'************************************************************************* ' ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '************************************************************************* ***** '************************************************************************* '************************************************************************* ' This Interface/Service test depends on the following GLOBAL variables, ' which must be specified in the object creation: ' Global oElementToInsert As Object ' Global oContainer As Object in case if the component tested does ' not support XNameContainer '************************************************************************* Dim ElIns1 As Integer Dim ElIns2 As Integer Dim ElRem1 As Integer Dim ElRem2 As Integer Dim ElRep1 As Integer Dim ElRep2 As Integer Sub RunTest() '************************************************************************* ' INTERFACE: ' com.sun.star.container.XContainer '************************************************************************* On Error Goto ErrHndl Dim bOK As Boolean Dim oListener1 as Object Dim oListener2 as Object oListener1 = createUNOListener("CB1_", "com.sun.star.container.XContainerListener") oListener2 = createUNOListener("CB2_", "com.sun.star.container.XContainerListener") bOK = NOT isNULL(oListener1) AND NOT isNULL(oListener2) Out.Log("Listeners creation : " + bOK) Test.StartMethod("addContainerListener()") bOK = true oObj.addContainerListener(oListener1) Out.Log("Listener1 was added") oObj.addContainerListener(oListener2) Out.Log("Listener2 was added") insertElement() Dim bInsOK As Boolean bInsOK = ElIns1 >= 1 AND ElIns2 >= 1 Out.Log("... " + bInsOK) bOK = bOK AND bInsOK removeElement() bRemOK = ElRem1 >= 1 AND ElRem2 >= 1 Out.Log("... " + bRemOK) bOK = bOK AND bRemOK Dim bNothingToReplace as Boolean bNothingToReplace = replaceElement() bRepOK = (ElRep1 >= 1 AND ElRep2 >= 1) OR bNothingToReplace Out.Log("... " + bRepOK) bOK = bOK AND bRepOK Test.MethodTested("addContainerListener()", bOK) Test.StartMethod("removeContainerListener()") bOK = true oObj.removeContainerListener(oListener1) Out.Log("Listener1 was removed") insertElement() bInsOK = ElIns1 = 0 AND ElIns2 >= 1 Out.Log("... " + bInsOK) bOK = bOK AND bInsOK removeElement() bRemOK = ElRem1 = 0 AND ElRem2 >= 1 Out.Log("... " + bRemOK) bOK = bOK AND bRemOK bNothingToReplace = replaceElement() bRepOK = (ElRep1 = 0 AND ElRep2 >= 1) or bNothingToReplace Out.Log("... " + bRepOK) bOK = bOK AND bRepOK Test.MethodTested("removeContainerListener()", bOK) oObj.removeContainerListener(oListener2) Out.Log("Listener2 was removed") Exit Sub ErrHndl: Test.Exception() bOK = false resume next End Sub Sub insertElement() Out.Log("Inserting element ... ") ResetCounters() if hasUnoInterfaces(oObj, "com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer") then oObj.InsertByName(cIfcShortName, oElementToInsert) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer") then oContainer.InsertByName(cIfcShortName, oElementToInsert) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.awt.XControlContainer") then oContainer.addControl("NewControl", oElementToInsert) else Out.LOG("There is nothig to trigger the Listener!") end if end Sub Sub removeElement() Out.Log("Removing element ... ") ResetCounters() if hasUnoInterfaces(oObj, "com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer") then oObj.RemoveByName(cIfcShortName) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer") then oContainer.RemoveByName(cIfcShortName) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.awt.XControlContainer") then oContainer.removeControl(oElementToInsert) end if end Sub Function replaceElement() as Boolean Out.Log("Replacing element ... ") ResetCounters() Dim bNothingToReplace as Boolean bNothingToReplace = FALSE Dim old As Variant if hasUnoInterfaces(oObj, "com.sun.star.container.XIndexReplace") then old = oObj.getByIndex(0) oObj.ReplaceByIndex(0, oElementToInsert) oObj.ReplaceByIndex(0, old) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.container.XIndexReplace") then old = oContainer.getByIndex(0) oContainer.ReplaceByIndex(0, oElementToInsert) oContainer.ReplaceByIndex(0, old) elseif (hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.container.XNameAccess") and _ hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.container.XNameReplace")) then Dim cNames() as String cNames = oObj.getElementNames() old = oContainer.getByName(cNames(0)) oContainer.ReplaceByName(cNames(0), oElementToInsert) oContainer.ReplaceByName(cNames(0), old) elseif hasUnoInterfaces(oContainer, "com.sun.star.awt.XControlContainer") then bNothingToReplace = TRUE else Out.LOG("There is nothig to trigger the Listener!") end if replaceElement() = bNothingToReplace end Function Sub CB1_elementInserted(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB1 called: element was inserted") ElIns1 = ElIns1 + 1 End Sub Sub CB1_elementRemoved(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB1 called: element was removed") ElRem1 = ElRem1 + 1 End Sub Sub CB1_elementReplaced(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB1 called: element was replaced") ElRep1 = ElRep1 + 1 End Sub Sub CB2_elementInserted(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB2 called: element was inserted") ElIns2 = ElIns2 + 1 End Sub Sub CB2_elementRemoved(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB2 called: element was removed") ElRem2 = ElRem2 + 1 End Sub Sub CB2_elementReplaced(ev As Object) Out.Log("CB2 called: element was replaced") ElRep2 = ElRep2 + 1 End Sub Sub ResetCounters() ElIns1 = 0 ElIns2 = 0 ElRem1 = 0 ElRem2 = 0 ElRep1 = 0 ElRep2 = 0 End Sub