInt32 nCount = m_pFrameContainer->getCount(); if ( nIndex < 0 || ( sal::static_int_cast< sal_uInt32 >( nIndex ) >= nCount )) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException( OUString::createFromAscii( "OFrames::getByIndex - Index out of bounds" ), (OWeakObject *)this ); // Set default return value. Any aReturnValue; // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid. // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFrame > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // Get element form container. // (If index not valid, FrameContainer return NULL!) aReturnValue <<= (*m_pFrameContainer)[nIndex]; } // Return result of this operation. return aReturnValue; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XElementAccess //***************************************************************************************************************** Type SAL_CALL OFrames::getElementType() throw( RuntimeException ) { // This "container" support XFrame-interfaces only! return ::getCppuType( (const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >*)NULL ); } //***************************************************************************************************************** // XElementAccess //***************************************************************************************************************** sal_Bool SAL_CALL OFrames::hasElements() throw( RuntimeException ) { // Ready for multithreading ResetableGuard aGuard( m_aLock ); // Set default return value. sal_Bool bHasElements = sal_False; // Do the follow only, if owner instance valid. // Lock owner for follow operations - make a "hard reference"! css::uno::Reference< XFrame > xOwner( m_xOwner.get(), UNO_QUERY ); if ( xOwner.is() == sal_True ) { // If some elements exist ... if ( m_pFrameContainer->getCount() > 0 ) { // ... change this state value! bHasElements = sal_True; } } // Return result of this operation. return bHasElements; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // proteced method //***************************************************************************************************************** void OFrames::impl_resetObject() { // Attention: // Write this for multiple calls - NOT AT THE SAME TIME - but for more then one call again)! // It exist two ways to call this method. From destructor and from disposing(). // I can't say, which one is the first. Normaly the disposing-call - but other way .... // This instance can't work if the weakreference to owner is invalid! // Destroy this to reset this object. m_xOwner = WeakReference< XFrame >(); // Reset pointer to shared container to! m_pFrameContainer = NULL; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // private method //***************************************************************************************************************** void OFrames::impl_appendSequence( Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > >& seqDestination , const Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > >& seqSource ) { // Get some informations about the sequences. sal_Int32 nSourceCount = seqSource.getLength(); sal_Int32 nDestinationCount = seqDestination.getLength(); const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >* pSourceAccess = seqSource.getConstArray(); css::uno::Reference< XFrame >* pDestinationAccess = seqDestination.getArray(); // Get memory for result list. Sequence< css::uno::Reference< XFrame > > seqResult ( nSourceCount + nDestinationCount ); css::uno::Reference< XFrame >* pResultAccess = seqResult.getArray(); sal_Int32 nResultPosition = 0; // Copy all items from first sequence. for ( sal_Int32 nSourcePosition=0; nSourcePosition& xFactory , const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xOwner , FrameContainer* pFrameContainer ) { // Set default return value. sal_Bool bOK = sal_True; // Check parameter. if ( ( &xFactory == NULL ) || ( &xOwner == NULL ) || ( xFactory.is() == sal_False ) || ( xOwner.is() == sal_False ) || ( pFrameContainer == NULL ) ) { bOK = sal_False ; } // Return result of check. return bOK ; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // Its only allowed to add valid references to container. // AND - alle frames must support XFrames-interface! sal_Bool OFrames::impldbg_checkParameter_append( const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xFrame ) { // Set default return value. sal_Bool bOK = sal_True; // Check parameter. if ( ( &xFrame == NULL ) || ( xFrame.is() == sal_False ) ) { bOK = sal_False ; } // Return result of check. return bOK ; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // Its only allowed to add valid references to container... // ... => You can only delete valid references! sal_Bool OFrames::impldbg_checkParameter_remove( const css::uno::Reference< XFrame >& xFrame ) { // Set default return value. sal_Bool bOK = sal_True; // Check parameter. if ( ( &xFrame == NULL ) || ( xFrame.is() == sal_False ) ) { bOK = sal_False ; } // Return result of check. return bOK ; } //***************************************************************************************************************** // A search for frames must initiate with right flags. // Some one are superflous and not supported yet. But here we control only the range of incoming parameter! sal_Bool OFrames::impldbg_checkParameter_queryFrames( sal_Int32 nSearchFlags ) { // Set default return value. sal_Bool bOK = sal_True; // Check parameter. if ( ( nSearchFlags != FrameSearchFlag::AUTO ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::PARENT ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::SELF ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::CHILDREN ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::CREATE ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::SIBLINGS ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::TASKS ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::ALL ) ) && ( !( nSearchFlags & FrameSearchFlag::GLOBAL ) ) ) { bOK = sal_False ; } // Return result of check. return bOK ; } #endif // #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTIONS } // namespace framework