/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_rsc.hxx" /****************** I N C L U D E S **************************************/ // C and C++ Includes. #include // isdigit(), isalpha() #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Programmabhaengige Includes. #include #include #include #include #include using namespace rtl; /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: RscTypCont |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ RscTypCont :: RscTypCont( RscError * pErrHdl, RSCBYTEORDER_TYPE nOrder, const ByteString & rSearchPath, sal_uInt32 nFlagsP ) : nSourceCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ), nByteOrder( nOrder ), aSearchPath( rSearchPath ), aBool( pHS->getID( "sal_Bool" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aShort( pHS->getID( "short" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aUShort( pHS->getID( "sal_uInt16" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aLong( pHS->getID( "long" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aEnumLong( pHS->getID( "enum_long" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aIdUShort( pHS->getID( "IDUSHORT" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aIdNoZeroUShort( pHS->getID( "IDUSHORT" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aNoZeroShort( pHS->getID( "NoZeroShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a1to12Short( pHS->getID( "MonthShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a0to23Short( pHS->getID( "HourShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a1to31Short( pHS->getID( "DayShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a0to59Short( pHS->getID( "MinuteShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a0to99Short( pHS->getID( "_0to59Short" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), a0to9999Short( pHS->getID( "YearShort" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aIdLong( pHS->getID( "IDLONG" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aString( pHS->getID( "Chars" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aStringLiteral( pHS->getID( "Chars" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aWinBits( pHS->getID( "WinBits" ), RSC_NOTYPE ), aLangType(), aLangString( pHS->getID( "Lang_Chars" ), RSC_NOTYPE, &aString, &aLangType ), aLangShort( pHS->getID( "Lang_short" ), RSC_NOTYPE, &aShort, &aLangType ), nAcceleratorType( 0 ), nFlags( nFlagsP ) { nUniqueId = 256; nPMId = RSC_VERSIONCONTROL +1; //mindestens einen groesser pEH = pErrHdl; Init(); } static sal_uInt32 getLangIdAndShortenLocale( RscTypCont* pTypCont, rtl::OString& rLang, rtl::OString& rCountry, rtl::OString& rVariant ) { rtl::OStringBuffer aLangStr( 64 ); aLangStr.append( rLang.toAsciiLowerCase() ); if( rCountry.getLength() ) { aLangStr.append( '-' ); aLangStr.append( rCountry.toAsciiUpperCase() ); } if( rVariant.getLength() ) { aLangStr.append( '-' ); aLangStr.append( rVariant ); } rtl::OString aL( aLangStr.makeStringAndClear() ); sal_uInt32 nRet = GetLangId( aL ); if( nRet == 0 ) { pTypCont->AddLanguage( aL ); nRet = GetLangId( aL ); } if( rVariant.getLength() ) rVariant = rtl::OString(); else if( rCountry.getLength() ) rCountry = rtl::OString(); else rLang = rtl::OString(); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, " %s (0x%hx)", aL.getStr(), (int)nRet ); #endif return nRet; } ByteString RscTypCont::ChangeLanguage( const ByteString& rNewLang ) { ByteString aRet = aLanguage; aLanguage = rNewLang; rtl::OString aLang = aLanguage; rtl::OString aLg, aCountry, aVariant; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; aLg = aLang.getToken( 0, '-', nIndex ); if( nIndex != -1 ) aCountry = aLang.getToken( 0, '-', nIndex ); if( nIndex != -1 ) aVariant = aLang.copy( nIndex ); bool bAppendEnUsFallback = ! (rNewLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "en-US" ) || rNewLang.EqualsIgnoreCaseAscii( "x-no-translate" ) ); #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "RscTypCont::ChangeLanguage:" ); #endif aLangFallbacks.clear(); do { aLangFallbacks.push_back(getLangIdAndShortenLocale( this, aLg, aCountry, aVariant ) ); } while( aLg.getLength() ); if( bAppendEnUsFallback ) { aLg = "en"; aCountry = "US"; aVariant = rtl::OString(); aLangFallbacks.push_back( getLangIdAndShortenLocale( this, aLg, aCountry, aVariant ) ); } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); #endif return aRet; } Atom RscTypCont::AddLanguage( const char* pLang ) { return aLangType.AddLanguage( pLang, aNmTb ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: ~RscTypCont |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ void DestroyNode( RscTop * pRscTop, ObjNode * pObjNode ){ if( pObjNode ){ DestroyNode( pRscTop, (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Left() ); DestroyNode( pRscTop, (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Right() ); if( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ){ pRscTop->Destroy( RSCINST( pRscTop, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ) ); rtl_freeMemory( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ); } delete pObjNode; }; } void DestroySubTrees( RscTop * pRscTop ){ if( pRscTop ){ DestroySubTrees( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() ); DestroyNode( pRscTop, pRscTop->GetObjNode() ); DestroySubTrees( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() ); }; } void DestroyTree( RscTop * pRscTop ){ if( pRscTop ){ DestroyTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() ); DestroyTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() ); delete pRscTop; }; } void Pre_dtorTree( RscTop * pRscTop ){ if( pRscTop ){ Pre_dtorTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left() ); Pre_dtorTree( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right() ); pRscTop->Pre_dtor(); }; } RscTypCont :: ~RscTypCont(){ RscTop * pRscTmp; RscSysEntry * pSysEntry; // Alle Unterbaeume loeschen aVersion.pClass->Destroy( aVersion ); rtl_freeMemory( aVersion.pData ); DestroySubTrees( pRoot ); // Alle Klassen noch gueltig, jeweilige Instanzen freigeben // BasisTypen pRscTmp = aBaseLst.First(); while( pRscTmp ){ pRscTmp->Pre_dtor(); pRscTmp = aBaseLst.Next(); }; aBool.Pre_dtor(); aShort.Pre_dtor(); aUShort.Pre_dtor(); aIdUShort.Pre_dtor(); aIdNoZeroUShort.Pre_dtor(); aNoZeroShort.Pre_dtor(); aIdLong.Pre_dtor(); aString.Pre_dtor(); aWinBits.Pre_dtor(); aVersion.pClass->Pre_dtor(); // Zusammengesetzte Typen Pre_dtorTree( pRoot ); // Klassen zerstoeren delete aVersion.pClass; DestroyTree( pRoot ); while( NULL != (pRscTmp = aBaseLst.Remove()) ){ delete pRscTmp; }; while( NULL != (pSysEntry = aSysLst.Remove()) ){ delete pSysEntry; }; } void RscTypCont::ClearSysNames() { RscSysEntry * pSysEntry; while( NULL != (pSysEntry = aSysLst.Remove()) ){ delete pSysEntry; }; } //======================================================================= RscTop * RscTypCont::SearchType( Atom nId ) /* [Beschreibung] Sucht eine Basistyp nId; */ { if( nId == InvalidAtom ) return NULL; #define ELSE_IF( a ) \ else if( a.GetId() == nId ) \ return &a; \ if( aBool.GetId() == nId ) return &aBool; ELSE_IF( aShort ) ELSE_IF( aUShort ) ELSE_IF( aLong ) ELSE_IF( aEnumLong ) ELSE_IF( aIdUShort ) ELSE_IF( aIdNoZeroUShort ) ELSE_IF( aNoZeroShort ) ELSE_IF( a1to12Short ) ELSE_IF( a0to23Short ) ELSE_IF( a1to31Short ) ELSE_IF( a0to59Short ) ELSE_IF( a0to99Short ) ELSE_IF( a0to9999Short ) ELSE_IF( aIdLong ) ELSE_IF( aString ) ELSE_IF( aWinBits ) ELSE_IF( aLangType ) ELSE_IF( aLangString ) ELSE_IF( aLangShort ) RscTop * pEle = aBaseLst.First(); while( pEle ) { if( pEle->GetId() == nId ) return pEle; pEle = aBaseLst.Next(); } return NULL; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: Search |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ RscTop * RscTypCont :: Search( Atom nRT ){ return( (RscTop *)pRoot->Search( nRT ) ); } CLASS_DATA RscTypCont :: Search( Atom nRT, const RscId & rId ){ ObjNode *pObjNode; RscTop *pRscTop; if( NULL != (pRscTop = Search( nRT )) ){ if( NULL != (pObjNode = pRscTop->GetObjNode( rId )) ){ return( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ); } } return( (CLASS_DATA)0 ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: Delete() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 10.07.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 10.07.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscTypCont :: Delete( Atom nRT, const RscId & rId ){ ObjNode * pObjNode; RscTop * pRscTop; if( NULL != (pRscTop = Search( nRT )) ){ if( NULL != (pObjNode = pRscTop->GetObjNode()) ){ pObjNode = pObjNode->Search( rId ); if( pObjNode ){ //Objekt aus Baum entfernen pRscTop->pObjBiTree = (ObjNode *)pRscTop->pObjBiTree->Remove( pObjNode ); if( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ){ pRscTop->Destroy( RSCINST( pRscTop, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ) ); rtl_freeMemory( pObjNode->GetRscObj() ); } delete pObjNode; } } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: PutSysName() |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_uInt32 RscTypCont :: PutSysName( sal_uInt32 nRscTyp, char * pFileName, sal_uInt32 nConst, sal_uInt32 nId, sal_Bool bFirst ) { RscSysEntry * pSysEntry; sal_Bool bId1 = sal_False; pSysEntry = aSysLst.First(); while( pSysEntry ) { if( pSysEntry->nKey == 1 ) bId1 = sal_True; if( !strcmp( pSysEntry->aFileName.GetBuffer(), pFileName ) ) if( pSysEntry->nRscTyp == nRscTyp && pSysEntry->nTyp == nConst && pSysEntry->nRefId == nId ) break; pSysEntry = aSysLst.Next(); } if ( !pSysEntry || (bFirst && !bId1) ) { pSysEntry = new RscSysEntry; pSysEntry->nKey = nUniqueId++; pSysEntry->nRscTyp = nRscTyp; pSysEntry->nTyp = nConst; pSysEntry->nRefId = nId; pSysEntry->aFileName = (const char*)pFileName; if( bFirst && !bId1 ) { pSysEntry->nKey = 1; aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, (sal_uLong)0 ); } else aSysLst.Insert( pSysEntry, LIST_APPEND ); } return pSysEntry->nKey; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteInc |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 21.06.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 21.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscTypCont :: WriteInc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong lFileKey ) { RscFile * pFName; if( NOFILE_INDEX == lFileKey ) { pFName = aFileTab.First(); while( pFName ) { if( pFName && pFName->IsIncFile() ) { fprintf( fOutput, "#include " ); fprintf( fOutput, "\"%s\"\n", pFName->aFileName.GetBuffer() ); } pFName = aFileTab.Next(); } } else { RscDepend * pDep; RscFile * pFile; pFName = aFileTab.Get( lFileKey ); if( pFName ) { pDep = pFName->First(); while( pDep ) { if( pDep->GetFileKey() != lFileKey ) { pFile = aFileTab.GetFile( pDep->GetFileKey() ); if( pFile ) { fprintf( fOutput, "#include " ); fprintf( fOutput, "\"%s\"\n", pFile->aFileName.GetBuffer() ); } } pDep = pFName->Next(); }; }; }; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: Methoden die ueber all Knoten laufen |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ class RscEnumerateObj { friend class RscEnumerateRef; private: ERRTYPE aError; // Enthaelt den ersten Fehler RscTypCont* pTypCont; FILE * fOutput; // AusgabeDatei sal_uLong lFileKey; // Welche src-Datei RscTop * pClass; DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRc, ObjNode * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode * ); ERRTYPE WriteRc( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ) { pClass = pCl; if( pRoot ) pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteRc ) ); return aError; } ERRTYPE WriteSrc( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){ pClass = pCl; if( pRoot ) pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc ) ); return aError; } ERRTYPE WriteCxx( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){ pClass = pCl; if( pRoot ) pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx ) ); return aError; } ERRTYPE WriteHxx( RscTop * pCl, ObjNode * pRoot ){ pClass = pCl; if( pRoot ) pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx ) ); return aError; } public: void WriteRcFile( RscWriteRc & rMem, FILE * fOutput ); }; /************************************************************************* |* |* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteRc |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteRc, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) { RscWriteRc aMem( pTypCont->GetByteOrder() ); aError = pClass->WriteRcHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ), aMem, pTypCont, pObjNode->GetRscId(), 0, sal_True ); if( aError.IsError() || aError.IsWarning() ) pTypCont->pEH->Error( aError, pClass, pObjNode->GetRscId() ); WriteRcFile( aMem, fOutput ); return 0; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteSrc |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) { if( pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ){ pClass->WriteSrcHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ), fOutput, pTypCont, 0, pObjNode->GetRscId(), "" ); fprintf( fOutput, ";\n" ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteSrc, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) /************************************************************************* |* |* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteCxx |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) { if( pClass->IsCodeWriteable() && pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ) aError = pClass->WriteCxxHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ), fOutput, pTypCont, pObjNode->GetRscId() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteCxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) /************************************************************************* |* |* RscEnumerateObj :: CallBackWriteHxx |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) { if( pClass->IsCodeWriteable() && pObjNode->GetFileKey() == lFileKey ) aError = pClass->WriteHxxHeader( RSCINST( pClass, pObjNode->GetRscObj() ), fOutput, pTypCont, pObjNode->GetRscId() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateObj, CallBackWriteHxx, ObjNode *, pObjNode ) /************************************************************************* |* |* RscEnumerateObj :: WriteRcFile |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscEnumerateObj :: WriteRcFile( RscWriteRc & rMem, FILE * fOut ){ // Definition der Struktur, aus denen die Resource aufgebaut ist /* struct RSHEADER_TYPE{ sal_uInt32 nId; // Identifier der Resource sal_uInt32 nRT; // Resource Typ sal_uInt32 nGlobOff; // Globaler Offset sal_uInt32 nLocalOff; // Lokaler Offset } aHeader; */ sal_uInt32 nId = rMem.GetLong( 0 ); sal_uInt32 nRT = rMem.GetLong( 4 ); // Tabelle wird entsprechend gefuellt pTypCont->PutTranslatorKey( (sal_uInt64(nRT) << 32) + sal_uInt64(nId) ); if( nRT == RSC_VERSIONCONTROL ) { // kommt immmer als letztes sal_Int32 nCount = pTypCont->aIdTranslator.size(); // groesse der Tabelle sal_uInt32 nSize = (nCount * (sizeof(sal_uInt64)+sizeof(sal_Int32))) + sizeof(sal_Int32); rMem.Put( nCount ); //Anzahl speichern for( std::map< sal_uInt64, sal_uLong >::const_iterator it = pTypCont->aIdTranslator.begin(); it != pTypCont->aIdTranslator.end(); ++it ) { // Schluessel schreiben rMem.Put( it->first ); // Objekt Id oder Position schreiben rMem.Put( (sal_Int32)it->second ); } rMem.Put( nSize ); // Groesse hinten Speichern } //Dateioffset neu setzen pTypCont->IncFilePos( rMem.Size() ); //Position wurde vorher in Tabelle geschrieben fwrite( rMem.GetBuffer(), rMem.Size(), 1, fOut ); }; class RscEnumerateRef { private: RscTop * pRoot; DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRc, RscTop * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop * ); DECL_LINK( CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop * ); public: RscEnumerateObj aEnumObj; RscEnumerateRef( RscTypCont * pTC, RscTop * pR, FILE * fOutput ) { aEnumObj.pTypCont = pTC; aEnumObj.fOutput = fOutput; pRoot = pR; } ERRTYPE WriteRc() { aEnumObj.aError.Clear(); pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc ) ); return aEnumObj.aError; }; ERRTYPE WriteSrc( sal_uLong lFileKey ) { aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey; aEnumObj.aError.Clear(); pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc ) ); return aEnumObj.aError; } ERRTYPE WriteCxx( sal_uLong lFileKey ) { aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey; aEnumObj.aError.Clear(); pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx ) ); return aEnumObj.aError; } ERRTYPE WriteHxx( sal_uLong lFileKey ) { aEnumObj.lFileKey = lFileKey; aEnumObj.aError.Clear(); pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx ) ); return aEnumObj.aError; } void WriteSyntax() { pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSyntax ) ); } void WriteRcCtor() { pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRcCtor ) ); } }; /************************************************************************* |* |* RscRscEnumerateRef :: CallBack... |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc, RscTop *, pRef ) { aEnumObj.WriteRc( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRc, RscTop *, pRef ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop *, pRef ) { aEnumObj.WriteSrc( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSrc, RscTop *, pRef ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop *, pRef ) { if( pRef->IsCodeWriteable() ) aEnumObj.WriteCxx( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteCxx, RscTop *, pRef ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop *, pRef ) { if( pRef->IsCodeWriteable() ) aEnumObj.WriteHxx( pRef, pRef->GetObjNode() ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteHxx, RscTop *, pRef ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop *, pRef ) { pRef->WriteSyntaxHeader( aEnumObj.fOutput, aEnumObj.pTypCont ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteSyntax, RscTop *, pRef ) IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop *, pRef ) { pRef->WriteRcCtor( aEnumObj.fOutput, aEnumObj.pTypCont ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscEnumerateRef, CallBackWriteRcCtor, RscTop *, pRef ) /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteRc |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 22.07.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteRc( WriteRcContext& rContext ) { ERRTYPE aError; RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, rContext.fOutput ); aIdTranslator.clear(); nFilePos = 0; nPMId = RSCVERSION_ID +1; //mindestens einen groesser aError = aEnumRef.WriteRc(); // version control RscWriteRc aMem( nByteOrder ); aVersion.pClass->WriteRcHeader( aVersion, aMem, this, RscId( RSCVERSION_ID ), 0, sal_True ); aEnumRef.aEnumObj.WriteRcFile( aMem, rContext.fOutput ); return aError; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteSrc |* |* Beschreibung RES.DOC |* Ersterstellung MM 22.03.90 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 27.06.90 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscTypCont :: WriteSrc( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey, CharSet /*nCharSet*/, sal_Bool bName ) { RscFile * pFName; RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput ); unsigned char aUTF8BOM[3] = { 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf }; fwrite( aUTF8BOM, sizeof(unsigned char), sizeof(aUTF8BOM)/sizeof(aUTF8BOM[0]), fOutput ); if( bName ) { WriteInc( fOutput, nFileKey ); if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey ) { pFName = aFileTab.First(); while( pFName ){ if( !pFName->IsIncFile() ) pFName->aDefLst.WriteAll( fOutput ); aEnumRef.WriteSrc( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) ); pFName = aFileTab.Next(); }; } else { pFName = aFileTab.Get( nFileKey ); if( pFName ){ pFName->aDefLst.WriteAll( fOutput ); aEnumRef.WriteSrc( nFileKey ); } } } else { RscId::SetNames( sal_False ); if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey ) { pFName = aFileTab.First(); while( pFName ) { aEnumRef.WriteSrc( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) ); pFName = aFileTab.Next(); }; } else aEnumRef.WriteSrc( nFileKey ); RscId::SetNames(); }; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteHxx |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscTypCont :: WriteHxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey ) { fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput ); ERRTYPE aError; if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey ) { RscFile * pFName; pFName = aFileTab.First(); while( pFName ) { aError = aEnumRef.WriteHxx( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) ); pFName = aFileTab.Next(); }; } else aError = aEnumRef.WriteHxx( nFileKey ); return aError; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteCxx |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91 |* *************************************************************************/ ERRTYPE RscTypCont::WriteCxx( FILE * fOutput, sal_uLong nFileKey, const ByteString & rHxxName ) { RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput ); ERRTYPE aError; fprintf( fOutput, "#include \n" ); WriteInc( fOutput, nFileKey ); if( rHxxName.Len() ) fprintf( fOutput, "#include \"%s\"\n", rHxxName.GetBuffer() ); fprintf( fOutput, "\n\n" ); if( NOFILE_INDEX == nFileKey ) { RscFile * pFName; pFName = aFileTab.First(); while( pFName ) { aError = aEnumRef.WriteCxx( aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) ); pFName = aFileTab.Next(); }; } else aError = aEnumRef.WriteCxx( nFileKey ); return aError; } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: WriteSyntax |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 30.05.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 30.05.91 |* *************************************************************************/ void RscTypCont::WriteSyntax( FILE * fOutput ) { for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aBaseLst.Count(); i++ ) aBaseLst.GetObject( i )->WriteSyntaxHeader( fOutput, this ); RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput ); aEnumRef.WriteSyntax(); } //======================================================================= void RscTypCont::WriteRcCtor ( FILE * fOutput ) { RscEnumerateRef aEnumRef( this, pRoot, fOutput ); aEnumRef.WriteRcCtor(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: Delete() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 09.12.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 09.12.91 |* *************************************************************************/ class RscDel { sal_uLong lFileKey; DECL_LINK( Delete, RscTop * ); public: RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uLong lKey ); }; inline RscDel::RscDel( RscTop * pRoot, sal_uLong lKey ) { lFileKey = lKey; pRoot->EnumNodes( LINK( this, RscDel, Delete ) ); } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode ) { if( pNode->GetObjNode() ) pNode->pObjBiTree = pNode->GetObjNode()->DelObjNode( pNode, lFileKey ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( RscDel, Delete, RscTop *, pNode ) void RscTypCont :: Delete( sal_uLong lFileKey ){ // Resourceinstanzen loeschen RscDel aDel( pRoot, lFileKey ); // Defines loeschen aFileTab.DeleteFileContext( lFileKey ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* RscTypCont :: MakeConsistent() |* |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung MM 23.09.91 |* Letzte Aenderung MM 23.09.91 |* *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool IsInstConsistent( ObjNode * pObjNode, RscTop * pRscTop, RscInconsList * pList ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; if( pObjNode ){ RSCINST aTmpI; if( ! IsInstConsistent( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Left(), pRscTop, pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; aTmpI.pClass = pRscTop; aTmpI.pData = pObjNode->GetRscObj(); if( ! aTmpI.pClass->IsConsistent( aTmpI, pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; if( ! IsInstConsistent( (ObjNode*)pObjNode->Right(), pRscTop, pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; }; return( bRet ); } sal_Bool MakeConsistent( RscTop * pRscTop, RscInconsList * pList ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_True; if( pRscTop ){ if( ! ::MakeConsistent( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Left(), pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; if( pRscTop->GetObjNode() ){ if( ! pRscTop->GetObjNode()->IsConsistent() ){ pRscTop->GetObjNode()->OrderTree(); if( ! pRscTop->GetObjNode()->IsConsistent( pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; } if( ! IsInstConsistent( pRscTop->GetObjNode(), pRscTop, pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; } if( ! ::MakeConsistent( (RscTop*)pRscTop->Right(), pList ) ) bRet = sal_False; }; return bRet; } sal_Bool RscTypCont :: MakeConsistent( RscInconsList * pList ){ return( ::MakeConsistent( pRoot, pList ) ); } sal_uInt32 RscTypCont::PutTranslatorKey( sal_uInt64 nKey ) { aIdTranslator[ nKey ] = nFilePos; return nPMId++; }