 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.

#ifndef __com_sun_star_ucb_Content_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_ucb_Content_idl__

#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContent.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandProcessor.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandProcessor2.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XCommandInfoChangeNotifier.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertyContainer.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySetInfoChangeNotifier.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertiesChangeNotifier.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/ucb/XContentCreator.idl>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XChild.idl>


module com { module sun { module star { module ucb {

/** A <type>Content</type> is a service that provides access to data of a
    content provided by an implementation of the service
published service Content
    /** provides access to the identitity and the type of the content and
        allows the registration of listeners for <type>ContentEvent</type>s.

        <p>This interface is required.
    interface com::sun::star::ucb::XContent;

    /** must be implemented to make it possible to resolve cyclic object

        <p>Those references i.e. may occure if there are listeners
        registered at the content ( the content holds the listeners ) and
        the implementation of the listener interface holds a reference on
        the content. If the content shall be released,
        <member scope="com::sun::star::lang">XComponent::dispose</member> must
        be called at the content. The implementation of this method must call
        <member scope="com::sun::star::lang">XEventListener::disposing</member>
        on the registered listeners and release the appropriate object
        references. At the other hand, the implementation of
        XEventListener::disposing must release its appropriate references.

        <p>This interface is required.
    interface com::sun::star::lang::XComponent;

    /** enables the caller to let the content execute commands.

        <p>It is strongly recommended that any implementation supports the
        improved <type>XCommandProcessor2</type> interface.</p>

        <p>Typical commands are "open", "delete", "getPropertyValues" and
        "setPropertyValues". Each content must support a set of standard
        commands and properties. Also there is a set of predefined optionally
        commands and properties. A content may define additional commands and
        properties. </p>

        <p>This interface is required. </p>


        [return type]
            [command name]
                [parameter type and name]

        Mandatory commands:

        // This command obtains an interface which allows to query
        // information on commands supported by a content.

        // This command obtains an interface which allows to query
        // information on properties supported by a content.
        <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">XPropertySetInfo</type>

        // This command obtains property values from the content.
        // Note: The execution will not be aborted, if there are properties
        //       requested, that are unknown to the content! The returned
        //       row object must contain a NULL value in the corresponding
        //       column instead.
        <type scope="com::sun::star::sdbc">XRow</type>
                sequence&lt; <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">Property</type> &gt; aProps

        // This command sets property values of the content.
        // Note that setPropertyValues does not throw an exception in the case
        // that one or more of the requested property values cannot be set! The
        // implementation should set as much property values as possible. This
        // command returns a sequence< any > which has exactly the same number
        // of elements like the number of properties to set. Every sequence
        // element contains the status for a property. The first sequence
        // elements corresponds to the first element in the sequence of
        // <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">PropertyValue</type> passed as
        // command argument and so on. The exceptions will never be passed to
        // an Interaction Handler.
        // An any containing:
        // - No value indicates, that the property value was set successfully.
        // - <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">UnknownPropertyException</type>
        //   indicates, that the property is not known to the content
        //   implementation.
        // - <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">IllegalTypeException</type>
        //   indicates, that the data type of the property value is not
        //   acceptable.
        // - <type scope="com::sun::star::lang">IllegalAccessException</type>
        //   indicates, that the property is constant
        //   (<member scope="com::sun::star::beans">PropertyAttribute::READONLY</member>
        //   is set).
        // - <type scope="com::sun::star::lang">IllegalArgumentException</type>
        //   indicates, that the property value is not acceptable. For instance,
        //   setting an empty title may be illegal.
        // - Any other execption derived from <type scope="com::sun::star::uno">Exception</type>
        //   indicates, that the value was not set successfully. For example,
        //   this can be a <type>InteractiveAugmentedIOException</type>
        //   transporting the error code <member>IOErrorCode::ACCESS_DENIED</member>.
        // If the value to set is equal to the current value, no exception must
        // be added to the returned sequence
        sequence&lt; any &gt;
                sequence&lt; <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">PropertyValue</type> &gt; aValues

        Optional commands:

        // For folder objects, this command will return an implementation
        // of service <type>DynamicResultSet</type>.
        // The <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> members must be filled as follows:
        // Mode         : ALL or FOLDERS or DOCUMENTS. The implementation
        //                of the open command MUST support all these modes!
        // Priority     : can be set, but implementation may ignore the value
        // Sink         : empty( ignored )
        // Properties   : The properties for that the result set shall
        //                contain the property values. The order of the
        //                sequence is the same as the order of result set
        //                columns. First element of sequence will be row
        //                number one, second will be row number two, ...
        // SortingInfo      : contains sort criteria, if result set shall
        //                be sorted, otherwise it can be left empty.
        // The exceution must be aborted by the implementation of this command
        // (by throwing a <type>CommandAbortedException</type>), if an
        // unsupported mode is requested.
                <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> aOpenCommandArg

        // For non-folder objects, the <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> struct
        // will be prefilled with a data sink object, which will be filled
        // with the content data.
        // The <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> members must be filled as follows:
        // Mode         : DOCUMENT or DOCUMENT_SHARE_DENY_NONE or
        //                DOCUMENT_SHARE_DENY_WRITE. Support for DOCUMENT
        //                is mandatory, all others are optional.
        // Priority     : can be set, but implementation may ignore the value
        // Sink         : a sink, where the implementation can put the
        //                document data into.
        // Properties   : empty ( ignored )
        // SortingInfo      : empty ( ignored )
        // The exceution must be aborted by the implementation of this command
        // (by throwing a <type>CommandAbortedException</type>), if an
        // unsupported mode is requested.
                <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> aOpenCommandArg

        // This command triggers an update operation on a content. For example,
        // when "updating" a POP3-Inbox, the content for that box will get
        // and store all new objects on the appropriate server. The inserted
        // contents will be notified by calling
        // <member>XContentEventListener::contentEvent</member>.
                <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> aOpenCommandArg

        // This command triggers a synchronization operation between locally
        // cached data and remote server's data. For example, when
        // "synchronizing" a POP3-Inbox the content for that box will get and
        // store all new objects and destroy all cached data for objects no
        // longer existing on the server. The inserted/deleted contents will
        // be notified by calling
        // <member>XContent::contentEvent</member>.
                <type>OpenCommandArgument2</type> aOpenCommandArg

        // This command closes an object.

        // This command deletes an object. If <TRUE/> is passed as parameter,
        // the object will be destroyed physically. Otherwise it will be put
        // into trash can, if such a service is available and the object to
        // be deleted supports the command "undelete".
        // On successful completion of this command, the deleted content
        // must propagate its deletion by notifying a <type>ContentEvent</type>
        // - <member>ContentAction::DELETED</member>. Additionally, the contents
        // parent must notify a <type>ContentEvent</type>
        // - <member>ContentAction::REMOVED</member>
                boolean bDeletePhysically

        // This command restores an object previously deleted into trash. It
        // must be supported by objects which claim to be undeletable, but
        // should never be called directly.

        // (1) This command inserts a new content. It commits the process of
        // creating a new content via executing the command "createNewContent"
        // and initializing it via setting properties, afterwards.
        // The command is not called on the content which created the new
        // content, because the new object already knows where it is to be
        // inserted (i.e. Calling createNewContent with the content type for a
        // message on a News Group creates a content which internally belongs
        // to the Outbox. Calling "insert" on that message will result in
        // posting the article to the appropriate News Group). Not calling
        // "insert" for the new content, i.e. because the user cancels writing
        // a new message, simply discards the new object. No extra call to
        // "delete" is necessary.
        // On successful completion of this command, the parent of the inserted
        // content must propagate the change by notifying a
        // <type>ContentEvent</type> - <member>ContentAction::INSERTED</member>.
        // (2) Additionally this command can be called at any time to overwrite
        // the data of an existing content.
                <type>InsertCommandArgument</type> aInsertCommandArg

        // This command searches for subcontents of a content matching the
        // given search criteria. The command will return an implemenation
        // of service <type>DynamicResultSet</type>.
                <type>SearchCommandArgument</type> aSearchCommandArg

        // <b>Important note:</b> A client that wants to transfer data should
        // not execute this command, but it should execute the command
        // "globalTransfer" at the <type>UniversalContentBroker</type>.
        // This command is able to transfer all kind of content
        // supported by that UCB.
        // This command transfers (copies/moves) an object from one location
        // to another. It must be executed at the folder content representing
        // the destination of the transfer operation. Note that the
        // implementation need not(!) be able to handle any type of contents.
        // Generally, there are good chances that a transfer of a content will
        // succeed, if source and target folder have the same URL scheme.
        // But there is no guaranty for that. For instance, moving a message
        // from a folder on IMAP server A to a folder on IMAP server B may
        // fail, because the transfer command can't be implemented efficiently
        // for this scenario, because it is not directly supported by the IMAP
        // protocol. On the other hand, moving a message from one folder to
        // another folder on the same IMAP server should work, because it can
        // be implemeted efficiently. If an implementation is not able to
        // handle a given source URL, it should indicate this by issuing a
        // <type>InteractiveBadTransferURLException</type> interaction request.
        // Source and target folder may be the same when doing a move operation.
        // Transfers without the transfer command can be done as follows:
        // 1) Create a new content at the target folder
        //    --> targetContent = target.execute( "createNewContent", type )
        // 2) Transfer data from source to target content
        //    --> props = sourceContent.execute( "getPropertyValues", ... )
        //    --> dataStream = sourceContent.execute( "open", ... )
        //    --> targetContent.execute( "setPropertyValues", props )
        // 3) Insert ( commit ) the new content
        //    --> targetContent.execute( "insert", dataStream )
        // 4) For move operations only: destroy the source content
        //    sourceContent.execute( "delete", ... )
        // This mechanism should work for all transfer operations, but generally
        // it's less efficient than the transfer command.
                <type>TransferInfo</type> aTransferInfo

        // This command obtains an exlusive write lock for the resource. The
        // lock is active until command "unlock" is executed or the OOo
        // session that obtained the lock ends or until the lock is released by
        // a third party (e.g. a system administrator).
        Exceptions: <type>InteractiveLockingLockedException</type>

        // This command removes a lock obtained by executing the command "lock"
        // from the resource.
        Exceptions: <type>InteractiveLockingNotLockedException</type>

        // Note that <type>InteractiveLockingLockExpiredException</type> might
        // be raised by any command that requires a previously obtained lock.

        // This command creates a new non-persistent content of a given type.
        // <p>Creation of a new (persistent) content:
        // <ol>
        //    <li>creatabletypes = obtain "CreatableContentsInfo" property<br>
        //        from creator
        //    <li>choose a suitable type from creatabletypes
        //    <li>newObject = execute command "createNewContent(type)" at<br>
        //        creator
        //    <li>initialize the new object (i.e. newObject.Property1 = ...)
        //    <li>execute command "insert" at new content. This command
        //        commits the data and makes the new content persistent.
        // </ol>
        // This command must be supported by every Content that supports the
        // property "CreatableContentsInfo" if the returned property value
        // contains a non-empty sequence of creatable types.
        // Note: This command is part of the replacement for the deprecated
        // interface <type>XContentCreator</type>.
        <type>XContent</type> >
                <type>ContentInfo<type> contentinfo


        Mandatory properties:

        // contains a unique(!) type string for the content ( i.e.
        // "application/vnd.sun.star.hierarchy-link" ). This property is always
        // read-only. It does not contain the media type ( MIME types ) of the
        // content. Media types may be provided through the optional property
        // "MediaType".
        // The value of this property should match the information on creatable
        // contents given by UCB contents that implement the property
        // "CreatableContentsInfo".
        string ContentType

        // indicates, whether a content can contain other contents.
        boolean IsFolder

        // indicates, whether a content is a document. This means, the
        // content can dump itself into a data sink.
        boolean IsDocument

        // contains the title of an object (e.g. the subject of a message).
        string Title;

        Optional properties:

        // contains the interval for automatic updates of an object.
        // It is specified in seconds.
        long AutoUpdateInterval

        // contains the maximum number of network connections
        // allowed for one (internet) protocol at a time. (e.g. The HTTP
        // cache can be configured to use a maximum for the number of
        // connections used for browsing.)
        short ConnectionLimit

        // contains the current connection mode for the object.
        // (see <type>ConnectionMode</type>)
        short ConnectionMode

        // contains the date and time the object was created.
        <type scope"com::sun::star::util">DateTime</type> DateCreated

        // contains the date and time the object was last modified.
        <type scope"com::sun::star::util">DateTime</type> DateModified

        // contains the count of documents of a folder.
        long DocumentCount;

        // contains the count of marked documents within a folder.
        long DocumentCountMarked

        // contains a sequence of documemt header fields (i.e. header
        // fields of a MIME-message, or the document info of an
        // office document ). For some standard header fields there
        // are predefined separate properties, like &quot;MessageTo&quot;.
        sequence&lt; <type>DocumentHeaderField</type> &gt; DocumentHeader

        // contains information about the way a folder stores the
        // contents of (remote) documents.
        <type>DocumentStoreMode</type> DocumentStoreMode

        // contains the count of subfolders of a folder.
        long FolderCount

        // contains the free space left on a storage device. It is
        // specified in bytes.
        hyper FreeSpace

        // indicates whether a content has subcontents, which are documents.
        boolean HasDocuments

        // indicates whether a content has subcontents, which are folders.
        boolean HasFolders

        // indicates whether a content is &quot;marked&quot;.
        boolean IsMarked

        // indicates whether a content has been "read".
        boolean IsRead;

        // indicates whether a content is read-only.
        boolean IsReadOnly

        // indicates whether a content is subscribed.
        boolean IsSubscribed

        // indicates whether the feature to store contents depending on
        // their age is active.
        boolean IsTimeLimitedStore;

        // indicates whether (sub)contents shall be automatically updated
        // everytime a (folder) content is opened. This property may be
        // used to control whether a folder content should read data only
        // from local cache when it is opened, or whether it should connect
        // to a server to obtain latest data.
        boolean UpdateOnOpen

        // contains the keywords of a document (e.g. the value
        // of the &quot;keywords&quot; header field of a news article).
        string Keywords

        // contains the media type ( MIME type ) of a content. It is highly
        // recommended to support this property if the content's implementation
        // can obtain the media type natively from its data source ( i.e.
        // HTTP servers provide media types for all their documents ).
        string MediaType

        // contains the BCC (blind carbon copy) receiver(s) of a message.
        string MessageBCC

        // contains the CC (carbon copy) receiver(s) of a message.
        string MessageCC

        // contains (the address of) the sender of a message.
        string MessageFrom

        // contains the ID of a message.
        string MessageId

        // contains the &quot;In-Reply-To&quot; field of a message.
        string MessageInReplyTo

        // contains the &quot;Reply-To&quot; field of a message.
        string MessageReplyTo

        // contains the recipient(s) of a message.
        string MessageTo

        // contains the name(s) of the newsgroup(s) into which a message
        // was posted.
        string NewsGroups

        // contains a password (e.g. needed to access a POP3-Server).
        string Password

        // contains a priority (i.e. of a message).
        <type>Priority</type> Priority

        // contains the &quot;References&quot; field of a news article.
        string References

        // contains the rules set for a content.
        <type>RuleSet</type> Rules

        // contains the count of seen/read subcontents of a folder content.
        long SeenCount

        // contains the base directory to use on a server. (e.g. Setting
        // the server base of an FTP-Account to &quot;/pub/incoming&quot;
        // will result in showing contents from that directory and not from
        // server's root directory)
        string ServerBase

        // contains a server name (e.g. The name of the server to use for
        // a POP3-Account).
        string ServerName

        // contains a numeric server port.
        short ServerPort

        // contains the size (usually in bytes) of an object.
        hyper Size

        // contains a size limit for an object. (e.g. One may specify the
        // maximum size of the HTTP-Cache)
        hyper SizeLimit

        // contains the count of subscribed contents of a folder.
        long SubscribedCount

        // contains the policy to use when synchronizing two objects.
        <type>SynchronizePolicy</type> SynchronizePolicy

        // contains information about the target frame to use when displaying
        // an object.

        <p>The value is a string containing three tokens, separated by &quot;;&quot;
        (A semicolon):<br/>
        <dt>1st token
        </dt><dd>Behavior on &quot;select&quot; ( single click )
        </dd><dt>2nd token
        </dt><dd>Behavior on &quot;open&quot;   ( double click )
        </dd><dt>3rd token
        </dt><dd>Behavior on &quot;open in new task&quot; ( double click + CTRL key )
        <p>  Each token may contain the following values:<br/>
        </dt><dd>Show in &quot;Beamer&quot;
        </dt><dd>Show in current frame (replaces old)
        </dt><dd>Show in new task
        string TargetFrames

        // for contents that are links to other contents, contains the URL of
        // the target content
        string TargetURL

        // contains the value to use if the property "IsTimeLimitedStore" is set.
        short TimeLimitStore;

        // contains a user name. (e.g. the user name needed to access a
        // POP3-Account)
        string UserName

        // describes a verification policy.
        <type>VerificationMode</type> VerificationMode

        // contains the types of Contents a Content object can create via
        // command "createNewContent".
        // If the property value can be a non-empty sequence, the Content must
        // also support command "createNewContent".
        // Note: This property is part of the replacement for the deprecated
        // interface <type>XContentCreator</type>.
        sequence <type>ContentInfo</type> CreatableContentsInfo

    interface com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandProcessor;

    /** is an enhanced version of <type>XCommandProcessor</type> that has an
        additional method for releasing command identifiers obtained via
        <member>XCommandProcessor::createCommandIdentifier</member> to avoid
        resource leaks. For a detailed description of the problem refer to

        <p>Where many existing <type>Content</type> implementations do not
        (yet), every new implementation should support this interface.
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandProcessor2;

    /** notifies changes of property values to listeners registered for
        those properties.

        <p>This interface is required.
    interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertiesChangeNotifier;

    /** can be used to add new properties to the content and to remove
        properties from the content dynamically.

        <p>Note that the dynamic properties must be kept persistent. The
        service <type>Store</type> (UCB persistence service) may be used to
        implement this.

        <p><b>Important:</b> The implementation of
        <method scope="com::sun::star::beans">XPropertyContainer::addProperty</method>
        must at least support adding properties of the following basic data


        <p>If a property with an unsupported type shall be added a
        <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">IllegalTypeException</type> must
        be raised.
    interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyContainer;

    /** can be used to notify properties removed from or added to the
        content's property set.

        <p>This interface must be implemented, if the implementation can
        dynamically change it's property set ( e.g. because it implements
        the interface
        <type scope="com::sun::star::beans">XPropertyContainer</type>. )
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySetInfoChangeNotifier;

    /** can be used to notify commands removed from or added to the
        content's command set.

        <p>This interface must be implemented, if the implementation can
        dynamically change it's command set ( e.g. because the set of
        available commands depends on the value of a property of the
        content ).

        <p>This interface is optional.
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::ucb::XCommandInfoChangeNotifier;

    /** creates new contents (i.e. creates a new folder in another folder
        somewhere in the local file system).

        <p>A content is "new", if it does not physically exist before creating
        it using this interface.

        <p>This interface is optional. It should be implemented by contents
        which shall be able to create new objects.


        <p>This interface is <b>deprecated</b>. Use property
        "CreatableContentsInfo" and command "createNewContent" instead.
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::ucb::XContentCreator;

    /** provides access to the parent content of this content.

        <p>The object returned by the implementation of the method
        <member scope="com::sun::star::container">XChild::getParent()</member>
        must implement the service <type>Content</type>. If the content is a
        root object, an empty interface may be returned.

        <p>This interface must be implemented by a content which is a (logical)
        child of a content.
    [optional] interface com::sun::star::container::XChild;


}; }; }; };
