/************************************************************** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * *************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sc.hxx" #include "celllistsource.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //......................................................................... namespace calc { //......................................................................... #define PROP_HANDLE_RANGE_ADDRESS 1 using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::table; using namespace ::com::sun::star::text; using namespace ::com::sun::star::sheet; using namespace ::com::sun::star::container; using namespace ::com::sun::star::beans; using namespace ::com::sun::star::util; using namespace ::com::sun::star::form::binding; //===================================================================== //= OCellListSource //===================================================================== DBG_NAME( OCellListSource ) //--------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef DBG_UTIL const char* OCellListSource::checkConsistency_static( const void* _pThis ) { return static_cast< const OCellListSource* >( _pThis )->checkConsistency( ); } const char* OCellListSource::checkConsistency( ) const { const char* pAssertion = NULL; // TODO: place any checks here to ensure consistency of this instance return pAssertion; } #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OCellListSource::OCellListSource( const Reference< XSpreadsheetDocument >& _rxDocument ) :OCellListSource_Base( m_aMutex ) ,OCellListSource_PBase( OCellListSource_Base::rBHelper ) ,m_xDocument( _rxDocument ) ,m_aListEntryListeners( m_aMutex ) ,m_bInitialized( sal_False ) { DBG_CTOR( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); OSL_PRECOND( m_xDocument.is(), "OCellListSource::OCellListSource: invalid document!" ); // register our property at the base class CellRangeAddress aInitialPropValue; registerPropertyNoMember( ::rtl::OUString::createFromAscii( "CellRange" ), PROP_HANDLE_RANGE_ADDRESS, PropertyAttribute::BOUND | PropertyAttribute::READONLY, ::getCppuType( &aInitialPropValue ), &aInitialPropValue ); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- OCellListSource::~OCellListSource( ) { if ( !OCellListSource_Base::rBHelper.bDisposed ) { acquire(); // prevent duplicate dtor dispose(); } DBG_DTOR( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XINTERFACE2( OCellListSource, OCellListSource_Base, OCellListSource_PBase ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLEMENT_FORWARD_XTYPEPROVIDER2( OCellListSource, OCellListSource_Base, OCellListSource_PBase ) //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::disposing() { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); Reference xBroadcaster( m_xRange, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xBroadcaster.is() ) { xBroadcaster->removeModifyListener( this ); } EventObject aDisposeEvent( *this ); m_aListEntryListeners.disposeAndClear( aDisposeEvent ); // OCellListSource_Base::disposing(); WeakAggComponentImplHelperBase::disposing(); // TODO: clean up here whatever you need to clean up (e.g. revoking listeners etc.) } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference< XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getPropertySetInfo( ) throw(RuntimeException) { DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); return createPropertySetInfo( getInfoHelper() ) ; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper& SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getInfoHelper() { return *OCellListSource_PABase::getArrayHelper(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::cppu::IPropertyArrayHelper* OCellListSource::createArrayHelper( ) const { Sequence< Property > aProps; describeProperties( aProps ); return new ::cppu::OPropertyArrayHelper(aProps); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getFastPropertyValue( Any& _rValue, sal_Int32 _nHandle ) const { DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); DBG_ASSERT( _nHandle == PROP_HANDLE_RANGE_ADDRESS, "OCellListSource::getFastPropertyValue: invalid handle!" ); // we only have this one property .... (void)_nHandle; // avoid warning in product version _rValue <<= getRangeAddress( ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void OCellListSource::checkDisposed( ) const SAL_THROW( ( DisposedException ) ) { if ( OCellListSource_Base::rBHelper.bInDispose || OCellListSource_Base::rBHelper.bDisposed ) throw DisposedException(); // TODO: is it worth having an error message here? } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void OCellListSource::checkInitialized() SAL_THROW( ( RuntimeException ) ) { if ( !m_bInitialized ) throw RuntimeException(); // TODO: error message } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getImplementationName( ) throw (RuntimeException) { return ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.sheet.OCellListSource" ) ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Bool SAL_CALL OCellListSource::supportsService( const ::rtl::OUString& _rServiceName ) throw (RuntimeException) { Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aSupportedServices( getSupportedServiceNames() ); const ::rtl::OUString* pLookup = aSupportedServices.getConstArray(); const ::rtl::OUString* pLookupEnd = aSupportedServices.getConstArray() + aSupportedServices.getLength(); while ( pLookup != pLookupEnd ) if ( *pLookup++ == _rServiceName ) return sal_True; return sal_False; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getSupportedServiceNames( ) throw (RuntimeException) { Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aServices( 2 ); aServices[ 0 ] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.table.CellRangeListSource" ) ); aServices[ 1 ] = ::rtl::OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.form.binding.ListEntrySource" ) ); return aServices; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- CellRangeAddress OCellListSource::getRangeAddress( ) const { OSL_PRECOND( m_xRange.is(), "OCellListSource::getRangeAddress: invalid range!" ); CellRangeAddress aAddress; Reference< XCellRangeAddressable > xRangeAddress( m_xRange, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xRangeAddress.is() ) aAddress = xRangeAddress->getRangeAddress( ); return aAddress; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString OCellListSource::getCellTextContent_noCheck( sal_Int32 _nRangeRelativeColumn, sal_Int32 _nRangeRelativeRow ) { OSL_PRECOND( m_xRange.is(), "OCellListSource::getRangeAddress: invalid range!" ); Reference< XTextRange > xCellText; if ( m_xRange.is() ) xCellText.set(xCellText.query( m_xRange->getCellByPosition( _nRangeRelativeColumn, _nRangeRelativeRow ) )); ::rtl::OUString sText; if ( xCellText.is() ) sText = xCellText->getString(); return sText; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- sal_Int32 SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getListEntryCount( ) throw (RuntimeException) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); checkDisposed(); checkInitialized(); CellRangeAddress aAddress( getRangeAddress( ) ); return aAddress.EndRow - aAddress.StartRow + 1; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- ::rtl::OUString SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getListEntry( sal_Int32 _nPosition ) throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException, RuntimeException) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); checkDisposed(); checkInitialized(); if ( _nPosition >= getListEntryCount() ) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return getCellTextContent_noCheck( 0, _nPosition ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > SAL_CALL OCellListSource::getAllListEntries( ) throw (RuntimeException) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); checkDisposed(); checkInitialized(); Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > aAllEntries( getListEntryCount() ); ::rtl::OUString* pAllEntries = aAllEntries.getArray(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aAllEntries.getLength(); ++i ) { *pAllEntries++ = getCellTextContent_noCheck( 0, i ); } return aAllEntries; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::addListEntryListener( const Reference< XListEntryListener >& _rxListener ) throw (NullPointerException, RuntimeException) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); checkDisposed(); checkInitialized(); if ( !_rxListener.is() ) throw NullPointerException(); m_aListEntryListeners.addInterface( _rxListener ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::removeListEntryListener( const Reference< XListEntryListener >& _rxListener ) throw (NullPointerException, RuntimeException) { ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( m_aMutex ); DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); checkDisposed(); checkInitialized(); if ( !_rxListener.is() ) throw NullPointerException(); m_aListEntryListeners.removeInterface( _rxListener ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::modified( const EventObject& /* aEvent */ ) throw (RuntimeException) { DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); notifyModified(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void OCellListSource::notifyModified() { EventObject aEvent; aEvent.Source.set(*this); ::cppu::OInterfaceIteratorHelper aIter( m_aListEntryListeners ); while ( aIter.hasMoreElements() ) { try { static_cast< XListEntryListener* >( aIter.next() )->allEntriesChanged( aEvent ); } catch( const RuntimeException& ) { // silent this } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_ERROR( "OCellListSource::notifyModified: caught a (non-runtime) exception!" ); } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::disposing( const EventObject& aEvent ) throw (RuntimeException) { DBG_CHKTHIS( OCellListSource, checkConsistency_static ); Reference xRangeInt( m_xRange, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xRangeInt == aEvent.Source ) { // release references to range object m_xRange.clear(); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- void SAL_CALL OCellListSource::initialize( const Sequence< Any >& _rArguments ) throw (Exception, RuntimeException) { if ( m_bInitialized ) throw Exception(); // TODO: error message // get the cell address CellRangeAddress aRangeAddress; sal_Bool bFoundAddress = sal_False; const Any* pLoop = _rArguments.getConstArray(); const Any* pLoopEnd = _rArguments.getConstArray() + _rArguments.getLength(); for ( ; ( pLoop != pLoopEnd ) && !bFoundAddress; ++pLoop ) { NamedValue aValue; if ( *pLoop >>= aValue ) { if ( aValue.Name.equalsAscii( "CellRange" ) ) { if ( aValue.Value >>= aRangeAddress ) bFoundAddress = sal_True; } } } if ( !bFoundAddress ) // TODO: error message throw Exception(); // determine the range we're bound to try { if ( m_xDocument.is() ) { // first the sheets collection Reference< XIndexAccess > xSheets(m_xDocument->getSheets( ), UNO_QUERY); DBG_ASSERT( xSheets.is(), "OCellListSource::initialize: could not retrieve the sheets!" ); if ( xSheets.is() ) { // the concrete sheet Reference< XCellRange > xSheet(xSheets->getByIndex( aRangeAddress.Sheet ), UNO_QUERY); DBG_ASSERT( xSheet.is(), "OCellListSource::initialize: NULL sheet, but no exception!" ); // the concrete cell if ( xSheet.is() ) { m_xRange.set(xSheet->getCellRangeByPosition( aRangeAddress.StartColumn, aRangeAddress.StartRow, aRangeAddress.EndColumn, aRangeAddress.EndRow)); DBG_ASSERT( Reference< XCellRangeAddressable >( m_xRange, UNO_QUERY ).is(), "OCellListSource::initialize: either NULL range, or cell without address access!" ); } } } } catch( const Exception& ) { DBG_ERROR( "OCellListSource::initialize: caught an exception while retrieving the cell object!" ); } if ( !m_xRange.is() ) throw Exception(); // TODO error message Reference xBroadcaster( m_xRange, UNO_QUERY ); if ( xBroadcaster.is() ) { xBroadcaster->addModifyListener( this ); } // TODO: add as XEventListener to the cell range, so we get notified when it dies, // and can dispose ourself then // TODO: somehow add as listener so we get notified when the address of the cell range changes // We need to forward this as change in our CellRange property to our property change listeners // TODO: somehow add as listener to the cells in the range, so that we get notified // when their content changes. We need to forward this to our list entry listeners then // TODO: somehow add as listener so that we get notified of insertions and removals of rows in our // range. In this case, we need to fire a change in our CellRange property, and additionally // notify our XListEntryListeners m_bInitialized = sal_True; } //......................................................................... } // namespace calc //.........................................................................