#!/usr/solar/bin/perl #************************************************************** # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # #************************************************************** if ( $#ARGV != 3 ) { print STDERR "usage: cl2c.pl \n"; exit -1; } $CL=$ARGV[0]; $C=$ARGV[1]; $SRC=$ARGV[2]; $RNAME=$ARGV[3]; sub sconv { local($s)=@_[0]; local($o,$c); $_=""; foreach $o ( unpack("C*",$s) ) { $c=chr($o); if ( $o >= 32 && $o < 127 ) { $_ .= $c; } else { $_ .= sprintf("\\%o", $o); } } return $_; } sub makeneutral { print COUT "\n\n/**\n"; print COUT " * Get neutral language for specific language.\n"; print COUT " * This simplifies the getText switch cases and allows to handle\n"; print COUT " * previously unknown language derivates due to foreign installations.\n"; print COUT " * If you want to distinguish between some dialects change this function\n"; print COUT " * to return the desired nLang before doing the bit masking stuff.\n"; print COUT " * See xlang.h for defined LANGUAGE_*\n"; print COUT " */\n"; # taken from tools/source/intntl/intn.cxx International::GetNeutralLanguage print COUT "static USHORT GetNeutralLanguage( USHORT nLang )\n"; print COUT "{\n"; print COUT "\tUSHORT nPrimLang;\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\t/* ignore LANGUAGE_USER* */\n"; print COUT "\tif ( (nLang & 0x03FF) >= 0x0200 )\n"; print COUT "\t return nLang;\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\tnLang &= 0x03FF;\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\tnPrimLang = nLang | 0x0400;\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\tswitch ( nPrimLang )\n"; print COUT "\t{\n"; print COUT "\t\tcase LANGUAGE_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tnLang = LANGUAGE_CHINESE;\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\t\tcase LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tnLang = LANGUAGE_ENGLISH;\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\t\tcase LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN_BOKMAL:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tnLang = LANGUAGE_NORWEGIAN;\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\t\tcase LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE_BRAZILIAN:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tnLang = LANGUAGE_PORTUGUESE;\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\t\tdefault:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tnLang = nPrimLang;\n"; print COUT "\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\t}\n"; print COUT "\n"; print COUT "\treturn nLang;\n"; print COUT "}\n"; print COUT "\n"; } sub maketext { print COUT "\n\n/**\n"; print COUT " * Get text resource for current language.\n"; print COUT " * Remember that 8-bit characters are shown in\n"; print COUT " * system dependend code pages!\n"; print COUT " * To get correct results you will have to distuinguish\n"; print COUT " * for example between UNIX and WIN and OS2 target systems.\n"; print COUT " */\n"; print COUT "static char* getText( int nResource )\n{\n"; print COUT "\tswitch( nResource ) {\n"; $resflag=0; $strname=""; $cnt=0; $text_english=""; while () { $resflag=1 if ( /Resource\s$RNAME/ ); if ( /\{/ ) { if ( ++$cnt == 2 ) { # start language $text_english=""; print COUT "\t\t\tswitch( _nLanguage ) {\n"; next; } } if ( /\}/ ) { if ( --$cnt == 1 ) { # end language if ( $text_english ne "" ) { print COUT "\t\t\t\tcase LANGUAGE_ENGLISH:\n\t\t\t\tdefault:\n"; print COUT "\t\t\t\treturn(" . $text_english . ")\;\n"; } print COUT "\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tbreak;\n"; next; } elsif ( $cnt == 0 ) { # end of resource $resflag=0; print COUT "\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\tbreak;\n"; print COUT "\t}\n\treturn(\"\");\n}\n"; next; } } if ( $resflag && $cnt == 1) { if ( /\sString\s(([A-Z]|\_|[0-9]|[a-z])*)/ ) { $strname=$1; print COUT "\t\tcase " . $strname . ":\n"; } } if ( $cnt == 2 && /^\s*Text/ ) { $langname="german"; ($textdef,@textx)=split(/=/); $text=join("=",@textx); if ( $textdef =~ /\[\s+(.*)\s+\]/ ) { $langname=$1; } else { $langname="ENGLISH_US"; # no [...] => not to be translated } $langname="LANGUAGE_" . uc($langname); chop($text) while ( $text=~/(\r|\n|\;)$/ ); $text=sconv($text); # english_us, not english because it's developer's pigeon if ( $langname eq "LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US" ) { $text_english=$text; } # ISO coded, obtain at least the default elsif ( $langname =~ /^LANGUAGE_EN-US$/ ) { $text_english=$text; } # we don't know about USER languages, ENGLISH will be appended later elsif ( ! ( $langname =~ /LANGUAGE_USER/ || $langname =~ /^LANGUAGE_ENGLISH$/ ) ) { # ER 28.04.99: for the moment only German and English are # exported, because we have a problem with non-existing # character code tables for systems other than Windoze. # => Chinese would be definitely mixed up and we don't # want to insult anybody.. others like Spanish would look # very ugly, but we'll have to live with bad German Umlauts. if ( $langname =~ /LANGUAGE_(GERMAN|ENGLISH)/ ) { print COUT "\t\t\t\tcase " . $langname . ":\n"; print COUT "\t\t\t\treturn(" . $text . ")\;\n"; } } } } makeneutral(); } open(CLIN,"<$CL") || die "can not open $CL\n"; open(SRCIN,"<$SRC") || die "can not open $CL\n"; open(COUT,">$C") || die "can not open $CL\n"; $ccnt=0; $incomment=0; while() { if ( /^\/\*--(-*)/ ) { $incomment=1; $ccnt++; } print COUT $_ if ( $incomment==0 || $ccnt==1 ); &maketext() if ( /^static USHORT _nLanguage=/ ); if ( /(-*)--\*\/$/ ) { $incomment=0; } } close(CLIN); close(SRCIN); close(COUT); exit 0;